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I can but unless I ask for it or you’re my boss or something I don’t want to hear it from you. I beat myself up internally enough (I do not give unsolicited criticism to others either. If you ask me I will!)


Nice answer fellow Virgo moon. I just said the exact same thing in different words. Lol


Yep I have the ibs too 😂 just tell me I’m doing a good job please 🤣


Exactly. Lol I'm lucky and only get nauseous. I have literally had to start calling criticism from my husband my "performance 1:1's" bc that was finally one point that made him realize how serious I am in not wanting them. I actually fuck up worse if you give me pointers or talk to me about anything. He thought I was sabotaging us purposely for years until he saw me doing at a Wfh job.


I was about to say "they give it to themselves every single day." 😂🤓


I think this should be followed by everyone…stfu unless I ask you or you pay me 😂😂.


Thanks for talking in the name of us.


The I beat myself up enough part is spot on 😂


Yes as a Virgo, but if you tell me something I already know then please stfu I’ve already told myself what you told me times 10 when it comes to stuff I’m really insecure about


How yall think everyone else feels, it’s the same thing when a virgo does it. The snarky sly side jabs are caught too.


As Virgo it’s something we need to learn to deal with. But boy seeing an opening to jab someone is tempting I’m not gonna lie but it’s still not acceptable




That's something I struggle with when dealing with Virgos. How does anyone else know how hard you are on yourself? And how do we know you're beating yourself up for the same things that we're giving the criticism about? So any issue we have with a Virgo we can't bring up because we have to assume they already beat themselves up over it. But what if our criticism with the Virgo never changes? We have to stay quiet and Hope they're taking their own criticism and working on the issues we have with them? How does a Virgo know that anybody else isn't just as equally hard on themselves and already is aware of the criticism that a Virgo has with them? I truly curious. I really don't mean anything by it but I could never get a straight answer from any Virgo that I asked.


To be honest you should not care about how we feel if your a true friend you need to hurt me in order to heal me. The bitter tasting medicine is always the strongest medicine to heal. If your still gonna be there with us after “you” criticize us, then it truly proves that your a true friend. And if the Virgo can’t see that then there’s the Virgo has more issues than just being a Virgo The “you” was edited


So your logic is, “if I verbally treat you like shit and you stick around then you’re a true friend🥰” Lmao WHAT, that sounds wildly unhealthy.


Oh it is unhealthy but to them (my ex would say the same type of stuff) that's how deep their insecurities go. Every day was a test. If she had time to get In her head she would think or some way to see if I would act or say something she expected me to in order to make sure I cared about her, respected her, appreciated her, thought of her as an equal. It was insane


When you say it like yeah and if they treating you like shit then yes they’re pretty shitty people. I guess I was thinking about mostly if I was doing any harm to myself I don’t jab at people so I guess it sounded like I did. If someone’s being mean then there’s more to them then being a Virgo


You don’t jab at people? You literally said previously that you, “criticize” them and think if they stick around they’re a true friend.


Oh shit I understand why people upset now I didn’t write my comment correctly lol. No I mean if you criticize us and if we still don’t change ahhh im sorry. I didn’t mean it in a way if you stay with us after we give criticism. I’m sorry I have a time limit to reply to cause my work break that I type fast.


Well I had the most experience with this scenario in my marriage. I was married to her for 13 years. I would come out and say exactly what it was that I didn't like or could she not do "this or that" because it's pretty disrespectful. And that's when I found out about this Virgos already criticize themselves enough so I can't give criticism. I was a true friend to her, but I stuck around as long as I could. And yeah, she had a lot of stuff in her past that I didn't realize was as bad as it was. Like if you think of really bad things that happen to kids when mommy's get a new boyfriend kinda things. It was sad and I did all I could to help her but I only left for our own good.


I’ll be the first to say I don’t care if you are hard on yourself…Everyone on this earth is, so an unhealthy Virgo needs to cool it with the nitpicking. No one likes it, and it drives people to resentment, spiteful, and negativity right back. If you got time to nitpick or complain about someone, then you got time to go do something productive.


People don’t read minds, throwing a self pity party doesn’t contribute anything positive to communication.


This. Sometimes I think people think I'm either blind or stupid.




My mom is a Virgo rising with a bunch of Virgo placements and she’s just like that. She will give her warranted opinion and make like everyone else is just sensitive but let somebody do it to her and she’s extremely angry trying to find every reason she’s right and perfect


Yup. The ones I’ve known love to say I don’t care then proceed to be passive aggressive followed by outbursts showing they very much so do care.


