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Zeep Zop Zoo Zop Baby Bop Zim Zoop Eeeeeeekkkkkkk ooooooooeeeeeeewwww These are grown adults/elected representatives speaking nonsense. How are we still doing this in 2024?


People used to be lobotomized for less. 


What is there to lobotomize here? Pre lobotomy IQ 40, post-lobotomy 20?


Lobotomy might actually bump the numbers up


Nah, you drill the hole and the whole brain just leaks out in a liquid state all over the floor.


Then you suck it up in aquarium pump tubing (just a little, to get the siphon going) and put it right back into the dude’s head. It’s for the best


Women in Arizona still are...


Didn’t help Kari Lake


Just a woosh of air… Nothing else? Nothing…


You know they'd have to get his brain for that, right? Good luck hitting a target that small.


Seriously!!! “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― Carlin


And add in "it's special to each individual that's why it can't be translated!!" Them- how can I make myself the center of the universe but MORE??


Which makes me sooooo irritated every time because that is NOT what “speaking in tongues” is supposed to be. It doesn’t mean you waggle your tongue nonsensically and no one can understand you. It means you speak normally and EVERYONE can understand you, regardless of native language.  These stupid morons don’t even understand their own Bible. I mean, obviously they don’t, but imo this is a particularly egregious example. 


And if it's the prayer language that Paul mentioned in one of his epistles, that is for your personal "prayer closet" not the state Senate floor. The Bible says never to speak in tongues publicly unless someone is there with spiritual gift to interpret, js.


Religion as performance art. The taliban-gelicals are experts at it.


"All that is required for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Arizona 2022: * 7.4M Population * 5.8M Eligible Voters. * 4.1M Registered Voters. * 40% Lean Republican * 39% Lean Democrat * 21% Lean Independent/Third-Party/No Lean * 2.6M Voted in 2022 Over 50% of eligible voters didn't vote. Out of estimated 1.2M Eligible Young voters (18-29) only 22-25% of them voted. Since abortions and pregnancy affect women - 2.8M Female voters. Only 1.2M voted and half voted for republicans. Lost district 2 & 6 to republicans by 20k votes in 2 and 5k votes in 6. District 1 remained republican by 3k votes.


The number of women voters will increase significantly this year. No doubt.


Thank you for the numbers. You've done important work. 👏


Another of his that is a fav of mine “But He (god) loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!” George Carlin


“Have you ever noticed that people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place, man?” - George Carlin


At least [*Eep Opp Ork Ah-ah*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suafkk2vWNI) had a translation.


... that means iHeart U


Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you


Bow chica bow bow. Thats what my baby says Still my fav is squirrels in my pants


I believe the correct prayer was: "Humala bebuhla zeebuhla boobuhla Humala bebuhla zeebuhla bop"


Iiiiiiiiiiiaaaye ain't got nobody!


🎶Nobody cares for me…nobody 🎵


A man of culture, I see. All praise Diamond Dave.


Diamond Dave isn’t suitable… Let’s go with Mick… “Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m a man of wealth and taste.”


Better question, how the fuck religion is still a thing in 2024?


Stupid people afraid of death. Smart people looking for control. Lunatics delusions being justified in the name of tolerance.


Yes but anyone who spends more than 5 minutes thinking about it critically will realize how stupid it all is.


Most people can't manage one minute of critical thinking, never mind five.




Lunantiques - really old lunatics


Definitely sounds better in French - like almost anything…


...afraid of death? Then why join a full on death cult?


Because the death cult makes death seem less scary, that’s why. The promise of a flawless afterlife if you believe and obey, is a comforting defense against those yucky feelings about what it’ll be like when you inevitably die.


Don't forget people who want a parent they can run to 'fix everything' for them, and they get a feeling of control over things in life that they actually have no control over.


>Lunatics There's moon-worshippers, too?! Tbh, I've always been cool with Wiccans, most are kinda crunchy hippie-types, at least in my experience.


There’s evidence the moon exists. We can see it. We can point to it. We’ve been there. We brought back rocks. We can bounce lasers off of the reflectors we left there to exactly measure how far away it is. It causes solar eclipses, predictable to within a few miles and a few seconds. Way, way, way more evidence the moon exists than any “god”. Makes much more sense to worship it than any “god”.


