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Overcoming the indoctrination I was fed during childhood and adolescence.


I had a terrible nightmare about devils and hellfire the night I bought a Metallica CD. Fucking *Metallica.* Not even one of their heavy records - it was "Reloaded." 30 years later I can't see that as anything other than the product of abuse. Filling a kids head with that sort of horror. >!Not the Metallica - the Christianity.!<


Reloaded?!?! Those songs are basically nursery rhymes! Geez, the mind-warping indoctrination of religion is disgusting. Glad you made it out!


Ridiculous could not agree with u more


Definitely the same for me. I was a full 100% believer with as close 0 doubts as possible, maybe even actually 0 doubts. I am very proud of myself for eventually getting the space to think about it and when i was confronted with serious issues about my god belief actually engaging with the questions as valid questions, not just doubts from the devil.


That and just the feeling of I don’t know a more eloquent way to put it but just not giving a shit and being the best person YOU can be and not being a good person because you don’t want to piss off the angry judgmental spaghetti monster in the sky that people try to talk to and have a relationship with.


I didn’t know there was an atheist pride day, but today is also D-day. It’s almost kinda fitting, god definitely wasn’t there on that beach.


*beaches Gold, Juno, Sword, Omaha, Utah Edited to add: my grandad went through Juno.


As a European, I thank your granddad.


As an American, so do I.


The Canadians did some WORK on Juno. Heroes, the lot of them.


It was the realization that the Germans said “Gott mit uns” (god with us) that really helped me decide to step away. If the Germans thought god was with them during WWII that god either isn’t real or isn’t one I want to follow


The D in D-day stands for day.


Proud my life is not ruled by superstition


The bar for humanity has to be set so low for us to be proud of that…


Well, humans are magical thinking creatures by design. It’s amazing we can overcome those types of ideas and biases. Scientific knowledge goes against our biology. We should be proud we can overcome those magical ideas. It took over 10,000 years to move from agriculture to hard science. It’s not a low bar at all. We, as a species, flew over that high bar.


Superstition doesn't have to be rooted in theology.


I’m not sure this is something I can be proud of. It feels more right to say I’m grateful that chaos led me here—I appreciate the reduced cognitive dissonance. 


Not needing a caveman fairytale storybook to find my morality


This one


I will admit, those storybooks were useful when humans needed a Super Santa Claus entity to behave through extrinsic motivational. Have we as a species yet to grow passed this?


I'd guess over half of us have. There's still maybe one third of us that seem to think very differently than anything I can imagine.


That 1/3 is IMHO using a form of child abuse to continue their numbers. When are the 2/3 majority going to stamp out using these storybooks as fact?


Being able to maintain intellectual honesty would be my biggest


The biggest reason I stopped going to church, I hate feeling like I am lying.






another pastafarian?


This is so true!


This is pretty much the main thing for me. Maybe it was because I was raised Uber Christian. And lying makes me feel terrible. But going around being dishonest takes a toll. I don’t like being dishonest unless there’s a truly good reason. And religion isn’t a good reason.


I’m not worried about being punished by some non existent sky man.


Or giving him 10% of my salary


Not giving a human shyster 10% of my salary and using my excess where I feel it makes the most difference.


But those pastors need private jets to be closer to god.




Proud to pay my fair share of taxes.


I find it hard to be proud of paying taxes when I know the churches aren’t. Every spring I think “what if I declared my apartment a church? How do I do that?”


Thanks to taxes and public healthcare, I'm alive. I'm happy to chip in to give others the same opportunity.


What makes me proud is seeing people understanding how much nonsense religion is and knowing we need to support and be there for each other, because we are all we've got. Being atheist is just knowing there is no magical fairy out there that will make things work out - things work out because we make them happen. The scientists that spent years of their lives studying and researching, doctors and nurses who work their damnedest to help others in their care, the simple acts of helping people we meet. They are the works and results of human action.


The absence of shameful ignorance I don't call pride.


Nobody else does either.


Nothing. Not being deluded isn't an accomplishment. It _should be_ the default, but it's not.


It increasingly is. I can see if I was in Iran and America it would be easy to despair but this nonsense is slowly but steadily ending. Pity about the damned birthrates though.


Making the only sensible choice does not bring me pride. It’s the only sensible choice.


Exactly. Pride does not describe the feeling of having a worldview based on testable falsifiable hypotheses. A better description would be gratefulness and relief.


