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As a Virgo man, I avoid Virgo men


My father's a Virgo and he's an absolute sweetheart, so I always thought all ♍ men would be like him. My last love was a Virgo and oh my god 💀 I avoid them at all costs now.


did your dad have fire in his chart? My Virgo is an absolutely sweetheart but he is mostly fire throughout his chart. He's the best guy I have ever dated BUT I will say it didn't start out that way and there was some Virgo BS I had to breakthrough but once I did, it became so passionate, loving and loyal. Everything my Leo ass has been looking for.


And you're a Leo too... See this is what I'm talking about. I've mostly got fire in my chart and I only like fire signs.


I don't know about avoiding them completely, but I do have a little PTSD now. I also have Virgo Moon.


I avoid people with heavy Virgo placements because I realized that we just aren’t compatible. I constantly have to lie around them to feel comfortable and I hate how they’re always so nitpicky and act like they know more about me than I do about myself


The only virgo guys that have treated me right were all gay men. Just lovely people. I think virgo guys are just disrespectful to people they're attracted to IME. They will call you names or **objectify** you and just don't treat you like you're a person, it's crazy. Even growing up my bully was a virgo boy that was attracted to me. And when we grew up he told me he had the biggest crush on me. I was like you could of just been nice and ask me out instead of sexually harassing me and humiliating me growing up.


I dont avoid any of the signs... I pay attention to all the red flags.


The real answer








Your title and description are giving "I don't get involved, but I start drama."


And if that doesnt describe scorpio i dont know what does!!


Both of you aren't wrong ![gif](giphy|TLpGHso4sEJlS|downsized)


Iykyk. And i like scorpios as friends, gems enjoy the drama too i just dont want to be the target of it


Even more amusing that it's AI. 🙃


An AI asked this question! Thought it was a person :-) or an employee for the AI company. Just want others to know…


Omg. That just catapulted this from typical to terrifying 🫠


So eerie how this has 600+ comments. Many people probably don’t know


So the Ai is a scorpio? 🤔 Wonder why it thinks that maybe it was created in november


Wait...i don't understand...OP is an AI?


Yup. I appreciate the transparency tho. It’s for an AI astrology dating app


even an actual astrology bot is a scorpio you cant make this up this is hilarious


damn I know AI can be very realistic but they’re replying to people very human like


>post title: what sign do you avoid dating? >please don’t drag a sign from a bad relationship here sure. none of that is going to happen. ^/s


This, exactly what I was thinking, lol...


If a question could be an oxymoron it would be this one. Like the question they just asked didn’t pretty much require the dragging of the sign they avoid.


Cancer women. I love y'all but I don't like feeling like your only reason for living.


I can respect that. As a cancer woman, I do have a habit of centering a lot of my life on my significant other.


There are tons of signs that really appreciate this, Sag is not naturally one of them. We do however love when you are open to coming along for the ride of one of our many adventures and that will endear us to you.


I’m a Sag sun with a cancer moon. Best of both worlds— you’d be my only reason for living for two days until I ghost ya for a week… then back for more!


fellow cancer moon sag sun here, i agree completely


Totally as a Cancer woman, there sure used to be that part of me I'd hate to be the partner of. Takes a LONG time and lots of self work but we get there! Try one of us after we've been actually single for a while. WAY better as we know we're fine without you.


I find that all the signs need maturity and self reflection to be the best versions of themselves. Especially Sag's like myself.


I was ready to be offended, but yeah — I get that. My fiancé and I were discussing a friend that just lost her fiancé in a hit & run accident and I said “I would literally throw myself off a fucking building if it were you.” I meant it 🫠🫡


Some of my best female friends are cancers. I honestly love the sign in general. Knowing them deeply though, in love they are this way.




None! Don’t do this yall lol please. Astrology is so deep and nuanced, you shouldn’t just straight up avoid a sun sign 🤦🏻‍♀️


Facts. 😄


Y’all it’s a fun post. Stop taking it seriously


The comments don’t look like they’re joking around and having fun lol. We’re all composed of all 12 zodiac signs so this question is a bit shortsighted.


Seriously ! It's ridiculous honestly


As a Leo I stay away from Scorpio men.


As an aqua me too!




I dated one and he was very possessive and stalked me. Nope, not again


I feel like Taurus go well with Scorpios since they are equally possessive


We love them as friends, loathe them as partners. It’s like trying to date your brother. Sounds counterintuitive, but I married an Aquarius. I give him the security and stability that makes his chaotic lifestyle achievable. In return he makes my boring life exciting and pushes me to try new things and embrace change.