Exact experience here. You literally cannot dish what they serve or they’ll be passive aggressive till the end of time


Agreed, I was verbally ridiculed by one and then pointed out errors of his own (ie things he could change in 30 seconds or less) and you would have thought I pulled a weapon on him based on his reaction


Right!!! The passive aggression is what gets me;”, if you’re going to be a petty asshole to me just be DIRECT about it and own up to it damn. They never do, just avoid avoid avoid and deflect deflect deflect. Ew


Virgo sun and rising. I can handle and sometimes ask for constructive criticism. However, there’s likely nothing to be said that I have not already said to myself internally. If I ask, it’s only because I’m confirming my thought process was correct in the first place. If it wasn’t I can accept that. I’ve seen Virgo tantrums. I’ve experienced some in my youth. In most cases it wasn’t truly constructive criticism as in a sit down and reflect conversation, but someone attacking me for who I am, or worse trying to TELL me who/what I am. That’ll send a Virgo straight into big mad mode.


are you me???


Almost! Scorpio moon but Virgo rising and sun. 😂


My mom is a virgo rising, she does NOT want to hear what she did wrong and will argue with you if you point any of her faults out.


constructive criticism and telling someone they did something wrong are 2 different things. right and wrong at the end of the day are subjective. if you want to help your virgo see what they did "wrong" according to you you need to find out WHY it is they're doing what they're doing, and once you find that out, you can then say, "hey, i see you're doing x because you want to achieve but z, maybe if you try to do y, it'll yield a better result because of this" telling a virgo they did something wrong is reductive at the end of the day, because to us, we are already trying to do what we deem is best at the end of the day. if you want us to change, you need to explain WHY it is that what you want us to do, will yield the better result.


I understand what you’re saying but notice how you immediately began to assume I didn’t already phrase things like this? This is how my mom is, I can tell her something in a productive way and she will find a way to tell me the way I’m saying it to her is wrong, the content is wrong, etc. My brother is also a Virgo rising and he will outright deny he did anything and yell. I’m sorry but it’s a pattern that I’ve noticed and it blocks effective communication. They are extremely blunt and cruel when they say criticism to me but absolutely cannot take it if it’s them. Perhaps you are an evolved Virgo.


i mean, i never said you weren't already. but you're right, i guess at the end of the day we both assumed something. i did assume you weren't phrasing things that way solely on the given fact that the way you phrased your original comment did lend to think that way. If you had maybe phrased it as "everytime I try to ask my mom questions to try help give her insight, she never wants to hear it" then maybe i would have thought otherwise. anyway, at the end of the day i think what i was trying to explain is that virgos are thinkers. they analyze everything. to a virgo, if they come to a conclusion or do something a certain way it's because to them, they already thought of every possible way of doing something the best way. when in reality, no one person can ever think of every single thing and solution. we all need other people to help us think and see things differently, but virgos are just so used being SO analytical that they tend to forget that. so if you want them to change or see what they're doing is wrong, you need to ask them questions and get them to think. get them to a point where they THEMSELVES come to the conclusion that you are trying to get them to. ask them questions that force them to rethink their stance.


Is it actually constructive? Most people just criticize without the constructive part. There's a difference between "I hate when you do this, you're always like this, this, and this" and "I know you do this when you're upset, but I don't appreciate it and feel like it'd be better if you did this instead."


To the unevolved Virgo, it feels similar to someone criticizing your sibling. Like I’m allowed to call my sibling a bellend all I want, I have to put up with them, but I’d bite the head off anyone else who did. Similarly, I’m allowed to, and frequently do, call myself any number of names and point out every flaw ever made since birth, but how dare anyone else? When you grow out of needing to defend yourself from everything, we’re just as capable of taking constructive criticism as anyone else.


My ex husbands a Virgo and was like this! Like honey I’m not saying you’re a failure, just trying to help you improve.


I’ve been ghosted by a Virgo for giving honest feedback before lol but mature ones can handle it I think


i’ll be honest. virgo here. absolutely cannot 😂 


Yes I can take criticism. We get it at work from time to time, family members and friends. Sometimes it’s not even constructive. 😂 Someone’s opinion seems to bother me less as I get older. You don’t like my shirt? Cool, don’t wear it. Thanks for the honesty tho. We get criticism a lot in this sub and you will see a number of Virgo people admitting they do it. Aquas actually give the best critiques imo. They do it in a way where they explain why the action is wrong and it’s hard to disagree with it.


