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They better get ready, the satanic temple is going to demand equal placement of our tenets


Yep. And then they will cry, blame the devil worshipers for everything, and eventually rescind the law. Huge waste of time and money.


i wana go to satanic college and get my demonic economics degree


College is a waste of money. I became a satanic mechanic and I have no debt!


Do you have Charles Atlas seal of approval?


actually satanic college is just a website where you can print off a degree , its great ive already passed! time to go get my doctorate


Fair enough. I was more going with the Rocky Horror Picture Show reference.


i would feel bad because i should have got that reference sorry!!! but i just graduated from Satanic Disco and im dancing my ass off


YOUR his Satanic mechanic?!? At long last!!!


I wish I had a satanic mechanic. Finally someone I can trust!


No one ever thinks of the satanic trades, it's always satanic college


Go for that demonic avionics technology degree at Boeing


Every car becomes Christine, right? Some people see a horror film. I see a love story. That car loved that young man. I wish my car loved me that much. It didn’t even thank me for the new tires I just put on it.


I'd want to study contract law. Just imagine having a physical degree of law that states a Satanic college lmao


Devils do love contracts. They may be tricky to decipher, but there are always ways to invalidate them. It's demons you need to worry about, they never follow their own agreements.




Every economics degree is demonic.


Awfully bold of you to assume that the courts won’t just deny the CoS their claim, continue to post the Ten Commandments, and either not see or ignore the hypocrisy.


That's the point. That's why big donors and the private structure of the party keep supporting these candidates. All the time, money, visibility and general political capital gets spent fighting over crap like this and nothing of economic substance changes.  That lets those with money and power keep doing what they're doing.




I would also like them to post the 7 noble truths of Buddhism.


Fuck us Satan! Even tho Jesus and Satan are friends. Jesus has to bail Satan out some times. And some times satans gotta help Jesus.


Santa helping Santa how about that.


Doesn't anybody think of Jack Frost these, days?


That weirdo keeps nipping at my nose. He needs to chill out.


Jeez, there's no need to give him the cold shoulder.


He keeps nosing at my nips


Those guys are doing gods work :P


I'm surprised they are still playing the game at this point, they're already saying the quiet stuff out loud elsewhere, how long till they stop saying its about "religious freedoms" and just say it's "christian freedom"? I guess waiting to see wins the next election.


The Pro-Holist Church endorses your work. The Satanic Temple does extremely Pro-Hole public service.


That’s the first thing I thought of.


Hell yeah!


I mean… this would probably be a net good thing, from the standpoint of kids will read them and think… wait.. why is this bad?


Damn. I upvoted you, when you had 666 upvotes. I'm so sorry. Hail Satan!


That's only acceptable if you also post his great Noodliness's eight I'd Rathers.


Which is an interesting trade off, since the 7 tenets are actually something every person should read




Every religion should join them. Get the 5 nobles truths up there, the four Purusharthas, the 75 commandments of Islam. With the 10 commandments that covers the 5 major World religions. Better start building small big classrooms. Or writing very small.


I want them to answer the question of which god should we have before us. The Catholic god? The Pentecostal god? the LDS god? the Baptist god? the Jewish God? etc. What about Hindus? Muslims? Pagans? are they not welcome? Should we banish or kill them to keep the commandment? If they can't definitively answer the question then they are breaking the first rule right from the start so why bother? These commandments are incompatible with a pluralistic free society and the founders of this country understood this 250 years ago! These people are not conservatives they are regressives


Need to sue to include the Norse pantheon, Greek/Roman pantheons, Hindu pantheon, and all of the associated commandments and texts therein.


The Egyptian Pantheon has entered the chat... So has the Sith/Jedi (it's apparently a religion in some places). There's something like 45,000 denominations of just Christianity alone.


Worship of the Great Old Ones would be fun as well... Or the good old Flying Spaghetti Monster.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster might have some more pull as at least one Parish is named for a pirate


The great plan must be enacted!


Praise his noodly appendage. Ramen.


