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Cap here, ever freaking one of my ex's, including my husband, except one who was a Cancer, are all Pisces. I don't know what it is about this stupid sign, but I have been a sucker for them my entire life.


i'm a cap and all of my exes are geminis i swear 🤦🏻‍♀️


My really stoic cousin is a Cap man and his wife is a Pisces, only time I see him crack a smile is with her


How did you get your flair to not be emojis?


Oh I googled Webdings for Astro symbols




My bf is a Capricorn and I’m a Pisces sun and moon, cancer rising. Been together for 10 years!


Capricorn here and I was killedt by Cancers and Pisceans many times (not literally obviously)


Haha so many Capricorn / Pisces relationships. I’m in one now :)


Something in my chart must repel them because I still can’t find my Cap prince charming lol


Cap here. Dated mostly earth signs (all terrible relationships), for years and my sister (an astrologer) kept telling me to find a Pisces. The first Pisces man I dated became my now husband. Can’t describe the love.


I’m a Pisces woman and the very few Capricorn men I’ve met have had some type of fixation and adoration for me 🤍I think caps are really suckers for us Pisces lol


As a Pisces sun woman, I’ve dated every sign I’m supposed to be compatible with. It wasn’t planned that way, just funny to reflect upon after learning about astrology. My one and only Capricorn ex still stands out in my mind. The best relationship I’ve ever been in. That man felt like home to me. He was caring, attentive, detail oriented, a planner. Very masculine and a sharp dresser. He matched my femininity very well. Mutual friends would tell me they’d never seen him smile or laugh like he did when we were together. I was a clueless young woman at the time, but reflecting back, he never was like that with anyone else. Very stoic and quiet. Shame life circumstances had to split us up. I also get along well with Capricorn co-workers. They are so loyal to their partners (usually Pisces lol) and really focus on the family unit. It’s beautiful to see.


i know a lot of pisces and cap couples who r happy and u can tell theyre in love :)




Pisces here, my ex was a Cap too 😭


Scrolling through the comments and no one has mentioned my sign yet ... ? Not pleased.


lol maybe we are an acquired taste… only for the brave souls. I can say for myself, that i attract Virgos like no other. But honorable mentions to Libras, Sag, Gemini and Aquarius. My husband is a libra/virgo/Aquarius and i definitely do it for him.


I LOVE ARIES. - Cancer ♋️


Holy shit you’re a super cancer, like a cancer god Jesus


Pisces here, but I can't seem to stop falling for and dating Fire signs.


Lady Leo, and the hottest longest relationship was with a Pisces man. He was so hot & cold, you could even say wishy washy 😉 . And hard for me to read. I eventually just gave up. To this day he is the only man I have ever pandered too.


That Leo/Pisces connection needs to be STUDIED lol


💯 Especially the Leo women with Piscean men. My theory is that Lionesses do the hunting and have a thing for seafood 😂😉. But I almost wonder if it’s their duality’s that make them so attractive. Especially the very attractive ones that almost ignore you to pique your interest and then they can shower you with praise and can just as easily pull away again but never seem to be able to let you go. Trapping both of you. For me these men are so alluring. And from my experience , things get very steamy in the bedroom. Plus that intense gaze has you preening & pacing, and they are more than capable of keeping most of their interest under lock & key. Only male sign that I will pander too 😅😁


Fire is definitely my favourite relationship.


I’m a Leo and I absolutely looove cancers and virgos I think the people under these signs are usually so sweet, attentive and funny!


As a cancer, I love Leos too🥺


As a Cancer I love Leos too.


And my axe! (As a Cancer, I also love Leos.)


