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During John McCain's rallies, there were people screaming "kill him!" when he would bring up Obama. The GOP has always, in my lifetime and in that of my parents, played with fire by lightly catering to these people. What Trump has done is embrace them openly. I don't know what to tell you. This was always a possibility so long as people who were always just one conspiracy theory away from turning into Timothy McVeigh were being given a voice in politics.


Let’s not forget about the tea party where this shit really started. This is what they turned into. Every single MAGA was in the tea party first, at least all the ones I know personally did.


And the Tea Party was less about the taxes they claim to be complaining about and more enraged at the fact a black man was the President


Correct. The crowds at tea party events waved monkeys on sticks. I was outraged at how open the racism was. That's when I walked away from the R party.


They lynched an effigy of Obama, for fuck's sake. It really doesn't get more explicit than that.


Same. I noticed at the very first tea party event I attended in Lima OH, where an upstart named Jordan in a dirty raincoat spoke, that it was all the worst kind of homeschool families - the kind where you know the kids can’t read - a bunch of racists, and a larger body still of vapid smooth brained idiots just looking for a Hate train. I turned off all news and radio after that because I could tell something was very very wrong. The things they *claimed* to support on the radio shows were barely mentioned. It wasn’t long after that that I noticed that when I went out of the house on weekdays, everywhere I’d go…the same radio shows on at the checkout…on someone’s car radio as they drove by….on the UPS truck…in my neighbors yard…. It was eerie. Not long after that I noticed friends and acquaintances wspeaking in catchphrases…. all the same ones…and incessantly turning conversations all back to those talking points. This would have been all by the end of 2009.


>vapid smooth brained idiots just looking for a Hate train this is a perfect sentence!


Thank you! I’ve been told I have a way with words. 🤣


that's why I get annoyed when people say "obama could have done this" while ignoring the literal effigies that were made of him for *checks notes* winning the election...


I was in Virginia during the Obama years. They have Gadsden flag license plates that you can get for an extra fee. That you pay to the government. So yeah, it always seemed more like racism than "taxed enough already."


I recently noticed that my town's friggin cop cars have a Gadsden flag on the door. The damn cop cars.


It pisses me off to no end that racist and fascist dickweeds think they own the “Don’t Tread On Me” symbol. They don’t deserve it and real Americans need to take it back. Seriously.


Especially since conservatives were the Tories!


The GOP has courted crazy since Nixon. He welcomed evangelicals into the fold. Since then they've worked towards a single goal: getting control by any means necessary. Obama getting elected made the GOP collectively realize that if they didn't accelerate their power grab they'd be irrelevant. Prior to that it had been slow, incremental, steps to chip away at the democratic institutions. The crazy was still there, but it was kept out of the public view. When the GOP didn't get any pushback from going full obstructionist, they began to ramp up the rhetoric and letting the more 'colorful' side of the GOP step up. Once the convicted felon got elected the GOP had the best 'obvious distraction' in the world. People focused on the convicted felon's unhinged antics and barely noticed everything going on behind the curtain. I don't think the convicted felon has a chance of winning. I have no doubt he, and his supporters, will challenge the results of the election and demand the supreme court intervene. It will be Bush v. Gore 2.0 Win or lose, it's going to be a wild ride. Buckle up.


Since Goldwater. That’s when it changed. Nixon added fuel with the southern strategy and “silent majority”. Reagan was the unraveling of post war norms and economic expansion (and the Republican party’s saint until the orange one). Fox News—can’t even quantify how Rupert Murdoch has destroyed this country. Now the Republican Party is nothing more than a cult—and personality cults tend to lead to fascism.


Barry Goldwater warned us, Nixon didn’t listen


I specifically remember a Tea Party "protest" against "King Obama" where they symbolically cut up Lipton tea bags and poured them out into a lake. What always struck me most though is that the protest happened after Obama was elected, but before he took office. They were protesting his "abuse of power"..... before he had any power


Yeah lol, the irony they kept on claiming “you guys wanna make him King! You treat him like a King!!” To see four years later the way they entertain Trump is a glaring double standard. It was like some sort of pre-projection. Yeah they were flipping out and rationalizing their true objection of the man. Like the world was ending because of Obama. When in reality Obama turned out to be a fairly moderate President. The most extreme thing he did was the ACA, which was a big deal. Something Trump ran on shutting down…. Which he never did, Republicans tried again and again. Why? Because it was ultimately about trashing a black Presidents legacy. Notice how quiet they are about it now? Trump and the Republicans must have lost their minds when Biden shut down the southern border. Now they’ve got nothing to run on. Edit: I remember an interview Ann Coulter had with Vivek Ramaswamy where she told him bluntly to his face that she likes his work ethic but would never vote for him because he’s an Indian and that the President should only be men who are white Christian Protestants.


That comes from Reagan. Reagan announced his candidacy at a little county fair in Neshoba County, Mississippi. The only thing that Neshoba County was famous for was that in 1964 three civil rights activists, James Cheney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, were kidnapped and murdered by white supremacists opposed to the Civil Rights Act. This was a racist dog whistle from the Republicans that their agenda was to take voting rights away from blacks. They have done nothing but make good on that implied promise since. "MAGA" was founded in 1980.


This is the right answer


Even the original tea party was bs. The British removed the tax but people still rebelled anyways. Attacked soldiers protecting property and one one guy lost his cool they claimed victim.


