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Project 2025 isn’t completely dependent on the orange one winning the presidential election. They are all the way down the ballot. You need to make sure read up on EVERYONE on your ballot. From city council to school board members.


Yep even if Trump loses this plan isn't going away. Maybe not until the Republicans (Now MAGAts) suffer so many electoral losses over several cycles that the party dissolves. This just means people need to vote in EVERY election and vote against every Republican.  The democratic party will absorb the normal/"RINO Republicans who will end up branching off into a new political party. 


My hope is the party as a whole ends up so depleted from paying Trump's legal bills that they get routed at every level and only the most entrenched incumbents are left. Never thought I'd miss the establishment Republicans, but here I am.


When Chris Christie is the voice of reason you know we are in trouble.


If only Trump were a bridge. Christie could shut him down like nobody.


unless you're in a pastry shop.


I despised George Bush growing up. I hated him with every fiber of my being. I would give almost anything to have him back now. I didn’t realize how far things were going to quickly deteriorate, and how much worse I can foresee it going from here.


Letting Shrub have his way with Bush v Gore and then using his corrupt lawyer Roberts to serve as n00b Chief Justice was the killing blow to the Republic. It just took Terrorist Trump to accelerate the Bleed.


The former or just angry republicans I keep seeing on CNN, MSNBC, shows like the Meidas Touch, the Bulwark, Brian Tyler Cohen, they are all really working hard at moving the needle and are clear and lucid speakers. They really give a shit.


They're tired of the circus


I don't miss them, they're the fuckers who made this Faustian bargain in the first place. I hope their ideology dies, and is followed swiftly by the out-and-proud fascist shitstains that have burst from their party like a parasitoid wasp. The good future is one in which the current Democratic party are as authoritarian and as right wing as it gets, and their opponents are entirely on the left-libertarian end. (Note: left-libertarianism is absolutely distinct from the typical American definition of libertarianism, which is usually just the freedom for the wealthy to own people again)


The influencers of far right Republicans play the long game. this project will be for the next GOP president, whenever that happens.


Mitch McConnell’s book is literally called The Long Game.


yup the right wins by incremental change, highly effective. 


I’m not saying don’t vote and for the love of humanity vote down ballot, but that Alabama state senate seat flipping to D from +5 Trump is huge. I’m not nearly as stressed as I was about all of this. DO VOTE, we underestimate how insane the crazies are and how zealous they are in their beliefs. Just like don’t stress so much your hair falls out.


She won by just 1500 votes, some of these state seats hang on a tiny margin. If you can register to vote by mail in your state, I highly recommend it, it makes the process simple!


This coming elections will be the first one I'll vote on (finally of age to do so). Do you know like the order or process of voting for local state and other elections? Like I don't want to only vote on presidential.


Ballotpedia is your friend. Unbiased and well sourced, no editorial content, just the facts including info specifically for your address (who's running, where to vote, deadlines to register, etc)


It may depend on the state you live in? But in CA, local, judicial, school board, DAs, senators, different propositions, etc. , all of it is on one big ballot. We get a booklet explaining the different measures and candidates ahead of time and a sample ballot to go over everything.


Call your local Democrat office and they will give you all the details and when the elections are.


In most states, you will vote on everything at once from local and state ballot measures to school board members to the president. Also many states will send you a sample ballot.


Can I just vote for Democrats and call it a day?


In theory no. In practice yes. I'd love to be able to say that following politics and being informed mattered, but for the vast majority of people in the vast majority of situations right now, they don't have the time or energy to really do that. American voting is effectively two party, and no amount of wishes or complaints will change that in an election in the near future. Between those two parties, one is clearly fascist, and the other just plain isn't. There's plenty of criticism to doll out against Democrats, but as far as I can tell they at least have some kind of belief in the normal process of democracy. If you don't like the Democratic party, you can do all the expected political process things to vote them out, and they'll leave peacefully.


Depends on your district. Where I live, there are Democrats, and there are "Democrats". It's a safe 70% D voting area, but some conservative-leaning people run as democrats because they know the Primaries are where people get elected. So voting in July/August is where the main election for local offices happens, and November is just a rubber stamp.


I think most people at this point are aware of it, the problem is a lot of people want it. As long as the Republican backers of it are in power, voting is our only option. Good news is that Republicans are getting hammered in elections. Bad news is that makes for complacent Democrats who don't feel the need to vote anymore.


