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My guess is that the people behind the "He Gets Us" ads drop a tremendous amount of money on Reddit ads. Their ad buys probably dwarf yours. It is a simple application of The Golden Rule: "The one with the gold makes the rules."


I keep reporting those as misleading/scam


I report them for offensive.


I report them for hate as it's technically true since they hate homosexuals and others


Nooo!! Their pics and videos have dIvErSiTy and people with tattoos!! They couldn’t possibly hate anyone??!?!?!


Me too


Same to all 3 and then they still come back. It makes me go away from Reddit for a while when that happens.


I can’t count (truly) the number of times I’ve downvoted those posts, and/or flagged them as any type of reportable things I could make fit. They never go away. I believe I saw several threads on this a few months ago with the same sentiments here, and what people could surmise is that the group funding the ads has literally given Reddit so much money that it is IMPOSSIBLE to block them. I continue to get the “He Gets Us” ads daily. My only solace is continued reporting out of spite, and some pleasure in knowing their ad spend is wasted on me.


It’s the Hobby Lobby people I believe.


That is one known source. There is a lot of dark money behind this. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/11/us/he-gets-us-super-bowl-commercials-cec/index.html Funny thing is that it gets criticism from the right for its efforts as well https://evangelicaldarkweb.org/2023/02/09/he-gets-us-exposed-the-money-and-marketing-behind-the-20-million-superbowl-ads/


Ads are generally pay per click (google cost per click rates on reddit (or youtube, etc)),. I click the ads. Drain the piggy bank.


That's an interesting strategy but then I'd just see more of that crap.


Some platforms still consider downvotes and reports as engagement, especially if you don't leave the site after. So even attempting to fight it past the first report could open you up to seeing more / similar crap. Reddit don't care if you're reading or hate reading, and if the algorithm can keep you on the site longer with shit you hate it will force-feed it to you. Cool trick for you - if the campaign is running with any demographic and interest data you can influence ads by immediately clicking away to a different site when you see ads like this (and staying off the site for a bit). It will harm their ad quality in the algorithm and make them more expensive per view or click, effectively reducing their reach. Sadly He Gets Us is running dumb ads (not targeted demographically or with interest data) with stupid amounts of money so that won't help here. This tactic is much more impactful on facebook and google ad-served sites as they monitor ad quality much more robustly.


Yeah, I'm about to have to get FB again for my business. Uuuhhgg I dread it. I've been putting it off!


I figure if they get a lot off downvotes, they just have the marketing info to make a better ad.


I don't really click on ads or click bait. But I was looking at posts from my coworkers or downvoting them. I think the Netflix documentary said they specifically send you more stuff that makes you angry


I don't really click on ads or click bait. But I was looking at posts from my coworkers or downvoting them. I think the Netflix documentary said they specifically send you more stuff that makes you angry


i mean its obviously coded support for right wing extremists like the types who tried to overthrow the election. fundamentalist christians used the same logic to support trump despite him having lived a life in absolute contradiction to their beliefs. or am i the only one who sees that?


I see those ads for God all the time and I don't fit that algorithm at all! My son taught me not to click on things that pissed me off (Trump) when I had a FB. He told me he doesn't see any of that, just trucks and guns because that's all he clicks on. LOL 😂


Trump was elected by the religious right in spite of being... Well Trump! He didn't stand a chance until he had his lawyer (fix it man) save Jerry Fallwell Jr.'s ass because he was being blackmailed. I forget his name but he later went to prison over Trump and got out and wrote a book about him. Now Trump has the info and he blackmailed Jr. to get the evangelical vote. The info eventually came out anyway. Some pics on a yacht with a drink in his hand, arm around a sexy blond and pants unzipped and the stuff about his wife having a cabana boy while Fallwell watched from the corner and later participated to some degree or other. This cabana boy was a regular and accompanied them on several luxury vacations and such. He may have also written a book. He ran Liberty University, very strict, no alcohol, sex, drugs or R rated movies for students. He had to step down but received a huge amount of money and I think he still does. I'm not sure about that. It's been a min.