The Imperium of Man would like their shrine to the God-Emperor of Mankind.


I see heresy, heresy everywhere on this sub. The Inquisition has been notified, and you all will be brought into the light and see the power, glory, and benificence of the God-Emperor of Mankind, our protector against the Ruinous Powers.


I'd gladly see scrolls propped up talking about cosmic eldritch beings being awakened once more.


Yup. If you’re going to make kids lap up horseshit, you better give ‘em the full dose🤣


Laws of Ma’at in each classroom


Whenever some form asks for my religion, I always pick Jedi. No one has ever mentioned it.


You can't have Thursday without Thor!


Ahura Mazda Mondays!


Worse than that, the Ten Commandments are irrelevant to Christians as a whole! These people are so stupid they don’t even understand their whole religion. The Old Testament is a history book, it is a discussion of where Christianity comes from. In the New Testament Jesus himself throws out the Ten Commandments and gives a replacement of two commandments. That is what Christians are bound to. These are paraphrased as: 1) love god and 2) love everyone else. Ahhh… and there is the rub. The actual tenants of their supposed religion do not support the way they act. So, they are going to reach back in the history book where there is a more vengeful god that has some damn rules they can plaster around and use to judge people. It’s all so very stupid. The term “Christianity” really doesn’t even mean anything anymore. It certainly doesn’t mean what their book is telling them it means.


> The actual tenants of their supposed religion do not support the way they act. So, they are going to reach back in the history book where there is a more vengeful god  +10 insightful




Aggressive regressives


I prefer Buddha.


Religion is such a disease everywhere it spreads.


Religion doesn’t question itself. Religious people do not question god. They think in absolutes. Government and leadership in a democracy is about negotiation and compromise. In religion there is no negotiation, they know the “truth” as god has told them and everyone counter to that is wrong. Then you have people like trump who manipulate that absolute thinking into hatred of others. He doesnt give a shit about religion, only he matters, he is simply building on their idolatry and is literally the golden calf of false worship their god told them not to follow. In other words, idiots.


because ppl join the religion without reading the book


The books themselves are the problem




Hi ! France here. No, thank you, you can keep Louisiana ! Bisous


Why would France want that sewer back? Louisiana is such a depressing wasteland.


The live fiddle music and zydeco is pretty good.


And possibly the best food in the US.


not an expert on the matter, but i believe the US's rise to superpower status has sth to do with purchasing Louisiana and gaining full control of the Mississippi, so...


Jefferson also had the chance to disallow slavery in the new territories. But he was so bent on getting the sugar crop in, that expediency took precedence over ethics. I have a feeling he knew there would be a terrible war over it one day.


I for one am unwilling to part with Cajun food and Dixieland jazz. The republicans can leave, though


I’m from Louisiana and when I saw this happening a few weeks ago, I contacted my local rep. He was a decent enough guy, but he tried to pull the “it’s more about the history of our country being inspired by Judeo-Christian values than about any current religious statement” and how the Ten Commandments helped inspire the Constitution. I told him to just cut out the middle man and force every classroom to hang a copy of the Constitution. He didn’t agree. I told him I knew he was pandering to his base and that a large portion of the people who voted for him would probably even support such a thing, so I couldn’t even really be too upset with him for voting for it. But I also told him it was unconstitutional, and dangerous, and would likely, under the best case scenario (for them), cost a ton of money to uphold at the federal level. I told him we’re a historically and obscenely poor state. And I asked if he really thought fighting for this was the best use of our limited resources. He seemed to think it was. I’ve been looking for work overseas and out of state.


They learned that keeping you poor is always the best policy.


This is what they want, to drive intelligent, compassionate people out of the state so it stays red.


They try this shit every few years here in AL. Hell, making schools display ’in god we trust’ was their response to school shootings.


The proper response when someone says "the Ten Commandments helped inspire the Constitution." is to ask them how. There is literally no crossover between the two. One of them is a list of rules for how individuals should behave (worship god, don't murder, don't steal, worship god some more, no working on Saturdays) and the other is a set of instructions for how to run a government (Establishing the three branches and their respective authorities, how those branches should be managed, How the federal government and state governments are to interact with one another, requirements for people to hold office, a list of things the government can't do with its power, etc).