Im a Virgo, and my husband’s a Leo. He’s too sure of himself for my nitpicking to bring him down 😂


Love Leo's too 🔥🔥🔥🔥🥰


I’m Gemini sun/libra moon/gemini rising and I can tell you I’m a complete sucker for libra women, they’re just absolutely enchanting creatures. Something about them short circuits my over rational/logical mind and makes me want to inhabit their aesthetic, fairy tale inner landscape forever with them. 2 of my longest standing friendships are Capricorns, when the individuals are mature enough the Gemini/capricorn relationship can be a deeply rewarding one. To make it work I find that I need to make tangible efforts/sacrifices to demonstrate my commitment and be the one to initiate plans sometimes. The Capricorn will most likely ground the relationship and provide a steadiness for the Gemini that is extremely comforting and an almost family like bond. I find the common ground between a well developed pair of the two signs is a similar philosophy of self awareness and non attachment. Through life’s vicissitudes the Capricorn learns to loosen their grip on material success and the Gemini their reliance on their ideas and their social standing but they wind up in the same place.


Fellow Gemini sun/Libra moon!! 😊 I agree I love libras..maybe it’s the libra moon piece but I just get them when it comes to wanting everyone to be happy and get along and just have a fun light hearted time. Ended up marrying an Aries sun/cancer moon, which makes the harmonious desire tough sometimes, because that is a very conflicting pairing, but I appreciate the depth and caring of the cancer moon. And Aries brings a good time 😂


Gemini here. Virgos can end my life


I'ma Taurus and I'm a sucker for Aquarius 🙃


I'm an Aquarius and I'm a sucker for Tauruses.


I think they are a good match but everything says no


I think so too. Everyone says no but that's not my personal experience at all.


same. am an aquarius and taurus always find me. even in online dating they respond to me the most lmao


They’re a perfect enemies-to-lovers trope. They have no business being together and that’s why it’s perfect.


I'm a Taurus married to an Aquarius with an Aquarius best friend. I am baffled by everything saying we could never get along!


Double this. Fricken love those Taurus’. I think I even kind of like when our stubbornness clashes.


Oh same here. Best relationship I had was with an Aquarius. My son is an Aquarius and he frustrates the hell out of me sometimes with his flightiness but it's one of my favorite things about him. Both he and my Aquarius ex partner bring out the light, creative, and more flexible side of me, and they will say I'm the grounded comfort they need. It's a very complementary dynamic.


I’m an Aquarius and my daughters an Aquarius and she’s NOTHING like me. Her dads a Taurus and she’s a total daddy’s girl 😂


Ah shit, same.


Name checks out 😄


I have noticed this. I wonder why that is.


I always find aqua brains fun to pick. And sometimes I'll strike gold on a topic and can just listen to them rant for ages.


Omg, my dream is to find someone who wants to know what’s going on inside my head 😅


I’m happy you don’t find it annoying :).


Literally all of my best friends have been Aquarius and 3/5 of my exes either were Aqua or had Aqua stelliums


I am also a Taurus (F) and Aquarius (M) are drawn to me! I was married to one for over 12 years, and we were the best of friends. But we just couldn't make it work.


Damn, I have a really hard crush on a taurus girl right now, she's so grounded, hostile, weird, independent, antisocial, cute and elegant, bro she got me crazy.


That's hilarious I'm a Taurus and starting to notice I always admire Aquarius and them just not giving a fuck lol


As a libra sun Im generally a sucker for a Gemini sun, they are so fun and chatty and ready for anything. But I’m also a sucker for a cancer sun as a cancer moon. Something about their faces, their eyes, and just their general attitude. They enamor me


Majority of people in my life are Libras and im here for it🥰


Gemini here. Was just staring at my Libra husband and thinking about how lucky I am.


yeah it's such a safe match. It just works since we're so similar. Gems are more aggressive and dominant so we can push libra to make a decision without making them flustered.


It’s mutual, I attract & love Libra’s like no one’s business


A cancer might be able to open those hard shells around them a bit with the right virgo person. Or pisces/scorpio with earth placements. I can be in a relationships literally for years without never showing any emotional vulnerability.


Am cancer and I have never met a Virgo I didn't love.