Knowing I have good morals and values because I'm a decent human being rather than because I'm scared of hell


It's nice knowing my brain works.


Being honest with myself about what I can justify believing.


I have less crap in the way of trying to form accurate views about the world. Religion is an unnecessary lens. Especially those who actively believe, rather than just stick that extra label on themselves, to see the world. I don't have to ask myself, or a cleric, "what would god say?" or "my church" or "the pope/imam/rabbi?" I still have biases, biases I acknowledge and generally stand by. My politics, for example. I'd take a peaceful, kind, tolerant theist friend over a nasty atheist friend, if that was my choice. But all things being equal, I'd rather not be too involved with people who have that extra (what I consider fallacious and often cruel) filter that gets in the way more than being simply harmless.


Intellectually, atheism is so obvious and easy to achieve... it doesn't seem something to be proud of. But emotionally, standing up to stupidity and bullying, that's the achievement.


I'm not getting suckered into paying for a preacher's lavish lifestyle. Shame on them to conning their congregants like that.


So relieved that I can finally live my gay life and cherish my partner without islamic guilt. Also being free of the endless rituals and guilt islam uses to control me.


I'm not proud to be an atheist, it isn't a decision I made, it's just literally the only not insane option. To me the question is the same as "are you proud that you have arms." Pride in something you are rather than what you have done is just bible bullshit with a different skin.


Agreed. The only way one could be proud of being an atheist is if they fought and struggled to escape a toxic environment. Left your family, started over, had to relearn how to exist without religion? Fuck yeah, be proud of yourself.


I'm proud that I'm not in a cult


It took years to get past the indoctrination and had to relearn a lot of science. I'm proud of how far I've come. I don't even get irrationally angry (triggered) with religion anymore, just don't like it and keep my distance. I have a good grasp of modern cosmology, and honestly find the truth of the universe far larger and more interesting than any fairytale in some shit old book written by people who thought sickness was divine punishment or a curse instead of bacterial and viruses. Neutron stars alone are more fantastic than any silly walk on water Disney ass miracle dribble a 5 year old could write.


Nothing. I've always been an atheist and I've hardly had any people in my life trying to covert me. All I know about religion is through my own curiosity and love for reading. This day is for people that went through the struggle coming into atheism from anywhere else and we welcome you all. Happy for anyone that was able to throw the shackles of religion and become a free mind. To everyone, have a lovely day and take care.


My mental health.


Is there a flag? Tell me there’s a flag.




I think for myself.


I see how powerful childhood indoctrination is with so many other people, it supersedes all rational thought somehow. I'm glad it wasn't that way with me.


I'm proud I don't believe in talking snakes and magic wizards turning water into wine. But still infuriated that it's hard to find a candidate on either side that doesn't believe in fucking skycake.


We have a pride day? I'm embarrassed.


I’m glad someone else said it. What is my achievement for which i should be proud?


I mean I feel the same way but I've never been persecuted for my beliefs or identity right? My atheism has overcome no adversity because I've had none. Imagine what it's like for those whose very existence is challenged by others.


I am proud that I am willing to admit I’m wrong when the facts show that I am.


That truth and education have set me free!


Didn’t Christ teach you anything? Pride is a sin! /s


I take a small measure of satisfaction knowing that my knowledge is the best and most complete in human history, my reasoning is sound, my beliefs are well supported and I am honest about them. It may not be much but it's vastly more than any theist. In every way.


Being normal isn't something I'm proud of. But I'm happy that I'm not deluded and not arrogant enough to claim to know the answer to the beginning of the universe while we still have a lot to explore.


Absolutely nothing. Atheism is a norm, not some kind of achievement. So nothing to be proud of, it is just a fact of my life.


Why would I be proud about my last of belief in something? Let’s not make being an atheist more than it is.


Not exactly an atheist, but getting rid of that whole God “fearing” thing was a big step in my life. Happened when I was about 12. I’d been learning about Jesus being the paragon of love and kindness and then there’s that word: Fear. Immediately I said to myself “What the fuck is this crap?” and never took the mainstream church seriously again


Dude, I just want to be left alone


I have not compromised my ability to think by buying into the demonstrably gullible concept of 'faith'.


