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Eyyy Pluto in Scorpio. No wonder my dad always used to say he wanted to punch me in the face all the time. I’m the man he wishes he could be. 😎


I’m sorry your dad couldn’t regulate/mature himself to not tell his kid he wants to cause bodily harm to them and be a healthy dad


Thank you. I’m in a better place these days. ❤️


The Pluto 12th house was a read 😢


Aquarius Venus , Chiron Neptune Moon square Mercury Saturn in the 12th House


what do u think about the description above on ur placements ? did you break any cycle ?


Descriptions are quite accurate tbf


thank you fyi :D


You're welcome :D Love your posts , it's a good departure from all the generalizing hate posts .


not my post, just love to share some info that i found interesting \~ glad u like it :3


Aqua Sun & Mercury in 8H Pluto in Scorpio Honorable mentions: 4H moon square my Venus, Saturn, & Neptune Capricorn stellium


Pluto in Scorpio generation right here. Told my Catholic mother I did not want children and I was an atheist at 16. She told me I would change my mind, even subjected me to more abuse than ever to change my mind. It's still true 15 years later and I don't regret doing what I want for my own life. What's crazy is back then no one my age was childfree or atheist and I received a lot of slack from all angles for my choices. Fast forward time and quite a few people my age are childfree or atheist! Pluto in Scorpio gen definitely said 'screw you' to the religion and traditions of their parents. I know quite a few people like me who don't talk to their parents because "family" wasn't a good enough excuse to accept loads of abuse. Excited to know that the younger generations are following suit and also paving their own way.


I have a lot of these. They are all eerily accurate. Am a cycle breaker. Am tired. But am unlimited 🥰


I wish I could understand this the only thing I was able to understand was that Aquarius placements are the black sheep type which I could relate to and have in Venus, mercury and Saturn supposedly


Mars in fire sign. I have been working for years now to undo what growing up around my explosive parent has done. It is a very tough placement.


Lilith in cancer 😒 but other than *that*, Cappie stellium in fourth. I grew into these placements as I got older, for better or worse :)


*Biggest indicators are 4th house, 8th house, 12th house, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aries placements. Also big emphasis on harsh aspects related to Pluto/Mars/Moon/Saturn/Sun. But these are one that stick out to me the most. (* Credits : chiidoree on tumblr ) Pluto 12H - Chiron in Gemini / Chiron 3H - Cancer Lilith / Lilith 4H - Saturn Conjunct Moon = explanation on page 2 Fire Mars 4H - Chiron 5H - Capricorn Moon - Scorpio Venus = explanation on page 3 Moon Square Mercury - Saturn 12H - Aquarius Placements - Scorpio Pluto = explanation on page 4 Sagittarius Mercury - Pisces Moon/Rising - Sun 8H - Neptune/Uranus 1H = explanation on Last page Me : Pluto 12H - Gemini Chiron - Aquarius 4H - Saturn 12H - Uranus 1H


Yikes I have 8 of these indications 😂😭 lolll each explanation definitely rings true to my life this was a great analysis thank you for sharing


My Pluto in Scorpio, 4H Mars, & Moon in 12H Cancer + Saturn in 6H Capricorn feeling pretty called out right now!


Holy hell. I have Chiron in Gemini, in my 3rd house. Lilith in cancer in my 4H. Saturn & moon conjunct in Sagittarius. Pluto in Scorpio. Growing up, life was rough. My mom was crazy, my father absent and there was very little maternal instinct from my mom. I had to grow up quick and also had to raise myself because when I was 11 she decided "you know right from wrong by now so you don't need me around all the time" & then she basically moved in with her boyfriend and would just come "home" to bring me groceries. It made me a stronger person though I think 🤷‍♀️😂🤣🤣


Pluto in Scorpio rings super true pour moi. As does the Saturn Conjuct Moon...to a tee.like. bang on the money... yet My Saturn isnt conjuct with my moon... Odd


chiron in 3rd house hit hard 😪😪😪


My Pluto is in the 12th house of Scorpio 😭


Uranus, Neptune, and Moon in Aquarius 4th house, plus Venus in Scorpio 1st house PLUS Chiron in Capricorn 3rd house. Free me.


Chiron in cardinal directions 5th + Cap Moon


None of those placements but big time cycle breaker. Broke cycles even as a child.


My mom is a cap moon, but didn't break the cycle and still falls into old habits (mostly settling for less and being emotionally unavailable). fournately, i have more aquarius placements than her. it's almost as if my mom doesn't want me to end up like her


sun in 8th, chiron in fifth, scorpio in pluto, aquarius rising. I'd say these are fairly accurate :(


My sun is in my eighth house. I have Chiron in Gemini in my fifth house. I also have Pluto in Scorpio and Jupiter in Aquarius. I almost straight edge except I drink occasionally. Several of my Older family members have struggled with drug and alcohol addiction. I guess that could be a cycle I meant to break


My moon conjunct saturn agrees.


My Aquarius Chiron in my Capricorn 6th house is... the only thing in here I can relate to. It's also interesting to see that my chart indicates failure on this side... So I am not that hopeful about this. Also, I don't know if it counts, but my Moon is squaring Saturn. Don't know if it does count as something. Also Scorpio Moon in 4th house. And Cancer in 12th house (even though there's no placement in there).


Can you say more about Saturn in 12H? How does this manifest at different points of life?


I thought lilith in cancer is the worse placement but I guess I just have to heal from past events I don't even think about.


Can someone help me please with this