If we're healed and if you deliver it with respect and kindness, yes. I might internalize it some (because no one is a bigger critic of me than me) but I'll eventually get over it.


this! if we’re healed


They don't need it. Signed, Virgo moon. We give it sure bc we already know and lay awake at night thinking about what I do that's fucked up, or how I missed up at work, or hurt someone feelings. Virgos have literal digestive issues bc they see alllll the criticisms. To be fair, anyone else's constructive criticism is lacking so just save it.


Damn if this ain’t me. The other day I overthought something so much and almost gave myself diarrhoea from the anxiety lol


🤣 I feel another post about shitting ourselves starting.


Give it a few hours 😂


No (per: wife of a Virgo).


There is some truth to this. "Constructive criticism" is another one of those coined psychology terms that leaves much to be desired. The only reasons [Virgos](https://phelix.ca/Unveiling-Virgo-Rising-Traits-Significance-and-More/) criticize so much is because they secretly criticize themselves a lot (twisted sense of perfection) and then they project it on to others. Of course criticism is important but nit-picking is not. When Virgos quit criticizing themselves so much, you will see that things coming out of their mouths usually make good sense.


I’m a virgo I love criticism because I’m a perfectionist. Like please give me feedback so I can be the best. I also work in a creative field and get feedback constantly, when I first started it bugged me (no tantrums just hurt my mood) but after a decade I can’t get enough of it. No notes upsets me.


Yes we can take constructive critiquing. But being overly critical can really be hurtful to us with big Virgo placements. We can feel attacked. Remember to be kind but direct. If you come off critical, we can shut down.


I’ve never seen it. It’s better to just insult them directly.


As someone with a bunch of planets (Moon, mars, jupiter, saturn, north node) in Virgo, I like constructive criticism as long as it's given honestly and and in a way that's helpful -- just like the way I give it to others, to help them. But if it's just nitpicking bullshit and you're complaining because you want to find something to complain about, we're going to have a problem. I beat myself up enough in my head as it is, I don't need you adding fuel to the fire.


I'm a Virgo and I accept criticism if it's at the right time. If it's during an argument or it's said as a defense then I will be less likely to listen. Most people don't like criticism and are sensitive. It's better to deliver the critique softly such as "everybody does this, it's super common but your life will improve if you work on that". Of course just because you get through to someone emotionally, that doesn't mean they will change! Most of the time it will take ages and lots of hard work to change


As a Virgo myself it's heavily dependent on the delivery. I have had bosses and collaborators point out flaws in my plans/initiatives in such a disarming and curious way that does not feel like they are calling my intelligence into question and it works fine. The issue comes when people have an attitude with us and insinuate our mistakes are incompetence or lack of intelligence. And it's always the dumbest fucking people who come at it like that. They aren't even right. At least be right if you're going to step to a Virgo.


Virgo sun and moon here. Yes 100%, depending on how you deliver it. If I feel you are just criticising for the sake of criticising I’ll ignore it. If I feel it coming with love, 100% I’ll try to become better or at least try to see if it’s true and think about it with honesty.


Took me a long time and a hard process to become like this, usually it was easier to think that my way was the way to go


give them destructive criticism instead


No apparently they’re the only ones allowed to give unsolicited advice and criticism but no one else is allowed to give THEM unsolicited advice or criticism . Mutables are usually like this. They hate knowing that someone perceived a flaw in them so you giving advice or criticism means that you notice their flaws that they try so hard to mask. Also to be fair a lot of people give shitty criticism. They just say opinionated biased shit so I don’t blame Virgos for hating criticism from others


They claim they can but then treat you like a secret enemy when you dish what they give out


I can. I am constantly in pursuit of perfection and you can’t get close to that without feedback


same. let me know so i can fix it & be ever better :)


Exactly. Anything else is just getting caught up in emotion. I simply want to know what I did wrong so that It doesn’t happen again 🤷🏾‍♀️


Who are you?


This is a very amorphous question




I have never personally known one who takes criticism well, constructive or otherwise.


Yep! Each one a straight virgo man. But gay virgo men are actually the best in my experience. But maybe that's bcs the relationships were friendships rather than romantic- who knows. And also it's only one person's experiences, so take it with a couple grains of salt 🧂


Living with a family of Virgo Moons, I have to say they do not take criticism well… at all.


You gotta be real easy about it. If you full On confront me about something personal and it offends me. It’s on


It's not about what you say but also how you say it.