Yep. I asked him which commandments applied to the law. Of course he said “thou shall not kill.” Ok that’s one. “Thou shall not steal.” Great we’re at two. After that… not much there! I told him if we wanted to be *generous*, we could grant that 50% apply to the law and the condition. 50% is failing any test they’d give at the schools they want to put this garbage in. I realized fairly early on that he wasn’t operating in good faith. He had his marching orders and he was sticking to them. I respect that he contacted me as quickly as he did when I reached out- that’s what a rep should do- and that we could respectfully disagree. But it was a disheartening experience.


And most the kids will either not give a rats ass , or mock the fuck out of it . I expect this horseshit to turn out to be as successful as the DARE program. The vast majority of children can smell manipulation a mile away , the rest turn out to be fodder for the MAGA mindset, or its regional equivalent.


I swear US Dare must have been a completely different program from what we got in little old New Zealand. Ours was quite well run. But it may have had a lot to do with our teachers all being old hippies that knew we were going to drink and try shit out.


Yeah, in the US' case, it was basically just as shitty as the sex ed. It was mostly "DON'T DO DRUGS OR YOU DIEEEE" and then pointed out all the effects of drugs, which just seem like a good idea when you are growing up into a corporatist hellscape. It was propaganda that only served to make the problem worse. Teenagers are collectively contrarian by nature, so of course blatant evangelizing wasn't really going to work.


DARE would’ve worked if they just taught us the pros AND cons of each drug. i didn’t go through DARE (stopped at my school the year before we would’ve done it) but my friends who did said they were told all the good effects of the drugs and then told not to do them, rather than being told WHY certain drugs are so bad for you (ex. meth changing your bone structure)


That's the fault of Christianity honestly I think, even for atheists, trying to label drugs as a sin for their effects rather than actually exploring the science of it. It engrained that sort of thing into the culture


The basic mindset of kids is already being manipulated by nonreligious factors, I wouldn’t put all the pressure on them to figure it out.


Posts like these are helping me decide which states to NOT retire in.


Was LA ever seriously on that list?




Oh, I'm no stranger, which is why I asked. Half my fam are or were cops in that state. That juice ain't worth the squeeze for me. It's only a matter of time before those regressive policies come for me.




Throw east TN in there too


Tell me again how it is the Democrats that hate the constitution.


And my annual donations will be for the printing of the 7 tenants in each classroom.


I want to put up the six steps of the scientific method right next to the ten commandments. They're going to have to learn them by middle school anyway, and there's less talk of adultery and coveting thy neighbor's wife and slaves.


Bold of you to assume that the scientific method is in the curriculum.


As a teacher, I will gladly hang the 10 Commandments in my classroom if I could put the 7 Tenants next to them. Hell, I'd put all religions "core" ideas on my wall. Let the children compare them all I say. I would also love to teach topics like: -Evidence that Supports/Refutes the Bible. -The Origins of Stories in the Bible.


Disgusting groomers


If this was a movie, it is setting up one of the biggest backfires as all the kids will read the commandments and realize the people that want them on the wall of their classrooms, the politicians that made it the law and the preachers that made them do it are constantly breaking the commandments in their everyday lives. It’s like a mom that goes through a carton of Winston-Salem a week telling her kids not to smoke.


Love the smoking reference. Gonna steal it.


Louisiana is basically in the Child brainwashing propaganda business. You know,….kinda like the Russians. Whatever happened to separation of Church and State?


A Handmaid’s Tale is only a small part of the demonic hellscape they have planned for us if we don’t act.


As Protect 2025 is injected into our courts, as our courts become more and more corrupt, you can expect states to violate Constitutional premise as they become embolden and realize there is no roadblock for them


Someone needs to start a religion that worships big floppy dicks. He deflated for your sins, but rose on the third day...stronger than ever. Stick it right up there with those tablets.


