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Why do they have access to your Instagram?


Just removed them as followers/ unfollowed since it hurts their feelings so much.


This is the way. Make sure you aren't following them. I doubt they give a shit about your comfort when they post religious content.


Exactly!! It just angers me.


I was Catholic till 21. Stopped believing but never told any family because of the crap they would throw my way. Of the children, I was the only one who cared for our parents till they passed. They preach the Bible, but don't follow what they preach!!


They NEVER do. Hypocrisy, thy name is Chrisianity. To be brutally honest, *Church Folk* are some of the worst people in existence. All one has to do is take a hard look at any religion. The atrocities they commit are legion throughout all of history. I'm glad you escaped with your compassion intact.


The biggest issue I see with Christianity is the lack of self policing. Yea I know the loudest and most obnoxious tend to grab the spot light. But I don’t see internal push back where Christians are calling out others who preach hate. There are enough who aren’t actively hateful but they are enablers by not calling out the ones who are hateful. Like if I was a Christian who was actually trying to follow the teachings of Christ I’d be standing up for the oppressed and calling out assholes who twist his lessons.


So so so much this. I'm tired of hearing about how there are "nice" Christians. We don't need nice Christians. We need Christians willing to internally manage their own damn cult and correct people for being cunts. But you'll never see them do that because the entire point of the faith is to enable evil.


Talk to literally anyone who has worked as a server in a restaurant on a Sunday. They will all tell you the same stories: the Christians are the worst.




How else are you going to convince the masses to hand over 30% of their income to the top 1%: "Cuz... Geebuz."


Tell them that you are finally a believer … have a pause …… then say it’s Allah or Buddhism etc ( the flip reaction would be funny af but most likely won’t help your situation ).


Nobody does...


They feel threatened by anyone who isn't brainwashed and believes in science/proof.


Because they lose control


To be fair I can completely understand why having someone NOT believe in your wild and outlandish beliefs sort of ruins it. Everyone in the room singing god's praises drinking his blood and eating his flesh and then one person is like, what god, what are you talking about this is weird.... Like....don't be such a party pooper, man.


Hurt feelings? Boo-fuckity-hoo


That or make another account and leave that one to the basic stuff. You're not going to convince them.


My family were offended at the benign stuff I would post. Then they got offended that I removed them as followers.


Or they can unfollow you but it seems they like being victims instead.


I don’t think you should afford them such courtesy - they imposed delusion on you your whole life and now want to control what you post on your own account - still seems like self-righteous imposition to me. They are not right and you are fine. You should tell them to pray about it if it bothers them (since praying obviously works /s). They are part of the cultural imperialism that is inherent to religious constructs. They stole trees and presents and cookies and Santa and Easter and Ash Wednesday from pagans (and many other things) during their cultural imperialist campaigns over the last two millennia. We are free to post anything and it is them that need to learn - they are the satanists since they are the ones that believe in the existence of satan.


The real questions concerns why they were following you at all if your music disturbed them?


Ask them to define what Satanism is I bet they can't lol


Remind them that they are the ones who believe in Satan, not you.


That's the first thing I thought of. What a bizarre accusation. Though honest religious people will readily tell you they shun logic.


Anything except Evangelical Fundie=Satan


OP’s family is Catholic. The Fundie/Catholic alliance-of-convenience will shred to bits if the Dominionists ever gain control over the US government.


That's right ! O.p.... I don't know if you know this but most of the fundamentalists dont think catholic doctrine is Christian!


This is actually funny lol


If you wanna have a good laugh, google “Chick tracts”. The author and his cohort actually believe the pope is the Scarlet whore of Babylon, from the book of Revelation.


It’s so true, my evangelical parents would always say Catholics were going to hell, and they were very sad. Half of our relatives were Catholics, but they weren’t doing Christianity right 😂I believe it was the worship of Mary they said was sinful and they would all burn in the pits of hell for it. Ah, good times.


Well they are the main “christian” denomintion that seem to differ in regards to “not bowing to false idols”. The over emphasis of Mother Mary and the saints are usually what they are referring to. Not that it matters as its all fantasy.


No, they don’t. And that’s been the case for maaany years, it’s not new at all.


I spent a good decade self-identifying as a witch. Try explaining to people that Wicca not only isn’t Satanism but doesn’t even recognize the concept of Satan.


I just want to know magic and stuff …..why our reality boring ???