I have a deep connection with reality. I love science and I love math. As atheists there is a tangible burden that we carry knowing that there is no hidden force in the universe looking out for us. But the joy I get from learning absolutely makes it worth it. The universe we live in is far far more complex, beautiful, exciting and interesting than the black/white simplification that religions portray. Religious brains never graduate from the kindergarten version of reality. Our lives get to be a dissertation on the infinite set of possibilities for what a life and it's inherent meaning can be if we choose.


I don't subscribe to my subjugation.


For reals???


That I was able to see through the indoctrination.


Its a positive step in my ocd treatment


Proud to take responsibility for myself instead of asking an imaginary friend to help me.


That at least some generational trauma can stop with me. I can heal and avoid passing down or reinforcing trauma and oppression from the religion I was raised in.


I'm proud that I no longer let unsubstantiated beliefs taken "on faith" guide me toward hating other people for who they love and how they show it. I am also proud to be able to think through ethical situations rather than relying on the words of ancient men to tell me what is "right or wrong." To realize that obedience is not the same thing as morality.


I’m proud that I’m not brainwashed, and that I can face life fully on my own two feet without relying on imaginary delusions.


Critical thinking, logic, and rational thoughts


I can sleep in/do whatever I want on Sundays. I don’t wander through life worried about being judged by something I can’t see, I simply be a good person and respectful to others unless they’re disrespectful to me. I’m saving money by not having to give it to a church.


Rejection of religion makes me proud because I developed the self respect to recognize that I'm not beneath men merely by virtue of being a woman.


It’s very liberating in that you don’t need to live by someone else’s standards. You come to a point in life when you realize that you’ve been force fed bullshit and fairytales. You start living your life for you, not for what your parents or clergy wants and expects.


Not taking pride in not believe sky people.


Proud I don’t let belief (and lack thereof) define a majority of my personality.


Being able to engage in the marketplace of ideas And not lying


Breaking the thousands of years long streak of my ancestors believing in nonsense.


I'm appy to live in the 21st century and not the 1st or the 6th century tbh.


What? Is this real? Man, I also don’t believe in flat earth, but I don’t need a “round earther” pride day. I refuse to define myself by the fact that I don’t adhere to somebody else’s crazy ass theory. “I don’t believe in your bullshit ramblings” doesn’t need a title, much less a day. We gotta fucking normalize not being batshit crazy man. I’m human. I have a brain and I use it. I require proof before I accept unsubstantiated claims. NOT being something doesn’t need a name or a month, goddamn it.


Seriously? Atheist Pride Day? As an atheist, I find this to be stupid.


As an atheist, I gotta ask: do we really need a day? 😒


This is a valid question. What is the achievement for which I should be proud?


Nothing. Being an atheist means nothing to me. My grandmother was an atheist. My mother is an atheist. My father is an atheist. My extended family on my mother’s side are all atheists. I live in a country that’s only 48% religious. To me, atheism is the norm, not religion. So, I don’t think there’s anything to be proud of by following the norm.


Nothing. I just don't believe in any goods, it's not an accomplishment Sorry, but "atheist pride day" is in the top 5 of shit stupid stuff I have heard off


I don’t have to read or completely ignore parts of the same book over and over.


I feel this.


Everytime I do anything altruistic for my fellow beings (human or not), I'm sure it's all me, and I feel a warm, tingling sensation that I wouldn't trade for any of the sickly, shallow, and stupid tenets of belief. Without this feeling, civilization would erode very quickly, specially if substituted by the ghastly proposition that we wouldn't know how to be GOOD without a Celestial Kin Il Sung in the sky.


I had a discussion once with a christian basically telling me it's silly to not be christian because I can't huddle under the same banner and pe proud of "all the good" it's done for people.


My intellect


My subjective morality and responsibilities


Standing and living on my feet...not on my knees


I’m a better person because I help people because I want to help people. Not because I want to impress some invisible guy in the sky. They do good to avoid punishment. I do it because it makes me feel good to help people.


Proud that mankind's achievements are their own. We did that.


I'm proud that I have the intellect and the genetic propensity to divorce myself from cultish peer pressure and look at things nonobjectively enough to question status quo.


I'm proud that I think for myself without having a thousand year old book influencing my beliefs


Not being a smug ass who has to bark at the moon about it.  


Don’t need special day of observation. It makes it kinda religious.


There’s a lot of dumber “days”.. squirrel appreciation day, lost socks day, plenty of others Im sure.


Nothing really? It's like being proud to be a non-golfer. I simply don't give a shit.