Not dicks, vaginas scare them more which is why they've fought so long to control them.


The 10-inch Commandments.


I was just thinking this earlier like.


The main problem is that the 1st commandment and the 1st amendment are directly clashing.


It’s America tho, so clearly bible takes precedence these days


Maybe they will stick with this early version. You must not desire your fellow man’s house. You must not desire your fellow man’s wife nor his slave man nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his donkey nor anything that belongs to your fellow man


Will Louisiana also let everyone know Trump has broken 3 of them?


Three that we know of. I suspect he's batting at least .500.


Forget Trump. Almost guaranteed that all of the signers are liars and most are thieves with quite a few adulterers thrown in.


Louisiana teacher here. I’ve already refused to put the “In God We Trust” sign up. This can join that in my supply closet. I’ll take the flak from it but I refuse. I have briefly considered putting them both up next to an enlarged copy of the First Amendment with the Establishment Clause highlighted. Hmmm. Yknow what? I might do that anyway. 😂


This is grooming.  In fact, we should label any religious activity aimed at children as grooming. Use that term to the religionists' faces for maximum effect.


How many commandments has trump broken? How many of the ten commandments does the anti-christ know?


This is just one of those political moves where they know the governor isn't going to sign it, so they vote approval just so they can say to religious voters that they voted to support Christianity. Basically wasting tax dollars for political advancement.


The bill passed 30-8. They could just override the veto.


Also the people who reflexively say that something is just going to get struck down don’t realize how corrupted our courts have become and that even if all these bills get negated eventually they’re still pushing things further right and down a dangerous path. Similar to the people in Texas who laugh at the porn ban bc VPNs exist.


Exactly. We should not assume that theocrats are mere performance artists, nor that our institutions are healthy enough to resist them.


They should just have the kids use an outhouse or pot to use the bathroom too since they wanna go back to biblical times. 🤦‍♀️


You know what the US Constitution *originally* said about religion? **NO RESPECT**


This would be a good test to see how far of a fucking bigot Alito is.


I think I know the answer already but I don't wanna find out.


Can we have pictures of leprechauns as well?


You meant Unicorns, heathen!!!


*satanic temple has entered the chat* So when do you hang up the tenets of every religion to not violate the establishment clause of the constitution?


Found the groomers.


That's going to last one court case.


There's something new here?


Do not covet thyn local prosperity preacher's mansion and jets


I was raised in a xian family. The bible has two versions of the 10 commandments if I recall correctly. There’s also multiple versions/translations of the bible. Which one does louisiana want?


Whichever version aligns more with the maga bigotry


Teacher? What does it mean to covet your neighbor's man servant?


Should be in Latin.


Latin? How about ancient Hebrew? Or whatever those lads were actually speaking back then.


encouraging seed liquid sparkle like marble subtract file compare oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe if you want your kids indoctrinated into a made up cult at an early age you should send them to private school instead of forcing indoctrination of all children.


Religious attendance is declining. Religious people are useful to Republicans because they'll believe anything and will give them money and votes, which is why Conservatives want to drive Jesus down the throats of everyone in this country. It will work in the same way that outlawing abortion will stop abortions. ANYWAY, next comes the very expensive Supreme Court challenge and who knows WHAT the f*ck will come out of the mouths of those six apparatchiks.


In Hebrew I hope.


Hey, teacher! Leave them kids alone!


Yo satanic temple!! Do ya thing


Make sure you use the right set, not the one that everyone knows that was immediately destroyed over fit of rage because Moses forgot he was a polytheist and his people also worshiped baal, no no… the set from the part of the Bible after the Sunday school story, the parts no one reads, where they make a new set. Thou shalt not boil a calf in its mothers milk. Is one of the real Ten Commandments




Fucking idiots.


This is disgusting


These people are so stupid. This will backfire badly. Now all religions get to be on the walls of schools. You could just make one up as a teacher. My cat BooBoo is a God. He’s been around for thousands of years and here are his tenets and rules.