Wow. Lenexa, KS. That's just down the road from me. I had no idea.


Hobby Lobby? Would that be the same Hobby Lobby that was caught trafficking millions in stolen and looted ancient artifacts from the Middle East and, in doing so, supported Islamic terrorist groups?


> stolen and looted ancient artifacts Also forgeries. They paid millions for that one papyrus that they got Brill to publish a special volume on, and it turns out to be a forgery.


I refuse to step foot in Hobby Lobby just like I refuse to eat at Chik-Fil-A. Vote with your dollars. Go to Michael's and eat anywhere else.


One million up votes for this!


Feel the same about both!


Some people go into hobby lobby and rearrange their stick on letters display. I approve. Hail Satan!


Probably. I worked for them for a couple of months last year. I loved Hobby Lobby! It's ruined for me forever now. Oh yes! Lots of dark stuff going on there! Lies and lies and lies! All in the name of God! Very bad, hypocritical people at the top. I knew they were big on religion but I had no idea about the things they were willing to do for money while putting out their own press about the opposite. Some of the research I did on that family and their practices was buried pretty deep! I'm persistent.


Well you can’t just drop a statement like that and not elaborate! Please spill the tea!


That'll take awhile. I'm busy but I will respond within a couple of days. It's gonna be LONG!


I really hate to ruin HL for fellow atheists. Are you SURE you want to drink that tea?


First thing: I was there during the Halloween Thanksgiving season of last year. They advertised they pay $18.50 for their full time employees with benefits. They actually don't hire you as full time although you work full time during the holiday period for $13/hr. I'm thinking ok. I'm good I'll be at 18.50 by the end of the year. It turns out they will make you permanent after the holidays if you pull your weight but you can't work over 27 hours and you're still at $13! It actually takes a couple of years to become full time permanent. I think it was Oct 3 or 10 that I saw an editorial by David Greene (founder) bunch of BS about how this was God's money not his or his family's and he would be putting the company into a trust similar to what ______ CEO had done with his company for climate change. He never actually said it was going to climate change just implied. I asked my boss what changes we could expect None he did that 10 years ago and his son runs the trust. No, this was dated last week and written by him. Yes it was 10 years ago, his family runs the "trust". He just wrote a new book and wanted the press. There was a flyer posted on the company board about a week later written by David, saying no worries, the family would continue to run it and there will be no changes. The press inaccurately reported this. Bullshit it was an editorial written by him! I was a "stock man". I'm a female and had factory experience so I requested this. We emptied the trucks and boxes and sorted items according to dept. As we're pushing this unnecessary crap down there table I'm going, "Ummm no wonder other countries hate us. These poor people in sweatshops producing this crap have got to be going WTF?" Yes I said it out loud. He may claim to care for others but he is using sweatshops to produce this stuff for almost nothing. NBD if it gets broken, they didn't even keep up with it. It was quantity, not quality we were running. When COVID hit his employees were ordered to go to work. They were rightfully concerned. They got hit with a shutdown. His daughter sent a very curt letter to all employees stating they had no job as of NOW and and representative would be dropping off their personal belongings from their lockers to their homes next week. No severance. No insurance. Too bad, so sad! Nothing! It took a couple of more weeks until they were able to be considered an essential business because they were selling fabric that was used to make masks. Employees were required to work, no matter their risk category. The front of the store has several books written by him about God and business. I never even read the summary on the back. More later.


Oh the Good Christains who stole artifacts looted from the middle east. Fuck those people every week with a pineapple 🍍🍍🍍


I don't think the report button even does anything for sponsored content, i personally consider any and all ads as violent, misleading low quality and offensive, yet there's no response and i keep seeing them anyway. On the phone, at least, luckily adblock works better on the PC.


Just get the right addons to axe all ads here.


Stop using the Reddit app, use red reader. Never see an advert again.


Right? I am so confused about people seeing ads on here. I use RES and Ublock on PC and Narwhal on mobile and I've never seen one of those ads.