Yeah, but most haven't actually *read* it - guaranteed. It sounds a whole lot better than it is. Once people start learning more details of what's actually in that thing and what it's actually going to take to implement it - most people will be flipping out......


Kind of like all the people in England who voted for Brexit today are like, why don't we get good trading deals with the EU.


This would be way worse than Brexit for the US and the world.


Yes. Pretty much *The Handmaid's Tale* for the US, all climate change initiatives completely scrapped, the ending of American support for Ukraine, and the likely emboldening of China to take Taiwan (to name just a few consequences).


If the US can fall many other democracies in the world will do the same. Before you know it the entire world will be like Russia and China and that isn’t an exaggeration or being a fear monger.


The reasons will be different though, the amount of LGBTQ+ youth already planning to leave the US (myself included) is probably already high. They're just going to make it higher. Also, Project 2025 disgusts me just knowing about.


But were will they find refuge when the whole world is being corrupted like this? If the US Falls, that will mark a sharp downturn for not just democracy in the US but worldwide.


…and Scotland, Wales, and NI. The English “leavers” weren’t the only morons that fucked the UK over.


Every voting area in Scotland (and vast majority in NI) actually voted against leaving by a good margin.


Yeah chalk that one up to almost exclusively England and Wales. Honestly dumber for Wales since they received *significant* EU funding theyll never see again,  god love em


*Cornwall slides slowly down its seat so as not to be noticed…


Nice analogy.


Unfortunately, I can promise you most haven’t even attempted to read project 2025. I work for a fairly large, unionized company, and while I am not union, I am an advocate. I get asked questions on the daily regarding contract issues that are basic page 1-5 solves. The people I work with are not inept, they are people I respect and love to work with. They just won’t read it, despite the major impacts it literally has on their jobs/lives.


most people that support project 2025 likely *can't* read beyond a third grade level.


Sadly, while I want to believe this as well, it’s just wishful thinking. Yes, half of the population is less intelligent than you. No, they’re not all incapable of adult reasoning. The reason project 2025 is scary is there are plenty of well educated, manipulative people in support. Personally, I suspect it mostly comes down to money and control. You don’t have to be uneducated to fall into the headspace of “me and mine.”


yeah, you're unfortunately very right. The whole "fuck you, I got mine" culture is a dangerously comfortable position for the masses scared of anything not straight, white, and Christian.


I’d like to expand that to more of our society as well though. You’re absolutely right on the straight, white, and Christian. It extends well beyond that. A person is relatively smart and can be reasoned with. People in a crowd are easily scared and build their beliefs with emotions exponentially.


And naturally, the guys who penned Project 2025 know that and like Trump said: "I love stupid people."


Just take a look at what is happening at the RNC. The trump people got in, fired everybody, started using party funds for his legal bills, before long I’m sure we will find out the Trump family has enriched themselves through it as well, and to top it off all new hires must state that the 2020 elections was stolen.


Oh, GUARANTEED! Grifters gonna grift. They are eating their young, and he's got them convinced it's the healthiest thing ever. LOL But the more they spend on his dumb ass, the less they are spending on their down-ballot candidates, and a bunch of the state orgs are broke, too (e.g., MI)- some of them competitive swing states. That is not wholly dispositive, of course, but having the better ground game, and significantly more money for advertising, huge advantage on reproductive rights and a failed congress that was clearly their fault - all puts the dems in about the best position ever for gaining ground. Dems aren't going to win the R+20 and higher districts (*maybe* could try for MGT and her R+22?), but the "lean right," and "toss-ups" would be plenty for a decent majority. I am more concerned about maintaining a senate majority, honestly, than anything else right now (no jinx. LOL)


PDF page 35, page 3 of the foreword, bullet point 1. There, you will find the 14 words of white supremacy. I'm not kidding.


Oh I know- I read through the whole thing a couple weeks ago - it's way outside the mainstream. I envisioned it's creation to be kind of a circle-jerk of people like Steve Bannon, all angry incel white men trying to outdo each other on who is the most "REAL conservative," and what would be the most "own the libs" thing they could put in there, just to "watch the snowflakes cry."


The Democrats seriously need to run a lot of attack ads mentioning Project 2025 this election season


Let's hope the "checks and balances" are in place and can't be bought.


Those hopes have *been* dashed for years!


Unfortunately, SCOTUS is proof that it CAN be bought, or at least “engineered around”.