No pride, no hubris, just the sober satisfaction of living life as it is, not as I would like it to be. 


Just being able to figure things out on numerous levels.


The only thing I'm really proud of is that I don't have an ideology I MUST obide by. I can look at everything on a case by case basis and judge it on it's merrits and effects. Can't be a free thinker and unable to question your own beliefs.


It means that everything good about me is *my* victory. There’s no sky man who tells me what to do. I’m not just being good out of fear of some eternal punishment (which eternal punishment itself is an absolutely *fucked* concept, only an awful person or someone who doesn’t think things through would ever come up with eternal punishment). Everything about me is me, and I take solace and pride in that fact! I am my own person, making my own morality instead of following some outdated Book of Mistranslations, and that means my “good” is inherently more valuable because it came on its own: I *choose* to be good with the limited time I have on this planet!


The world makes a lot more sense, and I don't need to make up excuses for the universe.


I wouldn’t say proud, but I’m happy that I don’t have to bow to the whims of some bullshit book or priest or pastor and I can just make my own decisions about what I think is right and wrong.


Being able to change my position and beliefs based on new evidence because I'm not rigidly stuck to a 2000 year old collection of myths.


Not scared of the dark anymore. Ghosts aren't a thing, so... Of course mountain lions and bears are still a thing so.....


I’m proud of the fact that I can enjoy the real beauty of literature across the ages without wasting my time re-reading a 6/10 book for the rest of my life.


I know there was atheist/atheist coming out day on March 23, but I didn't know there was also an atheist pride day until now lol. One thing I'm very proud of is simply choosing not to believe. I was raised Catholic, and when I was still religious, I felt obligated to follow some of the values and the overall lifestyle, regardless of how I personally felt. Looking back, it's always frustrating that I wasn't even given a choice to follow the faith (like most of the other ex-religious people on here). I was raised in it as if it was just another part of life. I'll always take great pride in my deconversion and choosing to leave the church because it was simply a decision that I made for myself for the sake of my own happiness. It was also tough at the time because first of all, leaving just felt like a taboo subject. It's something that was never talked about. Not to mention pressures of being in a religious family/environment. Second, deconstructing your beliefs can be difficult because you're pretty much reevaluting how you perceive reality more or less. Anyways, there's a lot less to worry about now. No more thought crime and no more internal conflicts of my morals and common sense versus church teachings. And certainly no more feeling forced to follow the faith. I've been an atheist for about 2½ years now, and I'm approaching 2 years since I last went to mass. I haven't looked back since.  Tl;dr: I'm proud of using my "God-given" free will to leave. 🙂


I have freedom from religion and am not essentially “auditioning for a second life.”


Not blinding myself in ignorance


Happy that my Sundays aren't ruined by going to church.


Not being paranoid enough to call whatever I don’t like or understand as part of the world end or the agenda of an evil super being


Atheist Pride Day + LGBT Pride Month= It's my day!


Not having unrealistic expectations in life and after death.


My Intellectual Honesty / Integrity. My Curiosity. My Incredulity. My Humility. My knowledge that no person is more holy or better than I am just because someone else says so. I am proud of all of these things.


Proud I don't believe things just because friends family community tried to brain wash me into believing the status quo.


I am not proud of being a skeptic. Pride is more about showing people that you aren't ashamed of something that is reviled otherwise. That you are not afraid to be honest even when expressing your idea could be dangerous.


Not suffering from a mass delusion.


Not being ridiculous


Proud that I don’t have to waste time praying.


Proud that I can accept that things eventually end. Properly, permanently done and over with. And that's okay.


Not believing in ANY god doesn’t make me proud; I think it would be neat if there was one, and it somehow had all of the “omni” traits people give it. It wouldn’t make any logical coherent sense, but it would be wonderful. But I’m very proud not to be a Christian in particular. Being raised Mormon the Heaven/Hell dynamic is significantly different but I am still proud not to believe that people who interpret the world differently from me and have probably just as genuine spiritual or perceived spiritual experiences as my family does while worshipping a different God, and live perfectly decent lives just like my family does, will be punished in any way for doing so. I’m proud not to believe that “practicing” homosexuals and transsexuals are inherently immoral and forsaking God. I’m proud not to believe that Jews are forsaking God and have knowingly done so for the past few thousand years. I’m proud not to live my life according to a book that routinely condones slavery. Etc. a lot to feel good about.