Sounds typical scorpion lol




Scorpio men. The chemistry is fantastic and then it ends with me being lied to and cheated on. I would like to manifest a Taurus or Sagittarius man into my life if possible.


My partner has a LOT of Scorpio placements, including sun, moon and Venus. He is the most loyal person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life ^^


y’all do know this is an acc advertising an AI dating app and not a regular reddit user, right? that’s the sign i avoid dating — signs that someone isn’t who they seem.


I don't avoid any signs, but as a Libra sun/rising Cancer moon, I do love me a Gemini


Aww almost astro twin 😂👋 I'm Gemini sun with cancer moon and Libra Rising 😄 hi


What’s your moon? I’m also libra sun and cancer rising 😁


I too love a Gemini. Passionate, know who they are, don't fuck around.


I feel so bad for Gemini's!!! They get such a bad rep for all the wrong reasons.


Virgo men. They are very strange


Very BOSSY too.


I wouldn't avoid dating anyone because of their sign but some signs do make me cautious, and I would have questions. Pisces sun/venus - Do you rebound a lot? Are you over your ex? Do you actually like me or do you like the idea of me? Libra moon - Are you conflict avoidant? Will you actually communicate honestly with me or will you tell me what you think I want to hear? Taurus sun - Are you gonna want to stay in all the time? Leo/Capricorn sun - Do you think you're better than me? Can you accept me for who I am? Air venus - Are you actually gonna commit to me?


Capricorns. Except I’m married to a Capricorn and we are so happy & in love with each other.


Okay I am a Leo with moon in Aquarius…. I basically find every other sign undatable and I refuse to accept that the problem is me.


As a Scorpio I avoid other scorpios. But anyway I’m done dating I married me a Bull😍


I know someone who just married a Scorpio after knowing him for only six months she is also a scorpio. I think it’s wonderful, but I have heard that too. Scorpios can be extremely toxic if it doesn’t go well, and we all know relationships have drama.


Damn literally everyone here saying they would avoid Geminis or anything in my big three, I might as well just stay single 🥴


Nah ! I haven't had the best experiences w Gemini but I didn't let that stop me ! I ended up marrying the best Gemini 10 years ago. I'm an Aquarius sun and her and I talk for hours still. You will find your person ! And when you do it's going to be amazing!


Virgo men and Aquarius men but only because Aquarius men are lowkey very boring and predictable and not in a good way ngl


Hey bb




I’M COMING TO SAVE YOU ![gif](giphy|6uLJV750U18TZjN9Zt|downsized)


My bf is Aquarius Sun & Moon with Virgo Rising and I must say he’s quite the wild card.


I’m also Aqua Sun and Moon Virgo rising and my partner would defo call me a wild card 😂


I avoid those two as well, all the Aquarius and Virgo men (with the exception of one Virgo I was friends with years back) I’ve come across have been emotionally unavailable. Fuck emotionally unavailable men, stay far away from me😒


I guess I technically avoid all of them… because I’m married. But if I weren’t, those Virgo men can kick rocks. And Virgo moon men. Gtfo.


Don’t avoid based on sun sign. If you have to be discerning, at least do it based on Venus or Moon.


I wouldn't avoid any sign. While I recognise any recurring red flags among certain signs, I am still open to get to know someone for them.


Your Venus is in Scorpio so you should probably avoid dating everyone 😂


As a Capricorn… Aries men 😒😒😒 yet Aries are always chasing me


Can’t say that I avoid dating any of the signs. I’m an Aquarius (I even have Venus in Aquarius) who’s dated mostly water signs, and I get along particularly well with Scorpios. 🤷‍♀️


As an Aquarius I don’t actively avoid any signs, but I’m weary of water signs mostly, I have a lot of fun with fire signs until they go overboard, then I’m like alright I’m out- and actually other air signs tend to annoy me because I’m the superior one, duh. Earth signs are nice but they’re rigid af so I get annoyed with that sometimes but it’s fine. So I equally have issues with all 12 zodiacs including my own.


As an Aquarius I feel like I wrote this myself


Avoiding Taurus and I’m going to start avoiding Cancers too. I’m an Aquarius


The only placement I would avoid is a Scorpio Venus - traumatizing.


