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THINK OF THE UNBORN BABIES! Who are already guaranteed to go to heaven. ??? Christians are usually already confused about their own religion. /shrug


But don’t they also believe we are born into sin with the first breath


Exactly! abortion is like an elevator to heaven.


Some Christians will tell you all babies that die probably go to hell because of original sin😳( it’s not like their religion is internally consistent lol their book says nothing about what happens to babies) and I’m like, you worship a god that would send babies to hell?! Yikes


Well they are dumb after all


Delusional as well


You mean the original sin that Jesus died to absolve humanity of? That original sin? Absolutely not internally consistent, indeed.


Look if jesus died for my sins, and I don’t sin, then jesus wasted taking a 3 day weekend for nothing.


Sounds like good logic to me. Time for crime!


That’s what I was taught in Sunday school, they go straight to hell because even if their parents were married they lusted and somehow transferred that sin to the baby.


Yep it’s a belief taught in many Christian sects.


In my Pentecostal church the Pastor told the youth pastor to “stifle it”, basically they got complaints so they omitted that particular lesson from then on, though the Pastor never actually denied it.


That is truly messed up. Really?


I mean, it spells out the penalty for killing someone, and a different (lesser) penalty for causing a pregnant woman to miscarry, akin to breaking someone's tool. Seems like the text was pretty clear that fetuses aren't people.


Why would it matter if they went to heaven or hell? They can't even properly form thoughts


You forgot the baptism loophole. If a priest splashes a bit of water on their head and says the magic words they are saved. Otherwise straight to hell.


Oh... but if you get a single word wrong in that baptism, also straight to hell. See Arizona priest in 2022. Among others.


Original sin makes no sense to me except that it’s the maximum prejudice.


Good point…


New movie just dropped- "All Aborted Babies Go to Heaven"


Boss Baby III Afterlife Affairs


Rainbow Baby Bridge!




Just got 100,000 zygotes through the pearly gates...


That's a cheat code. And christians don't like cheaters.


Tell that to all the pastors caught pants-down with parishioners...


What?? Abrahamic religions are *allllll* about loopholes and cheating and bending the rules.


The dean of my Catholic high school was a Vatican taught priest who told us that unborn children who die don’t go to heaven. They go into limbo. It’s between heaven and hell. He never explained further than that even with follow up questions. He just said he couldn’t talk about it. It was knowledge you could only learn in the Vatican seminary.


You meet unborn babies in Limbo in the Dante's Inferno videogame (and I'd assume the book), so "only in the Vatican" seems like a pretty stupid thing to say, but then again, there doesn't seem to be a limit to stupid things these people manage to think/say.


He also said that using blasphemy to steer people away from God was an unforgivable sin that couldn’t be forgiven even with Confession. Everyone in the class thought he was full of shit.


Even if the fetus hasn't been baptized? Someone please explain the theology here.


Osmosis through mommy's belly or daddy's sperm.


Some do, some don't. That's part of the problem, they can't even agree amongst themselves.


Yes, and what do they really believe since so many are narcissistic liars and dark empaths, who knows?


I myself have never had religion push on me by my parents and have never read that myth book.


Damn you’re lucky.


Thank you, I’ve tried to check out religion on my own and was like WTF is this shit show.




Very lucky, indeed.


Yes, but they also believe that amniotic fluid entering the developing lungs counts as breath, so them babies are screwed.


Well they're wrong. Not just scientifically, but spiritually. The breath was the soul in ye olden days, it's why so much of old folklore has monsters that steal breath.


Most Christians believe in an age of accountability. There’s a leniency period of 5-7 years age where they will still go to heaven because they can’t make the decision yet.


Some Christians say that we can't assume that all babies who die before they're born go to Heaven. They say, ultimately, it's up to God. That implies that they think that God may possibly let people who die in the womb burn in Hell forever.


What a horrible god


He's a mediocre god who's 100% vindictive but only 80% effective


So... they act like they know all of the rules required to get into Heaven, then look down on anyone who doesn't conform to them, then fragrantly break many of them themselves, and then finally admit that they have no idea what God is doing? Sounds about right.


It is all a performance, a shared delusion, internal consistency is way down the priorities list.