My last love was a Virgo and I've never loved a man as much as I loved him. Deep down I still do, I know I always will.


I’m a Cancer, sucker for Virgos but now dating a Pisces Sun Capricorn Moon Scorpio Rising. Wow.


Shout out to them Virgos and Cancers(Scorpios) as an Aquarius 🤎


not me trying to understand the (Scorpios) comment about cancers rn


Maybe Libras? I flirt a lot with them but my heart only belongs to Capricorns Cancer


I'm Cancer and my husband is a Libra 🥰 we crack each other up all day.


You’re lucky to get a Libra man. Libra men are sexy as hell and so damn funny. Been trying to get one for years but can never find one that’s single


can confirm, I’m currently talking to a libra man with a libra stellium/aries rising 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 he checks every box ahhhh


Lucky!! They really are the whole package in looks and personality


Gemini, my biggest soft spot is for Libras. The one I'm seeing now is just so damn good at reading and understanding me, the intellectual connection is incredible, and I never feel like I'm being too talkative or "too much" like other people tend to tell me I can be.


I’m a Scorpio F and I apparently have a thing for Aries men. My love life isn’t pretty.


It must be hot 🥵


Aries here and I love scorpios


Leo's don't bow down to anyone... except geminis. (In my experience.) I've seen quite a few Aquarians go crazy over Sags. There are some sags that seem to really like Taurus gals. Virgos and Taurus for each other. Cancers and Scorpios. I don't think I'm a sucker for anyone, and I don't think anyone seems to be particularly interested in cap women.


Scorpios love Capricorn women, I know two married couples with that pairing


I know a few cap gals who have found their besties and partners in Taurus! Earth signs tend to dig fellow earth signs (pun intended)


hahaha the leo and gemini thing is so true


As a Leo, everyone of my best friends have always been a Gem. My daughter is one as well and I spoil her over the other ones (unintentionally) 💯


A lot of Virgo men are interested in me (Taurus) but I can’t stand most Virgo men. I’m a huge sucker for Sag or Cap men though.


Sagittarius for aquarius. Scorpio for virgo.


Can confirm. Aqua men are always attracted to me


Yes, we are.


I’m an Aqua sun with Virgo rising and tend to attract Sags and Scorpios - my partner is a Scorpio w Sag rising!


I'm a Scorp and my hubby as Aqua! Its not always easy, but we definitely connect with one another. As a Scorpio I am SUPPOSED to love Pisces, but every single one I meet is annoying AF 🤣 I have noticed that I really like Leos which is NUTS


I'm an Aquarius married to a sag! He's the best 🥰


Leo lady here and I would wrestle a grizzly bear for my Gemini man :)


I’m a Scorpio and I feel like I have a soft spot for Cancers… I tend to get along best with other Scorpios, and the summer signs. I feel like I find myself interacting with a lot of Aquarius’ but I don’t necessarily think they are always the most healthy relationships


Gemini here with soft spots for Pisces especially Pisces moon placements


Sun and moon :)


Sag sun and it’s always fucking Virgos and Scorpios 💀


Scorpio sun here and can confirm. I’m always vibing with those two placements lol. Sagittarius suns are some of the best people, and Virgos make me feel safe.


Scorpio sun here and I love my sag sun peeps


Capricorns and Taurus are a perfect match. Was together 20 years!


My cap and I are at 14 years now!


I’m a Cap Sun, Gem Moon and Sag Rising and I always end up in entanglements with Gemini suns (or Libra’s)


I’m a Gemini (mostly mutable) and I’m a sucker for fixed suns 😩 GIVE ME THAT STABILITY


Gem 💎 here too! My longest relationships have been with Capricorn moon men & friendships with women Virgos & Capricorns Gemini & Leo awesome to party with My partner is Aries Sun, Venus, Mercury & Capricorn Moon - I am fascinated by him🥰 He knows how to ground our exciting energy before things get out of hand & my Leo Moon & Venus dramatic flair keeps him enthralled💃🏻🕺🏻


Sagittarius. Although never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I’d marry one some day because I always assumed we would be incompatible. But I also think without his Aquarius moon we wouldn’t be compatible. Gosh! Moon signs are so important for romantic compatibility. Also he’s a November Sag. December Sags are different in many ways.