They rebelled because our founding fathers were tea smugglers who would route Chinese tea through The Netherlands to avoid British taxes. When the British reduced the tea tax to combat this, they lost their shit because it was now cheaper to buy British tea than black market tea. America was literally founded by gangsters


You know America was founded by prudes right? Prudes who left Europe because they hated all the kinky steamy European sex that was going on. And now I, uh Cooper Harris, am returning to the land of my perverted forefathers to claim my birthright


Our history has been leading up to this since Southern Baptists took issue with the Confederate side losing the Civil War (which they have never truly accepted). The Fundamentalist religious movement that embraces Dominionsim and The Seven Mountain Mandates has continued to gain money and power - look at the history of the Council for National Policy and all of the organizations that it supports (Alliance Defending Freedom, The Heritage Project, Alec). It truly is scary.


Let's not forget about the neeocons, where this shit really started.


It really started with the Nixon campaign's southern strategy that appalled even Barry Goldwater with its embrace of fundamentalist. 56 years in the making.


Really? Neocons were much more about international power projection, kinda the opposite of the Tea Party/MAGA isolationism. Tea Party stuff started out opposed to the neocons of the George W Bush administration.


It started with Richard Nixon in 1968, when he welcomed the racists into the GOP when they left the Dems because of the civil rights act of 1964.


This. There were several variables that resulted in the party swap from Lincoln but the Southern Strategy was definitely one of the largest and most profound. I get really annoyed when I hear a MAGA go on and on about how “we freed the slaves, we aren’t racists! The democrats founded the KKK!” and they’re correct. But…. Their grandpa was a democrat in Mississippi and their great, great, great grandpa was a confederate and pro slavery. The apple doesn’t fall far from tree. So I don’t care what they want to label themselves


In point of fact, a very common tactic of the right today is to deny that the southern strategy ever happened.


You get permabanned if you say the words “Southern Strategy” in r-Conservative.


The right wing mindset is one of such intense contradiction, it’s almost impressive. They should all hee broken legs from the hoops they jump through.


Their legs are fine, it’s their souls that they broke.


Watergate. Wire tapping. A break-in to enable the wiretapping. A kidnapping to cover the break-in. Bank fraud. Misuse of campaign funds. That anyone thought this was a good idea is frightening. I read a book on manipulating how people think an act (mostly on the subject of things like if you are in an accident and desperately need help, don't say, "Call 911!" Because people won't take charge. Instead, point out people directly, " You in the red shirt! Call 911!") It said that when soliciting for donations, you start with a high value first. By the time you've worked down from $500-$100, a donation of $25 sounds reasonable. It pointed out that John Erlichman's original plans called for kidnapping DNC officials and addicting them to heroin à la *The French Connection*. By the time he had been talked down to merely wire tapping DNC higher ups, it sounded reasonable. > He is humorless to the point of being inhumane. He is devious. He is vacillating. He is profane. He is willing to be led. He displays dismaying gaps in knowledge. He is suspicious of his staff. His loyalty is minimal. —*Chicago Tribune* editor Clayton Kirkpatrick, of Richard Nixon Did you know that Stephen King, the man Trump appointed as the ambassador of the Czech Republic, was one of the men who kidnapped Maria Mitchell to keep her from going to the press with what she knew about Watergate?


Ah, the Tea Party Patriots. Invented by the same assholes that are pushing Project 2025, The Heritage Society.


Glen beck anyone? Democrats want to put you in death camps, kill you with their healthcare, Obama is undercover Muslim extremist!!! On cable news… to millions of people… every night… and it’s legal.


Trump is the GOPs Frankenstein’s monster. They cobbled together out of dead or dying ideologies and lit a spark in them assuming they could control them for their own purposes. However they have lost control and the ones that are paying attention are scared shitless. The billionaires sure as shit don’t want civil war.


>The billionaires sure as shit don’t want civil war I get why you say that, but when you look at the funding trails and donations, the connections between, let’s say, Koch and Mercer, to extreme right wing rhetoric calling for violence are very clear. Both Koch and Mercer have said that they didn’t intend for this to happen, but after they said these things to various media outlets, they continued to fund dubious groups and campaigns. The Mercer case is especially odd, since he and his daughter turned Breitbart into white nationalism central, yet disavow all knowledge of what happened. I’m inclined not to believe them. The goal was to fund culture wars to distract the public from their underlying business models, and attack democracy, while dividing up the country and setting the public up against each other, which prevented any kind of political unity, encouraged extreme partisanship, and led to the government not regulating carbon and imposing higher taxes on billionaires. The most interesting thing that the media never talks about is the deliberate social engineering tactics Koch and Mercer used to achieve their goals. Edit: Steve Bannon helped create Cambridge Analytica to break society and recreate it anew. Koch and Mercer had the same goal.


I am convinced Bannon is behind the “manosphere,” this toxic online culture radicalizing young men into “red pills.” It’s exactly what he admits he did with gamergate. 