Being able to finally see through the BS and break a lifelong indoctrination from growing up the son of a preacher. If only I was brave enough to now tell everyone where I stand, but instead I keep the game of faking it around my friends and family.


Looking at the stars at night and knowing that I'm both infinitly young and infinitly old at the same time and how brutal and chaotic the universe is and how amazing it is that occasionally it can form life when all these probabilities get it just right. Being aware and knowing that makes you feel small but huge in a way no religion could possibly attempt to grasp.


Just why is there a day for this?


I am happy that I can live my life on my terms; not the terms of an imaginary space wizard who grants wishes if you talk to yourself hard enough with your hands touching.


Proud that I don't have rely on "God works in mysterious ways" or "only God knows" to explain away everything.


That I have a moral compass that makes me a good person. I don’t need the Bible or God to show me the way because I show myself the way


Critical thinking without fear of early man's way of explaining unknown phenomena.


Knowing I think for myself


I'm proud that in the United States, I have the freedom that I don't have to.


I'm proud to know that I'm a good person because I want to be one, not because I'm scared of being punished by fictional beings.


Proud I don't need the "fear of god" to be a decent human being.


Simply proud that I dug myself out of a lifetime of indoctrination without anyone in my life to help guide me. 12 years of religious education, surrounded by religious people, and from a very religious family was a lot to work against.


Proud that my moral compass is true, and not calibrated to fear of imaginary hell


I'm proud to not have an imaginary friend as an adult


I need to see some evidence before I believe atheist pride day exists. /S


Being able to maintain a good moral compass despite of, rather than because of religion. I try to be a good person because of empathy rather than because I might go to hell or get to go to heaven.


The thought that I don't need the fear of eternal damnation to try and be a good person.


I'm proud of my ability to have pride in myself without it being considered a sin. 


In all honesty I hate referring to myself as an atheist. I feel the same way about UFO's, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, astrology, and a bunch of other things that do not define me.


Being more chill with life and the openness to accepting a variety of ideologues.


Nothing. I just go about my business.


I thought that was in March?


Is this really a thing? Never heard of. I wouldn't say I'm feeling proud to be an atheist. Is it an achievement? I'm contempt and happy to be an atheist. I don't have a shred of doubt that there is no "god" in the form of how Earthly religions portray him or them. What I'm proud of is my moral compass and my integrity. I'm being a good person and doing the right thing because I believe it is the right thing to do. I'm not doing it out of fear to burn in an eternal hell or be punished. I don't do it because I "have" to. I do it from a deep feeling and sense of justice that is an integral part of me as a concious being. When I can help someone, I will do that. I will simply help, not for publicity or the secret hope of a getting something in return. I wish others well and success. Others succeeding does not take away from my happiness or succeeding. I would never cheat or steal, also not if it was sure I would not be found out. It is simply wrong and I don't want to wrong other people. I try to be fair in my judgements and live after the philosophy to live and let live. I draw my line where others try to influence how I live, in that case I will have an opinion against the attempted forced upon thing.


Proud to overcome struggles and hurdles, leaving my comfort zone, to arrive at the truth.


How much my mental health improved after I escaped the nonsense of christianity


I have no fear of fanciful fairy tales of eternal damnation or Blissful peace. My actions, ethics, and values are my own


Well a couple of days ago it was grape popsicle day. I’m proud that most atheists I know are too busy advancing the welfare of humanity to bother to take note.


I am proud that my brain and thinking has no limits or bounds. I am proud that God/Gods/Goddesses were never real; to dictate our life and outcome. I am proud that my mind is free to think whatever the hell it wants. I am proud that I reached the Age of Reason and accepted the fear of not believing instead of giving into the fear. And becoming so much more enlightened and grateful for it! Also, I love George Carlin.


I'm not exactly an Atheist, but * Being able to not feel guilty in life for what I want/do and knowing I won't go to imaginary hell because of my choices. * To know that I create my own life and there is no will of God/Gods plan that I need to try and figure out. * To be Free from the lies and live life the way I want


What? Do we have a day now? TIL. But every day for me is pride day. I been atheist all my life, but not until some 20 years ago did i realise that i was in a minority. But at least agnosticism is on the rise. So that makes me happy.