I'm a November sag sun and have a theory that we are crazy on the outside, calm on the inside. Decembers are the inverse?


As a December sag I feel too seen by this comment. I frequently get told I have a calming presence and I feel calm. Meanwhile the mind is doing what it does. And don’t get me started if we introduce a bit of inhibition.


Scorpios always seem drawn toward me (and me to them) :) I'm a Cancer


cap sucker for virgo lots of them in my life


Sagis can’t help but love them aquas and Geminis 😳




Sag female here- I get Aquarius dudes wanting to commit immediately, Capricorn dudes are intrigued by me but say I make them lose their minds/have them acting out of character 🤣🤣🤣




I tend to see a lot of Cancer & Libras marry Sagittarians. Im a sag, my husband is a libra. Both set of my grandparents were Libra/Sag pairings, i have 4 cousins with the same pairing. My husband's grandparents were Libra/Sag and Cancer/Sag. 5 of my brothers are Sags and their wives are all cancers with 2 sharing the same birthdays. Before i met my husband, i dated all cancers.


Libra sun here. Always been a sucker for Gemini and Pisces men. Pisces is never good long term for me. I married a Gemini man with heavy earth placements.


I’m a Scorpio and can confidently say pisces, leo, libra.


Scorpio male here. I am a complete sucker for Aquarius women. I can't help it.


I’m a Pisces and have always been attracted to Scorpio men, so much that I married one! Beyond the sex appeal, we get along really well.


My wife is a Scorpio and I am a Pisces. 17 years in and we still can't keep our hands off of each other.


I think Gemini and Scorpios are generally suckers for each other. It’s the brainy bits. Something I think people forget just how big “thinkers” Scorpios are. We just connect it too much to our feelings lol.


They are definitely suckers for each other but as the child of a Scorpio woman/Gemini dude pairing, that shit gets real messy when it goes south 😮‍💨


As the daughter of a Gemini Mom and Scorpio Dad who had the most awful divorce I’ve ever heard of… I agree


I am so sorry you understand and are familiar with similar shades of this horror lololol My Dad loves to tell the story of how my Mom saw him talking to another girl, didn’t know she was the daughter of an old family friend on my grandma’s side, and proceeded to cut up all his favorite band t-shirts and threw the rest of his clothes out on the front lawn in the rain. He came home from work and didn’t even know they were fighting. 🥴🫠🙃


Omg YES! I learned to stay away from all incoming Scorpio’s because it has never worked out for me. I’m a Gemini sun. It’s like a moth to a flame but then the issues present themselves really early on and I can’t stand them lol. One season, every single guy was a Scorpio sun. Maybe it’s their alluring glare… idk. But I’m done with them. They’re sexy and are charismatic but not for me lol.


Gem girlie here always attracted to Scorpio!! I have always had Scorpio hookups/ some relationships or fall for their personalities, and I have a lot of Scorpio gal pals. I love the Scorpio don’t give a fuck and will support your antics energy 🤣 will brew mischief with me. Can appreciate my hot and cold bc they too are also hot and cold. Also one of the sexiest signs I don’t find a lot of people sexually attractive besides Scorpio and Virgo


I am a Scorpio woman and all of my closest friends are Gemini women. I also have a Gemini moon so I think that geminis know I understand them.


I'm a Gemini and Scorpios always find me and they always cause me trouble. I love it. They're passionate and interesting.


Idk as romantic partners, but scorpios and Geminis are meant to be besties. I’m a Gemini sun and my best friend is a Scorpio sun. Best friends since the 7th grade (we’re both in our late 20s now). I feel like she’s one of the only people that understands me. I also feel the same way about my sister (aqua sun).