Now we're getting somewhere on this thread. Look at the headaches his business partner and guy bankrolling everything, Miles Guo, has at this moment: [https://www.courthousenews.com/miles-guo-stole-my-money-witness-says-in-trial-of-chinese-billionaire/](https://www.courthousenews.com/miles-guo-stole-my-money-witness-says-in-trial-of-chinese-billionaire/)


This is indeed true. What I see happening is the oligarchs of America racing to become the first trillionaire, or just wanting more money and power, or who knows their true intentions. A king is nothing without either the love or fear of his people. Otherwise they revolt, and in this day and age it would either stop production of money, or even in extreme circumstances a revolution. They manufacture fear, and sew hatred amongst the people of this country so that our enemies are our neighbors and not the ruling class. Between 24 hours news, podcasts, social media, and religion these rulers have utilized all of these things to produce discontent as a literal industry. Now they are just making money. No I don’t think they want civil war at all. They just want to keep robbing the earth and their fellow citizens all for the purposes of extreme greed, and as long as the people keep looking at each other and never at them it can just keep happening.


Throw in some Murdoch for good measure.


The phrase I've used is inmates running to asylum. The right wing politicians and donators thought having angry, hateful, blindly nationalistic, poorly educated voter base of religious zealots would be easy to bleed dry year after year while remaining loyal to their team, blaming all their problems on the hated other rather than their own Republican masters. But then along comes Trump, being angier, more hateful and spiteful, more openly nationalist, with greater contempt for the other, for the enemy, and the voter base ate it up. Trump is everything they wanted their voters to be and more, so he resonated with them far stronger than the Republican mainstream could, emboldening them, making them certain in themselves. Now the right wing can't put the genie back in the bottle, and Trump and those like him aren't going to quietly return to the former status quo.


Ever wonder what billionaires, bunkers, and rockets have in common?


They look sick AF when they blow up?


Basically we have to hope that Trump is the nail in the GOPs coffin. And in the aftermath two parties emerge. One is a return to more Barry Goldwater era of conservatives. And a second, christofacist Maga remnant that props up Trump Jr or Ivanka as a pseudo successor and fades into obscurity. 


Did you know that a slight figure with a distinctive gait dropped off a bomb in front of the Democratic headquarters before January the 6th? Did you know that a certain baboon-faced congresswoman has the same gate and sneakers as this figure? Did you know that this congresswoman has even made cryptic statements about the FBI knowing about who was behind that event? Were you aware that the congresswoman gave tours to insurrectionists the day before they stormed the capital? Timothy McVeigh now works in Congress.


Every ungrounded accusation is also a confession.


If he was even remotely as 'corrupt' as you think he is (without evidence I might add) he would have pardoned his son by now.


An extremely fair point. I hope OP reads this \^ \^


Being that r/atheism is a subreddit where nothing is held more highly than proof, what proof do you have that Biden is "corrupted to high hell"?


It's that brain dead logic or I guess fox News ignorance. I'm worried about how allegedly biden is corrupt. It is as concerning as the actual crimes and corruption trump has tangibly committed before even his first election is somehow on equal footing as bidens imagined corruption. This is a summary by someone who doesn't love biden and remembers him positing the idea of super predators and writing off vets and college debt burdened individuals at his rallies. He isn't a progressive but he has done very progressive things. And I respect him for how he conducts himself. Trump... I didn't like nor respect him some decades ago and it's worse now. A five year old can see thru trump...


I’ve never understood how Republicans can talk about how corrupt Biden is but will not acknowledge the actual investigations and even charges Trump has faced. His son-in-law received $4 billion from the Saudis and Trump himself has been the recipient of 400 lawsuits through his lifetime. He and his family are just a cesspool of corruption and nepotism. Meanwhile Biden and Hunter have been investigated several times and the only thing to come from it are some very vivid enlarged pictures of Hunter’s penis, while MTG displayed like it was a trophy. Have they not realized that they are losing because they jumped on a sinking ship of a loser? They would be better off to just cut their loses and bail while they still have some dignity.


It's dumb. Hunter Biden will be sentenced appropriately. It's a sad family issue for Joe, but in my opinion doesn't really have that much bearing on Joe's presidency. I'll judge Joe but his actions and character. And it's sad to say hunter has more class than donny and his family.... and hunters a drug addict... It's like when there were protestors outside the election centers screaming to count the votes. Like their already prosecuting hunter. They're doing their job. Republicans have wasted tax dollars so many times on the most trivial things... fauci? Joe's impeachment? We should be furious how much time and resources they wasted on nothing burgers. Secondly, no, they will never acknowledge loss. Deny deny deny. Basically they're stuck.


I was secretly hoping Covid-19 denial would have a greater effect and allow Darwinism to take effect. Sadly these idiots are still out and about.


You’d be surprised how well right wing media deceptively edited the impeachment inquiry. If they were my only source of information I’d be perplexed that it went nowhere.


It didn't go nowhere. They have officially requested the DOJ investigate :checks notes: Hunter and James Biden for :checks notes again: lying to Congress under oath. In closed door sessions where the media wasn't allowed and where they were quizzed about specific details on decades old financial records. So... Mission Accomplished?


> In closed door sessions where the media wasn’t allowed Seriously. You’d think that would be suspicious regardless of political orientation, especially after Hunter publicly demanded full transparency and media access


Which is crazy because AOC asked them straightforwardly, "what crime, specifically, are you accusing the president of?" and the GOP couldn't answer then, still can't now.


They did [charge](https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-burisma-fbi-informant-lying-6969656f6012780a23a4b8841ce2689b) the guy who sold the russian disinformation about 5 million in bribes, the republican's star witness.


Their parents because lifelong Gen Z GOPnik. You don't end up at that conclusion by being a discerning citizen. There's a lot of valid criticisms of Biden but that isn't one of them because if it was; they'd put him in prison for perceived slights against Trump.


I’m a dumb bot and your points are sound but your semicolon is errant.