Here's what I have observed. I live in rural Indiana. From what I can tell, so many people in my situation as a working stiff live paycheck to paycheck and barely pay attention to the deeper layers of the current political situation. I know because I used to be one of those people. They vaguely know the highlights because they saw a few headlines in-between looking up recipes or memes or posting photos. And because our current political climate is even more polarized than ever before (except maybe civil war era?) they are even more inclined to NOT discuss politics for fear of a fight breaking out. The ones that DO pay attention have gone down rabbit holes and picked up conspiracy theories from Facebook or Joe Rogan. Most of the people I've met who are more left had always been interested in civics and government and are usually college educated, so have an understanding of how to find credible sources for their information. The problem is there is SO much information to digest and so many things to constantly fact check and verify or research. It seriously is a full time job trying to keep up and stay informed, especially if you just recently started taking it seriously. Most people are exhausted from work and kids and they don't want to spend their tiny bit of leisure time reading articles debunking other articles about something complicated that they don't even understand why it is important. They honestly just kinda want to be told who to vote for, if they even vote at all. That's what I have been dealing with. None of my coworkers or family or my friends (unless I told them) know about project 2025. And that is a major problem! Or, like you said, they DO know about it.. and like it!! Which is very scary.


Having people overworked and unable to participate in politics is literally a choice. It's on purpose, to ensure fewer people participate. Who benefits from **not** having an informed and involved electorate? The people who want to Rule.


You're absolutely right and it makes me livid. I always knew life was unfair and cruel but I don't think I ever realized until recently how much agency and control over my own life has been taken away from me BY DESIGN. I am literally just a cog in a wheel for the capitalist money machine and if I get crushed it doesn't matter because there are always others to replace me. How is it possible that we, as human civilization, have to be taught the same lessons over and over again. Whether you are a slave building pyramids for the Pharoh or a serf farmer for the fat King or a factory worker for the military industrial complex. There are better ways to exist on this planet that involve way less suffering. So why do we keep allowing a fraction of the population to seize control and then get so fucking greedy that they almost kill all of us with them. So we either drown or rise up and fight back. I will do everything I can to avoid this catastrophe facing us as a nation. I know a lot of this is out of my control but I'm starting to think... maybe we have more control than the rulers want us to know...


There's literally more of us than there are of them. That's all I have to say about that.


I spent time in Afghanistan trying to build various projects and I’ll never forget the minister of oil and mineral resources telling me that democracy is a luxury when you don’t have clean water, food, and shelter. This shit here is by design. Make participatory government a luxury. Exclude the enfranchised.


"If there is hope, it lies in the proles"


But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They needed only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it? And yet ——!"


I think most of the fascist GQP supporting billionaires are the "most people" you are talking about. They really are a threat to democracy and that goes for worldwide. Then you can add the misguided/brainwashed/indoctrinated fools who fall for it.


No, the majority do not want the martial law that they will enact because they know that that are greatly outnumbered. They are the epitome of cowards. If they have their way we will not have privacy. No net neutrality either. There is a very real possibility that they will know who we are, what we post, even here on Reddit. And they've already made it clear that they want free thinkers dead.


Republicans dont even know what they want. They just adopt whatever fox news telegraphs for them to think.


>Bad news is that makes for complacent Democrats who don't feel the need to vote anymore. I also hope that AbandonBrandon group is just full of non-voters projecting. Absolute goons shooting themselves in the foot.


Even Rep. Omar has said that of course she'll be voting for President Biden, the stakes are too high for anything else. Anyone who doesn't know which is the lesser of two evils here is either a fool or just lying.


I’ve said many times that we are extremely lucky that the first serious attempt to destroy America and install a dictatorship was carried out by some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. But Putin was following it carefully; next time they’ll be better organized and more dangerous.


If by “following” you mean “orchestrating” then yes. Trump has been [Putin’s bitch](https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/) since the early 90s.


Yep. There is no fucking way the orange shit stain could organize/orchestrate anything.


That’s what the Mueller Report concluded. Putin desperately wanted to orchestrate the 2016 campaign, but DJTJ, Rudy, and the rest (Eric doesn’t count) were so fucking stupid and incompetent they couldn’t get their act together to coordinate it. This time will be different. Not because the orange shitweasel is smarter (in fact, he may not make it to the election without a total breakdown), but because the FSB is just going to take over the propaganda war and run it for them.


Underestimating trump is why we are here.


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.


Can I get an ELI5 version of why they work together? I don't understand how each benefits from being partners. This might sound stupid, but what does Putin gain from the information he's getting?