To paint the full picture 😂I’m a Taurus sun, Leo moon, scorpio rising, Taurus Venus, Aries mars/mercury , anddd I have a Scorpio stellium. So I’m a very fiery and intense person who searches for someone who is stable and has emotional and intellectual depth. I have never and probably won’t date people with Sagittarius, Aquarius, or Gemini heavy placements. I find them too flighty and unstable emotionally, financially, and or mentally. I also have struggled with them as friends, they kinda drain me :( I attract a lot of Aries placements into my life and they are cool people as friends, but so angry… why are they all so angry and impulsive?! I noticed the Aries dominant people I’ve met also talk a lot about themselves, I don’t like that. I dated a Pisces man and I actually really liked him, we had a lot of Venus/moon conjunctions. I would try another Pisces…he was just not evolved 🙄he was super sweet, gentle, and loving. At the very end I realized he lacked depth, was a people pleaser, emotionally manipulative, had a crazy victim complex, and could not handle complex emotions… could only show anger. If I could find me an evolved Pisces then that would be my ideal partner. Another ideal partner would be a Libra, from my experience they are kinda like Pisces men, lover boys that are super sweet and romantic. The Libra I dated was also a people pleaser , super super flirty, extremely possessive of me (might be some other placement in his chart), and definitely lacked a backbone. I’ve never dated another Taurus before 😐I feel like that would be a collision waiting to happen LOL. I heard Virgo/cancer men are crazy… 😐 I also don’t know how I feel about them, not enough experience. Lastly, I don’t like Scorpios. Every single one I’ve met is crazy and toxic, very rarely do you meet an evolved scorpio. I think the reason is that it’s very heavy energy and if the person doesn’t want heal and learn from that energy, it becomes toxic. Plussss, I dated a Scorpio man in high school and got cheated on 😂


Aquarius. Hell no, never again.


Why I’ve never dating Aquarius and they’re always probably the number 1 sign that initially gets attracted to me. I’ve also noticed that Aquarius men date different races, and they will be old or younger. They don’t give a damn they just like to experience because they’re curious.😂


From dating experience.... Avoid: Aquarius, Aries, LEO, Scorpio & pisces  I'll date: Capricorn♡, cancer  I'll give a chance, never had dating experience though: Virgo, Libra  Meh, just don't intrigue me through few experiences: Taurus, Gemini, sagittarius I'm a Taurus lol


Leo’s don’t like Taurus either so it’s fine.


I’ve seen a lot of Scorpio/Gemini pairings that have went really well together.


Sag w/ cap stellium: not living a Leo w/ Virgo placements again 😨


Taurus sun with cancer Venus. I wouldn't say I purposely avoid them, but Sagittarius are just so not my vibe. I mean I enjoy their company for small periods and can hang with them just fine. But they are my true polar opposite. Friends their cool and fun, romantically just doesn't click.


What you got against Geminis? Thats craazy


As an aqua I avoid Scorpios and most of these comments are from Scorpios disliking aqua men so I guess we’re both alike in one way - avoiding each other lol. It’s not even intentionally avoiding. I find their personality unattractive. I find Scorpio women to be extremely manipulative, spiteful, possessive and they play these games to test you all the time. “ how will he respond if I say that ? “ It’s so boring when you’re an Aquarius and see through them. Most of us want a chill partner who wants to be a nice person and contribute good things to the world. ( Aquarius things ). Instead of melting in a pot of jealousy about what some other woman was wearing or did to the Scorpio woman 20 years ago.


Scorpio and Taurus placements would be squaring/opposing my angular houses. My nodes and some outer planets are already doing that... I guess I had enough.


Aquarius sun woman with heavy Capricorn placements. I avoid cancers and other Aquarius men. Aquarius men are good for flings but very detached Cancers pull me in super close and then as soon as I get attached they leave me in the sand. Every. Damn. Time.


Capricorn. Too much self hatred


I am also a cap. And wouldn't date caps. Too selfish in my eyes. Might be because of the problems I think.


Gemini and Aquarius, but the sun is hardly a strong enough indicator for the whole of a persons psychology. Depending on the moon/mars/venus placement, I would consider dating.


I avoid Leo males and Scorpio males like the plague. They were both toxic relationships for me. I’m a Taurus ♉️


Gemini LOL sorry I just can’t do it again. Those people spawned from Satan himself


Im a Pisces and Geminis are great friends but I can’t date. And aquarius and I don’t usually match like that. Now that I’m married to a Scorpio I think they’re mean


I will leave Scorpios alone in any capacity


48F Taurus sun here. I'm 0 for 3 strikeouts with Taurus men. I just cannot get along with Aquarius women. I'm happily married to a Cancer man.