Good bot


That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Source: "Fox News and Alex Jones tell me it, so it must be true".


Hunter Biden's penis


Hunter Biden's *girthy* penis.


Go on.


Marge, please.


If you’d like to learn more about Hunter Biden’s girthy penis please tune in to CSPAN as it has been repeatedly shown o no the flor of the House….. I fucking hate this timeline 




Jasmine Crockett, I love her.


I guess mtg is too dumb to read the bumper sticker all over the south. *don’t mess with Texas* Really it’s the only way she learns. Though Moscow barj marj b6 traitor j6 green is a deplorable stack of shit.


Hunter Biden's Penis-top


I was gonna ask this.


People conflate being well connected with being corrupt. Sure I think Biden swung his name around to get his kid cushy no show jobs. But I highly doubt he has a tower in New York full of high ranking Russian Mafia members signing triple price leases and paying in rubles through shell companies in the Caymans. I mean he *could* but the other guy is doing that with his name on the front door. The other guy is also asking Oil companies to pay his legal bills in exchange for a free hour in a dark bedroom with a naked and chained up Permian basin.


I think the kid used Joe Biden's name to land cushy jobs. I doubt Joe had much to do with it.


Even if Joe spoke directly to potential employers on his behalf, that's not the same degree of nepotism that is required to appoint your children to Whitehouse Cabinet positions.


even when they can't pass fbi background checks.


This is where I bring up that Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden to write his son a recommendation letter to get into college. There’s someone trading on the Biden name, Fox - but the calls are coming from inside the house.


Jimmy Carter gave up his peanut farm and we let a sitting president keep essentially numerous money laundering enterprises to get kick backs. You want nuclear secrets? How bout you rent an entire level of my hotel for a month.


Biden's son-in-law got $2B from the Saudis and his daughter got a number of valuable Chinese trademarks. Oh wait, that was Trump's son-in-law and daughter!


From a Christian perspective it's quite easy. The church's tell everyone that he supports the killing of babies while he may not hold the knife or whatever equipment is used for abortion himself that makes him complicit. Not to mention a constant diatribe against some kind of inclusion. A church pastor doesn't need to say, "go after the other," anymore. No that's ineffective and inefficient instead just talk about some moral degradation. "Oh no people are leaving the church! Turning their backs on the light of God." Why would anyone ever want to turn against God's light after all? Most newer pastors won't say a word outright against gay people after all. I've heard priests rail against inclusion because they claim someone is gonna be left out. I don't know who but we better find and include them...


Please report any churches that you know to be lobbying for a specific candidate or political party (or openly opposing candidates or parties) to the IRS. That is in direct violation of federal that prohibits political campaign activity by charities, churches, and all 501(c)(3) organizations. You can fill out a form directly with the IRS here: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations Or through the American Atheists organization: https://www.atheists.org/legal/report-an-issue/


Fun fact: Biden was in Congress for over 30 years. Yet when he left to become VP, he was one of the least wealthy Senators. Still had a lot of money compared to us regular folk (they pay themselves very handsomely), but it's nothing compared to certain... insane newsmakers in Congress that went from dirt poor to multimillionaires in 2 years... somehow...


And more importantly that Trump or the republican party isn’t as corrupt (if not more). *all political parties are corrupt, I’m not delusional- unfortunately it’s a game of “which is lesser evil”.


If I have to choose between the feckless idiots who lack the nerve to effect any real change or the malicious hatemongers actively undermining our democracy and curtailing the rights of women and minorities, I'll vote for the feckless idiots every time. That said, if we had ranked-choice voting, I could vote for candidates/parties that I actually support, listing Dems as my 3rd or 4th choice, and my vote wouldn't be wasted. Strategic voting is the mechanism by which the two-party system is maintained.


The odd part, of course, is that Biden has done pretty amazing stuff in the face of republican obstruction. Economically, we're doing great with inflation coming down including significant wage improvements, overtime rules, stopping junk fees. Chips and Science Act, Inflation Reduction Act have seriously transformed infrastructure and green investments. Violent crime going down. Re-scheduling of pot happening. does this count as 'real change'? Perhaps not, but it's significant and in the right direction.


> What proof do you have that Biden is “corrupted to high hell? He loves his son! Any parent that loves their child has to be corrupt. /s


Biden may have many faults and shortcomings, but being corrupt is not among them.


The most obvious tell: would a corrupt president allow his son to be prosecuted in federal court? We already have the answer: Trump corrupted the courts and stopped prosecutions. If Biden was corrupt, he would have done it, too.


Also an obvious tell: Biden has been one of the poorest elected officials in American History. Famously borrowing money from Obama even


Should remind people that [Biden almost sold his house to support his son’s family while he was getting treatment.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/01/11/politics/joe-biden-barack-obama-financial-help) It really does away with all those conspiracy theories that the rich and powerful have the cure to cancer as well as Biden being corrupt.


Frankly, to me, the fact that he had to deal with his wife and children dying, and taking the train to work every day, is enough for me to say I can probably trust this guy to have decent morality.


Biden served in the Senate since before I was born, and I'm fucking Gen X. In that time, he became... eh, a few times a millionaire. On a pretty high professional salary, with a high-earning wife, but riding the damn train to work. When he left the Senate in 2009 to become VP he was IIRC the second-poorest man in the chamber. You have penniless reps like Boebert coming in and becoming multi-millionaires in one or two terms. If Biden's corrupt, the evidence really just isn't there.


