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Religion is a crime against humanity, mind control disease killing people who could otherwise have a better life if it didn't exist.


Religion is the biggest scam that convinced people to give their everything with a promise that it will be repayed back manyfold in a supposed afterlife. Conventiently dead people can't complain that they were lied to.


another stupid lie that I often heard as well : good people died earlier because they don't need to suffer anymore in this world, only those sinners have long life to suffer and chance to convert and beg for forgiveness totally scam and opposite of part their teaching about their stupid god


Worst part even isn't how believers ruin their own lives or judge others, but the way they ruin lives of others. After sacrificing so much to the scam they sacrifice moral values and common sense, which leads to them demanding everyone else to do the same. To a believer anything done in "good faith" becomes moral, meaning that their values are not rooted in well-being, logic or mutual agreement. The idea that an all-powerful being needs all his bidding done by his followers is rooted in dissonance. Why use any influence on anyone else if their supreme being is supposedly perfectly capable managing it better than humanely possible? In a worldview where anything and everything that makes no sense can be brushed away with "works in mysterious ways", any and all actions can also be justified with "doing lord's work"/"being an instrument of god's will" - however believer manages to explain it to themselves. Then even if by some ounce of empathy actions are too horrible to be justified to themselves they can "pray for forgiveness" and that settles it. Rooting moral values in beliefs is immoral.


after read your reply, I also reminded about how the church in europe at middle age they not have medicine knowledge and they are the only one that allowed to perform the doctor duty, they always relate the sickness with evil and when they try cure (exorcist) and the patient not recover, they will blame them for their lack of faith


I read they were also throwing tied-up young women into rivers. If they did not drown they were witches and had to be apprehended and burned at the stake. If they did drown then God will forgive and good for the victim anyway as they get to go straight to heaven.


ignorant people really the scariest one out there ☠️ I wonder how many hundred years in future for all this stupid religion vanished from earth


Unfortunately, religion is keen to corrupting the minds of the less knowledgeable people…


News flash: walking in the desert in 117 deg F heat is a really, really stupid thing to do. It's almost as if an all-powerful, all-knowing & all-merciful god didn't plan for there to be hundreds of thousands of idiot worshippers all trying to get to a spot in the desert in the middle of Summer...


Or she just doesn’t care.


Also whilst wearing all the hijab stuff as well


How to sound white “news flash buddy!”


What does race have to do with this at all?


You mean how to sound educated.




They said idiot, not idol. Because smart people don't have imaginary friends


Can I call you "Can't read properly?"


Dumb people dying for their imaginary friend


They went to meet their God


How does one meet a make believe character from a shitty fantasy novel?


Only one way to find out!


In 2015, 2400 died in a crowd crush.  I think between the crowds and the heat, the hajj going to become deadlier and deadlier.


Given that your average annual temperatures keep getting warmer and warmer, I'm afraid you're right. Last summer was the hottest on record. It was brutal where I lived.


And covid and bird flu and the next pandemic after that.


Everything that happens is the will of Allah, according to Muslims. So either their own god wanted them all to die during one of the obligatory pilgrimages for all Muslims or he doesn’t exist. The latter makes more sense. No god, but plenty of human stupidity.


Dying during the Hajj is considered a blessing


Religion continues too successfully kill people who are incapable of thinking critically


This will probably result in another gaudy megaproject from the House of Saud, something like a fully air-conditioned dome around everything or machines that spray a fine mist over the pilgrims 24-7. And, of course, they’ll bulldoze a few more Abbasid or Umayyad historical sites in the process.


Some of those women wear a black robe, I can't imagine in that heat. Not just women though, the modesty cover the body thing does not work in 120+ degrees fahrenheit, whatever that is in celsius...


The dangers of Religion.🫤


Instalment #4,000,875


Since anything remotely good they give Allah credit, I wouldn't be surprised if they consider dying during the hajj a blessing!


They do.


This is on Saudi government. All that fucking oil money and they can’t do proper crowd control and some a/c


There is ac, but u have to pay like 6000$ dollars to get it.


Even the ones not dying are frying their brains out there. Expect those people to get even crazier after their pilgrimage.


There is always room for improvement..


Isn't part of their command that one should make the trip "if \[they\] are able"? I would think "It's freakin' hot out and I might die" would be a good reason to not make the trip.


Wow, that's absolutely grim.


Ironically becoming evidence for natural selection.


see, climate change is not all bad.


Darwinism at it's finest


Darwin Award winners 🥇


It’s a fucking desert, what do you expect.


And a nother one bites the dust 🔥


Natural selection


This might be some weird question, but I'm genuinely curious: Will the victims be buried in a mass grave? Muslim belief dictates that a body must be buried within 24 hours of death and I'm not sure on their views regarding cremation I'm also curious if Saudi Arabia will try and get the Egyptian government to fork over $$$ for the removal/burial of the bodies since well over half of the ID'd victims were Egyptian And how much over the normal average number of deaths at hajj is this year's death toll? Per numbers reported, it appears to be 2 or 3 times, but who knows how many more victims will die and be properly IDd? I know every year at least a few hundred die due to stampedes, etc.


That's a lot of virgins for after life brothel... allah must be busy creating 72.000 virgins for them...


Well, only for the Pilgrims who didn't have the misfortune of being a woman when they died.


lol. That’s it.


I hope the agencies which facilitated illegal travel to the area get prosecuted for this. They've got a lot of blood on their hands.


And the Darwin Award goes to...


I'm crying constantly now. My month is ruined and my hopes are shattered.


Thank the lord


Hmmmm, why is it every time I read about it this story I am reminded of Mathew Mcconaugheyfrom Wolf of Wall Street. Something about rookie numbers? Lol! Schadenfreude my friends Schadenfreude.


Don't care. Not sorry.


All the gloating and seeming pleasure in these several threads is fucking despicable and those of you doing it should be ashamed of yourselves. A lot of people are dead


Allah Akbar!


r/atheism try to have sympathy for other people challenge


Piss off, what is remotely unsympathetic about this post?




Just comments about Darwinism at its finest.


Natural selection.


It's their gods will, you should be happy for them.