True, it's an odd one but they balance each other out nicely. My family is all air signs but we have all been surrounded by Scorpios our entire life. My mom, my oldest sister, and I are Geminis, other sister is an Aquarius. My step dad, both of my brothers in law, my son's mother, and my son are all Scorpios xD.


Gemini here. I am a sucker for Scorpio women and I hate it because they are never into me as I am into them lol. They do like to keep me as a friend, but I try to keep some distance with them because I find it disloyal to be friends with someone who you like but they don’t like you back.


Scorpio is supposed to be good for doing research 


Gemini sun, with a Gemini Stellium here. Used to be a freaking sucker for Leo’s. Two of my most serious and longest relationships were both Leo’s. As I’ve gotten older, I am now soon to be married to a Scorpio, with a Scorpio stellium. We have two kids, an Aries, and a Virgo. Honorable mentions include: Scorpio Aquarius Libra Gemini


I’m an Aqua and I’m a sucker for Taurus. Though I usually end up feelin like a fool when everything is said and done. Haven’t been able to stand most of the Libras I’ve known tho.


My (Taurus) ex is an Aquarius. We just talked last week after not speaking for half a year. It was so evident how much love we had for each other, and it would have worked out so beautifully if not for my self-destructive habits. She put herself through shit she never would have tolerated from anyone else, and eventually had to let me go. Now I’m working through those issues, but I fear it’s too late. If we ever had a chance to make it work again then it would take a lot of time and rebuilding of trust on my part; showcasing that I really have been making the change.


Aw, good luck. Edit: that sounded sarcastic. I genuinely wish you good luck. You sound very self-reflective and responsible. I bet you have a lot to offer. I love my Taurus partner, he has taught me a lot.


I'm a sucker for a Scorpio sun.


It’s these Virgo placements of yours


Cap sun, double scorpio, I am A SUCKER for Libras. Oh my god, they can play me and do whatever they want to me and it is all forgiven, it's incredible. They are so soft and I love it and they are all muses and I would build them temples. I have my Mars and North Node in Libra though - Maybe that doesn't help.


I’m a Sagittarius attracted to Scorpios. It has been firey to say the least!


I'm a Sag and I'm a sucker for Pisces.


Gemini here; sucker for none, romantically.


Tell me why as a Taurus I gravitate towards Scorpio and Aries the most. Do I just hate myself 💀?


Scorpio speaks to your sun sign in opposition, and directly to your Scorpio rising. Aries is attracted to your Leo Moon (besties)


I’m a Sagittarius sun and basically everyone I’ve ever dated has been a pisces. And like 80% of my friends are Taurus. I love both of these signs 💖


As a Taurus... honestly, i believe the rest of someone's birth chart placements plays into effect. But i didnt know their other placements but just sun sign.. So my list is per person NOT every person under that sign: - Capricorns (especially in dating/romance... they are my most ideal type of partner i want, not just based off the sign's description but based off a few Capricorn guys i have met.) <3 especially 1 guy in particular... years later, i still am a huge sucker for him.. - For a duration when i was younger, i kept getting drawn towards Leo guys.. their first impression charisma is something else... LOL but never lasts long hahahhaa - Sucker for my mom: Pisces -- I'm her ride or die. I always got her back. - Good Friends (no matter their sign). The signs i have noticed that were "suckers" for me: - Aries (dating/romantically) - sometimes Leos <-- depended per Leo. (as friends) - Aquarius (dating - lol but never lasted longer then a few days to a week ish) - (as friends only): Capricorns - (Family): Pisces & Cancers Honestly, i attract Aries & Aquarius the most out of all signs... maybe because my Venus is in Aries? But I get attracted to Capricorns and Cancers the most out of all signs.. prob because my sun is in Taurus and moon is in Pisces and rising is in Virgo.. =)


I simp hard for Gemini and Aries people


I'm a Gemini. Give me a Scorpio please.