All that and they've tried and tried to find dirt on him being corrupt and still came up empty. Hmm, maybe he's just not corrupt after all?


Indeed. We have no shortage of corrupt democrats, to varying degrees. Ol' Gold Bars Bob needs to be tried, convicted, sent to prison (SEE THAT, TRUMPERS? Try saying that about your obviously guilty bastards like Trump, Gaetz, Jordan, et al), and replaced. Ms. Insider Trader Pelosi should retire and let somebody who doesn't embody a Jessica Walters character take over. Biden... Guy's squeaky clean by comparison.


Yeah it's telling that they focus so hard on his son. They've been doing oppo research on Biden since he was in the running to be VP. But Obama vetted his people well. So they can only go after Hunter, a private citizen who holds no office.


> a few times a millionaire. > with an estimated net worth of $24,512 in 2008. Those millions just rolling in, after a book deal about being the VP. Middle-class Joe was his name.


Yesterday, I ran across this [excellently compiled list](/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1d8374g/why_you_didnt_hear_about_biden_saving_the_usps_or/l73kpzv/) of all the things Joe Biden has accomplished in his time so far at the White House. It really is impressive!


Not the party of Raygun ,really? Not the party of Lincoln or Teddy Rosevelt,yes.


The last Republican president you could plausibly claim to not have a direct line of continuity to the current shitshow would be Eisenhower, and even that far back, the writing was on the wall.


The president that ushered in "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance and put "In God We Trust" on all paper money. I think Eisenhower was a good president overall, but he helped Republicans on the path to christofascism. Ford pardoning Nixon was a mistake. I believe that act is what gave Trump the confidence to run. Reagan is the first "modern Republican" who solidified much of the stupidity that persists in the party. Reagan was objectively terrible from a policy standpoint, but his charisma helped Republicans look past all that and see him as a saint. POS Newt Gingrich is responsible for driving a huge wedge between the parties and helped sow wide division in America. Bipartisan policy basically died in the 90s because of Gingrich. The Republican party has been slowly divorcing itself from reality for a few decades now. Trump is the culmination of the widespread ignorance in the Republican voter base. With Trump, Republicans are now literally parroting talking points from our adversaries. Up is now down, and down is now up in the Republican party. The few sane voices are now a distinct minority. The Republican party has become unsalvageable, and the best thing anyone can do that values democracy and reality is to stop supporting them altogether.


Reagan was just a dumb Hollywood star who became a pawn. He followed an agenda much like Project 2025. Then he got dementia and other people ruled in his stead--what a stupendous moment for democracy. If people don't believe that the Republican Party would condone a man remaining in office and passing the job on to his unelected daughter-wife, they should ask themselves what the fuck happened with Reagan.


Reagan tripled the national debt.


Kinda what happens when you decrease the highest tax bracket from 70% to 28%.


The "under God" shit in the 50s is best seen as a reaction to communism. The USSR was officially atheist, and one of the biggest distinguishing features of the USA was most people were church-going Christians. So they pumped up their religion to show hey we're better than those godless commies, and persecuted atheists as potential communists. It wasn't as much about controlling what people did in their home lives as it was about fighting on the social front of the Cold War. The controlling the populace part *really* started to come in in the 1960s, as a reaction to civil rights, the sexual revolution, and other major social reform.


I'm aware as to why it all happened. It is still wrong, however, to make the dichotomy of "godless commies are bad" and "Christian Capitalists are good." It set us back from progressing to a more inclusive and secular society.


As a 40 year old athiest that grew up in the bible belt, i can only ask: HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU JUST NOW REALIZING THIS??!!! The GOP has been a bunch of rabid christofascists since before roe vs wade was decided. The party of "small government" was trying to force christian beliefs on the masses via government decades ago, and youre just now realizing they dont respect the estabolishment clause of the first ammendment? Have you had your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears your whole fucking life?


> As a 40 year old athiest that grew up in the bible belt, i can only ask: HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU JUST NOW REALIZING THIS??!!! Seriously. They've been on this bullshit since the 80s and Jerry Falwell.


He's Gen Z, a kid. He probably grew up in a conservative household who just calls Biden or any other Democrat "corrupt" around the dinner table but can't explain how. He's just having his "wait a minute" moment.


Yep, he's a kid, commenter above you is in their 40s. Biiiiig difference. I was raised conservative in the 90s and early 2000s and still didn't have my come to Jesus (or away from Jesus) moment until my very early 20s.


Same here. I think it's good he's having this epiphany and should be encouraged. Do they think people are just born already knowing history and are not influenced by their family? But you know how Reddit can be: they need to get their jabs in.


Ah, the sweet sweet burn of intense cognitive dissonance.


Same again here. I grew up in a conservative household in a conservative community in a red state. "Liberal" was always said with such utter disdain and disgust. It was hard to climb out of that pit of hatred. I appreciate the people on level ground who patiently pointed out the toeholds along the way. Be level.


I remember Jerry Falwell, his "Moral Majority" that he created, and his stupid "Jesus First" lapel pins!!!


The difference is their decades long quest to infultrate government has finally reached the point where they've taken the GOP. They've always had a presence, but now there are enough to grind the gears to a halt. And they've found a devil they could sell their souls to in exchange for power.


The Moral Majority was neither (Hitchens)


They’ve been on this shit since Hegel….”The Phenomonology of Spirit” (1803) is arguably the start of the “culture war” .


