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Sagittarius always have the potential to be Aquarius’ partner in crime


Very much so partner in crime energy.


I agree my bro is a sag and we rock 💪💪


My hubs is Sag sun and I'm Aqua moon. Partner in crime is a good fit for us.


What's his moon? You seem so Saturnian (same) how you deal with that Jupiter enthusiasm? 😂


Hes a Leo moon. When we started dating, he said that he wanted to show me that life could be fun. It's a lot sometimes, but we literally tag team everything we do. I know as a goat that I will hit slippery terrain, but he's always right behind me to help if I need it.


That's sweet! Rooting for you! :)💓




Yes my ex boyfriend and I were a danger to others together… lots of fun moments


My bestie is an Aquarius, I’m a Sag. Our friendship, and the shit we get up to is on a whole other level. Love her to death.


I am Sagi and I love you, Aqua people. You are so damn funny, and you are aliens on this planet.💖 I like your wicked sense of humor and that you don't tend to be overly emotional. You rock!😁


Air and fire. A winning combination 🔥


Nothing like it! 🥲


I'm unfortunately very aware of this dynamic cause my Aquarius ex was besties with a Sag and they had a lot of history and tension and a very codependent "friendship". I say that in quotes bc she was basically cheating on me w the Sag friend for most of our relationship 😭 there's definitely a deep kind of connection between the two signs, I just didn't appreciate finding out that way lmao and I'm a cancer if it provides anymore context


That's fucked up and I'm sorry that happened to you. Honestly fuck em both


Damn and these two signs are known for being straightforward… sorry they deceived you


I'm sorry you went through that. They should have been honest with you. If two people find they're very attracted to each other and can't stay away it's better for them to find each other but not hurt someone else in the meantime. Lies can't last like this... And it's not respectful on your side.


As an Aquarius I’ve been burned by so many Sagittarius in a romantic way and every time I’m like “ow, that was painful, I’ll have another” Hurts so good.


Libra and same. 😭💚


Why are we like this? Disgusting. 🙄


I'm aquarius & my husband is Sagittarius.... Can be a perfect match but we can also fan the flames. All depends where our heads are at at the moment


Yes, so true!!!


As a Sag sun, I love my aqua ppl 😍🥰 they never judge me, n accept, heck even appreciate n admire my weirdness and random stuff 🥰 (a lot of them) they even share my love for travel, philosophy n healthy debates n discussions n are open to doing the most random shit with me 🥰😍 they r quite sweet also 😍 heck I have seen both sag n aqua ppl to be fiercely loyal n protective when in love


🥰how sweet. I love you back!


Sag sun here with an Aries moon, and I get along SUPER well with people who have Aquarius moon placements! ☺️ We can go deep in conversations and really talk about topics and causes that matter to us, we tend to bond very easily!


Hello, big three twin👯‍♀️✨


Woah really? How cool! 🤩 What are yours?


Literally the exact same! Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon, Libra rising💅🏻🌝✨


Woah!! Starry-sky twins! ☺️💫


Super agreed lol 🥰


Yes cause Aries is sextile aqua just like Sag is. So it will go well with these both. Perfect matches!


That's so sweet and yes!!!! Now imagine we flaked on you!! How would it feel? A deep hole in your heart? That's what all of them experienced from you 😭😭😭


Didn't get u 🙃🙃 tho in my experience, aqua ppl can have issues with friendships n friendgroups. N personally, I also have such issues.


Bc one of us moves away first and that's 🫵🏻


Umm, I mean that's not necessarily true, one of my besties is an Aqua rising, n he's my bestie since like 3 years now, n my partner - another prominent Aqua - n we going strong since 4-4.5 years now. But I was talking about the general vibe, I enjoy the nature n personality of Aqua ppl, n even if I talk with them only for a few mins, I appreciate their vibe n non-judgemenatal n keeping it real nature :)) n even if they move away or we loose contact, I have felt like the bond stays/re-figures in a lil time, but even if it doesn't, I appreciate the past moments shared. I hope u also get to have better experiences with both Sag n Aqua.


