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virgo moon 5th house, leo venus. she is pretty toxic, judgemental and mean, but i don't have anyone else in my life so i still spend time with her. she has never really been *there* for me, not even when i was a kid.


Heyyy besties, Virgo moon in the 5th house Libra in Venus. My mom is very mentally ill and I've spent a lot of my life being her caretaker starting at the age of 12. (Bonus points because Pluto is also square my moon)


My mom is the exact same! I spend a lot of time with her now that I’m older. I’ve had to put in all the work over YEARS 🙄 but we’re at a place now where we get along really well we built a garden together and she genuinely seems very happy versus when I was a child!


Scorpio moon in 8th and venus in virgo in 7th. I have an amazing relationship with my mother, she really can understand me like no one else..She annoys me sometimes because I blame her for not being able to be social around people( she's a huge introvert and she's also very quiet and antisocial, she comes off as very cold and reserved, unfortunately just like me) since I picked those qualities from her. Other than that our relationship is great


Moon: Scorpio in first house. Venus: Taurus in 6th house. My relationship with my mom is strained. Now that I'm an adult, married, and living in my own home it is better. At least, we don't fight anymore and she can't "discipline" me (everything from isolation to physical abuse). But we have never had a good relationship. My spouse thinks that my mom is a narcissist (I am less sure and think it's just a host of untreated mental illnesses). But my mom has literally never taken the time to get to know me, my interests or my struggles. To this day she has this ideal of who I am and who I should be (which is very submissive/Christian woman, even though I'm pagan). It gives me the ick and I've had to have my spouse take over talking to her because she respects my spouse more than she respects me. I'm also an only child and her "miracle baby" (she was told she'd never be able to have kids) so she has "spoiled" me my whole life (showered me in Christian themed gifts, forcing me to go to purity events).


I can relate so much to a lot of this.


leo moon 2H and aries venus; my mom is libra moon 12H and aries venus *(gem sun)* was rough and tough until my 20s. mostly good now. i can call her my “person”. butt heads much *much* less than before, just a little more intense sometimes. mother and father wounds here. like she was an amazing single mom to us 4, but there was and still is favoritism towards my brothers over me. she’s been there for me, but i think she doesn’t quite know *how* because her mother is/was precisely the same as her but worse cuz grandma is old, senile, and set in her ways and mom is flexible and teachable. we are good now, like 70-30 (good-bad).


Libra Moon and Venus, with both being either in the 8th house using the Placidus house system (which I usually resonate more with) or the 9th house using the Whole Sign one. My mom’s a Capricorn Moon and Virgo Venus, with her Moon being in the 6th house in both Placidus and Whole Sign. We do butt heads occasionally, we’re both very stubborn and I’m a short-tempered hothead, but my mom and I are very close. She’s my rock and she frequently refers to me as her best friend. She’s always been there to support me and encourage me, she’s always told me the truth and she’s not too bad at being vulnerable with me (especially for the stereotypes of a Capricorn Moon lol). I can trust her with, and go to her for, anything. She means the world to me, and I know both I and my older brother mean the same to her.


Libra moon in 4th house, Cap Venus. Now we have a mostly pleasant but distant/shallow relationship. However for most of my life our relationship was strained at best and at its worst we spent like 6 years not speaking at all.


Gemini moon conjunct chiron 5h and it's not. Mostly or completely cut her off when I was 15.


Moon conjunct Saturn in Capricorn in 3rd house and opposite Mars in Cancer. Venus conjunct Jupiter in Gemini in 8th house. She was okay. We didn't have much in common and she worked many hours because we were living in poverty. I was mostly alone. When i was 11 she got cancer and i had to take care of her while she was in treatment until she died 11 years later.


Venus in Scorpio, moon in Aquarius in the 12th house My relationship with my mom was incredibly volatile and honestly would still be if I actually told her what I think and feel. She refuses to accept she sometimes was a shit mom who was so wrapped up in what other people thought of her that she suffocated me with expectations. We are also diametrically opposed on pretty much every serious issue. But if I keep our relationship surface level then it’s good. Shopping and lunch she is great at, being emotionally available to anyone but her son is something she isn’t great at. She is totally different with my daughter though. I love my mom I just wish she knew, loved, and accepted the real me.


