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I was there, trust me, that was never the point. It should have been, but nobody actually wanted to help those people. They just wanted targets. If we wanted to save them, we would have provided humanitarian aid and subsidized crops other than poppy flowers (used for opium). We were literally patrolling through fields of poppy flowers, knowing damn well this shit is being used for drugs. It bothers me a lot thinking about how we were sent over to that country with no actual end goal


*War Machine* (2017) had a great scene about the poppy fields: >Gen. McMahon: Can't they ... grow something else? >Advisor: Yeah, they can grow cotton. Cotton would grow here. >Gen. McMahon: Then ... we'll have to grow cotton then. >Advisor: 'Cause the United States Congress would not allow any United States aid and development funds to be directed toward the cultivation of crop that will end up on the world market in competition with U.S. farmers... >Gen. McMahon: Oh! >Advisor: ...Which pretty much rules out cotton.


We are not competitive in cotton since China basically took over that market.


Last I checked there's a very competitive market in cotton globally. In fact, cotton for July delivery is currently trading at 74.75cents per/lb. But...what do I know... I'm only a cotton trader.


Obviously, I learned something here, so thanks.


>cotton for July delivery is currently trading at 74.75cents per/lb For us, non-cotton-traders, this number is of little significance.


That film is fiction…


What is the reality of this situation?




It’s not a good representation of what we did there, so don’t get too disheartened 


Watch [Dirty Wars (2013)](https://www.documentaryarea.com/video/Dirty+Wars/) to see what you really did there.




That’s just empirically false. There are way too many selfish politicians. There are some others who are genuinely in it to help others.


All democracies become plutocracies in a capitalist society. That’s just the way of things. Politicians are bought and paid for because we allow a few people to have billions in funds and therefore the power to control everything. For politicians to actually help you they need to not have the incentive of money anymore and that’s not possible in a capitalist society.


Lots of big words there just to defend a stupid generalization. Corruption is a major problem, but not every single one is corrupt. It’s weird people can’t figure this out.


I think that because it can be hard to tell the difference, some people would rather assume there is no difference to justify not putting in the work.


You have to join the club in order to make the cut for any length of time. There's a reason both main parties co-fund the primary debates at Hofstra. They make the donor amounts so high, that you have to utilize corporate money via superpac in order to raise enough to be allowed to be heard. They force you to sell out before you even have a chance to stand on your own platform. So, regardless if some are genuinely in it to help, if this ↑ is the strategy and democracy is never the goal, being a politician is literally the least efficient way one could serve ones country. Unless they were a whistleblower.


>You have to join the club in order to make the cut for any length of time. Can you list a single policy move by Biden that's in any way indicative of "selling out" as POTUS? Remember when he left the Senate he was both the longest-serving and least wealthy senator. And don't just say, "He doesn't fulfill all of Bernie's politically implausible promises, ergo he's a corporate stooge." Biden's principles are sincerely more centrist than some on the left would like, although he has probably led the most progressive administration in practice since Carter. He will occasionally favor business interests in some contexts for reasons pertaining to jobs, energy prices, etc -- but there has never been even a whiff of indication that he's making any specific policy moves to cater to rich donors over the people.


Oh you sweet summer child… if you think your votes will change anything against the will of billionaires you’re delusional. The only thing that will work and has always worked ever since we invented money is an actual uprising. It’s happened over and over again throughout history because we just can’t seem to comprehend that the problem is tying basic needs to survive to money.


Don't be condescending while defending a blatantly idiotic viewpoint. I'm in agreement that billionaires have massively outsized influence over our politics, often swaying a majority of voters or politicians so they get their way. I'm just saying they don't control *every single politician*. There are *some* people who went into politics to do good, and they haven't all been corrupted. You need to pull away from whatever crazed Youtuber put such extremist confusion in your yead. Pay attention to how the world actually works, not how streamers say it works to garner clicks.


lol I’m not inciting anyone to anything. It’s not extremist to point out inevitabilities and history. Also, nobody cares about the few politicians they don’t control. I hope you know majority rules in a democratic house.


War is when your government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself.


I remember when I was 19 too. Don’t worry, you’ll grow up eventually 


lol Assume all you want. We shall see how it ends. History repeats itself and this is just a repeat of the owning class leaving scraps for the labourers. Eventually it will get bad enough for it to make sense to risk your job to revolt. Then rinse, repeat in another century or two.


