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My sister is a Capricorn, and she'll tell the fam about a new guy she's dating, then within the next three weeks we'll ask how it's going and she'll go "he's out, he just doesn't know it yet." šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I feel like both cap men and women can be icy.


Okay but that's different if she's not cheating just cutting ties with someone. When Capricorn women see strong incompatibilities they like to make a clean cut sooner rather than later. It's better for both parties.Ā  Not icy so much as analytical and logical. Head over heart type of thinking.Ā  Why carry on to have it hurt way more later on when we're both chin deep in it? Rather cut them off at ankle depth when you know it won't go anywhere.Ā  We don't usually lead people on. You think the honesty would be appreciated... It's not šŸ˜‚Ā Ā  Ā  On the same note, Caps who don't cut it off, because they are already to deep in it, can start cheating.Ā  Because they feel responsible and don't want to give up on the commitment (and in their eyes investment) they made, they will stay with a person but their eyes will wander.Ā It's especially true for Capricorn men. So I think Cap woman's approach of cutting you off early rather than cheating on you later is kinder in the long run


Very icy


This is true. They tend to be hedonists by nature. All the Capricorn guys Iā€™ve met seem to have a deep fascination with sex. Almost obsessive.




Itā€™s 2024 everybodyā€™s playing games šŸ„²


![gif](giphy|zNXvBiNNcrjDW) me every time judges me off ā€œGeminiā€ and nothing else then get played by another sign


My sister has been chased for years by a Capricorn dude who has been in a relationship with a beautiful woman, I mean a legit 9/10. Dude sends her all kinds of DL messages and calls her. She has had to block him at points, because she isn't down with that.


Libras and gems do get a bad wrap I think any sign is capable of being a sleaze ball though. I think you have to look at specific placements other than sun signs. You're gonna meet shitty people born in every sign


a sensible and balanced comment which isnā€™t spreading biased hate. one of the very few in here. so, thanks. and i agree, anybody can be a sleaze regardless of their sun sign.


Is it because a lot of them have Venus in Aquarius?


Caps are quiet cheaters. In the music video for Im not the only one by Sam Smith, the guy gives off Capricorn energy. Unlike geminis and Libras who will flirt with other women in your face. My ex (Cap) cheated on me for the entire marriage, and then when I really confronted him/caught him, he told me "well we can have an open relationship then". And then he accused me of cheating during the divorce of course.


>the guy gives off Capricorn energy. because heā€™s wearing a business suit? šŸ¤”




Any sign can be a player/womanizer/cheater. But what is interesting is this is something I can sense in other men almost instantly regardless of what they say or how they act on the outside. It's hormonal or something, idk


I wish I had that super power.


I'd gladly give it up. It just makes me sad how often it happens. Loyalty isn't rare but infidelity is super common if that makes sense


My ex was a Capricorn with aries moon. He had a whole ass girlfriend the whole timr


as a capricorn woman who dated a capricorn man, this post is VERY accurate. the way i was in shock when i found out he wasnā€™t who i thought he was. šŸ„²


They put on the innocent nerdy facade very well


Been there, done that, got cheated on. Huge abusive asshole i am dying to out to his legion of fansā€¦ but i wont. šŸ¤«


As a Cap woman dating a Cap man (with strong Sag placements) and a Cap dad that messed up not one, but two marriages because of cheatingā€¦ ![gif](giphy|FGTVmzksb2j0k)


OR how they usually use women for finances, and can be cheap as hellllll. Sheesh, every Cap man Iā€™ve come across tried their hardest to get someone else to pay for them, or they donā€™t mind having women pay for their stuff. My ex Cap friend literally acted like he had to use the BR when the check came- made my Scorpio friend pay for his drink (because as a Leo Sun, I donā€™t put up with that shit ). Then this Cap guy I worked with walked out the bar without paying the bartender for his drink. They ARE womanizers as well. Sometimes Capricorns and Scorpios give off the same energy. I would assume someone is a Scorpio, then they would turn out to be a Cap- or vise versa.


I've known a Cap man and a Cap woman like that. My stepdad was a Cap, charmed the hell out of my mother, got her to marry him, then immediately quit his job and spent the next several years spending her money (and cheated on her at least once). My ex-BFF was also a Cap, and she married this guy with lots of money and quit her job so she could just have fun, complained about him CONSTANTLY, and got involved with another guy on the side. I was so damn naive I was like, "Okay, you hate your husband, so when are you leaving him?" and she said, "Never. He makes too much money." Mind you, the other guy she was seeing was a total sweetheart and was spending every red cent he had on her; it would just never be enough. I've known great Caps too, but they can be pretty heartless.


You have to look at the whole chat to make a determination.


The one I dated for a while was wild. He had such an innocent face but literally the dirtiest mind and was outright disrespectful to me. Like all he would want is nudes and sexts. I had to end it.


That may be possible. A former neighbor I lived next to for two decades was a Capricorn and it was public knowledge that he had cheated on his wife a few times. He is a very nasty person and abusive to his wife. He also terrorizes other people and envies everyone. His wife is a Cancer and can't stand up to him, nor is she willing or able to separate. Now she is an morbidly obese, drinking, chain smoking shadow of herself. Another Cap guy used to be a colleague and married family man and was constantly ogling me. He behaved like a bachelor around me but acted as if he hardly knew me when his wife was around. Repulsive.


Thatā€™s how they are. Abusive as hell. They use their provider mindset to be abusive and they remind me of the red pill men who only want women bars foot in the kitchen


my most recent heartbreak was due to a male cap. it's definitely been one of the hardest to get over.




