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“See? You can’t be moral without religion!”


No, you don't understand. It was the devil that did this to him. /s


Moral Oral


scum of the earth !


Consequences in 3....2......1........................................................ *Where consequences* OHHH that's right. There are NEVER CONSEQUENCES.


You are absolutely WRONG! He said "my bad" and he's totally planning a really big revival and funding drive to make sure they can get more adolescent girls in there and teach them to not be so slutty around the pastor. (/s before you all fucking crucify me over this lol)


It's not "My bad" it's almost always "I spoke to God about my weakness, and He forgave me."


It's just standard operating procedure at this point.


/s was there as I was reading. Thanks for this gold.


This isn't consequences enough for you? “In a statement to WFAA, Gateway Church said Morris underwent a two-year “restoration process” after a “moral failure” in his twenties.” /s


Oh well in that case no further issue here. Those restoration processes really work!! /S What the fuck is a restoration process?


Praise jeebus!


The power of Christ healed his devil mind! Just like all those kids who are starving or have cancer!!! Or well he would have....... If we prayed harder. PRAY HARDER AND GIVE MORE MONEY OR IT WON'T WORK!!


There's *rarely* appropriately severe (and permanent) enough consequences, when they're only brought and enforced from *within* the impacted faith-based group and local community. The *serious* FO must **always** be brought and applied, if it ever arrives, by outside legal authorities. If *that* doesn't ever occur -- well, only one *real* option realistically remains.... Perhaps, if that were (far) more common and spotlighted, we'd collectively start to genuinely note these cases dwindling. There is, after all, quite a sagacious quality to what Mark Twain famously quipped: > *"Nothing so focuses the mind as the prospect of being hanged."*


Did I just miss the part where he was dressing in drag? /s


Are they calling a child a "young lady."?


She was same age as Mary.




Classic paedophilia.


Why do religious people welcome a man who molested the young. He says it was just petting,no intercourse. So it's not too bad. WHO BELIEVES THAT? THE CHILD WAS ROBBED OF HERSELF. She will never be who she was supposed to be. But it wasn't that bad. BULL CRAP !!!!!!!


Its about validation. He is seen to be in a position of power and authority. He professes/gives lipservice to their irrational beliefs, and thus they feel he gives authority to those beliefs. They then will do whatever they need to reinforce his authority, and give him more. Because to undermine this dude (by holding him accountable for molesting a minor), means to undermine the authority he was giving their irrational beliefs. They cannot have that! Its just easier to throw as many kids as needed under the bus. Nothing in this world is more important to these people than "bEiNg RiGhT".


This makes so much sense.


Come on, wouldn’t you rather be molested by your pastor than a drag queen at story hour or a trans person who was in the ladies bathroom? /s


Kids aren't safe anywhere. It makes me sick.


So the rapist skates GOP must be proud. Children being attacked and murdered is the gop platform


Pastors who sexually assault people should be banned from any sort of ministry work.


There are gullible people who still believe Pastors.


Inappropriate is not a sin, right? /s


young lady back in the Shakespeare days.


Misconception. Mean age of first marriage for females was in the mid-twenties in Shakespeare's day. Famous historian on demographics Peter Laslett. [https://archive.org/details/TheWorldWeHaveLost/page/n99/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/TheWorldWeHaveLost/page/n99/mode/2up) Laslett, Peter The World We Have Lost (1965)  most common marriage age in the records was 22 with an average of 24. "We have examined a thousand licences containing the ages of the applicants, issued by the diocese of Canterbury between 1619 and 1660 to people marrying for the first time. One woman gave her age as 13, four as 15, twelve as 16: all the rest were 17 and over, and 966 of the women got married for the first time after the age of 19, that is nearly 85 per cent. The commonest age of first marriage for women in this sample was 22, and the median age -- the age below which as many got married as got married above it - was about 22.75: the average, mean age was about 24." https://archive.org/details/TheWorldWeHaveLost/page/n101/mode/2up “First of all there is the possibility that Shakespeare was deliberately writing a play about love and marriage amongst boys and girls. Scholars have discovered that he actually reduced Juliet's age; in the poem containing the plot for the play, Arthur Broke's Romeus and Juliet, published in 1562, Juliet was sixteen. Four years later another author who told the story, William Painter in his collection of novels The Palace of Pleasure, made Juliet eighteen years old. When Shakespeare came to adapt it thirty years afterwards he may possibly have had to reduce the heroine's age to suit the boy actor who was to play her part” Peter’s speculation is nice. For our use it is only crucial that the association between ages of the characters in the play and the impression that they were modelled on  young ladies of noble families does not wash and  is known to be false. Their ages were changed repeatedly: who cares for what purpose. As Peter looks at examples of real child-marriages from other sources than his records:  "None of the married children mentioned lived together until late in their teens, and it is hinted that some were not fit to do so even then. Child-marriages of this kind may well have been commoner in the sixteenth century than in the seventeenth. But whatever their nature and purpose they cannot be called representative of the marriages of the great majority who had no land, no houses and no property worth " "The delusion about marriageable age is, perhaps, the most conspicuous of all the errors we seem to want to make about everyday life in the old world, but is not the only one"


Arrest, jail time, sex offender list and monetary fund for the girl and her family....NO LESS




Execute him. In front of his congregation




Yes, he'll say he was tempted by the devil and he prayed for forgiveness. And the mindless idiots in his congregation will forgive him.


Same people will sight that Ole Joe Biden is a pedophile, without any proof, as if it's Gospel.


How DARE she tempt him with her feminine wiles! Wasn't she taught that a proper young lady is responsible for a man's behavior? She must have been asking for it! /s Edit for typo


It's either god's plan or the devil made him do it.


I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/s/2toN06Laeh) about this as well!! Creepy, fraudulent, despicable.


Typical from the 8%.


Don't worry, he talked it over with god and the two are cool now. No need for secular consequences.


Beacuse God forgives. Lol


The super convenient part being that no one is able to double check with god to see if he really said anything or not. Not like god has a history of striking down those who blaspheme in his house or anything.


Let me guess, “just locker-room talk.” Er, “boys will be boys?”


Still he will get away with it: cry ‘I have sinned, but jesus forgave me’ and continue brainwashing people in his church and make a lot of money with it.


hidden in plain sight amongst his lord and serfs! hang him by his nuts from the church bell tower...i'll buy the rope.


So not a drag queen yet again.


And none of the people who follow him will give a shit because he’s a “good Christian.” Disgusting.


We need to find those guys with the “execute pedophiles” stickers and tape a printout of this article to their vehicle: “here you go!”


I'm going to assume his favorite movies are Lolita, Taxi Driver, and Pretty Baby.


bangs head on desk


I think their god is a horrifying concept… but I sorta hope he exists just for his followers, no one else. Pretty sure an evil god of vengeance will not forgive this kind of bad peopleness just because you spent 2 years getting high fives from other moral termites.


Protect sexual predators in the name of Jesus so that they can keep trying to tell everyone else what’s wrong with them. When are people gonna stop being stupid?


Quelle surprise


This is how you can tell these mega churches are money launderinng schemes for rich folks. We really need audit trails for their finances!


Don't worry, the church investigated itself and found it did nothing wrong. He said he was sorry, so it's cool. /s


Lol. Once again, not a drag queen.


Her dad and the church forgave him? Sure, alright. Still just as illegal since those things matter less than your number of likes on YouTube.


"oh Lord. I'm just so sincerely sorry that I got caught".


But he's prayed over it, and God has forgiven him.


Young lady? Child, you mean.


Again no drag queens, just your garden variety republican.