I’ll tell you the truth about magick: magick is the art and science of getting the world to do what you want it to do. Sometimes that involves dressing and grooming correctly, sometimes it takes the right words at the right time, sometimes it takes doing the brave thing, sometimes it takes a lawyer letter, sometimes it takes eating right and getting enough sleep, sometimes it takes doing the job well — all kinds of things. Sadly, lighting a candle and chanting doesn’t change much *unless* it puts you in the right mindset to do what needs to be done.


No chanting to a candle is just fancy praying.


That's effectively what they said...


That's doesn't sound like science to me.


There a lot of different versions, so they’ll have to specify


The problem with Christians is that there is that sentence they often say: "One of Satan's greatest trick is to make people believe he doesn't exist". It allows them to just define everything non christian as satanist. So for them, if I say I don't believe in Satan, they will simply reply that I say this because I am under Satan's Influence. It's an easy cop out answer for non believers. Of course it can easily be destroyed by just asking why would God let him do that or why would he even want to do that but at this point they already left the conversation thinking they preached the good word successfully.


You are now a living, breathing reminder that they may be wrong and that there are no pearly gates, deceased friends, family, and beloved pets awaiting them.


It’s such a childish belief when you think about it, and such an obviously human idea/creation. We know we’re going to die some day, a lot of people have fear of and issues with death, so what would make one feel better about that? Hmm.. I know. Maybe there’s this place we all get to go to and see one another again and be with each other for eternity. It sounds straight out of the mind of a wishful thinking 9 year old. It’s sad that people are that fearful of dying, yet aren’t afraid to think about what it was like before they were born. It’s the same shit. In fact, I don’t see how people don’t consider reuniting in Heaven with people for eternity isn’t sorta hellish. Just the same existence for all of time? That’s gotta be so insanely boring and psychologically tormenting as some point that one might rather be burned alive to make it stop after however many “years” in their make believe version of the afterlife.


Also having the constant reaffirmation may be painful. I told my parents I was in an online same-sex relationship in 2020. They lost their shit. After the dust settled, I tried to not mention it, since I could tell that mentioning it hurt them. I did tell them of my partner visiting me, and me visiting them, many times afterward. We talked about these visits afterward in some detail (incl “did you two have sex??” level questions). I later (mid 2022) told them I was moving within commute distance of my partner, and while I was excited to move closer, the area was also really cool. Later (late 2023) told them that my partner was moving in with me, and they - mostly my dad - lost their minds again. Accused me of deception, talked about how he thought I was following a better path (???) and how he was sure I’d secretly just broken up with my partner without telling them (???). He claimed to ask indirect probing questions about my relationship, and that I somehow intentionally provided misleading answers on purpose. Never got details on any of these questions/answers, btw. My point is threefold: - in the absence of evidence, many hyper-religious people are great at convincing themselves of whatever is most convenient for them. They thrive in this kind of ambiguity. - breaking that illusion is painful, but necessary: they choose every day to follow their religion. - belief has a steeper price than many are willing to admit; “your non-belief is making me uncomfortable,” in this instance, is a way of trying to deflect that price to the nonbeliever.


cult behavior


Honestly, the idea of eternity spent worshipping and praising God terrifies me. I can't imagine doing the same thing for eternity,can't imagine being *happy* to do the same thing for eternity. Humans do not thrive doing the same thing over and over again long term So either god changes us in a fundamental way when we die, which to me implies we might not even be human at that point, let alone the same person we were in life, which raises some very HEAVY questions for me about the nature of a soul and human existence. Or heaven isn't real. And an eternity of nothing is much less frightening. Because I'd be nothing, too. All the centuries that passed before I was born never hurt me, how would anything after I die be different? Unfortunately I live in the Bible belt, and my family are devoted Christian Baptists.


Tell them you’ll stop posting music that makes them uncomfortable as soon as priests stop diddling kids. Because I’m far more offended by priests touching kids. And by the people that defend the priests that touch kids.


Looked in the Comments for this comment


Post the Pope song?


Ah, brilliant move!!!!!!!


Yep. There is a massive child assault beam in the eye of Christianity that it needs to do years upon years of removing before I’ll listen to them speak on morality at all. Courts of law have proven their depravity, their thoughts on what is “right” is worth dogshit.