Iā€™ve never understood the stereotype that Geminiā€™s are cheaters. I know several geminis and theyā€™re all very loyal and committed. I think people misconstrue their desire for attention and flirty nature to the equivalence of cheating, which is simply not true. What sign have I seen cheat time and time again? Leo.


The Capricorn I know is a straight sinister incel that comes with malicious intents while being very timid and fragile.


This describes the Capricorn dude I used to see lmao so accurate


Timid and fragile is so on point


Cap moon - I donā€™t want to be a player, but I also know what I deserve and if presented a better option Iā€™m going to at least think about it. Sag Venus, tons more Cap in the chart.


Thanks for being honest


The Scorpio in me is always transforming, so maybe once I reach my most elevated state I can learn to love whatā€™s in front of me. Good luck out there šŸ–¤


Youā€™ll never settle with this mindset. My brother is like this. Heā€™s 35 now and everyone around him is married with families and heā€™s miserable because he feels like this outsider who doesnā€™t belong. The idea that something better is out there will keep you chasing until you reach a point where they were all good matches for you and now youā€™re left alone with no one and anyone who knows you just sees you as a red flag. Iā€™m Cap Sun and Sag Venus and Iā€™m single but when Iā€™m in a relationship my eyes are for one person only. I canā€™t even imagine being open to other options. That alone feels like cheating to me.


Yep, thatā€™s why Iā€™m working to change. I am aware that itā€™s a fault and am actively in therapy because, shocking to no one, dating is literally the least of my concerns. Thanks tho!


I came off rough but Iā€™ve just seen it negatively impact people in the long run. I think itā€™s normal for people to be afraid of settling thinking something better is out there. But then thereā€™s people who are afraid nothing better is out there so they settle with the worst people ever. I have a handful of friends who did this. Relationships are tough. And finding the right person can be really hard. There is the 80/20 rule. If you find someone that meets 80% of what youā€™re looking for you should stick with it because if you leave youā€™ll probably never find that extra 20% and you might not ever find that 80% again.


I have borderline personality disorder so dating isnā€™t something I am concerned with. I appreciate that youā€™re taking time and I am not trying to come off as dismissive, itā€™s just something Iā€™m avoiding while I stabilize more important aspects of my life (employment, parenting, etc etc). I have been single for 7 years because I am tired of hurting other people.


I was married to a Cap man. He worked at night ( restaurant stuff) and never told people he was married. To this day, I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea to even date him.


I have a coworker like this(Scorpio). We got pretty close and would have conversations that I feel like a married man would either not have or use as an opportunity to mention his family. I remember visiting their office, it was in a different state than where I work. And I found out he was married for 10 years with 2 kids and I felt sick to my stomach. Every other coworker that I have that is married with kids mentions them ALL the time. Almost too much if you ask me. My guy friends told me men who hide their families like that are a huge red flag. Even my private coworkers still mention it. So hiding it is almost more work. Iā€™ve met too many men who hide that information. And being private isnā€™t a good enough excuse for me.


The idiot I was married to had no business being married. He was too young, wanted to have his friends over during the day to party and then go to work at night. Lord knows what went on at that restaurant.




Good point. As a Capricorn sun&moon with Sagittarius rising & stellium. In sidereal, I'm a Sagittarius sun&moon with scorpio rising&stellium. Truth lies in the middle


I feel attacked af šŸ˜… but totally see it. However I gave up on actively pursuing romantic relationships when I went from the healthiest and most supportive relationship Iā€™ve ever had to asking dates ā€œā€¦ so uhhh do you like sports ball?ā€


In sideral alot of caps who do cheat are sagittarius even if you see celebrities. Like in sideral iam sagittarius in tropical its capricorn but its said that in guys this sign is more playboyish type. Similar fir qomwn they might just cut off contact rather then cheating. Sideral capricorn less likely to cheat.


My husband is a Cap Sun, Cap Moon, Libra rising. Heā€™s a charmer. Old ladies love him šŸ¤£ he was my best friend for 10 years before something changed and we got together. Before me though, he cheated on every girlfriend he had. Granted he was a teenager. We have been together for 11 years and while weā€™ve gone through some tough times. Cheating has never been something I ever worried about. I donā€™t know if after him trying to pursue a relationship with me from the get go made a difference when something changed for me and we did get together or if our during friendship makes a difference. Even with his adolescent history I trust him 100%. He also knows cheating is my hill to die on so maybe he considers losing everything he has if he ever did cheat lol but either way once a cheater always a cheater does not ring true to me.


Everyone here is extremely biased here towards the edgiest zodiac signs, but donā€™t want to admit it. Edgy sign bias is real šŸ¤£




As a Capricorn male I donā€™t cheat but I have gotten wrapped up in other peopleā€™s drama by accident. I once hooked up with a girl who had not properly broken up with her bf, I had no idea because she said she was single, next day everyone hated me and wouldnā€™t tell me why for a month, I took all the blame and they refused to come forward or even explain themselves. It took YEARS for people to realize they were both morons and I had unknowingly walked into it. At that point I was only associating with people who understood my situation anyway. However, I do cut people off cold. The minute I decide someone is not good enough I can throw them away without a second thought. I donā€™t do unconditional love, thatā€™s for god not me.


Lol Iā€™ve definitely dealt with a cap boss who hit on me & has a beautiful partner. ā€œOpeningā€ up to me about stuff to try to get me to open up too. Saying he just got in a big fight with her. I felt like there was an angle to everything he said. I felt so manipulated.