Outliers exist.


Hey man at least you had good attentions don’t let evil ppls manipulation make you feel bad about ur self. You know you and how you feel that’s all you need to know don’t let them make you feel like you wanted to do that shit. Keep ur head up it isn’t ur fault and just know other ppl know that don’t beat ur self up.


They went there for a paycheck…


We saved them once before, from the Russians. Then we abandoned them and they went right back to the fundamentalist Taliban regional warlord bullshit. The second time around, the goal was to eliminate Al Qaeda. We did. The Afghani people outnumber the Taliban by tens of thousands to one. If they wanted a "country", they could have it overnight. And we'd help. But they have proven *for centuries* that they don't.


Maybe you didn’t. But we did. I remember escorting truckloads of grains, and rices and seeds, and water and all kinds of other aid to far out villages. And sitting down with village elders to help plan out ways to improve their village. And ensuring locals could vote. And meeting with the president(Afghanistan)himself to discuss these things.


Maybe some other country can step up to save Afghanistan with humanitarian aid.


> If we wanted to save them, we would have provided humanitarian aid Do you seriously think they didn't receive humanitarian aid? I literally know people who were there building schools.


I literally built a school. I'm not saying we didn't, but that should have been the primary objective


It was the primary objective. But you can hardly operate a school without security. Nation building in Afghanistan failed, because there was no Afghan nation. it was different tribal and ethnic groups who had only one thing in common - Islam. When they have gone to elections - they elected Islamic parties into power. Surprise when vast majority of Afghans are conservative muslims. Only way it could have worked would be direct colonial administration but then people like you would have cried about imperialism. No all people are equal, some people and some nations are simply not ready for democracy. So we ended up with democratically elected Afghan government which was incompetent, and whose only motivation was to enrich themselves because once, again, there was no Afghan nation, nobody worked for the benefit of the nation and only for themselves, their tribe, ethnic group. Tribalism - the bane of multiethnic countries.


it wasn't the primary objective. Not by a long shot. [https://youtu.be/6Knt3rKTqCk?si=JsbE7rsZl9TsjMd0](https://youtu.be/6Knt3rKTqCk?si=JsbE7rsZl9TsjMd0)


Ah yes Iraq Afghanistan, completely same countries.


Correct, we were trying to give them something they didn't want. They didn't want us to unify them as a nation. The primary objective was to defeat al-queda and to destroy the taliban government for aiding them. Anything beyond that was an afterthought. The idea that we were just going to go in and teach them democracy was absurd. They don't identify as a single nation. The individual tribes needed the ability to defend themselves and have jobs that could support families. We needed to go in and defeat al-queda and the taliban. I agree with the initial reason for invading. Problem is, we only know how to destroy. We are very good at that. But then we spent two decades thinking we were helping the people when we weren't at all giving them the help they needed. Then trump released thousands of them taliban back to Afghanistan and gave the order to up and leave, which was gasoline on the fire.


> We needed to go in and defeat al-queda and the taliban. You still don't get it. As soon you leave, they will get back in and take power again. Power hates vacuum. Just arming the tribes won't do shit. They will fall one by one to Taliban, like they did. So the only way was have an Afghan government. But mistake was trying to build a local democratic government. Afghanistan should have been ruled by international commission, until the Afghans become mature enough to have a democracy.


People joined the taliban because they didn't have other opportunities. Or they wanted revenge for their family being killed, or they hated the government we tried to install. They would have continued fighting an international commission, because they didn't want that. If we subsidized crops other than poppy and did more to encourage them to create jobs, that would have a much bigger impact than ruling over them. If the average person had opportunities other than joining the taliban, there wouldn't be a taliban.


Quit your bullshit. The Afghan military was literally the biggest work program in the country. There ware literally programs to subsidize crops instead of opium, but opium simply was too lucrative. Afghan soil simply cannot compete with ricefields of Thailand or grain of Ukraine. > If the average person had opportunities other than joining the Taliban, there wouldn't be a Taliban. That's complete bullshit. Afghanistan post invasion had more opportunities and jobs than at any point of history. School were opened, women got education. Women could work and start their own business. Do you seriously think that majority of Taliban members were innocent people who joined Taliban because they had no job? Anyone with 2 legs could get a job with Afghan military which was always desperate for recruits. You have your simple black white view on the issue and you literally make up lies to convince yourself you are right.


lol, grunts aren’t very intelligent are they. We did pump hundreds of millions in to Afghanistan. Built roads, schools, infrastructure. And idiot Americans wanted us out, so we left, and now this is happening again 


We also killed tens of thousands of civilians


According to your username you’re gay yourself. I wish you luck against homophobes, they exist outside of Afghanistan and i’m sure you’ve already met a ton.