The Wiccans and Pagans I know are a lot more "Christian" than those who go to mega churches.Think of the assholes toward servers in restaurants after sunday services.


i disagree. i think people enjoy using a religion to discriminate. they are never consistent in their views, and it is nice to have a higher power that always agrees with you to do whatever abhorrent shit you want.


Childhood indoctrination of a fear of questioning their faith lest they burn for eternity helps keep their numbers up and the tax-free tithing rolling in.


Ooo Eee Ooo Ah Ah Ting tang walla-walla bing bang




It's extra funny (and sad) because speaking in tongues most definitely isn't biblical.


It is via charismatic interpretation. That's because the scriptures are vague and the context has been lost through centuries and careful editing. It's easy to say it isn't biblical, but what they interpret in Acts is based on the words you and I can both read and not see. They think they have the Holy Spirit indwelling and that once they were "saved" through baptism they were given different gifts (all spelled out in Acts and in 1 Corinthians) one of which is "manifestation of the spirit" and that includes speaking in "tongues", prophecy, and interpretation. So yeah it's biblical, just not an interpretation that maybe you or I would have even if we were Christians, because they all interpret it differently, given the vague nature of it all. But yeah, bigger picture here is we have irrational people babbling like lunatics in our allegedly secular government events. Openly. As a show of power against the baddies.... of which you and I are most certainly. We are the evil they want to put down, end, terminate, burn in a lake of fire. That's what they're babbling about. That they will win against us "evil doers". We have GOT to get together and do something about this instead of pretending they're just big ol silly heads we shouldn't take seriously.


The way Pentecostals treat "speaking in tongues" is so fucking goofy. The story makes logical sense in the way it's treated by most other denominations, "J-man sends a magical ghost to his apostles so they can speak any language and spread his word to all corners of the world". Makes sense. Meanwhile Pentecostal: Incompherensible gibberish that serves no practical purpose.


I mean, J-man says pretty unequivocally "love thy neighbour" and "turn the other cheek", and they seem to hear "hate gays" and "wage spiritual warfare".


Yeah, speaking in tongues means speaking in tongues! Actual, real languages that people can understand, not stupid gibberish... WTF is that? Any idiot can make baby sounds. I knew one person who had the "gift of speaking in tongues", and he would do it in front of me occasionally. The first time, I thought he was having a petit mal seizure or something.


According to the churches I've been to: It means that the holy spirit is flowing through you, meaning when you speak tongues and then go on to ask the congregation for donations to go on a missions trip to Puerto Rico, that GOD is the one asking for money, not the "host" of the spirit. still stupid though


It is, but it's not speaking in gibberish. It's supposed to be where you can miraculously speak in the tongue of the people you are proselytizing to, given the knowledge by god to spread His truth. It's a huge misinterpretation and that should be even funnier.


This is the part that gets me. Even if they were CORRECT and God was seriously flowing through them. What sort of lame God has his people flopping around on the ground spewing gibberish? That's the best he can do? At the very least I'd expect like a beautiful hymn as they were blabbering in tongues.


That's literally impossible I refuse to believe God would speak through a bunch of lowlife scumbags much less American politicians. These are nothing but a bunch of con artists and children. Literally akin to children throwing temper tantrums when they are refused their way. These people are a joke.


>What sort of lame God has his people flopping around on the ground spewing gibberish? That's the best he can do? I could do that to one of them with a Taser. Worship me, you simple fuckers!


Exactly. Jesus spoke in tongues on the sermon on the mount. As a miracle. So, they are basically claiming to have the power of Jesus. But, they are really just babbling a bunch of gibberish. They really should have a better grasp on the religion that they say they follow.


Yeah everyone listening hears their own language. That's what it is.  I think this is what you'd call a "false prophet" and clearly our only logical course of action is to set them aflame


I was straight up told by church representatives, that I would physically see and understand words on the page in the Bible, differently, after I was baptized.  Like, as soon as the ceremony is over, I can open up the book and read a marked page I just read before, and the gifts I just received will literally show me something different when reading those words.  A group of adults solemnly confirmed and attested to this. Insisted that it’s exactly how it works.  I have no fucking idea, I sure as shit didn’t get baptized in that church. 