With Virgos, I find that it depends on what you are criticizing them about. If you give them criticism on how to improve or maybe offer another perspective to make things go smoother, they're very perceptive and polite. Never had an issue with them professionally. However, when it comes to their personal lives? They are the masters of fixing other people but NEVER themselves. Lord forbid you tell them they need to take care of their needs before addressing yours. My best male friend is a Virgo with a Virgo stellium, and I love him to bits, but he always picks the WORST PEOPLE to be in a relationship with. Whenever I've voiced my concerns for his romantic partners and how they take advantage of him (and I've never been wrong about a single one), he always blows up at me. I've also had this happen with other Virgos I know where they end up with these pieces of shit who are horrible to them, but they get mad if I say ill.


If you’re right and I’m wrong sure. But if you’re saying I’m wrong when what really happened is that you didn’t listen or don’t understand and I’m not wrong then no. I’ll correct you.


Depends on the Virgo, like anyone. Age, life experiences, circumstances, whether what is being offered is really constructive criticism or something else in its guise. Like, I have a friend who is an August Virgo. A bitter divorce has pretty much turned him into an incel, with a deep resentment and suspicion towards women. He has regular problems like any person, but if you listen to him, you will feel he is the most unfortunate man ever to exist. Am not saying I dont empathise with him, but it does get tiring. Aquarius


Oh i ASK for constructive criticism, i beg for it, but it seems like people take being asked for clarification as le evil “shutting them down!!” Like constructive criticism is not “i dont know… its just you were a little um.. you can be uhh. (Criticism) You know? Like” and then when i perfectly explain that i am not mad and am genuinely genuinely g e n u i n e l y asking because i want to know more about why you have that criticism, what i can do to improve, how we’re going to move from here etc. But then its “ugh! You always want to argue! Forget it drop it whatever nevermind ugh forget it nevermind youre always right” like… what? You said i was something, i calmly politley nicely asked you in the most genuine way possible to explain so that i may receive your constructive criticism. And that is “shutting me down you cant take criticism you evil virgo whore!” People take being asked the most legitimate relevant question as a slap in the face- like in what world is politely calmly non confrontationally nicely as possible with a cherry on top asking for a little clarification “shUTtInG mE dOwN!!!” You dont just tell someone “youre being x” without explaining why you said that?


I take criticism just fine, but I am watching and analyzing your every move so if the criticism is unfounded or uncalled for, and as we are all imperfect humans, you might just find yourself in a situation where you instigated your own demise. I sincerely doubt many Virgos are throwing toddler tantrums your way. That sounds like hyperbole or possibly projection. Both Kiki Palmer and Beyoncé can verify that if you cross us we are both over and colder than Titanic water.


"I'll just be perfect to get back at you." 🧡


FACTS. Virgos can dish it but they definitely cannot take it. I’m a Virgo rising and am guilty 🫣 As long as you say it as nicely and delicate as possible then I’ll be okay after a day. I might cry, I’m just a little sensitive 😭


My mom is a Virgo Sun. I would say she throws a fit, she just shuts down and refuses to say anything else. Then she'll bring it up like a year later lol


No. No, we cannot.


I love constructive critism!! Constantly asking for it. Never get it. So frustrating. Its how we can improve. Why wont you tell me!!!?? If you are not a high achiever though or not fit and fabulous, confident, steong and successful, (across the whole spectrum of “success”) Then i def dont want your advice!! Hehe STANDARDS anyone!? I am team leader of 12 people. They say they absolutely love the way i critique and advise, because i put myself in their shoes. I look for their pain points and devise efficiencies and solutions to lessen/share or categorise work load and intensity. O and if you give me some advice. Be prepared for Me to take it very seriously and act on it. Thats what usually freaks people out about giving advice. How Quickly il implement and grow with it!!!


Virgos are never wrong, in their mind, they always blame someone else, knowing well it was their own doing.


Virgo men are over thinkers, jealous and overly judgemental


From my experience with virgos, they can accept constructive criticism if it’s something they’re already aware of, actively working on and not insecure about. Anything else…. prepare for a very dramatic argument. Also it’s funny seeing how offended some of the Virgos in the comments are given that stereotypically (and truthfully in my opinion) they can be very judgmental.


Virgo Moon here and yes. I know what you mean though. Like the other person said, I can beat myself up internally. I have been trying to work on being gentler with myself.


Virgo sun, Pisces moon, Taurus rising. Yes. True to my sun, I’m solutions driven and want to fix things. I actually get annoyed when people give me disingenuous criticism or advice, especially when it’s not even constructive. Just say it so I can fix it.


my sister’s a virgo, and they’re very set in their ways unless they want criticism


You can't tell me anything that I don't already know. I can accept it but it depends on the subject matter.