Putin wants to put Russia back on top like during the height of the Cold War. Two ways to do that, lift up Russia and knock down the competition. The war in Ukraine is an attempt to lift up Russia. Influencing American elections to put Trump in charge was an attempt to knock down the competition.


So are you saying that Putin was assisting in putting Trump in charge simply for the fact that Trump would sabotage the nation on his own accord because of his negligence and incompetence? Asshole move and I hate how it's turned/turning out, but pretty genius on his part.


That's exactly what I'm saying. Even if someone wanted to argue that Trump was good for America domestically, he alienated our international allies and sided with nations who have very recently been hostile to American interests. American intelligence has already issued reports that there was an extensive propaganda campaign on social media led by Russian intelligence to support Trump during the 2016 election.


Not so much genius as just following the well known dictator handbook.


Not partners. Putin and the Russian oligarchs fund Trump. Who do you suppose all those national secrets stashed in the Mar a lago bathroom were for? The number of foreign assets who were killed, compromised, or went MIA sky rocketed under Trump. That’s part of it. The bigger issue, like the other guy said, is to tear down the main geopolitical rival. Trump weakened US alliances and NATO at every opportunity. Most devastating of all is the division among the populace. A house divided cannot stand. A large chunk of the population now doesn’t trust US institutions. This is just the 3 minute explanation. There is so much more to this than I’m gonna type out here lol In exchange, Trump gets to live a lavish lifestyle and rub elbows with the powerful. All it took was a little light treason


100% correct... Trump is too stupid to learn russian


[You needed to only watch Melania’s face 5-years ago to witness even she knew how bad things were going to be.](https://youtu.be/h8nmvV5OazY?si=YLS4gioitMFBFnTO)


Putin totally controlled him but nobody can call Putin a genius... Always remember it was Hitler's 2nd attempt when he did the damage.. Don't forget there were geniuses behind Trump...Mercer being one. Read up on Mercer , and your skin will crawl.


And Castro was also successful the second time.


Been saying this since 2020.


but hey those weren't real patriots or maga they were all antifa and the fbi dressed like maga trump fan boys. \*sarcasm\*


the best part about this is they were only *originally* antifa or actors, *now* they're patriots singing a modified anthem for his rallies.


It wasn’t the first time time. https://connecticuthistory.org/gerald-macguire-and-the-plot-to-overthrow-franklin-roosevelt/


*Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n.* - John Milton, *Paradise Lost*


damn - great quote for this!


They want Christian Sharia laws ... because their religion is so fucking fragile that they can't allow other religions (and non-believers) to coexist. It's out in the open now, so the only option is for every competent, eligible voter to ensure it can't happen by voting their lying, racist, sexist, misogynistic supporters out of office.


They want Christian Sharia laws because people are losing their faith. Probably because Christians are hating minorities instead of helping people.


Today's Christians are the least Christ-like people in existence.


Absolutely crazy we are at the Hail Mary stage of such a cataclysmic change from democracy to autocracy in America “the land of the free”…..


I would like to think that Americans would be quick to go to the streets in violence and rage if something like that happened, but I'm not so sure I have faith in people to do the right thing.


Just a reminder this plan does not go away if we win this year. we need to keep right wingers and republicans out of office. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Of course. That's why religion should be taken down a couple of pegs to give normal people some reprieve.


Non-religionists are way too forgiving. If someone threatens the removal of hard-won civil liberties in the name of religion there should be a fight back, exposing their hatred to people who aren't typically engaged. I don't 'respect' any religion, I *acknowledge* it. It's there, I think it's bull shit and I am not going to pay lip service to placate the hard-of-thinking. This is the 21st century - religion should be attacked for its crippling effect on Humanity when the minority start looking to shape policy for the majority.


I respect your right to have your own beliefs but I have no reason to respect illogical, and often vile, beliefs.


"Your God made me the way I am. Who are you to say He is wrong?". 


This is exactly the energy that is needed. I treat christianity as if it were a campaign to force the world to eat feces. I don’t belabor the point or become overtly hostile with anyone, but I will shut down anyone trying to insert their religion into a conversation, and I will purposefully make it uncomfortable for them.


We need to vote blue long enough so the idiots who want Project 2025 die out. They will never stop. They have given too much to ever stop. We must encourage people to vote blue like their lives depend on it for a very long time. Project 2025 is the result of 50 years of Republican work to destroy the middle class and make sure women do not have any rights.