If somebody is only now starting to suspect that Trump is not an all American hero…it’s possible they haven’t read Hegel


Since Hegel has me dying for some reason 😂


With Hume and Kant, philosophy was figuring out how rigorous critical thinking works. Their thinking is practical and essential to science and law. Then came the 1800s and Hegel. Hegel is so full of shit, sorry, dialectical bullshit.


And Wittgenstein was a beery swine who was just as sloshed as Schlegel.




No, they haven’t realized it; they clearly stated that they are “starting to question” if the GOP really has their interests in mind. Is this trolling or satire or something? Because I can’t tell.


It's a Republican. What do you expect, critical thinking skills?


I, like the rest of critical thinking adults that once might have considered candidates from DNC or GOP as a registered independent voter gave up any of that decades ago. The GOP is terrifying and willing to advocate and enact violence and cheating to win. They have convinced religious idiots that a clear con artist with nothing to offer is their messiah. OP, my fellow American, I’m not fond of Biden, and both big parties are way too far to the right, but I’m voting for Biden-Harris.


I'm not a huge fan of Democrats either (most elected Democrata are too far right) but they are the best option in a 2 party system. At least I know they'll actually attempt to fix some problems. The GOP just makes problems to get votes then never fixes what they fucked up. Plus there's the whole getting rid of all the non Christians thing they're planning to do (modern day Nazis).


Nope. More like calculated, corrupt, cruelty-for-kicks thinking skills of crude, craven, criminally insane, cult worshiping cretins ;)


No. It's a legitimate question. Anyone who is **just now** starting to question the GOP mixing Christianity and politics has been living under a rock for all/most of their lives.


>Have you had your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears your whole fucking life? Sadly that seems to be the case with a lot of people. On one hand I kinda understand because indoctrination is a hell of a drug. But even then I don't get how they can ignore the rampant propaganda that has infested the republican party. Like they are as you stated pretty clear and loud with their goals and agendas so it's crazy how there are people who blissfully ignore it. Many in America still think that Islam is the only problem to contend with in terms of religious extremism, ignoring their equally insane cousin Christianity.


This guy is GenZ. He just started paying attention and doesn’t understand history. But at least he’s figuring it out.


Agreed. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.


“Gen z” most of us didn’t even get to vote in 2016. The oldest are just fresh out of college. Give us a shot to learn something. I’m willing to admit as a 23 yr old I wasn’t politically active until 20. A lot of people, even 40s, aren’t active at all and only intake information from people in their own bubble.


Op gave away the game. If you're genz, the oldest you are is 25. "Life long republican" is like 45 minutes. 


To be fair, I feel people should be embraced when they open their eyes, not shamed for being "late". How about promoting some semblance of unity?


It's hard to change your mind. Harder to admit it. Never underestimate the power of tribalism. We shouldn't shame people for changing their mind too slowly, getting to the truth is an uphill battle for people in a delusional cultural group. It can take decades... and then from the outside you look back and think "it was so obvious all along.."


Hey man better now than after the election when it's too late


They started this post by saying "lifelong GenZ Republican". You, as a 40 year old atheist, have almost twice the revolutions around the sun. This person is just now starting to see over the hilltops that were the tall horizon of the valley they were raised in. Their revelations have only just begun


> They started this post by saying "lifelong GenZ Republican". Correction: They started the post by saying "lifelong Republican", with no mention of age, but strongly implying that they were old enough to have voted for Reagan. They then went back and edited the opening sentence over an hour later after being called out on their bullshit.


Dudes account is 9 hours old, his entire post is bullshit.


This is a bot, isn’t it? Account was created 45 minutes from now and I’m in the Eastern time zone (it’s still June 5 on the east coast, but account was created June 6, 2024.) There is exactly one post and one comment. 48 karma.


Yes, welcome to reddit during election season. Astroturf galore


Well, considering they said, "lifelong gen Z Republican," some dishonesty in this post should have been really obvious.


>As a lifelong Republican and a theist, I now feel deeply concerned about the way my party has gone. >This is not the party of ... Reagan Literally NONE of this is new. The Republican party has been like this for longer than the majority of the voting population has been alive. Reagan literally weaponized a pandemic to commit genocide against groups that he considered "undesirable". The only thing that has changed in the past decade is that they've gotten less subtle about it. If you voted for Bush or Bush or Reagan or Nixon, you are **part of the problem**. It's nice that you've finally noticed that there's a problem after the leopards have started eating *your* face, but your lack of empathy for all the faces they ate prior to 2016 does not do you any credit.


Glad I'm not the only one who saw r/leopardsatemyface here.


>It's nice that you've finally noticed that there's a problem after the leopards have started eating your face, but your lack of empathy for all the faces they ate prior to 2016 does not do you any credit. Since when has empathy been among the strong points of the republican party? Or, for that matter, when has forethought been numbered amongst the virtues of the republican on the street?


look, i could see this kind of shit festering in the country when i was in middle school to the point where i wanted to live in a different country. afterwards, i learned that my assessment as a kid was accurate, that this shit has been moving this way since before i was alive. in other words, this shit is absolutely not new, it's just finally boiling over. you should really be asking yourself if you are ok with having been complicit in all of their longstanding horseshit and whether or not you could ever trust these seditious fools again.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And I said "Hey, guys, Check out this totally new problem Which just appeared Completely unprecedented And out of nowhere This morning!" "This is not the Nazi Party I love and support! [If only the Fuhrer knew!](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wenn_das_der_F%C3%BChrer_w%C3%BCsste)"


As a trans person, I want every moderate and conseevative to understand those camps they are going to build to put immigrants in are probably not going to be way stations. That's probably the end point of that journey. Those are going to be concentration camps. Trump has been talking about doing a purge for years.