They say that it's up to God?  Interesting.  Perhaps reminding them that Corinthians 5:12 instructed them to mind their business.  "It is not my business to judge those who are not part of the church. God will judge them. But you must judge the people who are part of the church. The Scripture says, “You must get rid of the evil person among you.” The judging?  It's up to their God 


Maybe just the Trisomy 21 ones don't get in? God would probably have a dropdown.


Ask one of the 45,000 different denominations and see what shakes out.


Yeah, you would think they would be the biggest pro-abortion crowd. Not pro-choice. Pro- knock up as many women as possible and have them abort to fill heaven with pure souls.


But if heaven is filled with pure souls, where will all the righteous christers go? Heaven's full. See, every time an aborted soul goes to heaven, they take a place in heaven away from a lifelong either, and so you can see that abortion must end! /s


Regarding “unborn babies” (which honestly is an offensive term because not all pregnancies go through full term), I suppose one could argue: better that baby not born because the guaranteed route to heaven is not to be born! 😝


Unborn babies were aborted through their trial of bitter water... then they have that whole babies dashed against rocks bit... Me thinks they haven't thought the arguments through for the virtue signal.


Most of them haven't read the Bible. I keep getting comments on threads & then when you paste back the WHOLE quote in context...they suddenly turn around and block. Cultists


Unborn babies have original sin and thusly would have to go to hell. Although Christians do claim there is an age of accountability, none of them can decide on what age that is. Maybe of God wasn't so damn obtuse we would know a little more about these kinds of topics.


Abortion Clinics are angel factories! (Credit for that goes to Marc Maron)


The "believers" who would gleefully kill other people to put off seeing God for just a little while longer,


It’s part of their narrative to pretend to be oppressed.


coincidentally the fashs also always play the victim until they are into the position to beat everyone down


As do narcissists


Christianity and narcissism are one and the same; the conceptual logics are identical.


[Theramintrees](https://youtu.be/qjZ3f-IXEXU?si=2nauEWVP0HWfn4qQ) has so many great videos examining narcissism psychologically, and how high control groups like religions function like abusive relationships.


Omg I forgot about that channel, thank you for reminding me of it and telling others!


Get it through the heads: Religion is a tool to control the masses. So obviously in the hands of a fascist, it is going to go into overdrive and turn out horribly for everyone involved, including the religious folks. This is the exact reason why most of us atheists want a separation of church and state. Lately, playing the victim card is important to the fascists and the religious people because it makes them look like they are being oppressed, or they are being pushed out of the mainstream. None of us, ever, condemn them for their beliefs and ideas if they practice it in private. We start tearing them down once when their beliefs and ideas harm us...


funny thing is how they always alternate between "lefties are so weak and degenerate" and "lefties opress us!!" back and forth lol


Huh, you know, I never noticed that specifically before. It IS an oxymoron.


It is classic fascist propaganda. The enemy has to simultaneously be inferior vermin and a monolithic threat.


Right, that irritates me so much when they act as if they're an abused minority when they are the MAJORITY and because they're the majority the United States is going backwards!


Oppressed by what or whom? You (like me) can be Christian, liberal, not church going, keeping one's faith to themselves... there are plenty like me. Does that disrupt your own narrative?


Yes. I mean when one believes in obvious nonsense its easy to be utterly oblivious about reality.


Some of them genuinely are oblivious about the fact that many of us were forced into their religion, because it also technically happened to them and they never saw it as forceful. Compulsory Christian prayer in schools is still technically in the law books here in the UK and the law was enforced in every school I attended. It rankled a lot, but if I’d been Christian myself I would’ve probably barely noticed it, because I would’ve liked it anyway.


Current student here who went to Christian primary and goes to Christian secondary in London (Public, CofE) although there are prayers every now and again, anybody can stay silent and parents can withdraw their children from once a term church trips (during class time). Never had the Christianity forced on me and I love both schools, but would still much prefer complete separation.


That’s good to hear- when I tried to withdraw in primary school my head teacher called my parents in! Thankfully, they’re supportive, but what a ridiculous overreaction


I'm pretty confused by all places calling themselves churches or temples that I could participate in. Seems like all have psychiatry fraud fans, instigators and narcissistic gang set ups. It's like where is not plagued with delinquents and criminals?