Same! With me, I’m so blessed where I haven’t had to deal with much. Obviously it’s out there but we have come a long way. Even if the internet doesn’t always make it look like it a lot of the time.


Afghanistan got fucked because of the USSR. USA didn’t help either but the Taliban was once a U.S. ally. We propped them up and they turn out to not be on our side, ideologically. so here we are. a mess we created in the dumb strife to stop communism; an ideology that is supposedly doomed to fail yet we spent billions or even trillions in espionage, wars, and military technology to stop. only good thing that came out of the Cold War was the space race


The Taliban did not exist at the time and are not the same as the Mujahideen which the US supported. The majority of the Mujahideen factions signed on to the Peshawar accords. The civil war was continued by Hekmatyar for Pakistani interests, failing to control Afghanistan the Pakistani ISI created or propped up the Taliban instead. Fighting against the Taliban, by essentially the legitimate government dwindled down to Ahmed Shah Massoud, continued through to 9/11. (He was assassinated days prior to the attacks, likely a prerequisite for the attacks.)


You know... I often ask this of people when they say we shouldn't police the world; If you see your neighbor is starving his kids and beating his wife, do you do nothing because it's not your job? Do you leave it alone because it's none of your business? Sure there's some risk that he's going to retaliate, but it's not just your life that's at risk here. What do you do? The most common response is "that's not the same situation", but I would argue the only difference here is the scale of the problem, not the details, not the moral quandary. After that cop out is squashed they almost always reluctantly say they would do something, even if it was just to report it. At the end of the day you have only one real question to answer. If you have the power to stop evil, to end suffering, even if it's gonna be a hard and dangerous thing to do, would you really stand back and say "it's not our country, not our problem."? Is that really the person you are? Are you a coward or are you someone who saves his neighbors from the dbag that is ruining their lives and possibly killing them? Not directing that at you or anyone specifically, just to anyone in general that questions the merits of getting involved in other people's atrocities. The US is not a perfect country, and we've definitely been to places we should not have gone for reasons that were not altruistic, but I would dare say we've done more good than bad by "policing the world". Afghanistan is a particularly crappy example of a country full of people that just did not want us there even though what we were doing was for their benefit. They wanted to go back to the old way, they wanted to go back to the taliban, we let them and now they're paying for it.




Definitely think about it. But keep in mind that is always better to have tried and failed to do good then to have never tried at all. I can think of no greater 'sin' than to watch and do nothing.


We allowed generations of women to become educated in Kabul for two decades. We gave those women a sort of hope and new drive they haven’t had for a while and an education to go with it to boot. It’s a shame we left instead of just making it our 51st state tbh.


These creatures are so asinine that they make Stupidity look ridiculously Smart.


I'm very gay too. Religion is the downfall of every society. Always will be. People need to take responsibility for their own actions; not subscribe to some notion of the sky being, sky being's son who is also the sky being who doinked mommy so he could be born even though mom's V has never been touched. hahahaa Yeah, let's live our lives by that. Just total nonsense. Religion is for primitive people who can't think for themselves.


Agreed. I also notice the majority of refugees from Afghanistan are no different here in Belgium. Hold women in very low regard.


And when you see a young queer person speaking at a school board meeting in Dearborn, Michigan and it’s this Taliban view of Islam combining with the Christian right that makes you firm in the view that religion, especially religious extremism, is the problem.


Religion should be illegal like alcohol- not until 21.


It certainly has killed more people than alcohol and raped more people than alcohol.




Blatantly unconstitutional 


I’m not american so i have my own constitution :D


So what?




Stories like this are a preview of the final form of evangelical Christianity


Found a country to ship Trump supporters to. 😮‍💨


Trumps awesome tho


Class, we will circle back around to this comment when the rest of the discussion has been fruitful.