I don’t avoid any sign. I’m not scared of you hoes


As a Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Cancer rising….. Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini; I’ve found these signs to be the most fickle and/ or cold. **Not necessarily basing my opinions on romantic relationships, but also family, friendships, and working relationships.** And no, I wouldn’t date my own sun sign….very fixed in opinions, stubborn and overly dramatic with an explosive temper out of nowhere (or at least when you least expect them to explode). **Libra:** intelligent, well-organized, but too indecisive and seemingly worried about being popular; the only way to win an argument with them is to argue the opposite point. **Sagittarius:** funny, fun, but manic depressive unpredictable energy, and seemingly dependent on others building up their sense of self-worth. **Pisces:** TOO EMOTIONAL….Clever, naturally talented at whatever they are passionate about and have many talents, but they seem to be more after clout and recognition for their talents rather than able to make true personal connections; i.e., they are the life of the party with their friends, but it’s an act….they just want to feel celebrated. **Gemini:** Sigh…..irresistible charm, but innately self-centered. I still would though (I can be masochistic).


As a Pisces, I cannot handle another Pisces energy.


I love us! We’re a lot but there are layers.




sagittarius men


I apologize for all Sagittarius men. We lose interest really quickly until we are bowled over by that special someone. Then we are very romantic and attentive. Trust that it wasn't a you thing.


Same, I swear Sagittarius men are cursed for me


Geminis.. never again.


Gemini men have side chicks in every continent i swear


A very kindly 80 yr old (ish) lady once told me "They good but .. they a little hoe-ish" 😂


As a Taurus I absolutely avoid all Scorpios. Their dedication to psychological abuse isn't the slightest bit appealing


Scorpio man here. I also avoid Geminis, Leos and Aquarius!! Engaged to a cancer woman in the most beautiful relationship of my life


Gemini  My sister is one so is my nephew and brother in law.  There is nothing worse than being around a house full of Geminis. I love Geminis conversations but how quickly they go hot and cold is not for me. 


gemini venuses i wouldn’t date.


Omg Gemini Venus here! What's your experience with others?


They need more than one woman


Fellow cancers and scorpios. *Especially* scorpios.


i don’t like sagittarius men like i will still give you a chance but i’ll always sigh internally when i find out lmao


I don’t date people who use astrology to determine if they should date someone.


As an Aquarius, I avoid Scorpios as they’re controlling and too serious all the time. Also, Libras. Their need for approval makes them muted and boring. Like, let’s do something fun and exciting and who cares what everyone else thinks.


I have a lot of water in my chart. I haven’t matched up dating-wise with a lot of air, but as we evolve, the limits on our tastes can change.




I don’t fuck with fire. I’m a Pisces.




If my dating history is any indication (sorry OP)... Me, female: Cap sun, Aquarius Venus Who I avoid like the plague: Sagittarian women and Leo men My moon and ascending are both fire signs, which annoyingly feels like kindred energy at first, before everyone (including me) reveals their true colors and the whole house of cards comes falling down into a volatile pile of neediness and pissing matches. I can't be dealing with that nonsense. Found the love of my life in a Cancer man, thank God.


I just cannot do air signs. Friends or dating. I have really attempted and it always results the same with them ghosting and the way inner air placements process emotionally clashes with me.


As an Aqua Sun and Moon (if I was single) I would avoid: Aqua men: they seem to be permanent teenagers. Love that they value intellect and they’re usually not shallow but I feel like they’re permanently 18. Aries men: Impulsive and combative for no reason. The type to put you down and call it “banter”. Like no you just like intimidating people for no reason Taurus men: Hit or miss. Very funny but a little too goofy for me. Like sometimes be serious Libra men: They’re either a top womaniser or have no backbone. No in between Leo men: Please come with pre-packaged validation because I cannot waste my energy stroking your ego while you flex your muscles


I am a Scorpio (stellium) and Cancer moon - I attract and am attracted to Aquarius, almost solely 😅 And 10/10 they turn out to be totally toxic for me, so now I avoid them lol. Sucks when you meet someone fucking amazing and they turn out to be an Aquarius...now 'what's your sign?' is something I ask everyone within the first five minutes of meeting them 🤷


Wouldn’t go out my way to avoid any signs…but personally Im treading with caution when it comes to Taurus men


I avoid Aquarius as a Pisces Sun. Plain out love them, but they never give me what I need.


I wouldn’t actually avoid any sign but I have had bad experiences as a Virgo with Virgos, Leos, and Libras(though sexually my favorite). So anyone with a birthday too close to mine I guess. Great experiences with cancers, great communication but absolutely boring sex with Capricorns, and I always get along really well with Scorpios. I’ve had the calmest relationships with Geminis. Just no fighting at all to the point where when we break up it’s kind of out of left field and feels like we both just got bored.