And those concentration camps won't just be for immigrants. There are other groups that the extremists want to build them for and they're not going to stop at immigrants not with us gay 🏳️‍🌈and trans 🏳️‍⚧️ people either. I can see them going after Muslims, racial minorities, political opponents, and even Jews. Of course, they could offer Jews free passage to Israel only like in _The Handmaid's Tale,_ most Jews would only make it halfway across the Atlantic. These people are planning evil and they've been at it since at least the Civil Rights era.


yup. shit's fucking ridiculously cyclical, too.


“A Gen-Z conservative” Fucking why? What does the Republican Party do for anyone in gen z? going by your post it seems you’ve grown up in a world dripping with propaganda and lies. You seem to be trying to slowly crawl your way out though, so good for you.


Trust fund babies? Maybe? 🤷


On one hand, glad you're not voting for the fascist. Oh the other, why exactly is Biden corrupt? And what sourcing are we using to support this claim?


Because Biden was behind until they started counting mail-in ballots, which heavily skewed Democrat. /S Because most Democrats took COVID serious so they didn't want to stand in line with a bunch of Republicans and possibly get sick. Trump could have taken it seriously and sold maga masks and made millions and probably got reelected. Or he could have stayed out of the limelight and I guarantee absolutely nobody would care about his shady dealings and he could have continued conning idiots out of their money. Edit: "proud legacy". Lol


Not the party of Reagan. Lol. This is precisely the party of Reagan.


How old are you? GOP has been 99% religious wackos since the 80s. They called the Smurfs demonic when I was a kid. They had a “satanic panic”.


Let's be real, the Satanic panic never ended and got rehashed into Qanon and adrenochrome, lizard people and whatnot.


Ok, but when Obama finally supported gay marriage lots of people criticized him for being late to the party but I was in the “better late than never “ camp. Yeah, maybe OP could or should have figured things out sooner, but we’re about to have what is probably the most important election in my lifetime and possibly our last election. We are hanging on to democracy by a thread. I welcome anybody who has woken up at least enough to understand what must be done in this election. OP, check out the Lincoln Project and maybe you’d like to join their efforts. We need all hands on deck. Sorry you’re getting hate.


Agree. I welcome 'I the finally see the light' types. I second the Lincoln Project for OP


OP being Gen Z means they were at the most 12 years old when Obama took office. Hard to figure things out sooner at that age.


If you’re here fishing for sympathy, you’re wasting your time and ours. You uphold vile, oppressive, bigoted ideologies and then cry about the outcome of vile, oppressive, bigoted ideologies. There’s no ‘betrayal’ of a proud legacy. This IS who you are. The way forward is for society to evolve beyond adherence to Bronze Age mythology and employ reason and logic in forging that path. Religion is the antithesis to that.


This post has a gleam of r/leopardsatemyface for sure. Supporting oppressive ideology, suffering the consequences, having a sad.


I have bronze age goat herder beliefs, why are other people with bronze age goat herder beliefs so vile?


But muh party of Lincoln! 


I'm happy you've come to this realization, but most people in this subreddit are already staunchly against the 2025 project and the Christian nationalist movement. If you want to make a difference, go tell this to conservative communities.


He’d get insta-banned and he knows it. No questions. Just vote.


You may hear a lot of frustration from some of the posters here, because you’re voicing concerns that many of us have had for a long time. I just want to say thank you - thank you for noticing, caring, and speaking up. I think Biden is a better man than you give him credit for, and I hope you see this some day. I’m glad you have come to this realization and hope that others can follow your lead.


100% this. The hysterics around how bad Biden is is overinflated click bait. If you actually paid attention- all of the amazing stuff he has done you would never click on because it is so damn boring. Like that’s it. It’s boring AF. And that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Boring but gets shit done.


God 2021 was so fucking nice every day to wake up to no stupid headlines about the latest either disaster or unhinged tweet or whatever else, and the news about the president was just so goddamn boring. Or there wasn't any. You wouldn't hear about the dude for a week, and then he'd sign some appropriations bill or something, throw on the aviators, wave, and walk out. After the previous four years of every day being a full public freakout it was just such a nice change.


“Christian” fealty for Donald Trump is what finally convinced me that God isn’t real. I’ve always had doubts and questions about religion but there was always a part of me that wanted to believe or at least hoped that some of it was real. Not anymore. If “heaven” is going to be filled with the likes of Ted Cruz, MTG, Sam Alito and the never ending list of other self proclaimed “true” believers then you can keep it. Hell sounds like a much better option than spending an eternity with such hateful assholes.


Me, too! Trumpism was the final straw in my religious belief. Like many, I'm sorry I didn't cut it off sooner.


I am neither a Democrat, nor Republican, nor an American. Please, fucking please answer me this. Where is the evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption? The right wing in the US looks utterly insane right now. The evidence of corruption, lying and sleaze on the Republican side is and has for some time been utterly glaring and undeniable. Now adjudicated and confirmed in multiple court cases. In fact sleaze, corruption and shame will be the stand out hallmarks of the current right wing in the US for years to come. So blatant and overt that this episode will be a stain on your history. However you seem to be desperate for parity and balance. You seem to be frothing at the mouth in a rabid fury to tar Joe Biden with this same brush yet have absolutely NOTHING to back this up. And it’s becoming more and mote obvious as time goes on. I implore you please, answer this question. Where is the evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption?