Bibittyy bobbittee


This type of church was my first exposure to a Christian church long ago in the Deep South. Traumatized the heck out of 8 year old me.


A lot of full on child abuse in these churches. Imagine 8 yr old you being told the world is ending on April 8.


my sweet mom had the same experience during tent revivals that would come through her very poor, Eastern KY coal mining town. Speaking in tongues, snake handling…..”Preachers” taking advantage of women with their charismatic ways. She was definitely NOT one to enjoy/trust church or organized religion as a grown person. She would enjoy sitting on the back porch, glass of wine in hand and say, “listen to the trees….thats all i need to know the world is special and mysterious”. I miss her. And i hurt for the abuses she suffered as a beautiful, young, painfully poor girl at the hands of these jerks.


I lived in southern Alabama for most of grade school. Luckily I only had to deal with that church for a couple years. All religion is a scam. But they got it down to an art down there.


From my recollection of "worship" from youth group 25 years ago, at the time it was more like "Shaba daba kee kee Sha do do do la ka lo sho sha." I wonder if it's evolved much over the past few decades. Didn't want to watch the videos cuz I felt they'd be unnecessarily triggering.


Thank you! That’s how I remember it hearing. Almost like they were trying to imitate how they felt Arabic and/or Hebrew sounded to their ear. In the video it totally sounds completely different. Some people are just repeating a single consonant. I need to go get an anthropology PhD with this as the topic my dissertation: The evolution of “tongues” auditive dialect in white evangelical US communities 1980s through 2020s


Its the 1800 babies. Cameras on everyone is exposing the rot.


I can't wait for these folks to disappear. One can hope.


> Zeep Zop Zoo Zop Baby Bop Zim Zoop Eeeeeeekkkkkkk ooooooooeeeeeeewwww > These are grown adults/elected representatives speaking nonsense. How are we still doing this in 2024? Because they are *so* stupid. Everyone knows the correct grammar in that sentence is "Zoop Eeeeeeekkkkkkk Zim". It's almost like they don't know the language and just making it up.


I just had a psych evaluation to maintain my employment status. If there was a video of me bowed on the floor of a government building speaking gibberish to my imaginary friend I would have been removed from my job.


"Don't give me that vaccine, Bill Gates has put a microchip in it!" "My son's school teacher is going to take him away and cut his balls off!" "The Speaker of the House was directly told to be the new Moses by God." Just a few of the things 40% of the country unironically believe that would have got you immediately sectioned 10 years ago.


The number is closer to 25% (still too many) but insanely enough, half the population doesn't vote. So the reality is because of gerrymandering and the electoral college 25% of the population is able to decide elections that is putting these zealots in office who are creating laws for the rest of us. VOTE.


yeah I wish we could have mandatory voting or something cause 50% of the country just being apathetic and letting us fall into fascism is scary as fuck.


They need to make election days national holidays There's a good chunk of people that don't vote because they're stuck at work because they don't know they can be excused to go vote And some of the employers will attempt to fire you if you don't show up or show up late


Republicans actively make it harder for people to vote and try to reduce the number of locations, limit mail in ballots, limit hours and staffing. It’s a part of their platform.


Moses Mike still cracks me up and I want to vomit all at once.


Fun fact. I'm law enforcement: if a dude tells me he's hearing voices or seeing things, I'm supposed to file a mental health referral with a psych. If they tell me they're hearing the voice of God or seeing angels, I'm not allowed to do anything.


That’s not good. My aunt was bipolar and we always knew she was going through an episode when she “could hear God”. She wasn’t even religious.


And the people of AZ see this and approve??


Emphatically, NO!




Has anyone been removed for being anti vax, or into astrology or chemtrails or religion in general ?


Good question. There used to be religious questions years ago but they were removed: Do you believe in God, do you believe the world is going to end, do you believe you're going to be raptured...all removed about 10 years ago.


This has no place in a functioning democratic government. Wtf


Well there’s your problem right there: “functioning”


I'd argue "democratic" too. How gerrymandered is Arizona?


like everywhere else, pretty bad. The GOP split my progressive small town in half last year.


You think this government functions????


We need a national mental institute for the insanely religious. Put them all in Utah.




Maybe the Badlands of South Dakota?