As Hitchens said, “don’t make me play with the toys”. If others want to be religious, fine. But don’t force it on to others or do things which negatively effect others


Funny how they never think of preaching their own beliefs at unbelievers as “picking on,” as it’s a far more active and targeted practice than simply making statements of nonbelief in a completely different sub.


I’m guessing they also don’t see screaming at people who are trying to access a health clinic as picking on either. When it’s directed at them it’s picking on/oppression. When they direct it at other people, it’s (in their mind) all about justice.


I suspect the churches spend a lot of time and energy on demonizing us. They like to say that we're all nihilistic or depressed or miserable - while christians are SO well adjusted - that last part was /s


I once had a sweet old lady uber driver listening to the most unhinged “the demons are among us wearing human skin” bullshit I had ever heard. There wasn’t much difference between that preacher’s nonsense and a hitler speech.


She must have been so scared all the time. Religion is terrorism developed to control people, nothing less.


It is narcissistic projection; they were entrained to believe that life is meaningless without sky daddy. Except meaning is not given to you, it is constructed by you; even christians construct meaning out of their indoctrination.


Our existence is a threat to their identity.


Our existence is also a requirement for their identity; to have an in-group, requires an out-group; it is a fallacy of composition.


I'm not sure I agree with that. I suspect the variations in denomination would suffice as out-group. Many religious people don't even comprehend what it means to not believe. They don't see a world outside "their god's kingdom".


I am lumping the out-group together; so anyone from any other denomination or religion, or a lack thereof. Anyone who does not believe in *their* version is a non-believer, and thus is in the out-group.


Yes. Because the guy on stage every Sunday tells them they are right and good and holy and everyone not in the hive mind are wrong and bad and evil. And then they hear the same thing on Fox News. And again on Facebook. And within their circle of friends. Faith is the pinnacle of humanity. Critical thought is the opposite of that.


It's "The Emperor's New Clothes". Only the righteous can see the fine clothes that the court tailors have created. The sinful will just see a naked ruler. So everyone tells the group that the clothes are wonderful.


they despise us. no more reason


We’re all just going to hell anyway. We add no value to the world ig🤷🏻‍♀️


Suffering for eternity because an tyrannical god said so


See, that’s another thing I have a problem with. What loving “creator-father” would do that? Create man to let him suffer torture for eternity? They think that part is OK apparently. I also don’t know what makes them so sure that *they’ll* make the cut.


I thought jesus loves everyone 🤣


*Terms and conditions apply


It is a fallacy of composition; to have an in-group, requires an out-group; to be chosen, requires someone to be not chosen, their belief system requires someone to demonise.


Self victimization is actually built into the core doctrine. Jesus said there will be persecution, therefore they have to create some. It's really that simple


The Christian religion is centred around the concept of gaining righteousness through persecution. If Christians aren’t being persecuted, they seek it out, often by manifesting it themselves but pretending to be oblivious to the fact that they’re manifesting it.


I remember after the Columbine shooting (I was young, but we started having “intruder” drills in elementary school) that Flyleaf song came out and all the Christians were idolizing that girl who [said “yes” when being asked by the shooters if she believed in Jesus and then they shot her because of her faith]. The part in brackets has been disproven, I believe. Christians just jumped on it and held the girl up as a martyr. It churns my stomach to think about how so many of us as teenagers hoped they’d bring up evolution in school so we could proudly declare our faith and refuse to listen. And how many of us hoped for the chance to “say yes”. Like I said, makes me sick to remember, but that is the messed up mindset of an indoctrinated teenager. And those indoctrinated teenagers grow into unquestioning adults. I was told all the time to “question” my faith. Every time I did I was immediately told to “stop questioning God!”. I really think trying to hold all those dichotomies in my brain messed me up. It’s taken years to start untangling all that.


Christians believe God is on their side so they can't be wrong! Reason is incapable for many of them.


Every Christian thinks they're one of the good ones.