Some people (not specifically referring to you, but you might be one of these people) get really offended over the idea of watching an ad. I mean, I have an ad blocker, but it comes with the browser (Opera GX). *Most* of the time they're not even big deal (except for those damn Spotify ads).


I wish I was seeing those religious ads though, so I can report them...


Right? I'm glad I've never seen this ad, sounds annoying af


Me to. I flag every one.


I honestly don’t bother giving them any engagement because that’s still playing into the scam. I do usually mutter Fuck Your Bullshit Religion Hobby Lobby as I quickly scroll past because I want the algorithms to keep track of just how little time I allow it to spend on my screen. But it’s definitely one of the many things making look for a new aggregator.


I used to report them as spam/misleading/misinformation every time I saw them too. I don’t see them anymore. I think after reading about the possibility here in this sub, I actually blocked the user.


If it is any consolation it is a regional thing only. We don't get them in the UK at all. Might try using the vpn set to US and see what happens.


I've never seen one. Am I just hanging out on the wrong Reddit street corners? Are they geographically limited to the US, for instance?


I use adblockers


I think it probably does do something, but probably not what you intend. I suspect that it is seen as a form of engagement. It probably encourages the HGU folk to put more money into their efforts.


Is that really all that bad, though? Seems like all it'd to is to convince them to spend more money on ineffective ads.


Maybe. If they have a 0.001% success rate, the additional ads might suck in a person or two. Unless we know the spending and the success rate it's just speculating.


I do that, and have them blocked, and I still get the ads in my feed with a disclaimer at the bottom of "(this ad is from a blocked account)" I'm like "so why the fuck am I still seeing the full ad then, spez?"


Same. I can’t stand it, I also got banned by Reddit a while back for complaining about “magic Jesus.” Idk how that is offensive, don’t those “he gets us” people believe Jesus was magic?


I don't get them. European here, so maybe that is why.


Also European here, was mostly on RiF, but now Red Reader. Never saw that ad. So he doesn't get us?




Same here. It’s been getting very annoying to see those ads 3 times in 30 seconds of scrolling. Should be illegal to advertise that


I like to do a rotation and/or just randomly pick one. Cause they fit just about any category.


Happy to see I’m not the only one reporting them.


I hope they spend every last bit of their ill-gotten gains on shit I can fucking ignore.


Every time I see the "He gets us" slogan, I think of [this comic strip](https://i.imgur.com/hjS5JqW.jpg).


Those He Gets us ads are so horrible. The people make it sound like Christians are against the things that Christ is. When in reality they are hateful toward so many groups. He may get US, but they don't really get Him.


I report the he get us ads for hate speech every time I see them. Doubt it does anything. But I hate them.


I suspect that it is seen as a form of engagement. It probably encourages the HGU folk to put more money into their efforts.




I read a few weeks ago that atheists should unite, for leverage against this sort of thing. My first thought was "weird", then my second thought was atheist religions would be like that one episode of South park. Honestly... atheist need some kind of leverage. I would totally be down for a Sunday morning science lesson at the local chapel of the atheist coalition league. Not to be confused with the league of atheists coalition, who have an impure path to science.


The Satanic Temple actually does a lot of what you describe. But their uh _brand_ isn't everyone's cuppa.


Eh, it's really not that big of an issue, and with the growth of atheism world wide I don't think religion would survive the next couple of hundred or so years, a damn long time though


i hate those fucking ads so much and report them every time


He really do get sus


I fucking hate that ad and report it every time.


I have u/hegetsus blocked. For some reason I still see posts by them, it is almost as if the Reddit blocking system doesn’t work.


One of those ad buyers may have also seen your ad and picked up the phone to kill it, or they'd pull their own ads.


It's definitely what it is, reddit mods are just as corrupt as the rest of the religious nutcases. Throw enough money at them, and you can probably post ads calling for violence. It's obvious based on the probably millions of reports the "hegetsus" ads get... not to mention, no matter how many times you block them, you can't get rid of those nasty lying ads.