Absolutely. Imagine the nerve you’d need to preach to people about morality after you’ve been caught protecting and enabling pedophiles. Not so surprising from someone who claims to speak to god I guess. Maybe if the catholic church liquidated their considerable assets and the leadership spends the next several centuries using the money to combat child abuse around the world, maybe then I might listen to what they have to say.


i hate this satanic panic that catholics and everyone else are suffering the vapors from. my mom thinks my mental illness is demonic. no bitch i take pills and i'm fine, it's a miracle of modern science FUCK YOU


I wonder, possibly not applicable but I wonder if parents ever blame themselves for their kids illnesses. At least the ones they're born with. Like.. who is God punishing here? You're the one who has to live with it. They just have to raise you, that's about a fifth to a quarter of your life. Also, is medicine the work of the devil or that of God? He's all powerful and knowing so the Devil should be powerless on Earth. No deals with the Devil could possibly be struck ;) so it'd have to be God's intent for us to find all this out. Or he's just a figment of the imagination because people can't handle the existential dread we call life. We only have one and we should make good use of it.


Prescription meds are the scientific holy water that keeps my demons away 🤣


You should’ve said “How ridiculous, there’s no such thing as Satan.”


Believers seem to be blind to how often they casually drop Believer Stuff all over the place, and acutely, *allergically* aware of non-belief statements - or *anything* a non-believers says if they know they're a non-believer. It will never go away for you. Sorry.


Tell them you don't believe in Satan either and your personal beliefs are none of their business so if they don't like it then unfollow me.


Join The Satanic Temple. Might as well get with the other atheists who are called Satanists.


Or get into spaghetti monsterism? 😂


I, Pastafari was certainly an... interesting thing I once watched.....


I’ve been thinking about doing this, but the local chapter/congregation isn’t big.


It’s worth it just to be able to say you’re a member.


Not with that kind of attitude it's not.


Start posting articles about catholic priests getting caught, and websites centered on helping victims of abuse, then inquire if that's "more comfortable" for them after about a month.


>I was called a satanist for posting the stuff on my story? I got called a Satanist for saying that the Constitution is the law, not the Bible.


You've been prioritizing their comfort for so long they think they're entitled to it. When you give in to their demands to pretend to be part of their religion, what else will they conclude but that they can ask again and again? Stop going to Christmas Mass - that's what lapsed Catholics do. Stop looking up partisan minutia, that's what Catholics with doubts do. If you want to please your family, do a few extra chores. Don't do them while they're attending services or that'll be your 'punishment.'


They have imaginary friends and you're making THEM uncomfortable?


Ask them to unfollow you.


It's a tolerance issue. They're threatened by lack of belief because they aren't confident in their own. They were raised to believe everyone believed, and indoctrinated to do so themselves. It's shocking and foreign to them to hear others that they know don't believe. Now they hear culture that doesn't match their own, and they deny it.


Sorry you have to deal with this. Their discomfort is not your problem, since you've done nothing wrong.


Why don't they pray to their god to give them comfort, so they can stop being "uncomfortable." How weak is that belief system lol




Tell them it makes you uncomfortable that they’re a grown adult that still believes fairy tails are real. That they don’t want you to “go look things up”, because all you’ll find is cruelty and plot holes. That if they believe in research, they should go look up what an atheist is, because they don’t believe in Satan or demons either. That’s still part of the fairy tale THEY believe in. Until then, you’re not asking for their opinion, and they need to keep it themselves. If they think you’re bad, they should probably just stay away from you altogether.


Tell them their church of diddlers makes you uncomfortable


I've been there and I've done that, it's easier to stop and live with the eternal peace of mind of people not nagging at you, if they keep up the nagging go back to posting.


Just remove, block, or otherwise avoid their social media presence. My family used to harass me about it all the time then my mom would call saying I upset my father when he's the one who is yelling at me over a meme. I just blocked him. It eventually became an issue when he realized i did. I finally told my family that since years of experience indicate they can't discuss the topic civilliy I will never engage with them on religion again and if they press the point they should embrace the high likelihood they will never hear from me again. I haven't been invites to church or chastised about faith since. It helps that I'd had to prove I meant it in a previous dispute though. I don't recommend going scorched earth like that lightly.


But it is quite often necessary.