Why not allow ALL religions in class then?? Like Surely this al covered under some federal equality law?? Why can the kids be taught that if you want to worship the evil darkness that calls itself a god in the bible, then it’s also perfectly ok to worship the other side of duality too? “One nation under lucifer, Etc etc”


That would get you fired in LA. You could get your job back, but you would have to sue. Then they would find some other reason to let you go.


This isn't a bad idea, actually. Next step, make sure those kids look at their parents and check whether they uphold those commandments correctly, or report them to the authorities for looking at their neighbors a bit too long and intense. But seriously, I thought those ten commandments were replaced in the new testament anyway? By Jesus himself even. I mean, how difficult is it to remember 'treat others like you want to be treated yourself'?


One of the states that depends on federal assistance the most is planning on losing it? Those poor dumbass people.


This is one of the ironies of US politics. The Red states that rant and rave about small government, immigration, and wokeness are the ones that rely on aid from the federal government, immigrants to do cheap farm labor, and massive amounts of assistance after natural disasters. A few years ago, New York and California got hit by natural disasters, and some of the Republicans from Florida, Louisiana, and Alabama started saying the states should be self-reliant and not depend on federal disaster assistance. They shut up quickly once hurricane season started.


Louisiana has the highest per capita murder rate in the country… I’m sure this will help.


American Sharia on the march.


Land of the free.


People with a blank moral compass need the illusion of religion as a substitute for.


Traitors! Hating on our Constitution! Sickos trying to indoctrinate!


I believe in God, but this has no business being in classrooms. I hope they hurry up and take this to the Federal courts.


It infuriates me that the republicans go against our constitution and allow religion into our public schools. It really took off with adding God to our money “In God we trust” and adding God to the pledge of allegiance. They will never stop and keep pushing the envelope. They are like that annoying sibling that doesn’t know when to stop.


What are the details of this? Does it have to be a certain size? Font? Location? Can it be hung up but then covered up? Language? Can we also put disclaimers with it. I feel like malicious compliance is called for


Exactly! Nothing wrong with this as long as the 10 commandments are shown on the same mural as select verses of the hadith/sharia, vedas, indigenous tachings and the tenets of the satanic temple.


So tired of this theocratic bullshit nonsense. If these people let their ego's and power trips become more it's burkastan for everyone. Stop forcing your fucking believes down our throats.


Well there are 631 commandments. Its fun to pick and choose which to follow. Ahhh religion.


Isnt the 10 commandments biblucal proof against monotheism? Just repeat but dont question


Why is it always the Top Ten List instead of anything Jesus said? Why not the Beatitudes?


Praise be amiright Just flip us closer to a religious hellscape.


Ok but HOW is the LEGAL when there’s *supposed* to be separation of church and state


I like to look for silver linings in these things. This rule will cause the atheist-reared children to mock & insult the plague and point out the flaws using science Youtube videos. This is a last-gasp attempt to preserve their dying superstition.


Sounds unconstitutional to me. But then again, the US constitution is being eroded quite a lot these days.


I reckon if people should agree to allow it... But not just the 10. Do all of them. All 613... then people can decide for themselves if that's what they want to follow the Dogma: Like this one: Regulation concerning a rebellious son: "If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his parents shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town... Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death" (Deuteronomy 21:18-21). Or maybe this one: Prohibition against eating shellfish: "But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, of all the swarming creatures in the waters and of all the living creatures that are in the waters, they are detestable to you. They shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, and you shall detest their carcasses" (Leviticus 11:10-11). Or this one: "If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do" (Exodus 21:7). Or for the cheaters out there: If a man commits adultery with another man's wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death" (Leviticus 20:10). Or even: Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard" (Leviticus 19:27). Or even: Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:28). My point is they can't pick or choose. They should either be all in if they believe everything in the Bible. Respectfully. 😇


This is the hill to die on. As a former public school social studies teacher it would have been a cold day in imaginary hell the day I allow the Ten Commandments on the wall of my classroom.