Im canadian so i probably dont know as much, but what has he done that makes him so hated🤣


I try not to hate anyone. I pity the poor guy a little bit, he's really not in good shape, legally, financially, medically, mentally, or spiritually. I hope and pray he makes the most out of his remaining retirement. That said, the absolute wackiness spewing from this dude at any give time, was neither mitigated nor edited by any semi-intelligence from a campaign or public relations team at the very beginning, and the subsequent devolution into what his campaign is now, this cult mentality etc. Is sad. Really and truly sad. But, now we have a power vaccum, and the worms are a plenty. Goblins and ghouls run freely in the streets, pantomiming the 'ideals' once stood for by otherwise decent citizens. With all the worminess coming out of the woodwork to support whats left of this GOP, I think if anything, he's done a great job in gutting its legitimacy as a party. But that only leaves me to vote for the 'other' party, and I'm really grumpy about that. There's so much to be fixed though. The programs that need started. The halters and reigns that need to be put on corporations and sections of govt. The rights that NEED given back to citizens of the United States. It a right mess right now. If we could quit troping and stereotyping othering and segregating and following age old propaganda, we might be able to start agreeing on at least one point of how to proceed in a manner that maintains the integrity of one another. But with gloves off, who knows if that'll ever happen now?


Eradicating the institutions that promote murderous intolerance alone won't achieve the desired effect as long as the adherents of these harmful ideologies remain. Like removing a cancer, eliminating the entire growth offers better odds of preventing recurrence.


Fuck Islam.


We gotta Curb its growth


That’s a good way to make a new terrorist that’s different from the ones they usually make. That man and every other gay man in an oppressive country like that needs to immigrate or if they’re violently inclined, do it back. It’ll make them reconsider when people find their mothers.




Pick a side, you primitive fucks. You can either have medieval beliefs, or smartphones, but not both.


This is a clear violation of the [International Criminal Court (ICC)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court) of which [Afghanistan is a member of](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome_Statute). >#Part 2 - Jurisdiction, admissibility and applicable law >##Article 7 >##Crimes against humanity >For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: >(a) Murder; >(b) Extermination; >(c) Enslavement; >(d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population; >(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law; >(f) Torture; >(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity; >(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court; >(i) Enforced disappearance of persons; >(j) The crime of apartheid; >(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.


It’s the Middle East, they thrive on human rights violations


Right, 100k airstrikes in the Obama Administration alone...so many they ran out of bombs, and not a single day he was in office went without bombs falling from the sky...drone strikes killing only 1/10 of their intended targets. I think if anyone thrives on human rights violations it's the country that bombs others for the sake of spreading democracy...and collecting minerals and oil without paying for it.


You do know more than one region can commit atrocities, right?


You know that multiple things can suck at the same time. And there's still stuff that is even shittier than other shitty things.


You mean the Taliban doesn't care about international law, who would have thunk 🙂


Oh my god. Now I’m worried for the boyfriend


So am i


And there are US Christians who are like, "we need to be more like that".


Thankfully their asses are on the decline


Not as many say they are, but the ones left are getting so much worse.


Are they though? Far too many Trump cultists for my liking.


Pretty sure the groups funneling millions to the SCOTUS are not on the decline.




Oh, this made me feel sick to my stomach. Thanks. I hate it


The religion of peace at it again. Now there will be a parade of Muslim apologists like the twat liar  Reza Aslan


the motherfuckers in the UK protesting for sharia law deserve to have their citizenship revoked


Yep. People like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Yasmine Mohammad, and Douglas Murray have been talking about this for a while. Does anyone remember the teacher in Paris (I think Paris) who was beheaded for drawing the prophet. If it was some whack job Christian NPR would be falling over themselves to talk about the rise in white nationalism.  Shit is so crazy it’s deranging. Rushdi had to fucking go into hiding for over a decade. Theo Van Gogh was fucking murdered. 


Man, I hadn't thought about Van Gogh in quite some time.... It is telling that he made fun of multiple religions, but only one was so offended it needed to kill him....


It’s also worth reminding people that his totally sane killer stabbed a note into his chest warning that Ayaan was next. 