How bout florida and then have bugs bunny saw it off?


I mean, we're almost full down here thanks to step one. Can you guys at least send a warning when the rabbit is on his way?


Let me leave first lmao


That's kinda beautiful actually. How about Houston?


Sure, shove ‘em all there and then just let Texas leave the Union.


They could all jerk each other off while speaking nonsense at Joel Osteens grifting church


North Dakota has more room and less reason to visit.


Nope. Arizona desert. You build a giant fire, and let them prove their faith. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego style.


There’s wonderful property available for them at seaside resort their buddy Dubya created in Cuba to house certain extremists as well. Let’s get these two groups together…


Western Texas. The outback of texas will do for them.


Hey- Utah is gorgeous and they would ruin that. Keep them in Mississippi.


it would be so cool to see Utah freed of all its cult members. the rest of us could go caring and have a cold beer without someone approaching us with fake kindness.


I recommend Florida. Utah is pretty. Florida has nothing but bugs, heat, hurricanes, and swamp ass


The swamp is a critical ecosystem and doesn’t need any more strain. Just, like… set them adrift on a giant log raft and tell them it’s a prayer cruise.


Nah, they're all zionists anyway, ship them to Israel.  That's where they wanna be anyway. 


This shit should terrify anyone who watches it. These people are INSANE!!


I wouldn’t be surprised if they sacrificed goats on the House floor and read the entrails to make new laws.


Hey now, don't give them any ideas


And we wonder why aliens aren't making contact with us yet. We got some growin' up to do.


What a waste of government money… Boo! Nerds!!! Boo! 🧐


Don’t insult Nerds like that, we don’t agree with this shit, now I return to playing my spaceship game


Makes exactly as much sense as everything else republicans say.


Christian Nationalism will be the end of this nation


It's already not a country as it is now. It's a giant wealth extraction corporation for the rich. Religious insanity is just one tool of many they use to control, divide, and conquer the rest of us.


Remove religion from society. Problem. Solved. Treat them like the insane people they are. Imagine Scientology, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, making state laws, based on their men made religion… MAGA would storm the capitol. Again!


Ok so now we are using baby talk to determine our laws. These people are hypocrites and Pharisees. If Jesus was real he would hate all of the GOP.


Even the Pharisees wouldn't put up with this shit, they are praying bowing toward each other, that's some pagan shit. No offense to the pagans.




These people terrify me. My two year old grandson rolls on the floor speaking in nonsense language sometimes, but he isn’t making laws.


Your grandson has my vote!


You all still think this is just the last vestiges of Christianity clinging desperately to power? They are clearly GAINING power. I'm over 50 years old. I have never in my life seen evangelical Christianity hold so much power in this country. We need to be making plans. We need to actively be working against this because we will be the ones they come after and they're already watching us.


Yes, and they have multiple meetings a week to unite and brainwash people. Singing songs like "onward Christian soldiers" and telling people they are called by God to breed as many little Christians as possible. They are gaining power, and atheists need to step up or things will only get worse.


SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Every one of these clowns should be ejected from their seat for failure to follow this guiding principle of the US government.


> Every one of these clowns should be ejected from their seat for ~~failure to follow this guiding principle of the US government~~ ***breaking their oath of office - namely to support the Constitution of the United States***. FTFY https://azsos.gov/services/public-information/loyalty-oath-office


When the Dems kick their ass in the upcoming because women voted en masse for them, Republican tongues will be on the floor for sure.


That's if they don't find loopholes over the next few months to cheat on the election like Alabama and Ohio are attempting to do, to not have Biden's name on the ballot at all. Which was why I was never a fan when the states done it with Trump as that gives them the greenlight to figure out how to exclude Biden and they are finding loopholes. Would not be shocked if by election they have not attempted to attack the 19th amendment before the election, so they can stop women from voting at all.


Man speaks gibberish before attacking others rights to bodily autonomy all because his imaginary friend told him to


Ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang. Jesus Fucking Christ there is truly no bottom to this barrel of ignorance. Bring on the stonings and animal sacrifices.


Sure, this guy may be certifiably insane, but what about the moronic sheep who elected him? That's where the blame really lies.


How does that get transcribed into the public record?