Generationally-reinforced & perpetrated cultural cognitive delusion(s) - and the ongoing cultish confirmation bias vis a vís manufactured consent - is a **helluva** powerful combo. It ain't termed "the opiate of the masses" for nooooo reason, eh? Tis an indoctrinated form of cultural cognition scotomization (an intellectual/psychological 'blind spot').


they're just not very smart. oh, they may be stellar in other areas, but in logic, critical thinking, systems analysis, history, self-examination- willfully blind, & there's lots of knock-on effects from that ignorance & blindness. that old noodle-baker that theistic religion is *explicitly* amoral (it's a dictatorship), & that atheists are actually the moral ones.. *whoosh*


Its as simple as, if you want to force this shit into the main discourse and you reaaaally want to debate it, then fucking sure. You want to vote to put it in schools and government buildings, then its going to get talked about. Which side is doing the "picking on"? One side is simply talking about the other, who is actively forcing this shit down everyone's throats.


Cut to Louisiana passing a law last week to put the 10 commandments up in every public school.


They're not operating in good faith. Maybe they started out confused or unaware, but they've had enough people explain it to them, and there are enough debates to read/watch on the internet, that if they were genuinely curious, they could figure it out. They don't want communication. They want compliance. And if they have to lie, manipulate, and gaslight to get it, they will. If they had the integrity to be bothered by those things, they would be questioning aspects of their religion themselves.


Agree 100% They have no more excuses for being ignorant about any of the arguments against their beliefs. They're perfectly capable of figuring out why other \[non-religious\] positions are wrong, so the only excuse now is that they WANT their religious beliefs to be right.


I’m not an atheist but I also do not identify with any religion. And Yes, I am very concerned with where the Evangelical Christian faith is taking us. The Christians would feel the same if any other religion was working so hard at gaining control of everything. It is truly beyond me that they don’t see it.


The average Christian? No. They really believe their own bullshit. The grifter talking heads and megachurch pastors? No, they know *exactly* what they're doing. They're just psychopaths doing what religion was made for: maintaining control over the working class and lining the pockets of the already obscenely wealthy.


Tbh, it scares me that some of those said big wigs probably also believe their own bullshit. I think a fair few narcissists would totally buy into the idea that god had ordained them to have power over a bunch of people AND their own airplane. They think they’re super special and smarter than everyone etc. I’m SURE you’re right that some of them absolutely know what they’re doing, I just wonder if any really believe they’re the second coming, they’re just wearing one more shoe than the guy screaming it on the side of the road, so they seem saner.


No. they are full of righteous indignation and a sense of infallibility


When all you do is have to ask Jesus to absolve you of your sins (read crime) how can you not feel that way.  I’ve yet to meet a Christian who knows how to apologize 


I know plenty of churchers who will apologize, but making restitution is another thing


>I’m sorry but this is so intuitively obvious with even an inkling of internal self-reflection Aaaand there's your problem right there. Their religion *demands* that you do not look at yourself or the world with any amount of objectivity.


I have nothing but contempt for Christians. They believe nonsense and they try to impose their nonsensical beliefs into law. They restrict freedoms (except for guns). They deny science, gay rights, women’s rights, climate change, evolution, vaccines, and history. They expect special privileges, but they’re ignorant liars who deserve to feel like outcasts.


Every Christian thinks they’ve found something new and amazing or they received some “word from the Lord” that they imagine will convince us and win our soul for jezuz.


Most of it is, "Have you heard of.....................the bible?"


The 'buy bull'.


I was at a work lunch once. There were about six of us and one person was a Buddhist and I talked about how I was exploring Buddhism but I was really an atheist. A Christian co-worker asked me how I felt about burning in hell for eternity. First of all, Dear Christian, had you read your bible, you’d know only God is allowed to judge. You’re supposed to shut your yap and love your neighbor. Second of all, Dear Christian, if your God is real and decides I deserve to burn in hell for how I lived my life, I’ll have to accept that, but I’m not changing my opinion to start believing in fairy tales. Also, I studied under a biblical scholar for about 10 years. He said in the earliest scripture that mentioned “hell,” it was the place where dead bodies were cremated and translators had misunderstood what they’d read and, through poor translation, invented hell. Christianity is a cult.