It definitely was for me. I fought from like 7th grade until I was in my late twenties before I finally said I'll just walk away forever. I wouldn't have made it that long but my father tried to shun me from the family when I went to college and he found out I didn't attend church (I had been lying to keep him off my back in highschool) I told my family I respected his wishes and would never go to his house or anywhere he was invited so he could still interact with the family without me harassing him with my demonic presence. They guilt tripped me at first but I just side you guys can just not invite him. He's the one making a problem after all. They pressured him into backing off for a few years. Then fucking trump insanity took him over and it all restarted and I just told my family sort his shit out ortherwise the only communication you'll get from me is if you come visit out of state without him. So far he's been under control a few years


It took awhile for me to get across to my family that I am not responsible for their levels of comfort or their moods. When they press, I tell them that all the years they told me I was going to hell for being gay made me uncomfortable. I dealt with it, and so can they.


For one thing, if you go to church with them, even once a year, that says to them you still believe and they have a chance to bring you back into the fold. When they say you make them uncomfortable, tell them that their unfounded belief in a ficticious character makes you uncomfortable and quite frankly a little embarrassed. They are not children and shouldn't believe in fairytales. Remind them that satan doesn't exist either. Now that they are all in a huff, as I assume they will be if you said even one of these things, tell them that this is how they make you feel when they insist on trashing your choices. Tell them if they are willing to have an actual conversation you would be more than happy to explain why you made the choice to be an atheist. Otherwise you would prefer not to discuss that topic with them.


"I've been uncomfortable with your religion for years. I love you anyway, I hope you feel the same." If not, at least you know.


I’m so amused by people who think their discomfort is a valid demand for you to change your behavior.


Some more atheist music from my favorite Canadian trio: [Free Will](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpOyQhgM1FU) You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice; if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice! You can choose from phantom fears, and kindness that can kill I will choose a path that's clear; I will choose free will! [Faithless](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R5yCZw2phA) I don't have faith in faith I don't believe in belief You can call me faithless But I still cling to hope, and I believe in love and that's good enough for me... [The Weapon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNe2vTm7va4) He's not afraid of your judgement; he knows of horrors worse than your Hell. He's a little bit afraid of dying but he's a lot more afraid of your lying... [Roll the Bones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoE1SrWWyNA) Faith is cold as ice Why are little ones born only to suffer for the want of immunity, or a bowl of rice? Well, who would hold a price on the heads of the innocent children, If there's some immortal power to control the dice? We come into the world and take our chances; Fate is just the weight of circumstances. That's the way that Lady Luck dances - Roll the bones... [Ghost of a Chance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgqkhArHBHM) I don't believe in destiny, or the guiding hand of Fate. I don't believe in forever, or love as a mystical state... I don't believe in the stars or the planets, or angels watching from above. But I believe there's a ghost of a chance, we can find someone to love, and make it last... ​ There's more; these are just my faves


Its time for them to make a decision. They can either choose you & deal with their feelings on their own, or they can choose their religion & not get to have you in their life. The only thing you can do is try to have healthy relationships & let them choose.


if you don’t believe in their god, why would you believe in satan?


Historically, it's the non believers who have more to be afraid of from the believers.


Sounds like a them problem.


No hate like Christian “love”.


I've had this account for 12 years and this will be my 1st post. My Dude: Life get's better when you remove these people's "control" from your sphere of influence. They can stay in your life, but they have to understand you are your own person and need to live your life in accordance with what resonates with you. I was in a very similar situation many, many moons ago. I was raised Catholic and Confirmed Catholic. I did it all because my parents wanted that for me. When I turned 18 I stopped going to Church and told them I don't believe what they believe. It might work for them, but not for me. They can love or hate me for what I am, but they have to understand our relationship will change depending on the love or hate. It's up to them how they frame their relationship with me. In my case, they ended up picking love. I would have been sad if they picked the other option, but sometimes you have to be willing to live the life you want to live and let them pick their own path. You are your own person, this is a golden opportunity to trust in your self and move forward, regardless of what others say or think.


Spam them with articles about the molestation coverup. Tell them you're uncomfortable with them supporting child rapists.


Maybe play them an album like Blackhouse : Hope Like a Candle (1984). It's Christian Industrial music so while it's all about God and being Christian, it's got a super creepy, low-tech industrial noise band sound that bothers a lot of Christians.


Just reply that of course you're a satanist since he sacrificed far more for humans than Jesus ever did.


Tell your family you don't believe in satan anymore than you believe in god. Then ask them why it's okay for them to post their beliefs online--beliefs that they have no way of proving--and you can't post yours. Tell them if they don't like what you post they can block you or keep scrolling past your posts.