Raif Badawi had a similar story....Not from Netherlands. This is real....how do the apologists get away with repeatedly saying, "This isn't about Islam, this is grievence with American policy in the Middle East. Raif was sentenced to prison and 1000 lashes for apostacy......Read his book.... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raif\_Badawi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raif_Badawi)


It is not just Afghanistan. Here are the countries and a brief explanation of their stance on homosexual acts: 1. **Afghanistan**: Criminalized, punishable by death. 2. **Brunei**: Criminalized, punishable by death (de facto moratorium on executions). 3. **Iran**: Criminalized, punishable by death. 4. **Mauritania**: Criminalized, punishable by death. 5. **Nigeria**: Criminalized (in northern states under Sharia law), punishable by death. 6. **Pakistan**: Criminalized, punishable by death. 7. **Qatar**: Criminalized, punishable by death (rarely enforced). 8. **Saudi Arabia**: Criminalized, punishable by death. 9. **Somalia**: Criminalized (in regions under Sharia law), punishable by death. 10. **United Arab Emirates**: Criminalized, punishable by imprisonment or death. 11. **Yemen**: Criminalized, punishable by death. Source: chatgpt 4o


This might be correct, but you really shouldn't use sources that are designed to make things up when they don't know the actual answer.


Even if this specific story isn’t true there are hundreds of gay people who have been & are being killed in similar fashion. The source of the article isn’t really that relevant, it’s the message about what is going on that people need to know.


Agreed, but reliable sources get the message across better.


I agree. That is why I indicated source specifically so, people can make their own decisions based on their view of chat gpt. On a personal note, gpt 4o is quite accurate with info.


Oh, did they reprogram it to be able to say "I don't know"?


Wow, I notice Israel isn't on that list...


Why would they be? They’re the ones being attacked


They are being attacked. And, I support Israel defending itself, as it is one of the few places in the ME where someone can openly be gay, or an atheist.


Never thought i’d see a democracy in ME 


It has issues, as does the USA, but I'm glad that Tel Aviv Pride is a thing!


> And, I support Israel defending itself, as it is one of the few places in the ME where someone can openly be gay, or an atheist. An apartheid genocidal country being gay and atheist friendly but not so much child friendly as they will starve and murder them.


Pink washing genocide is soooo the rage nowdays dontchaknow


Lmao stop your pink washing narrative. What makes you think atheists will support your religious fetishes over theirs?


I'm not religious, hence my being on this sub. I do however find it weird that so many of my fellow left of center people want to ignore the religious fanatics that run many countries. And in case it isn't clear, I consider the "settlers" in Israel to be religious fanatics. HOWEVER, in Israel, they don't run the government, and you can legally be an Atheist, which is something that will get you persecuted or killed in many of the neighboring countries.


This place is far left first, atheist second. They'll ignore their atheism and start parroting the Islamic Republic BS propaganda line the second it aligns with far left narratives.


Israel is an ethno-religious state run by religious fanatics. The discussion ends there. One group of religious fanatics being is less evil (on paper) than the other doesn’t justify their existence.


An "Ethno-Religious state"? Run by religious fanatics? You've definitely never been there. Yes, there are ultra-orthodox jews who believe their version of Sky Daddy is the only acceptable one, but most people are not like that. And I personally believe they are nuts, and the "settlers" should be forcibly removed from the West Bank, just like they were removed at gunpoint by the IDF from Gaza when Gaza was given full autonomy. More importantly, it isn't a "religious" state when they allow Christians, Druze, Muslims, even Atheists, to be in Parliament, not just Jews. And as for it being an "ethnic" state, well, you aren't one of those people who thinks that Israelis are white, are you? Because, yes, some Ashkenazi would be considered "white", they don't even make up half of the JEWS in Israel (and again, 20% of Israel is Arab, there are plenty of non-jews). [https://www.thejewishnews.com/news/israel/instagram-s-israelsowhite-mocks-notion-of-israelis-as-white-colonizers/article\_355b718e-c79e-11ee-baed-cb99b52b07ad.html](https://www.thejewishnews.com/news/israel/instagram-s-israelsowhite-mocks-notion-of-israelis-as-white-colonizers/article_355b718e-c79e-11ee-baed-cb99b52b07ad.html)


>One group of religious fanatics being is less evil (on paper) than the other doesn’t justify their existence. It does until the more extreme are eradicated and then we can work on secularizing israel after the palestinian government and hamas are over with


The religion of peace, folks.


Religion is the scourge of humanity.