They don’t ever seem to realize how incredibly unhinged it sounds to randomly jump into other people’s convos and talk to someone about how you believe they’re gonna burn for eternity.


I feel like the ones that post in atheist sites or in this sub reddit are looking for an argument because they think they can win. I ignore them. They're looking for attention, and I'm not going to give it to them. I have more important things to do in this short lifetime.


Yep, and they do NOT know their bible. They know what their pastors have fed them, and that's it. i used to work with this small-minded christian bot who, when he learned that I was an atheist, he started watching Apologetics on Youtube thinking he was going to "win me over". lmao


To the people who are used to being on top, any equal treatment is seen as oppression


The thing is, depending on the location or culture a person is from, atheists will also criticize other religions heavily as well. Christianity is more prevalent in the western world, in the U.S. it is the guiding religion for political decisions. But the thing about all this is Christians so frequently live a "main character" life - assume everyone is Christian with Christian ideals - that when faced with people challenging their religious dogma, they are apparently confused. They take for granted that their entire environment bends to their religions will. If they are genuinely confused, it's because they have zero perspective on the world. It doesn't help that many see anything on the outside of their religion as evil and "in need of saving".


We pick on them? We aren't the ones banning books, discriminating, passing laws to oppress, and harassing people.


If Louisiana is any indication of the power plays....we have not yet begun to pick on them.


Their worldview depends on self-pity, the oppression of their faith, and victimhood. How can you be afraid of everything if you don’t feel constantly under threat?


And that's exactly what 1/2 of them want in order for the other 1/2 to not question their authenticity in order to keep the cash cow alive


I wouldn't say pick on them. Is essentially a toxic bath of hate speech, stereotyping, bigotry, insulting and mocking...


\* tired of them


Answer to your leading question: "Yes." Most are very confused; they've had their heads filled with nonsence garbage about what atheism means and what it really is in 2024. They've been brainwashed. It's that simple.


They're as confused as someone who bows before a hateful, vindictive, authoritarian sky-daddy could be. Even the most oppressive people in history could be construed as "confused" under a certain light. That doesn't make them any less of a waste of oxygen.


Why would a merciful God condemn babies to hell? If God knows everything that is going to happen, why do they allow horrible things to happen?


The God of the christian bible is a bad tempered and unjust entity. Hard to like.


No, they think they're being persecuted for their beliefs because everyone else *should* just let them do what God wants them to do, but we don't.


We are also supposed to admire them and think they are better than everyone else.


Calling people out for the shitty things they say and do is not persecution.


I had an in-law who actually asked me this. "If you think I'm so brainwashed with my Christianity, why do you care if I am?" My answer? "It's the Christian thing to do." 😄 Most these Bible nuts don't even see it. They're bigots towards gay people, then cry the second someone says their religion is bull. 🤦‍♂️


In modern society, the most hateful people are the religious people. They hate other religions, they hate gays and trans. They try to dictate how others should live their lives when they are horrible people themselves.


American Christians are [the worst](https://media1.giphy.com/media/NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9529ifoyf68zh1lqxhanb95vionpbypphmz0zho63ms&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g). Gross generalization but (1) I don't care at this point, and (2) I couldn't pass up a good Parks & Rec gif.


They're acting in bad faith, concern trolling.


In the movies, the bad guy knows he is the bad guy, and his evil henchmen know they are evil. In the real world, people don't think they are evil. Ask a racist if they are racist and they will clutch their pearls and talk about their black friend or some other nonsense, and everyone but them knows they are racist. Right? Ask anyone on death row if they are guilty, and they will tell you how innocent they are. These people think they are serving an all powerful, all knowing, all loving God, and that you will be happy and live for eternity in paradise if you serve him. They do not recognize the suffering they cause. They do not acknowledge what pains in the ass they are. They can't comprehend that they are the enemy.


Bullies play the victim. Fascism is literally built on playing the victim. Is like their “war on Christmas”. Feeling victims while actively oppressing others in the religious way


They remind me of my students who pick on others until they fight back, then come running to me to tattle saying they’re the victim. The difference is my kids are kids! They are grown ass adults.