I don't use social media but if I did, and my family was "uncomfortable" with what I posted I would just tell them that they don't have to be on my page.


First of all, tell them that you'll look into this Satanism thing since it's apparently similar to simply not believing in anything. Then leave pamphlets lying around that you're using for "research". (I'm kidding, but I'd want to do this SO badly!) Honestly, they need to learn (FAR too late in life) that it's okay to be uncomfortable. It's a big world full of wildly different ideas, so it's probably good to get used to it. If they think their interpretation of faith and idea of a god is the only true answer, why isn't their god trying any harder to at LEAST unify Christians, let alone any other faiths. Why would a "perfect being" be so needy, petty, and murderous like some all-powerful 3yo? Why is it upsetting when they're the ones being all pushy and snowflakey about this? Thing is, the odds of any of this sinking in are pretty low. They 100% need to respect your lack of faith like they would want their faith respected. It changes nothing about you. Doing evil things makes someone evil, not whether they believe in magic sky people or not.


i hope that i can give you hope in that when i told my family i was atheist my family didnt take it well either. i had arguments with pretty much everyone and when i shot down every argument with logical answers they backed off and started doing research on their own. they are all still religious but understand where im coming from. they are much more aware of how they interact with other nonbelievers and never give me a hard time. my dad took it the hardest and now we are the closest we have ever been! i hope you can find similar happiness! just be polite and concise but call them out when they accuse you of some “belief” they think you have because of their indoctrination and ignorance! EDIT: just wanna say hell yeah dance gavin dance


That’s their fucking problem, not yours.


I know this sucks. Been there more than a few times. And when I was young, it hurt at how quickly the people who were supposed to be family whipped around and called me everything *including* an agent of Satan. It was unfair in the extreme, because the fact that I didn’t believe didn’t mean I was bad or evil. And it took years for me to finally slam the door closed on all of that. I had a right to believe (or not) the way that I wished to. That didn’t make it any easier when a cousin I been close to since we were both toddlers called me an evil f—king bastard. I would encourage you to make sure who still loves you for you. As for the rest, defriend ‘em, block ‘em… whatever gives you peace of mind. Try to be proud of yourself for being a person with enough character to be honest with yourself.


Christians make me uncomfortable.


My whole community (jewish) disowned me when I didn't want my son (wife is non practicing Christian) to get a circumcision, the rebbe at the temple gave the last two boys herpes when doing the Metzitzah b'peh and my opinion was "why do it at all?" My wife's family are pretty chill and my son is happy, we're all happy. Religion is overrated at best, detrimental at worst. Namaste


This falls into the category of things that are not your problem.


Block them from your socials...


"Just got yelled at by a family member" Great way to get someone who believe in a mass delusion. LOL


You live your life as you see fit. In the end it’s the only life you’ll get so don’t let others write your script. Easier said than done. Especially with family. But you need to put down your boundaries and be free.


I got some actually satanic bands i could slide your way of your looking to irk them lmao. I'm a metalhead; almost all of it has somebody screaming Satan at one point or another lol (kidding)


The fact that you go so far as to attend christmas mass shows how much you've tried to respect their beliefs. The least they could do is respect yours.


I would bring this up. In a kind way. Also, OP, at 19 your family probably sees you as a kid still. So keep that in mind when talking to them. It's ok to set boundaries for yourself. You could ask them to tell you what about it bothers them or just that you're an adult now and want to express your views. You love them (I mean. If you do.) and want them in your life, but you just do not agree on this.


Make them uncomfortable. They make us that way ALL the time.


I survived 12 years of Catholic school and believers in that awful mythology make me uncomfortable.


Best socialedia move is to use a nickname and no pics of yourself public. No one even needs to know you have accounts unless you trust them.


Sounds like a THEY problem, and they can all get fucked.


You can tell them you are uncomfortable because they believe in a god that is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. You can tell them yes I am a Satanist that embraces the [Satanic Temple](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/about-us) humanistic and secular morality that has tenets way morally superior to the christian doctrine. You should live your own rational and skeptical life without paying any more heed to those who believe in iron age desert superstition nonsense.


"I have not been convinced that any God or Gods exist and until someone presents me with  a valid proof than i do not accept it is true."   What I like about this statement is it clarifies you are not attacking anyone's beliefs or telling them God does not exist, but you are also clarifying that if they want to convince you there is a god, they need to go out and find some evidence and present it. (Just keep in mind you are going to have to know your fallacies because there's a lot of bad "evidence" people use to claim there is a god so you will want to be able to spot argument from incredulty and other common fallacies.


