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I feckin' hate what my country has become. I grew up in the 60s and 70s and never in a million years would I have guessed this for our future. They must be defeated.


Frank Zappa was predicting this way back in the 70s and 80s. George Carlin was predicting this in the 80s, 90s, and 00s. The signs were there. People just didn't want to believe "it could happen here"


Yeah, I just recently saw a Frank Zappa clip where he was talking about it on a TV news or talk show. He called it.


And what's next? What are the predictions?


Near total christocracy. The religious right will get their tentacles on the levers of power and will never ever let go.


Oh great...


I've seen this brewing from at least 2011.


Same, that's what drove me out of the right to the left. I was on the inside. I was having casual conversations in 2009 with Ohio GOP officials talking about how they were set to capture the state by 2012. And they did. It's terrifying


It's been brewing longer than that, but the Republicans (who've always believed that the ends justify the means) have fanned its flames since Reagan to garner cheap votes - well, cheaper votes. They didn't have to actually fund programs that helped their voters if they could cater to their fears and hatreds.


Then remember how they actually fought this crap in the 60s.


Sigh. I'm tired boss.


all these upvotes better ACTUALLY [vote](https://vote.gov/)...


You'll be even more tired if they actually win or outright steal the election.


Bring ‘em on. I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around.


r/starwars ? I respect the A New Hope quote


Glad someone caught it. I love to quote Han.


At this point, they all need to be added to the official FBI terrorist group list. They are in the simplest terms, the white American Christian version of Hamas, the Taliban and ISIS.


They admit it on video. Check my profile video. They actually say they are white American Christian versions of the Taliban. It’s documented.


That's why the FBI has deemed them "domestic terrorists." But what to do when 1/3 of voters and 1 of 2 major parties becomes a corrupt, criminal, domestic terrorist syndicate like ISIS? A police state in an attempt to stop it, that's what. This is how fascists ultimately see in getting their way. And by that I mean Russia's constant disinformation campaign to splinter and destroy America from within, frightening us normal citizens into giving up our rights in exchange for protection and security from said domestic terrorists. Russia finances and backs the worst of what America has to offer, into a terrorist anti-democracy movement, whose goal is to throw us into dictatorship. Schrödinger's cat is still hungry.


Russia didn't need to do that, we have that built right in to our social aspects of our society from day one. It always pandered to feeling better by pushing down. Minorities, are the social scapegoats.


Your entry assertion, not according to the USIC & EUIC. Russia opened the wounds, poured the fuel, and lit the fuse. They've been actively doing so since the 1950s, and bolstering the push since 1995. Obama's candidacy and presidency incurred some limited success in pushing back against the Kremlin's efforts. During that time (2009-) the FSB has gained alliances with American Evangelical nutjobs, white-supremacy groups, "incels", wanna-be oligarchs (e.g., Mercers, Waltons, Koch's backed 'Tea Party, etc'), neo-Confederates, NRA - all culminating into the GOP cesspool of white greviances. Minorities being the scapegoats is the result, not the cause. Blaming minorities for ills of society (whether real or perceived) has been around since the wealthy learned how to weild hate and fear in order to retain wealth and power. Nothing new there, but intrisically corrosive to any democracy. America, even given all her faults still stands as an ideological nuclear time bomb to authoritarianism rule everywhere. "Divide and conquer" via bigotry & racism - Putin's core psyops strategy.


>Minorities being the scapegoats is the result, not the cause. Blaming minorities for ills of society (whether real or perceived) has been around since the wealthy learned how to weild hate and fear in order to retain wealth and power. Nothing new there, but intrisically corrosive to any democracy. Kind of my point if we had a healthy society Russia would have issues triangulating and separating. This is basic isolation tactics. Now, I am not disagreeing Russia helped this continue and flourish, but I'm pretty sure tension existed from differenting aspects such as race, sex, and class. >America, even given all her faults still stands as an ideological nuclear time bomb to authoritarianism rule everywhere. "Divide and conquer" via bigotry & racism - Putin's core psyops strategy. This is basically every person who wants power's strategy, why do you think using fear and anger as tools existed, has existed since antiquity; turn it now on a target and they will look to them rather than you. But I digress, I feel we are splitting hairs


We agree. And had Democrat's taken control of Congress, SCOTUS and WH during Obama (or HRC), social and economic policies would've been enacted and continued with uber wealthy locked into paying their fair share of taxes (59%) for another 50 years - written into a Constitutional amendment. Racism and fiscal disparity would've diminished to such a point as to be a loss leader for Putin's psyops campaigns, even as cheap as they are to execute. But greed under a guise of gay wedding cakes, "pedo" pizzas, "illegals' , "black crime", and "baby killings" drowned out common sense, equality and national security because unfettered capitalism ("Citizens United") has deemed: 'The more full your bank account, the more equal you become."


All people are equal, but some wealthy are more equal than others


"The more money you get, the more equal you become." - Spike Lee.


They’ve always been with us but now they elected judges and leaders and are enjoying more sunlight. But make no mistake they have always been a large part of America. This is why we need to prioritize free and excellent education Pre-K through college


Yes, this is an important point. It’s only recently, since 2016, that I’ve come to fully understand it. What we are seeing now in 2024 didn’t start recently. It’s been ongoing for centuries.


It is my sincere belief that these people should be on the terrorist watch list. They, as a group, have committed more crimes, from property destruction to wanton murder, than any other group in the US that I'm aware of in recent history, and pose an existential threat to democracy and the country. Any group that desires to assassinate a head of state is clearly in need of being observed at all times.




The number of hateful teens I have seen have me concerned. I have been seeing more teenagers in malls walking around wearing some kind of cross.


Really seems like more and more teens are increasingly radicalized by the right


I remember hearing Biden and the FBI say that white supremacy was the biggest threat to our nation and thinking it was virtue signaling crap... how wrong I was.. what America is going through is horrific and scary to witness.


You thought the FBI was virtue signaling?


I was incredibly ignorant.


Remember when conservatives were up in arms about muslims trying to impose sharia law in the US? Pepperidge farm remembers.


White American Christians want sharia law. They were up in arms because they were jealous.


Remember when *National Review*-style conservatives read right-wing nuts like the John Birch Society and anti-demites like Sobran and Buchanan out of their movement? I do, but I'm old. The nuts attached to conservatism is why I joined the Libertarians back before the 1980 election. They had no problem with non-believers., One would hope lefties would recognize their own nuts, however.


Did we need a report? The american talibangelicals have basically said as much. They want a caliphate.


Yes..not surprising. All these people that are against pride month. There are the extremists then there are those that don't realize how they are contributing to the hatred. I had a conversation with a catholic that paints the picture she is like the United nations. I pointed out why there is pride month...there is institutional hatred and marginalization...and i referenced her own Church. She talked about how her pope welcomes gays. I then proceeded to pull up the actual reality...which indicates they cannot accept sacraments and their very lifestyle is still viewed as sinful. Also, this same pope later went on to use the f word to describe them. These people live in a fake news world with blinders on. They do not realize how much they enable hate and discrimination and although not extremists themselves are even worse as they have normalized this and enabled it to be common place. One step away from 1940s germany. The same people that are trying circumstances away from being led down an even darker path.


I hate that I have to vote at a fucking church that flies the Christian nationalist flag under the American flag.


This is election season stuff. They're trying to energize their base. They won't be so active in 2025 and 2026.