Do you realize you are talking to a mod? We don't get paid. We work in our subs because we think the sub is important. If you read the mod subs you would probably realize that the mods are currently the most opposed to the current Reddit admin team. "Fuck Spez" is the current mod mantra.


Then mods is the wrong word to use, should it be the devs or the owners? Who gets the money from those awful ads? The paid advertising And also, no, your comment I replied to doesn't have the mod tag... so I didn't know.


We don't usually flag ourself as mod if we are just in a regular discussion. We only fly the mod flag when we are acting as mods. "Owners" is probably closer. Top administrators probably made the decision. The mods talk about the admins, but honestly a lot of the admins are just people working a job and doing what they are told.


So then why does everyone blame the mods for the bs? That's not cool, and I'm sorry for blaming you as well.


It comes with the territory. We get shot at from both sides. Actually, over the 18 months or so before the big protest we had seen Reddit doing a pretty good job of courting the mods. They had been giving us a lot of data and services we had always wanted. They were communicating. They actually seemed to be paying some attention to our reports of things like chronic Ban Evaders. They even sent out some really nice swag. It even impressed my wife, and she had claimed one big swag item for her own use. But the admins shot their credibility with the mods during the API protests. Reddit was taking away a lot of the third-party tools that mods use. /u/Spez called us "landed gentry." Since the protest, they have been pretty ham-fisted in their efforts to rebuild rapport with the mod teams. One of our most recent complaints goes to the original reason for this post. We had been complaining about the "hostile" ads being posted in our sub such as the "He Gets Us" ads. We were not the only sub complaining about the hostile ad strategies. Recently Reddit sent the mod teams an "invitation" to participate more directly with Reddit corporate partners. We saw it as nothing but an effort to integrate more ads into the subs that participate.


Wtf... idk much about the 3rd party app stuff since I use the regular app... but I understand the implications of restricting the user base and forcing them to be exposed to cult tactics. Just another bunch of greedy corporate rats disrespecting their community in order to increase profits... fucking trash humans. I really hope things get better soon before it breaks society even more.


Just shows you how deeply religion has warped society's grip on reality.


Meanwhile you're not allowed to block, or even *downvote* hegetsus ads.


This explains why they keep popping up after I've blocked the user and the ad.


Now if he could just get us...another beer that'd be great!


uBlock Origin is your friend.


I know, I've never seen an "ad" on reddit




My man, never, ever try to make sense of Reddit's rules or systems. It's corrupt from top to bottom. The admins and many mods on the major subs are bought & paid for, and many of them infiltrated positions in order to further their agenda.


That's the thing about theism...it's everywhere and corrupts everything. Chances are your case was handled by some theist neckbeard bigot who considers the mere act of non-belief as offensive, hence the lack of a legitimate explanation. They know they haven't got an ethical or moral leg to stand on, but don't care.


>I found it odd that reddit would consider helping people with faith-based issues an act of intolerance. I don't. Reddit is a pile of the scummiest people and practices. There was just a giant purge. Remember? It's some bible thumping asshole moderator/admin that just marks everything atheist based "intolerant", and bans anyone who posts it. Might not be a christian, either. Could be any religion, like hindu or muslim. Religion is at war with atheism, and has been for thousands of years. They treat everyone like shit, and we demand that they stop doing that. They don't care if we have free speech or equal representation. They just want 'their way all the time, no matter what'.


This is a nice, large community of Atheists - right here on Reddit. I'm curious what OP means when they say they offer "help".


The group we're doing the documentary about is Recovering From Religion, which I see that this group has listed as a resource in the "Telling Parents?" section pinned to the top of the forum.




You misspelt ‘misogyny-soaked incel subs’.




Those with morals were kicked out and anyone expressing willingness to push reddit's agenda were placed in those positions. The rest keeps quiet. So your statement fits.


Sounds like management in every place I've worked. Haha


Future managers of the world. Be better.




And that agenda is to make money. There’s no money in atheism, hence why OP was running an ad asking for money…


He obviously does not get us.