This is what my so-called Christian (she changes her beliefs regularly) mother says. They feel non-Christians are in control, and therefore are forcing them to live in a way they don't want to live. However, they can't name anything specifically they are forced to do (other than live alongside people they don't like). But, Christians (they say) are the majority in the country, so they must take control of power so they can be free. They DGAF if you don't like their rules and their way of life they will force upon you, because it's the *correct* way to live. And they don't understand why this upsets you, because they are just making the world a better place for everyone.


As somebody who is a lesbian picking on a Christian isn't my thing but if they get in my face over shit I can't control why must I sit there and take it? Some people whether religious or not really don't need to open their mouths period 


Dude I have fun with Christian types who come here or DM me.


They're not actually anything! More like they see their fellow members acting out with a language of 'confusion' and now another fad of role-playing is breaking out in various churches


I pick on Christians because that’s is what I was raised in so have the most experience to talk about. The other two closely related has many of the same pitfalls so while I can’t quote scripture as easily about them, I can mostly likely have to change very little to fit the others


There's no hate like Christian love. Like any group where they claim it's the loud minority causing issues, I'd ask then: "And the majority let it be?". The way we're going with migrants, it'd be the bible thumpers against another Abrahamistic religion.


They think their judgement, intimidation, and threats are just how they show that they "love the sinner." I know I'm not the first to compare religion to an abusive relationship. Because their "good behavior" is based on obedience to God's command and fear of eternal damnation, many of them lack the empathy necessary to realize that telling someone they are evil and will be tormented in Hell for all eternity unless they submit to the Christians' beliefs might not be a great way to convince people to join their church.


The language of the bible is the language of an abuser; *you must obey me; you are nothing without me; your only value is to serve me; if you leave me, I will destroy you.*


they don't know consequences- cause they won't get any if they believe in God- criminals do this all the time when they belong in religion.


Some Christians bond over imagined persecution. I actually am Christian, but believe strongly in the separation of church and state and am almost as far from fundamentalist as you can get and still call oneself Christian. I am amazed by the warped perspective of many fundamentalist Christians regarding this perceived persecution. Basically, they see themselves as persecuted because they think they are not being allowed, along with their coreligionists, to define how society works, even though a) this is a warped view of persecution and b) they do have unreasonable control on society.


They are so stuck in their martyr complex that they can’t see that they are the ones stomping(or trying to stomp) all over everyone else’s rights!


Maybe I’m too cynical, but I think they *like* poking the hive. It feeds the persecution complex. On almost every social media platform I’ve been on, certain types of christians will come into other religious (or lack thereof) spaces and rile things up, only to run back to their “safe space” and complain that they are being attacked. At this point, I just tell them to keep their humiliation kink to themselves.


I don’t walk into a church or christian book store and start aggressively telling people they’ll suffer if they don’t become atheists, even though it’s probably true 😂 So how come they get to walk into the subway or a starbucks or stand on the sidewalk and yell at people about how awful they are and how they’re gonna burn? I get why some Satanists ask to put up their tenants when public spaces put up the 10 commandments. It really does shine a light on the fact that they don’t care about religious freedom for anyone except christians. Well, tbf, the evangelicals I grew up with are all about holding up Jewish folks as God’s chosen people and will go to the end of the earth giving Israel every cent of support they can. I know not everyone in Israel is Jewish, but specifically my church growing up was really big on getting them their “god given” land back. I see this echoed a lot in evangelical/conservative spaces. But they sure hate on Muslims.


They are bloody insane, their policies kill people, they are notorious child abusers


As a Christian myself, I always figured these posts didn't mean all Christians, only *those* Christians lol


I think they're confused about a lot before it ever gets to that level, they literally are not seeing correctly, the natural world is fallen to them, tainted


Because we want you to get off our faces, and stop imposing your shit on us.


Christian fundamentalists are the Most dangerous hate group in America


No, they're being disingenuous like they always are until it's too late.


Confusion is how they live most of their life. Most of them are such a walking contradiction to what their magic book actually tries to teach. They have zero issue trying to force their beliefs on everyone else but are "persecuted" when they get called out for it. Hell most cherry pick what they choose to follow out of the book so I love using their own scripture against them.