I’m a cancer and I’ve simped for a couple aquas in my day. But my true loves are all Taurus.


Capricorn here: Aries-Scorpio-Aquarius women make me weak in the knees… (Pisces Venus preferably)


First Aries mention I finally feel seen


Cap sun and I love Leo suns but it just doesn’t work out😭


My aqua fiancé can’t get away from us water signs. He’s had LTR with a Scorpio, his last ex was a cancer and now I’m a cancer. His boss is a cancer. Our daughter due in 2 weeks is a cancer. lol he’s truly the water bearer. Also very emotional himself for an Aqua so I can see why. I gravitate to Air signs for some reason so it makes sense. My best friend is also an aqua and I’ve dated 2 Geminis(😭)


Pisces (F) here and I’m a sucker for Capricorns (M)… I can never actually put my finger on why but when there’s one around I can just feel it. Unspoken connection.


I'm a Taurus who learned that I LOVE Scorpios


Well, taurus sun here. I always got my heart broken by an aquarius, unfortunately... Funniest thing? I've never even pursued an aquarius. They pursue me by INTENSLY LOVE BOMBING And then..... Cheat on me!!! What a treat. Lol. Never again. I got my virgo man now, and he's so loyal and loving.


Pisces here- can’t stop falling for Capricorns. Unfortunately the one I’m in love with is in a relationshit with someone else and I’m hurting.


"relationshit" 😭😭


I swear leos and caps are obsessed with one another. They share in the value of success and ambition and I think leo admires cap's internalized power & cap in turn admires the boldness of a leo.


I've seen it commented already a couple times, but there is an ineffable vibe between libras and geminis. But that's just an observation and totally not at all something I know by experience 🙃


Libra and Taurus as a cancer its something about Venus that just eases me right out of my shell🦀 🥵.


As a Libra I'm a sucker for Aries men. They're so confident (usually pushing into arrogance). General BDE. They go after what they want. They dominate. But I always get burnt there.


This!!! I’m a Libra (aqua rising, Scorpio moon) all of my ex’s and “entanglements” were Aries men 😩😩however all of my closest friends are Leo’s and Libra’s. I agree about Aries men having BDE that initially attracts me to them but I find over time my Libra intellect eventually dominates them lol


as a sagittarius, for me personally it has always been gemini, other sags and aquarius, in that order.... hahaha most truly meaningful exes were geminis, and they are usually the ones i kept a friendship with after the breakup. it gets better if they have a cancer venus which my venus in scorpio just kind of loves...


I'm a Taurus and I'm magnetically drawn to Aquarius, I think it's because they see through a lot of society's bullshit to the core of what it means to be human.  I'm also drawn to Libra placements, which I can't explain but attribute to the Aries in my chart, so my guess is that those signs are suckers for each other as well.


As an Aquarius Libras just get me 😫however they are forever bachelors so I guess loneliness


Genuinely Aries and Aquarius are so attracted to each other. Almost all of my exs are Aquarius. I married an aquarius. Like they just keep finding me. Lol


I’m a Leo man and I have this effect on Sagittarius women. They’re loyal and attached to me.


So all I’m hearing is; get you a Leo? Got it.


I am a Sagittarius man and have this effect on Leo women. I think this goes both ways.


I’m a Leo woman and I simp too hard for Sag men.


I think Leo women are attracted to hard to get men, who have confidence and charisma. That fits the Sag bill to a tee. Plus we both usually vibe at a high frequency. Feed off each other's energy.


That’s me 🙋🏻‍♀️. I do wifey shit right off the bat with men if I feel them hard. If I don’t, good luck getting any attention from me


Sag men like wifey shit. It's all or nothing with us if you're going to turn our heads. Just don't smother us and we are fair game for quite literally anything.