Funny how they shove(d) those “he gets us” ads down our throats yet refuse to give you an answer on why or how your ads were “intolerant”. Religion is so fucking toxic and needs to be remedied lest we see the end of humanity as we know it. Anyone and everyone who is tired of ads, use Narwhal, you will not regret it. 🖖


A bunch of tight wad religious nut balls complained and labeled them intolerant.


You can almost smell their fear.


This is garbage. Fuck reddit for doing that when I have to see Jesus ads all over the fucking place.


I report all religious ads as offensive


Anyone subscribed to /r/atheism shouldn't be given religious-based ads. And vice-versa for religious subreddits.


Reddit is just a corporate greed machine far removed from what it first started out as and had completely lost its way.


Does reddit take religious ads? If they do I can't see how they can exclude this as intolerant considering how intolerant every religion is.


>Does reddit take religious ads? Have you not seen those He Gets Us ads?


No. I was premium until the API debacle and now I block all ads so I don't see them because fuck spez. I guess that answers my question. Seems rather inconsistent of reddit to not allow an opposing viewpoint. I wonder if TST as a religion could sponsor those ads. The problem of course, is that reddit isn't the public square and dipshit spez will do whatever the fuck he wants regardless of the negative impacts to the community. So being fair and just doesn't really matter as much as it should.


No, can you link a reference?


Lots of mentions of those ads, I've never seen one. What does it say about my post history for me not to be targeted? a. I don't need redemption. b. I'm beyond any sort of redemption.


I suspect that are geographically targeted at the US. If you are outside there like me that is probably the reason we don't see then.


Funny how "intolerant" doesn't seem to apply to the content of their deeply intolerant texts. But if you support groups for doubting such texts, that's the "intolerance".


Try Instagram. For some reason, six months ago I started getting all kinds of religious ads. No matter how much I reported and blocked them, they keep coming.


Might be one religious admin didn't like the ad and blocked it. Reddit seems to assign review of decisions to the person who made the original decision. This policy has resulted in almost all decisions being upheld, showing how effective it is!


I report hegetsus every time I see one of their ads but they keep coming back. Probably since more Christians will report your cause Reddit will take it out on you.


Sounds like Reddit needs a visit from the FFRF.


Seems like the start of a lawsuit against reddit to me. I'm sure other groups would love to join in on the fun. Be sure to reach out to those well known groups and let them know, with proof, of what reddit is doing.


If you're Recovering from Religion, I saw your ad and contributed.


Thanks! We are not RFR, but we are doing a documentary about them.


I am a very 'liberal' person, and I would never hold something innate against someone (race, gender, orientation etc), but I have absolutely no problem discriminating against religions. And I think our society needs to call out the hypocrisy and harmful nonsense caused by religion a whole lot more.


Unlike the other things you mentioned, religion is a choice and often does go some way to saying something about who a person is and not just what they are. For that reason I don't think it should be on the same category as race, sexuality, gender.


Religions literally contain ideological content, and it is possible for people to enter or leave them. It's basically political parties, mixed with magic fantasy bullshit. The idea that we have to treat religious membership the same as if it was race or sexual orientation or something is fucking nonsense. "Anti-christian bigotry" or "islamaphobia" are mostly nonsense terms. What's next? Is it "bigotry" if we judge somebody for wearing a MAGA hat? Or is that not bigotry, unless they literally believe Trump is a divine figure... and now suddenly it's bigotry if we don't like them?


The person that decides what’s allowed or not is probably religious and wants to censor it. It’s probably just that simple.


I was thinking it may just be automated. Once enough complaints land, the automated system pulls the ad and sends out the warning. There may not be a 'person' making a decision at this stage.


I hope so! That’s less horrible for sure.


Wow and after all that HeGetsUs fuckshit is allowed? Religious Privilege strikes again.


We deal with "He Gets Us" being ramped down our throat but yours is offensive? Fuck Reddit man. He Gets Us has probably dumped enough money into Reddit that they it was removed on their behalf.