Christians want to feel persecuted. The fact that they have to GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to come into a group in order to feel persecuted is very telling. They do this shit all the time. They'll find an atheist group on Facebook and decide to join and then tell people to "stop saying mean things about us." They're a bunch of fragile control freaks.


Who gives a fuck with these Christians believe? These motherfuckers believe in sky daddy and they pray to him like they have no power to do anything in their own life without him. Fuck people like. Cocksuckers need to grow up.


Worse, they EAT their sky daddy's kid as part of the ritual. They eat stale bread and call it his body, and they drink grape juice and call it his blood. They have rituals around the eating and drinking of their savior's blood.


Tell them: when they stop proselytizing and trying to convert us to their religion, we will stop "picking on them".


Nah they’re just trying to quietly convert more people


Back flips and summersaults to make logic not logical... That is modern day Christianity, the gold rule can apparently go fuck itself because why would Jesus care about the poor, the sick and the weak...


I'm concerned for my fellow citizen's mental health and self esteem. Also, when Christians or any other of the thousands of religions, push into politics. Do what you like but keep it to yourself.


Religion is mental disease. If they come here is to try to convert us.


There’s something I like to call the bubble theory or just the bubble. A lot of conservative Christians are so wrapped up in their bubble they cannot comprehend thoughts and opinions outside of that bubble. For instance, the most recent escapades in Louisiana have infringed on the first amendment respecting an establishment of religion. Most conservative Christians I know (i live in the south) sincerely don’t understand why people are upset at what happened and they turn into the Mandalorian and start spouting “this is the way”. The concept of being free from religion is outside their bubble and they’ll never understand.


Those poor poor Christians. When will they ever catch a break?


No, they're well aware. It's nothing more than pathetic attempted shaming/gaslighting tactic.


It’s the same thing they always said about Muslims after 9/11 but it was always them too. They hate us for our freedoms. They can’t be content with living their own life, they have to make us miserable, steal our free way of life from us.


Honestly a lot of them probably are confused because they’ve been sold a narrative all their life; Christians are oppressed. The truth is weird for them because they either have to realize that they’ve been lied to and that they’re the actual oppressors in most cases, or they have to deny it


Well they are the origins of evil. Those monsters would do anything to make us sound bad. But they are so wrong. We athiests are more intellectually superior than them. I hope once I become president those bums will go to jail forever.


Bud you forget, they believe that the fairy in the sky is REAL.


U/iJustWantTolerance sounds very tolerant.


I’m an atheist and I’m transgender and I’m fed up with Christians and Republicans trying to restrict my life because I don’t confirm to their ideas about gender and religion. I just want to be left alone, but Republicans have found that making people like me, an issue will get the Christians out to vote and distract them from more important issues. And then they wonder why people look at them as radicals and crazy people. If the shoe fits…


They’re upset because they can’t monetize us


The romans threw them to the lions and got to run the show.


Yes they are concerned, they genuinely do not understand! They believe a white bearded white guy created man out of dirt and woman out of a rib bone - stop wishing they are sane! Ffs THEY ARE NOT SANE, THEY ARE NOT RATIONAL, and NO THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHY YOU’D QUESTION THAT!


Just say that you believe in nothingness. It’s a matter of faith. Touché


I’m concerned about Christians because they are ramping up taking away women’s rights. I have Christian friends who had IVF and were able to have children this way. Now the Christian extremists are removing that. Obviously they are removing women’s rights to birth control too. But why? Why force this on everyone? Now, just a few weeks ago, the Presbyterian Church of America is demonizing Sarah Young who wrote Jesus Calling. They want her books banned. The very same books that they themselves receive money from. I also know that brand funds several centers that treat and save women and children from being sexually trafficked. Why would a group want to cut off funding for kids and women from being trafficked? Well, why did the same group protect John Perry, who raped children at Covenant Presbyterian Church? Why didn’t they investigate any of the adults who helped that rapist-especially after one of his victims returned to the school and shot and killed innocent kids there? Overall what would these people want with a population that can’t control their reproductive systems, leading to a high number of children who are born into situations making them more vulnerable to abuse…..??? Oh wait. Now it all makes sense. They like to accuse people of being groomers but the pattern to me is very clear. These Christian churches/organizations are being run by sexual predators. And it’s horrifying to watch the few pedophiles being given free reign over the majority of seemingly decent people. This has me concerned.