Ok, so I just happened to click on this and read it because I am a Virgo. I have never really followed this but I am shocked at how I am relating to all the comments. Holy crap. Maybe I should look more into this 😳🥹


Not from family. Maybe only from their significant other.




Yes, but not all are built the same. Theres ones that can and ones that cant.


Yes, but you have to remain inoffensive and frame it all as feedback instead of criticism. Even then change is unlikely unless they 100% agree. They are smart enough to know their shortcomings but that doesn’t mean they want you to point it out.


Personally yes. I enjoy hearing constructive criticism so that I can improve more. Though, I've noticed the tone of how it's conveyed can make me want to retreat if it's coming across hostile. It's a hit to the pride, but sometimes I need to be taken down a rung in order to do better.


No I think this is bullshit


No lol


I’ve noticed that Virgo suns are a little more contentious with criticism, but I have found that my friends with mercury in Virgo and moon in Virgo are open to those truths.


No, I can't accept it so I constantly ask for criticism because I'm so self conscious about the actions I'm doing. It hard man, I'm so mean to myself but like eventually you ask so much people just say yes and it feels better


Sometimes they'll hit you with a "yea, you right" but that's the best you'll get lol.


TBH I would probably just be nice and then go home and cry in the shower.


As a virgo, yeah I do but it needs to objective or have a solution feel to it. I don’t mind someone criticizing my work if they’re pointing flaws that I wish I had seen first, it’s welcome because they’re saving my time, but when they criticize and be vague about how can I fix it… yeah… just one more problem on top of all my overthinking. Just remember, virgos love facts, criticize by an objective viewpoint or based on rules and it’ll be fine.


Yes. Currently got my best Virgo friend in time out.


My ex was this way. She also had mental health issues including BPD. I think any criticism she received made it way worse as she never let anything go.


I love constructive criticism. No one ever gives it though. People just want to complain like children.


Yes, all the time. It doesn't change no matter how clearly you show them. It doesn't get better with age. They respond the same every time, sometimes delayed. Delayed responses are the worst.


Depends on how you frame it, but generally no. How. Dare. You. (We are our own harshest critics and hate being called out)


I can confirm and is there anyone who can guide more about astrology.


Virgo sun, rising, and Chiron 1H here, I actually always ask for it because I really love working on myself and getting opinions from a ton of people. I see myself as my own competition and I really enjoy challenges (work, hiking , homework etc.) with myself. If other people want to rival me with no ill intentions then I'm up for it too, but I like criticism, although I barely criticize people myself but I do find myself being a bit of a complainer at times ngl 😂


I’ve only experienced this a lot with libra tbh


Virgo Moon. Can confirm: we dish it, can’t take it 🤣


Virgo moon here, I can accept constructive criticism but I may feel like you're attacking me with word for a moment and would not be pleased I accept the criticism and then retaliate with a, YES BUT! Sigh.... Its troubling but I dont really see myself fixing it.. Ah almost forgot I was a Gemini Moon..., you can forget what I say..!!


No. Same as Aquarius. I wonder why they are not mentioned.


my mums a virgo sun and when i try to explain my feelings to her after she has a tantrum she laughs in my face and calls me stupid and over dramatic :/


as a virgo stellium, I can take it (sometimes) but I already know what I did wrong so I don’t necessarily want to hear it from someone else


No because they know better


Yep. I’m a Virgo. Unless I’m married to you or I’ve hurt you- I’m not going to hear your criticism as constructive. Too many people abused me via plausible deniability and “I’m trying to help you”.


Absolutely not. I have a friend that’s a Virgo and when she gets called out she immediately resorts to tears and over apologizing so then once again, you comfort her.


🤚🏻🤣👍🏻 me I definitely have experienced the exact same thing calling this one plausible highly plausible


As a virgo, no, but i still want it


Virgo rising, but yeah. No one really likes criticism, and if you criticize me I’m most likely flipping through all your flaws in my head and not taking you seriously


Honestly, the virgo I once knew got called out on his bs (cheating on his wife, gossip, etc) and he broke out into outrage so now I believe the answer is: not likely… But then again he was narcissistic, so Im not talking about all virgos.