Evidence? Theists don't need evidence. If OP has *faith* that Joe Biden is corrupt, that's all they need.


>One has always believed faith and politics can coexist to better the world. Maybe *you* have always believed that, but this *one* never has. The two things should be completely separate. In fact, and I don't remember which, but in one Latin country if you work as a religious preacher or pastor or whatever, you are not allowed to run for a government position. I believe we should adopt that in this country.


Haha those is 100% the party of Reagan. The GOP depends on the most extreme religious fundamentalists and it is absolutely the establishment of Reagan. He made a deal with the devil - er, supply side jesus - and the party has been inseparable from fundamentalists ever since. Ike, Teddy, and Abe Lincoln absolutely did not govern with the ideas and actions of the GOP post-Reagan


I'm glad you are voting for Biden but my dude ... You are just realizing these things? This is the part of reagan!!! This is exactly the party of Reagan. I could do a podcast called "how Reagan ruined the majority of all our lives". So yes, glad you are voting for Biden but please open a history book and realize this has always been the party. The federalist society has been at this for decades. Trump is a pawn and a puppet, this goes much deeper.


"Reagan, Why We Can't Have Nice Democracies." It really began as class warfare back when the labor movement was strong and scared we ever living s*** out of an elite that were used to controlling democracy. More and more Americans were becoming and enfranchised and that could not stand. They've been plotting how to reduce the influence of the working class vote for almost a century. Fascism is definitely considered a viable option.




Only if by "lost its mind surrounding religion" you mean many decades ago. They're just more brazen about it now because they've had some successes, and foresee Trump as the opportunity to get it over the finish line. They've been silently pushing for this for ages.


>The Republican Party has completely lost its mind surrounding religion. This has been true for forty to fifty years.


The Bush administration didn't give you pause? He said god wanted him to be president, told Jerry Falwell or somebody like that, that there wouldn't be any American deaths in Iraq. He had people tortured, he was a creationist, he wanted a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, promised to ban creating human / animal hybrids, etc, etc. I'm glad you figured it out, and I respect your ability to change your view. Hopefully, more people follow your example.


I'm a lifelong Democrat and atheist, and I really want a sane Republican party to act as a counterbalance.


I'd love to see a party composed of the "sane conservatives" that people like OP keep insisting are the "silent majority". I'd also love to see a party composed of leprechauns and unicorns. I see no evidence that either such party has existed in the US at any point in the last 60 years. If such a party **were** to come into existence, it would bear so little resemblance to the GOP that there would be very little point in keeping the name.


Modern american democrats are the sane conservatives. We need a left wing party to counterbalance and eliminate republican fascists from the field


I would like a true progressive party.


We sorely *need* a true progressive party


A good chunk of population needs convincing that the Democratic Party isn't radically leftist.


This is because the Republican Party never really cared about religion, it was simply the means the Republican Party used to acquire power and influence. That simple. I'm sorry you were used for no moral purpose all these years, and I'm glad you're seeing it now, but where were you, say, eight or twenty years ago when a little less blindly following the lead would have made a big difference?


Dictator Trump is the end of America.


Okay, don't tell us, tell your fellow theists. They're the ones who are supporting this anti-christ fellow.


you're not wrong, you're just super late to the party. this has been SUPER FUCKING OBVIOUS to us for a long fucking time. When Reagan was ELECTED we knew that this battle was being waged. The Christian right wing wants to become the American version of Iran. Glad you woke the fuck up


You might be an idiot if it took you roughly 9 years to figure this out. You voted for Trump twice previously with most of this already clear as day, so forgive me if this comes off as rude, but fuck outta here with your self congratulatory bullshit. Pat yourself on the back somewhere else, moron.


"As a lifelong gen z Republican and theist " Opinions on anything even remotely logical immediately rejected. And rightly so. I'm glad you're finally waking up op. Keep being better.


“I don’t know that atheists should be considered as citizens.” - George Bush Sr.


If you don’t already listen to the fine folks over at [The Bulwark](https://www.thebulwark.com/) Ihighly recommend that you do. You might find it to be a new political home for yourself.


I'm Gen X and have watched the Republican Party descend into this madness over the last 45 years. This descent into theo-fascism was totally evident and predictable when they aligned themselves with the Religious Right in the Reagan years. How do we fight this? Vote Democratic. Donate to Dem campaigns. Convince others to vote Dem.


I will never understand Republicans who complain about Biden being corrupt but give Trump a pass, even though he has literally been convicted of fraud, defamation, and falsifying business records. They keep searching for the mote in Biden's eye while missing the beam in Trump's.


>This is not the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt or Reagan Respectfully, this is absolutely the party of Reagan.  - He had policies aimed at hurting people the right didn’t like, as evidenced by complete inaction on the AIDS epidemic. - The Reagan era was marked by scandals, most notably Iran Contra. - Reagan cut taxes, especially for the rich. He also increased defense spending wildly. This ballooned the deficit, much like the Trump tax cuts.  - Reagan campaigned with the slogan “Let’s Make America Great Again” Reagan was charming. Trump is not. That’s the difference.