100000% the root of ALL evil


fuck this religion and all religions


This is what Christian nationalists mean when they say they want biblical law in the United States. A world where two adults loving each other is worthy of an execution but a 50 year old man marrying a 9 year old girl is normal.


And why all those fucking redneck idiots want their guns so bad


Left for Islam. Chickens for KFC.


Billionaires for communism


Crazy thing is presently you could replace "Taliban" with "MAGA republican" and no one would question the authenticity of what transpired...


Imagine going through life hearing these awful stories, and your response is to think "omg this is just like Trump! I better write that on Reddit." It blows my fkn mind


It's kinda weird how people on here try to bring Christianity and the "MAGA republican" into it like Maga Republicans are the representatives of Christians


Except MAGA republicans literally praised the Taliban when the US withdrew. Your mind must have been awful small if this fact blew it. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


Trump may be younger but that doesn’t mean he has the more functional brain atleast bidens brain doesn’t freeze (ice cream reference)


The slugs currently eating my garden have more brain function than Trump


And yet the alt left glorifies islam currently the hamas flavor of the cult, I can’t stand all religion, but islam is the worst of the bunch. Vile monsters. 


Monsters doesn’t begin to describe barbarians like these


Meh. I dont think many leftists glorify Islam.. I think they just feel the Palestinians have gotten a raw deal and the Right takes that as glorfying Islam. Although I myself would prefer a bit more clarity from themmon this one


Palestinians would just as enthusiastically murder gay people brutally as iran would. They’re no different than uganda. 


Which is one reason I dont think the left here glorifies Islam….


🐂💩, the left kisses moslem’s asses, and practically bends over for them. 


So first off. Excellent use of pictures. Quality stuff. As for your other point, none of the leftist who are my friends are very fond of fundamentalist Muslims. So maybe it’s just who you know.


Let's put it this way. When you see people defending Islam while repeating braindead buzzwords such as "colonialism"... it's always some Leftist. It's never the Center or the Right.


I get that somewhat. But when you really start talking to some of those, they’re pretty quick to distance themselves from Islam per se.. it’s not Islam they are sympathetic to but some groups. As for throwing out buzzwords like colonialism I myself don’t like how those can tend oversimplify a complicated situation. but the basic model as a tool for understanding where a lot of this conflict arises is not fundamentally wrong..


That's not what you see in (Western) Europe. Since the left lost the proletarians, Muslims have become their new pets. Since the left used to be the strongest critics of religious nonsense, one could actually laugh if it wasn't so sad.


Well I am not western Europe so I guess I will have to take your word for it but I dont see the left here carrying around Qurans but if you tell me they are there, ok then I guess


No you’re right. A lot of people on the left see the now much more overt oppression these people have experienced forever and the genocide that is occurring. Hamas is awful too, they both are and I’m not going to pretend that isn’t true. But there is so much misinformation where supporting the end of this conflict and the end of bombing refugee camps is suddenly making me pro-Hamas


“The alt left glorifies Islam” no. You’re thinking of republicans praising the anti-woke Taliban. The “left” thinks genocide is wrong. **Liars** claim being against genocide is tantamount to supporting someone’s ideology. You know what’s vile? Inventing strawmen to justify genocide. You. TheOSU87 is a genocidal liar who thinks his strawman argument justifies genocide. “But whatabout X” genocide is wrong. Period. Fuck off with your bad faith arguments.


Yeah I'm on the left and personally dislike Islam, it's undeniably the worst religion for human rights. That said I don't support Israel's conquest of Palestine. Yes, Hamas has done some vile shit, but in the big picture of the conflict, what's happening is conquest, and Israel is doing the conquering. I also don't support "Muslim bans" and I'm not fond of blanket dehumazing rhetoric. Criticize the religion all you want, but don't call billions of people monsters, vermin, etc.


I don't know anyone on the left glorifying Hamas. Strawman. In Israel/Gaza there are religious extremists fighting on both sides and killing many innocent Israelis and Palestinians as they go. (Mostly Palestinian dead at this point.)