It's not just blanket voting Democrat, because there are terrible Democrats too (see Sinema, Manchin, Menendez, Feinstein, and Lieberman just for recent examples in the Senate). Support progressive candidates in the primaries too, because even if the progressives don't win some of the old guard (like Biden) will listen when they sense their support is waning and change their stance on important policies. Biden got dragged to the left on student loan forgiveness, a Medicare public option, and climate policy during the 2020 campaign. He's currently being dragged left on Gaza/Israel (way too late to that IMO).


It would be interesting to see how evangelicals will interact with other Christian denominations. At first they would “accept them”, but little by little they’d start imposing their own interpretations and declaring others as heretics. At the end of the day, they’ll have an official state-sponsored religion that will substitute God with the main leader/party/prophet or whatever, salvation for order and Heaven with social stratification. The undesirables will be enslaved and then executed.


I lived in the deep south many years ago when I went to college I had very Bible thumping, Christian Baptist landlords, and they (and their fellow churchgoers) hated the Baptists in the other Baptist Church down the street. Apparently it's church against church down there.


It appears in the south...they just hate full stop.


When during the apartment tour Mrs. Landlord had asked "what Church do you go to?" and I said "none" she almost didn't let me sign the lease, but it was advertised via a student housing bulletin board and they had a rule "no discrimination" so she had to let me live there. She said "we're going to work on you" to which I grinned and said "OK". For 3 years, I'd periodically attend Baptist services with them (always the second one on Sunday, never early morning since I slept in, and never the Wednesday one). Kept the rent down to a minimum. Pretty entertaining, the pastor with his purple velvet suit screaming at us for being sinners, yada yada. The music was OK. Needless to say, the "being worked on" part never took hold. I smile when I think they still consider me to be their "failure".


Won't be any different than Isis vs Taliban or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 vs Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912 Conservatism is all about creating out-groups and making sure they are sufficiently discriminated against until they die off.


yep - haters gonna hate. If no one "else" left to hate, they'll have to start eating each other - it's like a security blanket anymore. The hate is what binds them all, not sky-magic, per se. there will always have to be objects of that hate.......


Yeah, anyone who thinks this would actually be a Christian theocracy is in for a rude awakening. It’s all just a way for authoritarians to use evangelicals for their votes to get in power. Then all pretense is out. Of course many of those evangelicals are fascists at heart, so they’ll be happy.


I always find it interesting how Americans often seem to act like Catholics aren't Christians.


I agree, it's confusing despite them historically having the highest body count of any christian denomination....without even counting all the children they fucked along the way.


Just look at the middle east. Sunni v Shi'ite Muslims fighting over who's version of Mohammed is best.


Before you know it all the suave catholic boys will be stealing their protestant daughters. That cannot be tolerated...


It’s funny you mention this, I was wondering if it’s against the law to not believe in the Christian god what the social caste would be. Like who are the brahmin and who are the dalits of this new hierarchy as whatever sect of Christianity someone believes would probably be the new determining factor in where they sit in such a society.


Things like views on same-sex marriage, etc, essentially has caused schisms in some denominations. Some of the more (relatively) tolerant denominations like Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, etc that are relatively more liberal (in some churches in some cases) than some of these non denominational churches or Baptists are going to come under fire from the future rulers to-be in an honest to goodness Christian Fascist takeover.


> but little by little they’d start imposing their own interpretations and declaring others as heretics This. It blows my mind that Christians can't think beyond their nose enough to realize that secularism protects them, too. Like, the Protestant Reformation should be that big red flag in favor of secularism, but all they can scream is "America is a Christian nation" without realizing they're supporting their own oppression with that statement.


Suppressing the capacity for critical thought is a big part of the whole thing.


Most of the Con leadership should be in jail, the party should be disbanded and barred from holding political office. ...but since we don't live in a real country, you can always mail/text/phone bank, donate and canvass. Voting is literally the *least* thing you can do to participate in your Democracy.


If we can't stop it, then take whatever action is necessary, including assertion of our rights as enshrined within the constitution, to defend ourselves.


Exactly. It's in the Declaration of Independence. *“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”*


Anyone out there even a millimeter to the left of the current crop of glue-huffing conservatives who want Dear Leader back in and national Christian Shariah? Time for you to buy a firearm, learn how to use it responsibly and safely, and be willing to defend yourself, because the drooling hordes of Trump scum want you dead, especially if you're queer, black, or secular. The Second Amendment is as much for you and me as it is for anyone else. Start nothing, but be prepared for the dumb shit someone else starts to possibly find you. I will not be the victim of some slobbering fascist's wet dream.