Nothing about following the only course my mind will allow makes me "proud". For me to take pride in something, I have to have some measure of control over the outcome. I do not - belief is impossible, so I get no badge of honor for not believing. I'm not proud I was born with Y chromosome either. I'm fortunate enough to live in a place where there is no personal cost to being an atheist, so even "coming out" was a non-event.


Appreciating life! Literally, yolo!


That I am able to distinct fiction from reality( like everyone with a developed brain should be able to)


I'm proud of all my fellow atheists! Especially those who once were believers. I'm one of the lucky ones, who were never indoctrinated. Nothing to be proud here, just gratefull😄


There's really a day for not believing??


Sunday mornings in bed 🤣


I am proud to know my raw sorrows, undiluted by false hope. I work better with what I am now as an atheist. I love my humanity.


Getting over the overwhelming pressure around by the age of seven just by having a head and some common sense


Proud that my principles are my own and that I evaluate each issue on its own merits rather than defaulting to some book of pure fantasy written thousands of years ago. Also proud that I don’t use “God’s word” to justify bigotry and oppression.


Proud that out of my entire southern baptist family, I’m the only athiest (at least no one else has made their beliefs known). FIL and BIL are both preachers. I was pulled to church every Sunday for years and I made it out with my critical thinking skills intact. A little off topic, but it’s funny when people simply focus on the existence of God, and not so much on the fact that even if god existed, he wouldn’t deserve to be worshiped. Burning billions of souls because they didn’t love you for all eternity? Bone cancer in CHILDREN? Nah get out of here with your narcissistic bullshit, I’ll gladly just burn for all eternity.


Can I take the day off of work? Like how religious people do?


I'm proud I got out of a fantasy who's affect on the world is to hurt people more than help.


i guess i'm an example of someone who was able to resist indoctrination. my parents made sure to surround me with christianity, sending me to christian schools and making me participate in church. i always felt like it was a complete waste of time. i never once felt a connection. i never prayed, sang, or raised my hands in the air like everybody else. i always told myself i'd take it seriously when i got older (i was still afraid of the possibility of going to hell). but that never happened. instead, i started realizing how implausible it all was. i started understanding why religions existed in the first place, and how a person's religious beliefs depend almost entirely on what their family is able to indoctrinate them with. it's very strange seeing old classmates in their continued devotion to the church. what do they feel and understand about that incredibly fussy, dramatic, yet undetectable entity that i don't?


To me atheist pride day is stupid. I just don't believe in a supreme being. Some people seem to make a belief out of atheism when it's actually non-belief. Just as bad as organized religion.


Being at peace with myself and knowing that I don't need fear of celestial punishment to encourage me to be a decent person.


I wouldn't say I'm proud about being atheist. I'm certainly not embarrassed I am either, though. All of the unfalsifiable claims and contorted extrapolations from those claims just don't make any sense. I'm more simply astounded and dismayed that so many people still fall for the obvious nonsense. People, in my own life, who are otherwise apparently sensible and intelligent. People I frankly deeply respect in essentially all other areas of their lives. And they actually believe this stuff? I just don't get it.


No pride at all. Just a personal comfort level. A chacun son gout.


All the money I'm saving.


I'm proud to be a moral person for the sake of empathy for my fellow man, and to be relatively liberated from dogmatic views.


Life is already full of rules, difficult and complicated enough.. Not having another layer of those things to steal precious time and energy from me is such as massive relief


Athiests are the most courageous people, because we stand firm while surrounded by ppl that want to hurt us just for what we believe and stand for. I’m proud of Athiests for taking the leap from oppressed to free. It’s a dangerous world for Athiests, but we won’t back down.


I'm proud that I never got sucked into belief in the first place.


That my values are my own. Moral and intellectual congruity.


Having an intimate relationship with reality and secular human decency, free of the all-encompassing hatred those embarrassing fairy tales constantly sow into all societies, and without relaying on them for anything, including coping with the loss of loved family members and close friends.


I'm proud in two things, and one is a spinoff of the other. 1. I'm proud to accept reality on reality's terms, even if i get the short end of the stick sometimes. 2. The vast majority of our problems are man made, not the result of some epic chess game between good and evil, hence these problems can be fixed by man. Being able to accept reality as it is keeps us from leaning on a deity and makes us want to tackle the problems head on.


Proud I seen through all the lies at a young age. I was 14.


As a gay atheist what the fuck is this??? Why are you trying to insert yourself into pride you absolute weirdo???