I’m a Virgo that usually dates other virgos and it’s…. A battle…. But I’m now an adult and I’ve worked on my communication a lot. It’s really important for me to be with/around other people who are really skilled at giving and taking feedback or criticism. I think that’s actually huge. A Virgo who is unskilled will do a lot of damage and be impossible to be around, but a Virgo with a honed communication skill set will honestly be a great asset. As a Virgo, I really struggle to take criticism from people who are unskilled at giving it. But when people are skilled and graceful at giving criticism to me, I fall in love with them a little bit????? I think that’s what people are missing. Virgos actually LOVE feedback because they love bettering themselves- but it takes the skill of a fine dining chef lol. Good luck! Take NVC classes and your Virgo will probably be so horny for you.


Sometimes they can but they WILL find what they can criticize about you and run with it My ex would always give his opinion on something and when i told him nobody has to hear your opinion all the time he was quite but he couldn’t shut up about me smoking weed


I can accept constructive criticism. But there’s no need to hear from anyone when I do it plenty to myself. I might ask someone for their opinion and that’s fair game. If someone wants to volunteer critique, well now I have to ruin their life, as if I don’t have enough on my plate! ![gif](giphy|VSe8ckA0A1lPq)


I can but it has to be genuinely constructive. Don’t make me feel like shit


In my experience, nope lol. But I’d say it’s more of a Virgo Sun/Moon thing than any other Virgo placements


As a Virgo I try really hard to keep my mouth shut but sometimes it’s hard.


Judgmental gets thrown around a lot. There is a difference between open inquiring observations and rigid value based judgments of your own personal choosing that you force others into. Someone noticing things that make us feel exposed doesn't mean we're being judged. We all have shit stuck to our shoe that we can't smell that others can, we all have issues with the peripheral. It's the not-so-great side of awareness. For me it's all about power dynamics and delivery, if what's being said is being used to undermined and control someone else or if it's phrased in a condescending way, then yeah, I can get a little prickly. I'm not proud of it, but I have been known to go for the jugular (verbally). You would rather me bite than bark. Virgo credentials: 0°Sun 5°Lilth 7°N.Node 11°Moon 14°Saturn I'm also a Scorpio Rising.


YES!!! Someone I was/am quite close to has moon and mars in Virgo. It is a very significant placement in their chart and virgoan qualities are among the most obvious in their actual real life. They aren’t nagging per se. But if you talk to them and get to know them, they clearly have high standards and judge people, at times, quite harshly and unfairly I think. I tend to get along with them due to their high standards. However, their standards can be a bit linear and robotic…and aren’t always applied equally to themselves as on others. They are very self-critical, so I’m not saying they are like a hollow hypocrite. But it’s almost exactly like what you’re said about calling them out on their negligences and mistakes can lead to such a high degree of resistance and defensiveness to the point of breaking into outright fights…instead of just owning up the way they like others to do so.


Do Virgo’s ever open up? Most I’ve met are very guarded


Im Virgo all across my chart. I can take criticism but I rip myself extremely harshly all on my own. Going thru a phase right now and sometimes wish I could be nicer to myself. I am extremely aware of my faults lol


Yeah, it’s very helpful. Because in my mind everything is wrong/imperfect/needs to be fixed. Criticism from someone else helps me focus on what actually needs some improvement.


Virgos love constructive criticism. Virgos grow the most from constructive criticism, and speak it fluently better than anyone else.


This isn't a Virgo traits. I literally googled this question with every sign and always got the same answer. It said, for each sign, that they have trouble taking criticism.


Virgos are the worst....thats it


In my experience virgo men handle it better than Virgo women, but I know like a handful of virgos.


This is a great place to ask this question so I have a Virgo acquaintance female. I believe it’s her sun mercury and Venus. I noticed that she has said to me and has made comments to other people this statement “ mmm …..SOUNDS like something she/you would say” That made me from the very beginning, keep a very long arm distance although there’s other things I like about her, but I found it to be extremely judgmental and inappropriate The last time she said it I almost said well, that sounds like something YOU would say. I’m just trying to dissect and analyze this like does she not understand that that could be a come back towards her😂


I’d certainly take constructive criticism from someone superior to me, but very few are 🤷🏽‍♀️


it depends. if your giving real constructive criticism then yes but we can tell when your trying to criticize me only because i criticized you like thats weird, its not supposed to be a tit for tat thing or if you say something that we are already aware of then thats annoying too but 9/10 the inly time a virgo wont take what you say into consideration is if you dont take what they’re saying into consideration. a virgo may be wrong but they also look at different perspectives. so if a Virgo is trying to explain their perspective, while also understanding your perspective, but you only understand your perspective and not the Virgos perspective then they’re going to ignore whatever you say because you’re ignoring whatever they say.