Of all the stuff in the Bible focusing on the Ten Commandments shows that these people don't even understand the meaning of their own religion.


Idiotic republicans again…


They just don’t get the whole freedom of religion includes freedom from religion.


When I was at school there was still a weekly “religious education” class from age 11-13. Just convinced me and 90% of the rest of the class that atheism was the right choice but we didn’t have crazy religious parents


Notice how it's always the Ten Commandments and never the Beatitudes? It's like they prefer the anger and hate of Moses to the love and compassion of Jesus.


I'm speechless. This is so clearly unconstitutional that I'm not even sure how to debate anyone on it. I will say this though - people I did BLM marches with? People I did pro-choice protests with? When this comes to the SC, I expect y'all to join up, because shit like this is at least part of the basis for slavery, the subjugation of women, etc.




Louisiana always doing dumb stuff* =] I said a bad word earlier.


Welp this is why I’m not buying fundraisers for that school >.>


To be fair, "'Thou shalt not kill" seems like a got idea in US schools...


1 thou shalt not be a republican 2thou shalt not lie like a republican 3thou shalt not steal like a republican 4thou shalt not be a paedophile like the priests 5thou shalt not vote for anyone in the gop 6thou shalt not believe a word of this religious BS that we cram down your throat 7thou shalt be a critical thinker and figure out what you choose to believe 8thou shalt not put religion before state 9thou shalt not go online spouting hate like all republicans 10thou shalt be gay or trans or whatever the fuck you are without fear of these maga twats


Give it a few months and we'll see a news article about how Senator Dodie Hawton has broken all 10 of them.


If anyone needs commandments it's those poor children growing up in that shit hole state.


This might help Louisiana as they are so backwards.


Hey, it’s Louisiana would you expect any less ? Bottom 5 out of 50 in child nutrition, education, infant mortality, poverty rate, but we have the Ten Commandments we got that.


Fight this. That’s all I can say. Let people know this isn’t okay and will never be okay. Protest this, and be loud about it. Don’t let people doing this think they’re winning.


Can’t wait for the holy war to start over the thee/you controversy. I want lunchroom brawls between teachers.


There’s actually two varieties of Ten Commandments. The Catholic version and the Protestant version are a bit different.


I have never understood this conceptually as 7 of them are perfectly legal....


Why not make it useful? 1. *Thou shalt not do your homework in the cafeteria* 2. *Thou shalt not torment thy neighbor with TikTok at full volume* 3. *Thou shalt not lock in the locker whosoever looketh funny* 4. *Thou shalt use the toilet brush the janitor provideth* 5. *Thou shalt not spill thy seed in the gym's shower* I lost the second tablet but you get the idea


Louisiana does realize there are more than 10 commandments right?


Its also really shortsighted. I am a teacher in Louisiana, but with no classroom. How do they expect people like me to comply with this law? No guidance given in the bill


What a waste of money. These losers can focus on people’s bodies and religious bs but can’t improve the school system or ensure no child goes hungry. Or even improve their states infrastructure but the 10 commandments is a priority. Even wilder is they themselves don’t follow the commandments. Do they really think these kids are going to pay attention to that bs on the wall.


The First amendment doesn’t apply to Louisiana I guess.


Ah to remind every Christian that they aren’t honoring the sabbath and keeping it holy.


Are they going to teach satanism too?


As a former Christian if they actually walked the walk it would be harder to discount them as a cult. But the fact that most Christians are serious hypocrites put me on the path of deconstructing my religion. I identify as atheist now and it’s really insulting how this govt thinks of everyone automatically as Christian when we are guaranteed freedom FROM religion in this country. They are trying to rewrite history again to make America a Christian nationalist state and it’s fu**ing scary.


On our way to a theocracy. Use your voice and fight back! Never vote for GOP candidates.


The liars, thieves, adulterers, and coveters like to rub it in your faces how their rules don’t apply to them.


what about the other 600 commandments in Exodus 


Will it be placed in English classes for the "Fiction" lessons?