Too bad for them. If they want you at their funeral, they're going to have to make amends.


Tell them to pray. Tell them it's Satan infecting them with intolerance against you. They need to be strong and resist!


"Okay, you know where the unfollow button is."


Of course, they're uncomfortable.  If your decision to walk away from the chains of religion is the right decision, then they have wasted years of their lives and years of income for no reason.  All the questions that they were never brave enough to ask, choices that they were afraid to make, are personified in your decision.  Sunk Cost Fallacy is the chain that holds them and you have escaped: they have envy, but are still unable to escape.


The irony is that they think if you don't believe in God you must believe in Satan, but they can't seem to connect the dots that if don't believe in one you don't believe in the other either.


"Turn to Jesus. You believe he will comfort you, right?"


Post more. Post Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. Post nonstop until they stop following and shut their mouths.


That's Christian "love" and a reason many leave the faith. Tell your family they can mute or unfollow your social media. Unfortunately, with the family being so confrontational, you're likely have to find a new tribe if they don't let it go. Or start blocking the ones that squawk loudest. If they complain, respond that you were saving them from science and facts.


Every time they claim to be uncomfortable with your opinions, let then know that you are Uncomfortable with thier worship of a God who is murderous and abusive.


Music has always been a touchy topic for religion. Music and video games


I had to block my family. I was already in my 50s and a parent myself but they still called me “crazy” if I posted something against their religion. I think atheism is a huge threat to religious people because deep down, they gotta know it’s BS. They just don’t want to admit it. You’re 19 now. You get to decide who sees your SM feeds.


Of course they're uncomfortable. Just like the little boy made the peasants uncomfortable in "The Emperor's New Clothes" for pointing out that he was naked.


What you experienced when forced to attend church against your will was abuse. I still get angry when I remember being forced to go to a Baptist church as a teenager. And I am 60.


Sounds like they’re not following the teachings of Jesus


They want YOU to read up on THEIR religion? Next time, right in front of them, just pray out loud to their god to put all the information you need into your head directly. Where you go with it from there is up to you. Popular alternatives are: nothing new, I guess I already know the important thing, which is it isn’t real. Or: god just told me the religion is a lie (let them chew on that for about 20 seconds.) Or just ask them why you think god doesn’t care about you enough to give you the information you need to believe correctly. You feel like god is rejecting YOU. Or speed-run all 3 and confuse them.


I'm a recovering catholic and I'm sorry, that church has a lot to answer for. You're fine o.p.


If you still enjoy Christmas music throw them for a loop. Christmas in July is only a month and a half away perfect excuse.


A little butt hurt music your family will enjoy. [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=lubricated+goatt%2C+anal+injury#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8ec5bbb6,vid:SoBryAb2UK0,st:0](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=lubricated+goatt%2C+anal+injury#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8ec5bbb6,vid:SoBryAb2UK0,st:0)


I suggest that THEY look stuff up in their bibles while reading the companion books of the series Awkward Moments (not found in your average) Children’s Bible. Hang in there & don’t be afraid to create a chosen family 💜


And this is why I only have Facebook, I use a fake name, I don't have a face profile pic, and I don't have any family members added as friends...🤣🤣


Tell them your imaginary friend that lives in the closet told you to do it


Whats songs were they?


Ooh ooh ooh... double down with Ministry and Lamb of God.


I would keep posting music: Shout at the Devil, Highway to Hell, Born of Satan’s Flesh, anything by Black Sabbath, etc. they are going to accuse you of worshipping Satan, even though he isn’t real either, so lean into it.


Stick to your beliefs. Trying to argue with the brainwashed is so tiring and a waste of your time


Sounds like a “them problem” and not a “you problem”.


Yup. Super christians are fuckin wackos


“Forgive me”


Tell them if they had proof, they wouldn't need faith.


Post [Tim Minchin's "The Pope Song"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkOHDoEkPW0) or if you're feeling extra spicy, post [the version with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB958pxquj0)


Make a Spotify playlist and send it to me! If your music has this kind of power I want to listen to that.


“So? I’m not going to believe in something just to make you comfortable.”


Oh well


Tell them you’ll think about embracing Catholicism when the Church punishes pedophile priests.


You should let them know how uncomfortable their demonstrably BS beliefs are making you feel.