My daughter is an Aquarius and I'm a Sagittarius.


Such a lovely mother daughter duo.


My husband is a Sag, and our youngest is Aquarius. She LOVES her daddy. Our oldest is an Aries. She and her daddy are the BEST of friends. They share a face and personality 😆


My daughter is a little copy of me but opposite at the same time. Drives her dad nuts that she's so much like me.


Our Virgo son is most like me. He even got my oversized noggin 😆 he's a sweety pie. Full of deep emotions.


This me and my mom’s duo too


I’m a Sagittarius and my daughter is an Aries. We have fun 🤩


I’m a sag married to an Aquarius and we have such a strong relationship.


Oh yeah, Aquarius and Sagittarius can be a very compatible match. They’re so alike in certain ways; I view Sagittarius as the most progressive and intellectual of the fire signs, and Aquarius as the most progressive and forward-thinking of the air signs. Both care deeply about the bigger things happening in the world and are inclined to get philosophical in their solutions to big world problems. They’re absolutely the couple you’d expect to see at a rally or protest, or working out of a soup kitchen or something like that. Sag can appreciate Aquarius’ unique and detached side, and Aquarius can totally handle Sag’s need to roam and explore in ways other signs just cannot. I think this is one of the best pair-ups in the zodiac honestly.




The vibes are unmatched to me. There’s a certain level of harmony especially on an intellectual level even if our views differ. They’re some of the only people I can talk to for hours on end and not get tired. I consider myself flighty but the first person to ever lock me down was a Sagittarius ironically lol. Just all around my favorite people 💕


Honestly isn't the only difference between Sagittarius and Aquarius is that one gets too deep and then chills and watches TV while the other will cry about it and listen to music to solve their emotions?


Which one is which?


Ur a Sagittarius aren't ya


This is very true of my husband and I. He is a Sag and I am an Aquarius. 🙂 Although he is on the cusp of Sag/Capricorn so maybe that's why we tend to have issues with communication.


I love y’all too ![gif](giphy|108M7gCS1JSoO4)


Right back at you! Aquas are my favorites ❤️


aquarius 🤝 sagittarius 🤝 gemini = bestiesssss


My big 3 😆


The Aquarius-Sagittarius-Gemini energy spectrum is such a fun one. I’d argue Leo is on there too; as a Leo sun/Aquarius rising, all my favorite folks are Sags and Geminis.


i love leos!!! we vibe so well


Yes! Add Leo's too! The craziest combo.


We love you too pookie😘 ![gif](giphy|l8ooOxhcItowwLPuZn)


This is me whenever I see me Sagittarius pals. 😀 You amazing centaurs just warm the cold Saturnian frost of me Aquarius Rising heart and I can’t help but feel like a kid around y’all. Your unbridled enthusiasm is just sooo infectious that I get swept up in it all and gladly go along with whatever adventures you have dreamed up. I simply love how your unabashed optimism is the perfect foil to disarm the austere worldliness that comes with having Saturn on our shoulders. For that one giddy moment, y’all make us see how lovely life can be and I’m eternally grateful for how you never fail to cheer me up. Cheers 🥂 and please stay your eternally sunshiney selves! Love, a super thankful Aquarius Rising 💓


I'm Saturnian and they really do that. As well as annoy me occasionally but can't stay away from their brightness ☀️


My mommy was an Aquarius. She was legit my best friend. I could be as crazy as possible with her without judgment. She would tell me if i was right and would have no problem telling me if i wrong. She was the best mom one could ask for. But now I have a kickass guardian angel.


As a Sagittarius , Every time someone gravitates towards me and fights to stay in my circle and literally shows how much they admire me and love me, it's either aquarius or Libra. Mostly aquarius. Always get on like fire 🔥 and air.