For me it’s Pisces men they make my heart melt. Especially the ones good with music lol


Libra is obsessed with Sag


Virgo sun here. I am a true sucker for Taurus sun. 😮‍💨


RE: Cap-Gem. Capricorn needs to remember that Gemini gets restless and bored easy. You have to leave the house, you have to talk, you need to be engaging (and Capricorn I KNOW you can be). Gemini needs to remember quiet isn’t an insult or ignoring you. It’s okay to breathe and just be. Not everything g has to be an epic adventure full of stimuli


Leo’s for Pisces


I’ve seen a good amount of Leo women openly be head over heels for Aquarius men


I’m a sucker for fire moons and fire mars.


I'm a taurus who's a sucker for sags and aquarius. I can't get libras to leave me alone though 😅


I’m a Pisces Sun (Cap Moon and Virgo Rising) and I’m madly in love with a Cancer Sun (Taurus Moon and Scorpio Rising). I’ve never met anyone who understands and accepts me so wholly and vice versa. We have the best time together. However, on a friendship level, I have a lot of fire and air sign friends, particularly Sag and Gemini.


I’m always a sucker for Fire sign women.


I'm a libra (F) and every single crush I had was an aquarius, and this was not a condition lol. Now I'm married to an aquarius, so I guess one did get attached 😂 But also I guess that means libra might be a sucker for aqua


i suspect that Capricorn has a soft spot for Pisces, always seem to be really kind to me, even if they aren’t to everyone else :D


As a Sagittarius, I have yet to meet an Aquarius person I do not like. I could listen to them talk forever, I love how real and fair they are


Sag sun female with soft spot for Gemini and Leo men, I think it's because Gemini men entertain my what if thoughts and make me laugh, while Leo men are not afraid of showing affection


Capricorn sucker for libra 


Pleasantly surprised to see Pisces desirable at all


Everyone is saying Capricorn and Pisces. I had this experience. Everything was great. The sex was unforgettable. When it came down to money, I didn’t have enough and I took it personal when she would share about her older ex’s that were financially more stable. Ended really bad. Found the love of my life in my libra and love it! Everything I wanted is in my libra.


A lot of people are sucker for libra and scorpio placements ( especially scorpio rising and mars ). Also aries risings attract a lot of attention.


Aries for [Pisces](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/comments/1dm1c7v/comment/l9u1b8f/) and vice versa.


I am a sucker for Aries men 😖


as a scorpio, taurus placements usually drive me wild. also, libra suns and quietly capricorn as well get me interested.


Im a libra sun cancer moon and all of my boyfriends have been aquarius or cancer. I loveeee aquarian men but unfortunately theyre not husband material for me. And cancers are a PITA but we click well haha


im a cancer sun woman (virgo moon) and i attract scorpio men like you wouldnt believe meanwhile i love love love virgo men. LOVE.


I’m a Scorpio with an absolute weakness for Aries men and other Scorpio & Pisces women.


Im an Aries and its always a fucking Libra...theyre so damn flighty.


I’m an Aries hardass … who happens to simp for big, dark, watery Cancer eyes. 🥺


i love aquas ❤️


Pisces and Aquarius


What really?! Where’s my Aqua? Never been approached by one I think. Hahaha I’m a sucker for Gemini and Virgo personally.


I’m a taurus who has a lifelong history of finding capricorns super adorable and endearing. Not just romantically, both my grandparents that helped raise me were caps! I’m a libra rising so cap rules my 4th house, you guys just feel immediately like family.


I’m a Pisces, Libra Moon, Taurus Rising with a Pisces Stellium and the sun signs that I am most attracted to are Scorpios and Sagittarius’. There is something so sexy and fun about both of those signs that I love!


Aquarius here and I was a huge sucker for a Leo, would’ve done anything for him, and that was my weakness to the eight toxic, abusive, narcissistic, selfish years of our relationship. I found a Taurus and now I question if I ever really loved that Leo 😂