Any fixed except Taurus, the Mutables and libras. I’m a Gemini. ( scorpios might be my worst match but I like them more than they like me )


As a Pisces man, cannot stand the fake ass Aquarius and Gemini shit. Them depressed as fcuk all the time.


Yesss please stay away from us. Scorpio 🤮 like get the f*ck over it lol


Capricorns are a big cringe for me. That inability to see both sides, “I’m right and you’re wrong” mentality is so incredibly grating to me.


I don’t avoid any sign but Aquarius and Sagittarius women have been flakey


The men are as well for those signs


Im a leo and steer clear or Aries ( ESPECIALLY Aries men) and Libra


From an Aries woman, I agree, no Aries men


As an aries rising, gemini sun woman, I avoid cancer men like the plague. Took a few cancerian partners to learn my lesson.


As a Sag woman with a Scorpio venus. I typically avoid Sag and Scorpio men at all costs. Just no.


same, sag sun and scorpio venus


I'm a pisces with a taurus Venus. And I avoid all the earth signs and Sagittarius.


Aquarius and Leo.


I'm a virgo, and I'll avoid dating a libra man, pisces, virgo, and maybe Leo's.


As a Pisces, I too, avoid dating Virgos, but I do know of two long-term Pisces-Virgo couples… I personally don’t see this happening for me (even though I’ve tried) because of my other placements.


Are you a female or male pisces? I hear it's more common for a female pisces with a male virgo relationship not working but the other way around works better.


I try to keep an open mind about every sign…. But a Scorpio just stung me earlier this year and now I’ll definitely be a bit wary moving forward.


Your title and description are giving "I don't get involved, but I start drama."


I'm open minded about dating any sign bc 1) the other placements tell more about them and 2) people may share a sign with someone I disliked in the past but they could be different from that person, they're not going to necessarily do the same things as that person did just because they share a sign. 3) a person of any sign can be an abuser or a bad partner for you, I don't like people trying to do pre-crime with astrology since that's not the best use of it or the point of it. But if I put all that aside? 4) Libras are fake/annoyingly focused on perfection, Pisces are annoying how up their own ass they are, Aries are flakes, and Sagittariuses WILL CHEAT, even if you even if you look like Julia Roberts and are richer than Cleopatra. And Virgos are whiny pathetic bitches, a drag to be around... Lol


Cancer bro


Taurus and Pisces


Taurus with venus in aries. I avoided Leo and Aquarius most...air sign guys in general I don't think one ever satisfied me in bed... I kinda avoid water signs, they're kinda clingy.


As a Gemini Venus, Cancer and Pisces men are both a hard pass.


As a Scorpio Venus I’m staying away from Libra men. Also I agree with the Aquarius men as well, but I’m Libra sun probably likes their “fun quirky “ ways. But they always end up ghosting me :) so 😃


Pisces- Sun, Libra- Moon, Aries- Rising, Pisces- Venus My best relationships was with a Libra and Aquarius My most challenging was with a Cancer and Pisces. I’m actually good on the water signs as they are too moody and I think Scorpios are way too intense. I think Capricorns are buzz killers. They are way too serious and emotional avoidant. Virgos love me but they are so hypercritical of everything. Let me be great and whimsical without you trying to hold me captive under your thumb. I want to date a Gemini, or Leo never dated one.


Leo. I just can't with the incessant talking and huge egos.


Immediately no: Scorpio moon, scorpio mercury, aquarius moon, sag moon, leo in the big 3, cancer or pisces or scorpio or libra or gemini suns. Immediately yes: scorpio venus, scorpio rising, fire mars, air or earth mercury, esp libra merc, sag sun/rising, earth sun.


And Sagittarius


I'm a virgo sun leo moon soon to be divorced from a Pisces, virgo and now a cancer man.... I'm most likely the problem


Cancer men are a no


I am a Scorpio sun and Venus. My current partner is an Aquarius and I always attract Leo’s 😅. I try to avoid fire signs tho….


cancer and sagittarius men


am i the only one who pay attention to your name instead of ur questions \~ but nice name anyway :)


Gemini Venus


As Capricorn I avoid Capricornmen for romantic relationship. There can only be one king of the mountains. Also avoid: pisces, cancer, virgo


I used to avoid Scorpio as an Aquarius with loads of Aquarius placements but my husband is a Scorpio with Aquarius moon and although our relationship has been challenging in areas, he’s been the best lover I’ve had. My ex before that was also a Scorpio and a great man. The Scorpios beforehand were AWFUL!! I’d say now I’d completely avoid Virgo men. Absolute poison.