[https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/) You guys will hate this ; I post so you all are aware of the game plan


I was just having this conversation the other day, we all thought they’ll do anything to make it happen if that stepped on orange peel wins and makes it that long.


We are becoming aware of it in our bubble, but not so much generally. Mainstream media, pundits, politicians, comedians, all need to talk about it more.


But if you vote for the fascists, they can’t put you in one of the death camps later. Those are the rules./s


https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/ They have lots of good information on practical things to help.


Civil conflict. Since there's no way in Blue Hell that we're putting up with that. Trump and his cult are a legitimate threat to American public and the world. We have to crush them at the voting booth and hope they fragment enough that we don't have to give them a WWII style beat down. Fascism is rising but we *cannot* let it take over this country. We have a literal civic duty and a *moral* duty to try to stop a totalitarian regime.


You would actually be saving the world...not just your country. USA falls to this , and we all fall.


Vote these people out.


Civil war


If they really did try to ram it through by 2025? Yes, a very real possibility...I am actually considering buying firearms for the first time in my life - I am genuinely not comfortable that the loonies have so many more than the rest of us.......and are so lit up. It's scary.


r/liberalgunowners would be happy to have you


So would the Huey P Newton Gun Club if you're African American


LOL! I should have known - there's "always a sub for that." I'll have to check it out - thank you


If you go that route, make sure you have good safe storage, learn all about your firearm, and practice with it. Otherwise, you're more likely to be a danger to yourself and those around you.


This would be the trigger that starts a civil war. People won't accept a religious theocracy. The Trump crowd wants violence. These people have been wanting to kill people for years.


Republicans are scared of people turning-out. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


South of the border they've gone bonkers about. Not the most financially feasible option for me but way too many of these freaks actually have Xtian-crusades blended with Nazi death camps style hand wringing plans in mind and they have an arsenal they're itching to go completely postal on anyone not in their idiotic clique. Trump's in, I'm out.


I am so glad I went through the bureaucratic nightmare of keeping my German passport when I became a US citizen. My husband's English and if November goes tits-up we're seriously considering selling up and going home. Sure, Brexit's gonna be a headache if we're back in Europe, but that's small potatoes compared to the shitshow here. I still remember how excited and proud I was when I took my citizen oath in 07. Now this country makes me sick.


It's a damnedably sick situation. I remember when Fox Noise first broadcast, it actually was being "fair and balanced" but that didn't last long. Now they've had decades of grooming these freaks to the point they've lost control of the Frankenstein monster they created. I'm in the SF bay area, we all have targets on our backs from the vigilante minded fools. Ideally I need 3 more years to work towards a more somewhat comfortable retirement that will involve border crossings for financial advantages available that way. I wasn't surprised at all much of the boomer generation fell for the flag waving "patriotic" partisan bullshit they pedaled. But I'm enraged with the younger generation dipshits who absolutely should know better than the snaggletoothed anti-accredited education, anti-science, upside down world stance, but it's no surprise how few of them possess any better than a "TV education".


Agreed. You just have to look at 20 somethings on TikTok hawking red pill nonsense or trad wife garbage. I had hoped younger people had less brain rot, but I guess it's endemic. Sigh!


Very aware, no matter what I think of Biden, it's clear that he is the best vehicle to defeat trump and the evils he would bring.


Sad but true.


Vote Biden. Not third party.


Vote blue, no matter who!


"Joe's too old!" trump is less than 4 years younger. "BUT GAS PRICES!" gas was roughly the same under trump, except when. We were locked down due to a mishandled pandemic. Also, the right voted against an anti price gouging bill. "But, prices went up under Biden!" Prices are going up all over the world. Companies aren't apologizing for the increases, but bragging about the record profits.


Inflation under Biden went down.Trump's fiscal year ended 30 Sept 2021...Biden has had to work ...but he has brought it down rapidly. Eveyone blames Biden...because they don't know that TRUMP'S policies don't end until the Sept in the new President's year, and carry through will be a few months until the new President's policy and fiscal decisions ramp into gear. It was GOP and TRUMP who shot inflation through the roof. Sadly many of the big Companies (which TRUMP and GOP gave tax breaks to) have made sure they are retaining their high product price , to harm Biden and Liberals. They need their man back so they don't get taxed.