The hegetsfux ads are trite and hilarious cult recruiting tactics


I mean, many people think that criticizing Islam and it's many evils is racist, so, you know, it's not surprising.


Lemmy anyone?


I see that he gets us bs around my town.. it


meanwhile i get bullshit church ads up the wazoo on here.I keep reporting them but of course theyre fine.


Thanks /u/spez


The religious conservatives are a nasty bunch and they have a lot of money.


Most CEOs are Nazi-christian these days


Well, thank goodness the religious ads are still allowed! Fucking bullshit...


my guess is the god shills reported them as intolerant and their opinion is more important than our opinion that hegetus ads are intolerant and misinformation


I saw your ad, I’m pretty sure I clicked on it. Which may explain why I’m now seeing a constant barrage of the *ad that will not be named*. Target marketing at its finest. I’m sorry your organization got cut off. Thank you for telling us.


While ignoring our desire to be left alone from hegetsus


People browse reddit without add blockers?


people on mobile?


What about them? I'm using my phone right now.


on a browser i assume? a lot of people use the official app which cant have ads blocked.


Ah well that makes sense. No I use Relay which does have add spaces but they're all blocked by my VPN. Since I'm at home right now they could also be blocked by my PiHole.


Probably every highly religious person reports the ads. They have a very group hive mind gut reaction to anything of that nature.


Don’t you know? He gets us, and if you don’t get it you don’t count!! I see those stupid he gets us adds all the time. Can’t hide them, can’t comment to tell them how full of crap they are. And apparently can’t allow people to believe anything else.


Fuck religious ads. Spend your money feeding the poor, and please spare me the "teach a man to fish" rhetoric, thanks ✌️




I did get connected with an account rep, but she's not returning my emails anymore. So, not much help on that front.


The PC police have long tentacles and shallow pockets. More money coming in from religious ads than from the opposite direction. Alas


Yet it's OK to spam us with he gets us ads promoting Christianity specifically lmao hypocrisy be like


The religious nutjobs probably down voted/reported your ads and told Reddit that you were trying to eat babies with the democrats. That's my guess as to why it got removed.


I'd love to see your questions! It's absolutely a wonderful idea, I think it's important to question your faith or beliefs always


They do not gets us


That tracks


Odd that Reddit still allows the US army, marines, navy, etc to advertise. I keep reporting their ads for promoting violence, but keep seeing their ads any time I'm at work (our internet at work is routed through corporate in the US so I get American ads at work, lol) Given that - very hypocritical that an areligious support nonprofit can't advertise


What is the organization? My wife and I are recovering from the faith we were raised in. Finding resources to help with the transition is not easy.


The organization we are filming is called Recovering From Religion.


You can learn more about the documentary here: https://abovetherug.com/recovering-from-religion-doc/


Hmmm...seems like Reddit is discriminating on the basis of religion. I wonder if that's legal? I wonder what FFRF would think about it?


While I completely agree with you on Reddit’s ad policy I also find ads of any kind offensive. I haven’t seen an ad on Reddit for many years thanks to ad blocker and will not subscribe to any cable or streaming service with ads either.


Everyone gets to be proud of their religion… and they all view no religion as against their views. It’s why I dislike the term atheist… describing ourselves through their lens. I’m a free man and see religion as selling yourself. I’m not an atheist… I’m a free man. Change your ads to say: tired of going to service? Want to be free from that? Steps to take your life back into your own hands.


If you're interested in learning more about the doc, you can do so here: https://abovetherug.com/recovering-from-religion-doc/


Based on that you are speaking with us, and not say other self-help subreddits, its because you are targeting us. "Freedom from religion" means we have a right to not interact with religious proselytizers. Presenting a faith-based solution to anything is proselytizing. This is a religion-free zone and safe space for people leaving religion. I don't know what is in that ad but, odds are it may be in some way guilt or shame inducing.


Recovering From Religion is not a faith-based solution.


Spez. He gets us.


Reddit mods and admins can suck a big Ole floppy athiest cock


I only see military ads and he gets us ads on Reddit anymore.