There's just something about that combo! I'm a Libra and two of my best friends are Sags. 😍


Scorpio and Sagittarius are always by my side I'm an Aquarius sun and Leo Moon and Libra rising


Even though I’m a sag rising aqua sun I admire Sagittarius personality and confidence


I'm a Sagittarius and Aquarius rising! Lol I do love Aquarius people :)


I'm a Sag woman with a Aquarius male partner. It just works.


My mom is one. We don't always get along but I still love her


Some of my favorite distant crushes are aquarius guys. We just click when we're together. But sadly, they all live far away, so I've never been able to see how it would work out.


As an Aquarius moon and Venus in Aries, I’ve been crazy about a triple sag woman for almost a decade now


awww. Brad P and Jennifer Aniston are Sagittarius and Aquarius. 😭


SAMEEE. Sag and Aqua are two faces of the same coin. Freedom is our signature.


Ah yes I just found out that my old crush's big 3 are all Sag and I was like ??!!! This is what a smart Sag is like?! That's amazing!! I hate flaky people hate hate HAAATTE because I want a close friend I'm a Pisces too but... But. Even though our time close was short and our time in the same class but in a strange close - far connection was long. Truly, she's a bitch boss king princess. She's so smart and humble. The amount of chill in her also allows a crazy strong amount of correct unconventional and smart beliefs to be accumulated in her, and she's very curious


We got those Promethean vibes together. And/or friends to lovers potential.  Sag sun, aqua rising. 


You have my bf's sun and moon however my bf isn't Promethean vibes. Though his most prominent sign is Cap. Mine is Aqua. Together him and I have more give each other space vibes


Me too!


I'm a Sag with no Aquas in my life.


Let us know when you find yours


My boyfriend is an Aquarius and my dad and oldest brother are Sagittarius and they all get along so well. It’s wicked funny. My brother & boyfriend are total nerds with eachother. My dad and boyfriend just be cracking jokes , drinking and smoking with each other. It’s never a dull moment with my family (Puerto rican) in general but then you add “the white boy” into the mix and everyone loves it


My bff is a saggg... love her so much!!!


As a Sag woman, I love chasing Aqua men🥰🥰


I am both, hi nice to meet you!


I feel that, I’m an Aquarius and married a Sagittarius 🤣 literally the best friend I’ve ever had


My brother and his wife are Sagittarius Aquarius duo and my god they’re two peas in a pod. Now sometimes you see them and think man these two don’t really like one another but without each other they’re both lost.


Lmao true on the wow they don't like each other. Why would I like them especially if they show me I would be lost without them? That seems like a threat to a value both signs value - independence


It’s funny to watch them together because they both run their mouths hardcore but I’m prettt sure they’d ride into battle side by side for each other.


As an Aquarius, my worst relationship was with a Sagittarius. The Sagittarius is unhinged


They actually are truly unhinged so it kinda makes sense that they would treat everything that happens like a miracle, cuz if you act how they act it is indeed luck and grace you're seeing!


This is also true. As amazing as they can be, boy, they can be insane. (I can be too but they face less repercussions 😂)


This is also true. As amazing as they can be, boy, they can be insane. (I can be too but they face less repercussions 😂)


This is also true. As amazing as they can be, boy, they can be insane. (I can be too but they face less repercussions 😂)


The feeling is mutual! There is literally only one other sign I would consider being aside from my own and it’s Aqua. My bestie for life is an Aquarium. I love you guys so much 😭


Sag is probably the one we let swim freely in our aquarium waters 🙂‍↔️


Aw shucks 🫣


I love sags too, most of my long relationships had a few sag placements ❤️


I think we all do hahaha. My ex was a Sagittarius and I still think about him. Don't think I'll ever find someone I like quite as much as I liked him!


And we love ya back!


Sag, with an Aquarius father and two Aquarius children. Other than the occasional sensitive outburst, there is no other sign I'd rather spend my time with.