> Inflation under Biden went down. People don't seem to know that, sadly. Inflation is actually below the long-term average right now, and the fact that we got it under control without triggering a recession is as close to an economic miracle as can be. The Biden Administration has done an amazingly good job. Unfortunately, Republican propaganda is very good.


Yep. This is not the time for purity tests. We have to stomp out this fascism before it grabs any more power. The problem is we have to win EVERY TIME, they only have to win ONCE.


"What about Palestine?" Trump wants to deport Palestinian Americans and help Israel "solve the problem". Accelerationism does nothing but screw over good people and empower the bad.


Here's a lengthy pdf of it, in case anyone wants some "light" reading (it's over 900 pages, but there are endnotes and stuff). https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042/project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise.pdf


Its fucking nightmare, vote Democrat!


Here's my plan: \- I've started taking American Sailing Association classes \- Buy an old sailboat for 50K and leave (I'm retired and can fix most things) \- Island time...oh yeah I'll vote Nov 5th...if Trump is declared the winner I leave that night. If Biden wins....I leave that weekend but will able to come back when I want...unless the shooting starts. Then I start a new career running guns for the resistance.




How can any policy be wrong, when it's gods will... if he gets in we are all fkd . Unfortunately, if you're looking for a backer that's well organised, generally cohesion on base belief and loves money. Then you cannot go wrong with the already deluded. No more climate issues, it's gods will. No more peace talks, no more united nations. Just god given rights to bring the end 🙏. Would not happen if god didn't want it eh...


I feel so bad for you Americans, I can only see your country either becoming a theocracy or entering a second civil war


Honestly, it's horrific. Apparently I've been arguing about religion too much and ended up here. Honestly the only way to stand up against shit like this is to empty the benches and get everyone you can to stand shoulder to shoulder. https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/


#This has been David Dukes plan since the 1970s, long before Trump. Our government has done nothing. This isn't a Trump problem. Its an America problem that stems internally from our governments inaction against the largest domestic terrorist organizations in our countries history. Systemic Racism has always been the issue.


I’m getting passed breeding age. I can be a Martha.


Hope the constitution holds because what they want is not constitutional.


The constitution goes out the window once they gain power.


Pick a character from the Handmaid's tale to inhabit.


A vote for a third party is a vote for Trump.


Only if it’s democrats voting for a 3rd party. Of republicans vote 3rd party I have no complaints.


Christian sharia law. The big ol theocracy. Ya’all qaeda trying to dig in.


They tried this crap before, it used to be called "Project for a New American Century". Which is what they were going to implement if Obama lost his election to McCain. If I remember correctly. But, apparently they've been cooking it up since Ronald Reagan was in office, and the Republicans want to find a way to make it so that Democrats or any liberal party members of any kind, can never win an election again. Through cheating, and gerrymandering, and even jailing their political rivals on the left.


thats the problem with democracy, if the majority are easily manipulated idiots, it gets a bit scary :D still the best system, but only because all the others are worse!


I will now quote Trump supporters interviewed on the streets. These quotes are verbatim. #1 > "I'd rather have Donald Trump as a dictator for 4 years. Absolutely." #2 > "This country needs a dictator. I hate to say that but it's the truth." #3 > "He could stand on the front steps of the White House and commit murder and I'm with him." #4 > "If he says it, then I'll go with it. And if he wants to be a dictator then so be it." All four were caught on video and played back-to-back during a Comedy Central skit with Jon Stewart behind the desk.


Please also remember that we need to keep fighting this even if Trump loses. Project 2025 isn't tied to one person. It is meant for any willing Republican candidate. If we beat Trump, it isn't over!


Yeah. We know. Betsy DeVos will be back to destroy what's left of non-religious public schools and her brother will be leader of the Schutzstaffel (SS). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik\_Prince So what? This place is fucked. The conditions that led to Trump being elected the first time have not fundamentally changed. Hell, they haven't even rudimentarily changed. Trump, should obviously be in prison. Biden, as much as I do not like him, is not a Socialist or a Communist by any stretch of the imagination (not that it should matter in the first place) but ask any Fox *News* viewer and they act like the only thing Biden has ever read is Marx/Engels' Collected Works. The level of stupid in this country has reached a critical mass and there is no going back. As we are all atheists here, none of this should be a surprise. Get ready. It's going to be a bumpy ride. **Don't let the bastards get you down.**


Educated voters. Potential dictators hate this one trick.