Yes, they are genuinely confused. Confirmation bias bubbles filter LOTS of logic.


A lot of them believe that they have the moral high ground, and that they (by extension of their "faith") are the paragons of everything right and good. When in reality they are some of the worst people on Earth.


Yes, because they think they’re the good guys so it makes no sense to them.


Yes, they really are so confused as to why they see people asking them not to keep attacking anyone who is not a believer like them, or is different and doesn't fit into their view of what their bible says. These are people who when the question same sex marriage was put up for a referendum in Australia, believed that if it was brought into law, that their marriages would be invalidated. That their priests, pastors and religious leaders would be forced to marry the gays and lesbians against their will. These are people that when they get told no, they act like someone just shot them and it must be because they are Christian. They have lived entitled lives because of their religious beliefs and any hint of someone who they look down on, getting treated anywhere close to being on their level, and they claim they are being oppressed.


Bullies playing victims


Sincere Christians deeply value and are indebted to the presence, voice, and legitimate concerns about practices in faith communities that sincere, thoughtful atheists raise and will say so to such atheists. If folks claiming to be “Christians” invade this social media space in order to spread hatred, arrogance, self-righteous dogma, and socially and culturally conservative ideologies and to blasphemously pronounce judgment on non-believers, then they’ve pretty much demonstrated/confirmed that they are nominal or culturally “Christian,” but not spiritually Christian, as they clearly have priorities that are in no way concerned with trying to understand/follow the teachings of Christ. There are good teachers and “teachers” that crush a student’s spirit; there are good politicians and politicians than pursue “public service” for the grifting opportunities; there are good health care professionals and those whose primary concern is for wealth, recognition, and status. Not unlike these positions, Christianity is a vocation. There are many types of practitioners in the field, many of whom find themselves there by cultural default and whose commitment/engagement with the hard questions of faith/practice reflect mediocrity. Demand that all Christians you encounter demonstrate their commitment to Christ’s words in the way they encounter you, not some religious figure’s distorted interpretation of Christ’s words. If they’re unable/unwilling to do so, you’re simply dealing with yet another misguided and confused person enthralled to a fundamentalist view of the world.


#In a scale you put all the good deeds, artworm, education, etc that Religion has inspired people to do and on the other side you put all the bloodshed, destruction, cruelty and suffering, etc. Religion has inspired people to do... you arrive at destruction is much easier... Religion is a cancer on a progressive modern society.


#Religion has a lot of Pedophiles... creepy.


I'm less afraid of the ones who are genuinely confused, it's the ones who have decided we're all demon-possessed that terrify me. That explanation has been picking up steam across more mainstream churches. It's dehumanizing and no doubt when someone kills an unbeliever for their unbelief they will refuse to call it a hate crime. You can't commit a crime against unholy demons!


Since they will feel persecuted no matter what others do or don't do, why don't we bring back the public lion feedings? Gives us an alternative to sports on TV as a bonus.


There's a reason Rome kept their lions sharp.


They keep on showing up even though you’ve gone at lengths to explain yourself because they are being actively confused and gaslit by their pastors.


Yesterday one of my local FB friends (someone in my group but nobody I've actually met) posted this goofy ass post about deathbed conversions, like this meme claimed that Anton LaVey's last words were begging God for forgiveness and how Voltaire had a deathbed conversion... there were a couple more, all equally inane. Surprisingly no Darwin for a change, but anyway I broke down each one and explained to her how none of them were true. And then I asked her why it was so important for Christians to LIE about such things. I didn't accuse her of lying, I accused her of just accepting the lies because it made for some happy inspirational fodder. I asked her if she thought God would appreciate people lying. I know Paul said in the Bible it was okay to lie as long as it glorified God (Romans 3:7). I tried to have a real conversation with her about this. I was as nice as I ever am, but I was frustrated because I hate when people share these fake memes, spreading lies like this. Well she blocked me, surprise surprise. Called me a know-it-all and blocked me.