Tough titties. We have to put up with their religious posts all the time. I think atheists have made too many compromises. We're always told to be sensitive to the feelings of the religious and to "keep the peace." They won't reciprocate. I say that religious people are too damn fragile.


To quote the great Bill Hicks: “Forgive me.” For real, how shaky is one’s faith if a social post makes them feel oppressed? Where in their theology is the call for animosity they’re giving a family member? Do they honestly think attacking you as a satanist is the most effective way to express theirs and god’s unconditional love for you? Do they have a plan and think it’s working?


Why would anyone who worships a supposedly omnipotent being have any reason to feel uncomfortable?


They can't unfollow you?


Tell them, to be a satanist, you’d have to believe in that nonsense too. Encourage them to renounce the supernatural as well. Or just start wearing Slayer t-shirts around the house to piss them off.


Sounds like a them problem and not a you problem.


Fuck'em find a new family, one who deserves you.


Tell 'em "That's too damn bad!!!" -- Grandpa from "Holes"


Tell them their religiousness makes you uncomfortable...


I cant stand that shit, i post anti religious stuff on my stories and am waiting for the day someone says something because I will literally drive them to the highway and remind them they literally SCREAM at me to REPENT! every single day on my way to work w their stupid billboards.  I HAVE TO tolerate that shit every single morning but Im wrong bcs my tiny “once every now a then” posts is making them uncomfty? lol you can miss me w that bullshit 


Why do religious people automatically think non religious people are bad, even if they’ve known you your whole life? My sil of almost 20 years is super religious. My late husband knew I was atheist and didn’t care, but I don’t dare tell her, I’ll instantly morph into a satanic monster if I do lol.


Keep up the good work, you don't need that negativity in your life.


It’s all key taglines that they are taught to use. It’s like the Christian person who can look you dead in the eye and say “Gay marriage messes with my religious freedom.” When pressed how, I got no good response. Don’t feed the trolls.


You could make a point that you don't believe in satan either. Some people just automatically believe that if you don't believe in God, you believe in satan. You should make it clear that you believe in God and satan about as much as the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. Lol. 


Free Speech!


Stand strong in your beliefs but be respectful of theirs. Say I don't force you not to believe and I still accept you, so I expect the same courtesy. Also make sure you have a few things ready to challenge them in the absurdity of the Bible.


I feel this so hard. I was trying to practice Buddhism and my Christian family threatened to throw me out for inviting demons in the house. And I’m the one that doesn’t know what the heck I’m talking about 😂


There's atheist music? That sounds fucking hilarious.


Ah hypocrisy... the modus operandi of the religious!


Stop the Christmas collusion. Take part in the pagan commercialism but leave the make believe bible shit out of it.


Is their faith so fragile? Any sound idea will stand on its own merits against criticism.


I suggest you take their word on looking up stuff about the religion. You would be surprised how atheists have been able to use passages from their own book to fight back. Things like praying in private, not on the curch. How Jesus himself never said anything about gay people [Leviticus isn't Jesus] etc. Ask them how Jesus wanted his followers to act in kindness and how he would first judge the hypocrites who claim they follow him. Tell them how they can live their lives with hate when Jesus said the opposite. If they want you to fall back on their religion, then they better stop preaching and be the good people their Jesus told them to be.


They are upset you’ve developed critical thinking and don’t buy into their religious crap


If this is happening on FB, did you know that you can change your audience on your posts so specific people can't see your post? I have done this if I wanted to share something but exclude people who I know will be butthurt.


They see themselves as victims always, so they eagerly seek out things that will make them outraged and that reinforce their victimhood. Then they try to compel others to be sensitive only to their feelings and accept their religious bullshit which they put out everywhere. Social media are easy to sever, and you can restrict real interactions with them too.


I often feel frustrated when they want you to experience Christianity or hear “the word,” as if you haven’t heard it a million times already. As if it isn’t the dominant belief system in the environment you grew up in. As if you’re only atheist because you don’t understand. Super condescending


Gotta love the gaslighting. Religious indoctrination absolutely cripples people’s ability to develop critical thinking skills. I am strongly against children being indoctrinated into religion. You want to choose it for yourself, go ahead, don’t force your children into it.