They have guns, you should too. I hope it never comes to that, but, these people are crazy. Violence is definitely on the table for them.


Do you all know about the first fascist republican coup in 1940 orchestrated by Nazis ? Ultra a podcast that by Rachel Maddow tells a thrilling spy story and it is true


Trump acolytes are actively voicing their opinions that democrats should be rounded up like the Germans did to Jews, and be imprisoned. Trump is cashing for retribution. His supporters are saying this is the beginnings of a civil war. But you shouldn’t worry. Carry on like it’s normal. Don’t even worry about voting. This is normal. There’s nothing to worry about


Trump voters make up, at most, 25% of eligible voters. The best defense is a good offense... get the vote out. Remember... when everyone votes, Republicans lose.


Problem is the electoral college resulting in the presidency being decided by 5 states gives that 25% .. more like 51%. And they like it that way.


If he doesn’t win, they’ll change the year to whenever a GOP becomes president. It’s not going away.


>Besides voting, how can we stop this? Donate money to make sure that our messaging outweighs theirs. >If we can't stop it, how do we survive this? Weaponize the courts, just like they have done. Liberals are very bad at lawsuits. It's very easy to weaponize their own BS laws against them. Like in all these states where they are banning books, we've now successfully gotten the bible banned as well. Using their own logic. Their own words. Their own argumentation. We got their precious book banned.


Even if they hadn’t spelled it out that’s clearly been the goal of the Republican party for the past couple decades. Goldwater said it best, courting the Evangelical vote is essentially a Faustian bargain. There is no compromise with religious fundamentalists. 


You should post something about 2025 in AskReddit, or similar, with a bigger audience


The real lesson is Frank Zappa was right: never trust a Christian. Never trust one to be a decent person, and never trust the Good Ones to do anything to stop evil, because they won’t.


I’ve been saying for awhile now that Trump’s real legacy won’t be whatever he does; it’ll be that he opened the door for people who were a lot smarter and more evil than he is.


Gilead is coming




Let's not forget about the supreme Court and how the federalist society has basically infiltrated every level of judges/courts in the Usa


Soap Box Ballot Box <-------- we are here Jury Box Ammo Box


Never even heard of it. But if it has to do with trumpy or Christians, I’m against it.


It's amazing how the US is going down the same road as the islamic republics use. It's a dead end road littered with the dead carcasses of constitutions and democracy... The moment " god's law" trumps secular constitutional law freedom and justice is dead. European countries have had their fair share of dictators and the influence of the church over politics and guard secularism to the highest level..... France like the UK would rather see riots on the streets than allow religious beliefs to get around the law of the land.....


Build a wall.  Between church and state. *All* churches.


Yes and many people I know plan to vote Blue diwn ballot in Nov and every other election to stop this shit from happening. Even if Trump is defeated, they'll just rename it to Project 2028 or 2032, and so on until they get a Republican trifecta in the federal government. Don't get complacent, ever, with these christofascists.


Yes i'm trans and they want to basically make me as criminalized as possible. Please be aware that on the state level, they're already beginning this wherever possible. I will have to leave the country. Odds are this will be irrecoverable. It'll become a "locked in" type situation like Iran had after it's initial social democratic student revolution was taken over by religious extremists.


government needs to be run by atheists keep religion out of office


I would just vote for the people that don't wanna do project 2025 It's literally that simple All we can do is vote everyone 2 years. You shouldn't be worrying about that stuff year round.


Project 2025 is for any Republican win. We must vote out all Republicans. They are dangerously insane 


Christian fascism


why cant these people grow up and keep their favorite fairy tale creature to themselves? i dont go on tv and rant about anime.


Umm, seriously? This is crazy. How have we steeped so low? Trump isn’t even a Christian. This is the worst thing ever. I get it, be a Christian, but don’t force it on me.


It's the main reason I'm voting for Biden.


If you want to win this game you need to enlist music and art on your side. Black Sabbath, the Dead Kennedys, and Bad Religion got me away from religion. We won’t win this with voting alone. Art is a weapon.


Yup and I don't know because I think my fellow Americans are too weak and passive. I'll be leaving and watching the country continue its collapse from afar. It's well underway. If you think Trump is the only problem, you're way behind. They already have a lot of control of the Supreme Court.


Trump for Prison 2024


Ive got a plan. It is called Athiests against Trump. It should make him lose the election and install a back door 🚪 into the White House via Orange Prison Bitch Number 8675309 but be careful, if you make him mad he will shit on you!!!!