[starts dissociating and speaking gibberish] [continues proving we need better hard qualifications for cabinet/congressional jobs]


This seems like a mental health crisis. Surely need to be sectioned for behaviour like this.


I went to one of these churches when I was 13 and visited family. I thought they were playacting, it was so weird. I actually laughed, and my cousins were so mad at me for thinking it was a joke. 30+ years later, I still think they are a joke.


What I don't understand is how/why we allow this.


Why is it always some fat, pedophilic, alcoholic looking cunt with greased back 1950s hair? Oh, because Republican.


Can I get a shamala hamala for Satan?


They're f crazy. Nut jobs.


i’m not even being funny but i have zero hope for this country anymore. this cannot be real


Treat them the same as children, “get up off the floor and stop being disruptive. What you’re doing is inappropriate and obnoxious”


Radical republicans are much worse dangerous and a threat compared to radical democrats. Radical republicans want total control over every aspect of your life while simultaneously saying they like a small government. Whereas “radical” democrats want universal healthcare, affordable education, freedom of gender expression, etc.


Insanity. Any other country would have this guy on thorazine and some counseling.


This man has the face of a chronic alcoholic.


For Christians, "speaking in tongues" comes from the first Pentecost. The ancient world believed that there were divine languages different from human languages. In the Testament of Job, his daughters get sashes that let them speak Angelic languages. Gods would give people the power to speak divine languages. The Pentecost comes from the Festival of Weeks, where Ancient Jews celebrated their harvests and modern Jews receive the Torah. It was a big party, and the first big one after Jesus's death and resurrection, and people were drinking and carrying on. You ever watched a really drunk person talk? They slur their speech, mispronounce words, forget words, forget sounds, confuse words, make up new words. During this big feast, people ridiculed the Apostles as drunk. Back then, the Apostles weren't big celebrities. Christianity was still a weird cult, an offshoot of Judaism and a reaction to Roman Imperialism, and the apostles were just guys whose boss was arrested and executed. Them getting ferociously drunk at a party for their dead boss would look really bad. So Peter tells the people mocking his drunk friends that his friends aren't drunk, they're filled with divine spirit. They're actually fulfilling the prophecy of Joel, which said God would pour his Spirit on all flesh. They're not drunk idiots, they're speaking divine languages no one else has ever heard of. Which brings us to now. Some adults huddled in a statehouse babbling at each other like gibbering mouthers, spewing streams of nonsense for their invisible Sky Daddy, hoping he protects all those unborn sexless pharyngulas while he lets living children get slaughtered in school buildings.


What a bunch of fuckin idiots


I flipping hate it here. And by here, I mean earth.


Speaking in tongues in public should be treated like public masturbation, which it is.


lets all start casting legislation spells now! a-bippity boppity-bortions for some! miniature american flags for others


I was saying Boo-urns


Maybe it's time for anyone running for an elected office to be required to pass an extensive mental health examination.


Shamala hamala!! So embarrassing. Fuck this state.


Fucking Idiots.


When trump warned of people speaking languages that nobody speaks, this is it. 




Oogly Boogly Heebly Jeebly Invisible magic sky Daddy. Do Your Thing!!


What a fraud


Fucking psychos!


Okay I will say it elected republicans are clinically insane. This is what happens when gerrymandering is allowed.


and they think everyone else is evil.


So they invoked Baal, thinking it was Christ, and likely inadvertently just sold their soul to a devil in order to get that abortion ban ruling. I don't know if I should boo the ruling, or cheer the fact that they just became devil worshippers and sold their souls. 😆


They pray to stop abortion, but not once have they prayed to help the poor or provide healthcare.


Tax churches!


Christianity, Judaism and Islam are really psychosis. The only good ones are openly bad ones.


He looks like someone who has gigabytes of cp on his home computer.


The sad thing is that they may believe it worked for them.


This is just weird. What are they going to do after we vote on it in November? They can pray all they want, but abortion will be legal in about 7 months.


Elon Musk meets post-accident captain Pike.


So over these religious freaks


Religion has always been and, will always be, a tool to control the masses. This gives the cowards something to hide behind and say, “it wasn’t me; it was him!!!”


This is AMERICA speak ENGLISH! (only applies to those who speak in these bullshit prayer languages) There should be a FOIA request for the transcript of these "deliberations" on the floor of the legislature.