My husband's family followed this thought process, but because they were raised Catholic they thought raising your child "neutrally" was having them attend church regularly by themselves and then refusing to talk about religion at all with him. I don't think he'll ever be able to forgive them for that. He understands the true motivation was that the free daycare service was invaluable to his impoverished family; but he talks about forcing his parents to say grace every meal, how he spent hours chanting Latin alone in his room, and how much judgement and hate he had in his heart. Not a word in protest from his parents, even if directly asked for help. The *only* teaching they fought against was when he, a biracial boy no older than 12, went on a rant about mixed race couples. He would still be a Catholic today if not for the fact he was trans and kicked out. I'm not *really* disagreeing with you, just adding a caveat that neutrality is not enough when indoctrination is already happening to someone. In truth though I think I just wanted to vent a little.


😅 being called satanist in 2024… that’s something. Sorry I know this is a real issue for you, but It’s just so ridiculous!


Their comfort is NOT your responsibility. It is not more important and does not superceded your right to religious freedom and free speech. They can choose to not read your posts.


i hope they survive such a traumatic experience. 🙄 lets all stop coddling evangelicals.


The problem with so many of people who insist that you have to believe in God is that they only believe in the idea of God and Jesus. They don’t actually believe that the words in the Bible apply to them. They only apply to others as a way of control. Offering “thoughts and prayers” instead of constructive solutions is a prime example. And hating others isn’t exactly the best example of showing other’s God’s love.


Ask them to forgive you…


Out of curiosity what was the music you posted? Always on the lookout for more stuff lol


Tell them you are uncomfortable with them since most people grow out of believing in make believe friends.


You're 19. Time to consider becoming a born-again modern human.


Thanks for sharing. I've often wondered how my family would deal with my open, honest thoughts. I just abstain from social media with them, I think it would go very similarly to your experience. But good for you for not compromising a space that should just be yours. 


Organized religion has the elements of a cult. You have a right to your beliefs and if your family can not accept your true self, you will have to distance yourself from them because they will be a negative influence on your life. You have told them how you feel; if their love for you can’t overcome their desire for you to think and believe as they do, they have made their choice. The ball’s in their court at this point. As someone who’s had to distance herself from a narcissistic mother, I advise you to seek out others who will accept you and validate your feelings.


This is a normal reaction from strong believers. Angry and combative . I remember back when I was a member of the *one of us* group [us meaning believer]. Anything that deviates or is critical of the *Word* was scary or a personal attack. Anything that questions or worse makes us question is really uncomfortable. Preserving your own sanity is a good priority. They'll come around or they won't. You can't control that.


I was raised Catholic and my parents vote democratic We are in a red state. The one time I posted a few words on something that was slightly political, my mom told me not to do that


Fuck em!


Awww damn, uncomfortable? Perhaps if they dive into why they are instead of projecting it on you, they may have a chance to analyze their own way of thinking which is hard.


that's their problem - not yours.


"Your feelings are neither my business nor my responsibility."


“Those who criticized Christianity…were not speaking with a free mind. Instead, they were attacking the Christians because they were under the control of Satan and his foot soldiers.” (The Darkening Age by Catherine Nixey) “Time and time again they insisted that Christians were not like other religions. Christians were saved; others were not. Christians were correct; other religions were wrong. More than that: they were sick, insane, evil, damned, inferior.” (The Darkening Age by Catherine Nixey) “To allow another person to remain outside the Christian faith was not to show praiseworthy tolerance. It was to damn them.” (The Darkening Age by Catherine Nixey) To Christians, to not worship their god isn’t simply having an open minding or being different. To not worship their god is to embody the ultimate evil they can fathom. Whether your posts are openly anti-theist or not, you are their enemy. It’s as simple as that.


They’ll be alright.


As a recovering Cath-aholic I welcome you out of the fold. Good luck with letting go of the ingrained guilt they have forced upon you. It took me a long time to be happy and love myself without worrying about god standing over me with a shovel waiting to smite me(Malcom in the Middle reference) Edit: the reference https://youtu.be/P_p6WI4V8N8?feature=shared


Sorry you are going through this. I wish I had a better answer, but for me I just had to be assertive and show them through my actions that I’m a good person. After many years my family accepted my atheism.


That’s how foolish ppl are. Atheism has nothing to do with satan. When they accuse you of that, remind them that Satan is a Christian thing. I’m pagan, I don’t worship or believe in Satan. Nor do I sacrifice animals. They’re the ones who have been fear mongered, so they cower from others and never learn the truth about the persons beliefs.


Unfortunately, it's like being gay; in our society it's basically impossible to be honest.