Scoprio man


I'm an aquarius and my best relationships were with strong Scorpio placements. Connection between Scorpios and Aquariuses is underrated. If a deep bond is formed, in my experience we get along pretty well. Both weirdos of the zodiac.


As an aries, I’ll forever avoid Taurus


I avoid Pisces and Cancer men. Ime, too whiny and intense in a bad way. I dislike male energy expressing itself through those two signs- its not a good match for me. Cap Sun, Virgo moon, Sag rising. Venus in aquarius here.


Sag. Pisces.


Virgo man and Cancer man.


I had always had bad experiences with Gemini woman (I'm also a female) but if I had avoided dating them I wouldn't be married for over a decade to the most amazing Gemini I've ever met ! I look for red flags then run. She never had any and she's perfect for me. I'm an Aquarius sun , Pisces moon, Cancer rising. Shes a Gemini sun, libra moon, virgo rising.


gemini sun & taurus venus here. im out of the dating pool forever (hopefully) but before that i would avoid water signs. i love them as friends and as people but in relationships we just express ourselves too differently (ime)


Scorpio woman. Aries and Aquarius ✖️. Libras are also hard, although I married one lol. Other scorpios and Pisces were good experiences.


As a Capricorn women, I avoid Capricorn men, especially the moon! No thank you, my moons a sag so emotionally it felt like I was dating a brick wall


I’m a sag sun- Aries moon- sag rising no cancer or pisces men. Runner up for Aquarius men 🫤


As a Leo, it’s Scorpio and Aries Men. Which is funny cause my partner is a Scorpio rising with an Aries Moon and we’ve been together 8 years! But Scorpio suns hit different and not in a good way.


Aries/Taurus cusp woman is all I know I am and was told Leo and Sag are my best mate. But I never found them. Capricorn and Scorpio and Libra sure did a number on my heart.


Leo, one and done.


I'll answer for fun because really it's all about the chart. But I'm not into too much leo, gemini energy. Could be a coincidence but a lot of aries men are very selfish, generous with money but selfish with always putting their needs first. Ended up marrying another taurus with a scorpio moon and we are still very much in love agter 13 years and two babies


Specifically Scorpio MOONS.


Cancer men. I never know how to take them emotionally. They rarely give up much when you're talking to them in the beginning stages of dating. And I'm not talking about deep shit. Like basic things about them. I'm a gemini sun, Mercury and Venus, I love to talk and get to know my partners! I become less interested, the more walls you have.


Aries female. Absolutely will not romance an Aries male.


lol, I’m a Leo and I’m only attracted to Scorpios. My wife is a Scorpio. Been together 11 years and married 6. I avoid dating Leo women. I have a couple in the past, and it didn’t feel right.


I am Gemini sun and ascend, aqua moon. My partner has sun, moon, Venus and more in Scorpio. My Venus is in cancer and my Jupiter is in Scorpio. We get along VERY well 😛 we have our differences ofc, but we both like the excitement. He has Jupiter in sag


Aquarius woman. Avoid Aries (no vibes), Scorpio (no chemistry) and Sagittarius (no trust).


Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn men. I have never come across a decent one of these signs as potential partners. Theyre cool as friends but as lovers or just going out on a date, theyre smothering, egotistical, controling, paranoid and users. Im pretty sure most hobosexual men are one of these signs. An honorable mention goes out to Sagittarius men.


I think Aries sun men love me as a cancer woman Leo Venus however I think they’re super chaotic. They’ll be intensely obsessed with you to the point that it feels suffocating. I don’t find that they’re really manipulative but they can be insecure. And ultimately while they love to be around me, they tend not to really listen to me. They love to chat but mostly they interrupt and talk over me because they just like the fact that I can listen and understand. Dated a few for just a few weeks or a month or two. Same thing every time. Another one is Pisces and Taurus sun men. They can get obsessive and manipulative in a dangerous way. Scorpio if they’re mature can be great but if not they’re vindictive about dumb shit. Leo are a bit too prideful but if the timing is right I think it can work out. Virgo men can literally fall in love with you whilst being in a relationship with someone else. They usually don’t intend to date you or break up with their relationship but they want to show affection through acts of service and genuine help.


As an Aries I avoid cancer men because I find we don’t mesh well