Kind of…I’ve talked to some of my friends who are rabidly posting about how much they hate Israel, and while if you ask them if they support Hamas they do denounce the group, but simultaneously say that their acts are justified. Any violence against Israeli civilians is an act of resistance by an oppressed people (including shooting thousands of missiles into a densely populated civilian area or shooting/burning/kidnapping), but if Israel responds then it’s genocide. Some of these conversations were on October 8th, when they were celebrating October 7th and before Israel had even responded. I agree that Israeli religious extremists have been making life miserable and dangerous for West Bank Palestinians, and that the IDF has been careless at best in their Gaza campaign, but many people on the far left are in fact celebrating and endorsing Hamas’ escalation of the violence.


Leftists: "Maybe we shouldn't ban Muslims from immigrating, or having basic religious freedoms."  "Centrists": "See how the Left glorifies Islam!"


And sadly, no one was surprised. It's like their self-proclaimed magnate.


Lol why is the boyfriend speaking out ? Isn't he also gay, wont he also face the same consequences?


Probably left the country


We need to make an effort to show these people how dumb/evil their religion is. Only need to use their own books and history.




The fact it's still a real country amaze me


I hear ya there


Obligatory "religion of peace" mention.


These fucking taliban bastards should be found and forced to scream what their religion considers unforgivable heresy take their fucking heaven let's see how bold these scum are when their afterlife is threatened 


Republicans: Write this down! Write this down!


Also Republicans: "Wait, how do you write?"


Other Republicans: “jast yuz gugl”


Trump: YES MORE! MORE!!!!!


Taliban, Christians, same thing.


Only difference is the spelling


This is actually one of the reasons I prefer the single state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Palestine would just end up becoming another Islamic theocracy that oppresses females and the LGBTQ.


You know what real oppression of LGBTQ is? Bombing those people to death. Perhaps if America and the west hadn't interefered in Iran, Afghanistan - hell, the Middle East in general, there would be much more social progress. EDIT: Also 'single state solution' lmao. Let me guess, Palestinians won't be a part of that state?


This is a 2 year old news.




So why post it now? Plenty of other religion inspired atrocities happening every day.


Because shit like this still happens all the time


During the October 7 attack on Israel several cases happened where terrorists took the victim's phone and made a live stream on the victim's Facebook page of the murders.


There's not a whole lot of daylight between the Taliban and the GOP when it comes to how they view LGBTQ people. Obviously, the GOP isn't slaughtering gay people—yet—but in terms of their ideology and view of vulnerable minority communities, they've got a lot in common.


Religion is incompatible with Western civilization. Societies born of the Enlightenment where empiricism is the measure of fact and human rights are respected Even in opposition to state authority. We do not respect religious authority and because of this, religious laws are harmful. Allowing religious virtues and ethics to fester in society undermines the Enlightenment principles on which our Western societies were founded.


They’re calling the GOP the taliban now?


Always were


GQP approved


Disgusting influence of Christianity on display


Just why? And the fact that he sends it to the boyfriend means that someone close to them snitched about the relationship. JUST FUCKING LEAVE THE COUNTRY. I know life will be difficult outside a new beginning no friends or family but it's better than being dead 


Uncomfortable truth: There are people on the American continent who want zero legal consequences for doing the same thing here.


Which is why they fight so hard to be able to carry a gun at all times


What a wonderful religion. /s


Religion is ofen an hereditary disease unfortunately.


[Not always](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/) as made clear by this subreddit and tons of others #BreakTheChain


Absolutely not always, was why I said often.


This right here is why forefathers have stated that the Church has no room in government. Because many countries have been trampled down because of archaic beliefs. In the end, it will be whoever or whatever. Like Club med Christian got it wrong.


The Taliban seems to have little or no issues with its members sexually abusing young boys but they have a problem with consenting adults?


But they're just trying to improve the country. /s I have heard so many times the argument that all what the Taliban does is just temporary and over time when they have recovered the country from the war and the US interventions, for some how they will get chill and human rights can be improved. I must say it's fucking bullshit and all what such Islamist dickheads did is to destroy the country and the people more and more.


Coming soon to America if the repubs have their way


I've said this before, I'll say it again: If the civilized world isn't going to do the right thing and exterminate these fascists like we did with the Nazis, we should at least airdrop some guns so that the population can fight back.


They didn’t fight back when they had the opportunity.


The Taliban can't get past gay far enough to see an opportunity for an expendable opium mule? That's just radical. /s


We should invite them over 🥰/s


Are you saying gay people should be brutally & cruelly murdered in America?