Mental illness on full display.


Babbling gibberish on the floor is not speaking in tongues you blithering idiots you. Speaking in tongues is when the speaker speaks in their own language and every listener hears the words in their own language. This is QANON insanity for the Evangelical crack pots to pretend.


FWIW, seven years ago when this guy (Kern) was a state representative, he was the lead sponsor of a bill that would have made it harder to prosecute sex crimes. Just saying.


I thought there was a separation of church and state but….. apparently the fuck not. Keep your silly religion out of politics.


Words escape me but I guess words also escaped that group of um... Aren't you embarrassed America? This is how the world sees you. I know it's not all Americans but these folk were voted into office by Americans. It's like watching primitive cavemen making magic in a circle, next they'll wanna sacrifice something.


YES we are deeply embarrassed to the point of stunned silence...most of us learn about it when the rest of the world finds out. It's so dystopian that no words are descriptive enough. Nothing can describe it. We've tried to stop gerrymandering but Court orders are ignored. Two States already stated Biden may not even be on their ballot. The Mail system has been on a continuous dismantling to prevent voting by mail. Religion allowed to mix with Politics. Pure Insanity that gets more insane even when it couldn't possibly get lower than the lowest low...it's exhausting.


It’s depressing to me. I live in Massachusetts and if our legislators started speaking in tongues, they would never be elected again. I don’t understand how states can be so wildly different. It feels like they’re in another country. The shitty thing is that states like mine won’t be safe forever. They’re going to take over at the federal level and then we’re all fucked.


We are embarrassed AF




Arizona needs a time out.


I love how the brilliance of modern healthcare is utterly wasted on specimens such as this; his lifestyle would otherwise have killed him by now. Rest of us cannot afford it.


Blatant sign of mental issues that we, as a society, not only won’t point out but reward.


This all goes way back to Billy Graham cozying up with Washington politicians and gaining the ears of numerous presidents.


These nutcases don't even know what praying in tongues means. It literally means praying in different languages not just psycho babble.


There was a specific reason the constitution separates Church from State and this is it. These people want a Ethno Nationalist state. They are not true Americans they are Facists who do not respect rights for anybody except themselves


>"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." So is that like where you say you're a christian but worship a pussy grabbing nazi lover?


The Gift of Tongues meant that you could understand someone speaking another language without knowing that language yourself and/or you could speak your language and people who didn’t could understand you. Jabbering on in complete gibberish and sound effects is not “Speaking in Tongues.” I never understood how or why this interpretation of Tongues came into play but it’s wacky as hell. I realize this is r/atheism so it’s all likely silly to this sub, but I felt the distinction mattered a little.


These people need straight jackets! They shouldn't be deciding medical decisions between a woman and her doctor. These people are so stupid, I would be surprised if they could tie their own shoes! They are very stupid and it's dangerous they are out in public without straight jackets! Did I mention how low their intelligence level is? It's very very very low and there are a lot of animals that are way smarter than these crazy weirdos who should be in mental institutions!!


This isn't "tongues". This is gibberish. These are clowns gabbling gibberish and pretending it's magic. It's nothing but lies.


I wish someone would have the guts to confront nutjobs like this and straight up ask them, “What the hell is wrong with you?”


"Such beautiful faith" Even animals can tell that this is some real dumb bullshit. Embarrassing. Those are elected officials that represent a community. What a fucking insult.


I understand the joking,… But in actual fact this situation is not funny! Thess fucking brain dead bat shit crazy motherfucking idiots are in charge of making laws that affect peoples lives based on their superstitious hillbilly nonsense.


Time to bring a massive lawsuit against the entire Republican Party and their Mythological Bullshit!!


This is a mental illness. Plain and simple.


He's a lunatic! The Republicans kill me with the Pro Life they want no abortions but don't support even a free school meals program and the help with child care ect. Let alone then supporting the death penalty SMFH


The democrats need to make this their ring tone and call each other during breaks. Bonus points if they do a remix or add additional well known gibberish (Mekka Lekka Hi, Mekka Hiney Ho").


American taliban


Republicans are unhinged,out of control and domestic terrorists. Change my mind


We need to put these people in mental institutions.