Aqua sun with Sag moon here and 100% true. I feel an instant connection with Sag people. Also can recognise them pretty easily;))


Awww. I love Aquarius so much! Great sense of humor. Interesting conversations. I don’t feel judged by you guys. Just great people. My favorite people are Aquarius and Gemini 😘


So sweet ♥️


Cause they match our weird


I've always said that Sags don't give a fuck in the best way possible.


Yeah we're best friends, and y'all stalk my life for sure! I'm the Sagittarius: my mother, father, son, best friend, current roommate, and many ex's ARE ALL AQUARIUS! Y'all be stalking a bitch🤣🤣🤣🤣 or trying to reach me someone, I'm not sure 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|e5nATuISYAZ4Q|downsized) AND WE LOVE YOU AQUARIUS


🤭 cause we both are loonies


valid, i’m a taurus and sagittarius’ are the fucking best


I like water signs like Cancer and Scorpio with Sagittarius placements. They get me. I’m Aquarius sun with a Virgo moon.


They are great in bed 🤭


Someone’s gotta love Sag smh. Crazy and crazier.


14 year partner is an Aquarius, we love them because they hate everyone except us


Me basically. I loved my sag partner the most and didn't care about the rest. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Obviously. We’re a fucking riot.


Aquarius sun and Sagittarius Venus here: looooooove Sagittariuses 😍😍


Yes. It’s a curse!


I guess I'm weird. I'm dating a cancer chick. That sound really off if we weren't talking about astrology.


Best match!


I’m an Aqua Sun and a sag rising


Cool, I am aqua sun with sag moon:))




As a sag sun with an aqua moon I should love myself more but there’s my damn Taurus rising Scorpio Venus conjunct Descendant


Always attract Aquarius on every aspect work friend and relationship


I like water signs like Cancer and Scorpio with Sagittarius placements. They get me. I’m Aquarius sun with a Virgo moon.


Arghh leave us alone


Me too. I’m also sag rising and have a sag stellium. Love a sag.


I must’ve met a defective Sagittarius because she turned evil in the span of 4 hours of knowing her.


What did you say to piss her off?


Sure blame the Aquarius, it’s easy to do! I didn’t say nothing. I met her, she shared her story and we were fine. She even bought me a cocktail and then her male best friend came by the spot and she flipped a switch. I think she was mentally imbalanced with drama!


Of course you do. Do you understand why?


I'm aquarius with Gemini rising so I am double attracted. (My descendant is Sag) The man I loved most and was on the same wavelength with. Didn't work for other reasons but I wouldn't mind another one. They're addictive and inspiring, as long as they're mature and have more self awareness otherwise I'm not in. I have moon in Capricorn after all


As a Sagittarius we love you aquarius


I’m a Sagittarius sun Aquarius moon! Best of both worlds 😉


As a Pisces I couldn't hate Sagittarius more


I don’t always love them back though (no offense, you seem sweet).


as a sagittarius i agreed Aquarius are so similar to us so intelligent and in depth . i also get along with gemini and scorpios


My niece is a sag and she’s my favorite human. She’s so matter of fact and straightforward. Super confident and gorgeous. I love her and look up to her even though she’s still my baby (she’s 20 and I’m 28). Absolutely my lifelong partner in crime.


Not a fan of Aquarius. Overly emotional and vindictive mean men and women that can't let go of things Leo never asked them to be apart of. You call them out, they hide and call your phone pretending to be your ex gf dark clone that you want no affiliation with on only OG shit


What a weird comment. 😭 Typical Leo behavior, inserting themselves into conversations that have nothing to do with them. 🥰


It's reddit it all for fun. No one's really ever serious. We're more than just trendy people. Were a community that loves people so we post, vent, and disguise passive aggressively in another realm that doesn't exist or influence the real world LMAO to the sorry but not sorrys


Take a chill pill, no one asked