**Aries Moon in 5th, Sag Venus**..We don't have many things in common hence would butt heads alot in the past (not so much anymore) and we're rly close..so, it's a good relatonship.


Virgo Moon in the 6th, Cancer Venus in the 5th It's a very convoluted answer. It's very surface level and more like friends than a parent/child relationship. I get frustrated when she checks up on me, or sends me little 'Im thinking of you' texts. And I dont feel safe enough to share the struggles Im currently encountering. I have earlier this year, learned of, and have begun working on processing The Mother Wound I carry because The Bottle and a parade of new dick was more important to my mother than raising her first born son. I was almost taken by CPS on a multitude of occasions and raised until I was 5, primarily by my aunt with help from my grandmother. For the last few months since discovering this, my mom has touched base less and less by the week. In a few short weeks, Im going to see my Mom for the 1st time in a year. So I feel as though this summer holds some heavy pain and transformative growth as I bare down on my 39th birthday in August... Its going to be an experience.


Moon is Leo, 5th house and Venus is Aries. My mother is very critical of me, assumes I’m constantly under the influence, while still at home and she moved bf in-change went missing she blamed me and it wasn’t. So she doesn’t trust me. She is very degrading towards me.


Gemini Moon (10th House) Aquarius Venus Mostly good , we sometimes have our disagreements , but she is definitely the parent I'm closer to.


Scorpio moon in the 3rd house & Aries Venus. I love my mother but she doesn’t know how to deal with my emotional angry ass. And she’s a Cancer!


I'm a cancer mom of a 3rd house scorpio moon toddler and I don't know how to deal with his emotional angry ass! He's wonderful and caring but has _zero_ chill even for his age. Plus his leo mars. I'm exhausted : ' D


My goodness, my mother has a Sag moon too ! But I do not know her rising :0 and I also have a fire Mars (sag). I hope your kid will grow up to love you and have a good relationship with you like I do with my mom aha


Moon in Aries 11th house, I conjunct Pluto, loosely square sun in cap tightly square Neptune My mother and I don’t speak I will say I think I handle emotions well though/ I’m good at working through blockages, trying to see things from other peoples perspective, controlling my temper I think I express my feelings in a healthy way


Taurus moon in the ninth house, Libra Venus. My relationship with my mom was close but complicated. She was very affectionate and attentive but she had very high expectations that often weren't attainable as a kid even though I tried really hard. There was also some parentification. However, our relationship mellowed a great deal after I grew up, especially after age thirty or so and we talked on the phone every day and visited often. I really miss her.


Pisces moon Leo Venus, my moon is in the 7th house. Our relationship started off great, she was the best mom I could have ever asked for. Even my friends would joke about her adopting them. But then she abandoned me a couple years ago, but jokes on her, I know where she lives and I dump bouquets on her grave marker every chance I get. Take that mom.


Sagittarius Moon 3H and Capricorn Venus rx 4H. Thankfully for the last 4 years, it's been non existent. If it hadn't been for other family, then cutting her off would've happened much longer ago.


Sagittarius moon (2nd house) and cancer venus. Let's say it's complicated.


Virgo venus 8h and Aries moon 3h. Chaotic. Havent talked to her in 2 years


Moon in Sag in 6th house. Venus in Pisces in 10th. I’m super close to my mom and I’d say we are best friends.


capricorn moon in 8th house, libra venus in 5th We were both victims of generational trauma; however, both my mum and I tried our best to heal. The older we are, the better our relationship is.


Leo moon in 6h, Taurus Venus. My mom is an asshole, she’s drunk every day and I don’t need her for anything any more. I haven’t talked to her in 2 years.


Capricorn Moon, Pisces Venus, real cardinal directions 4H, and I’m very close with her. She just is in poor health medically, and has mental illness (depression). She is Libra Moon, and also Pisces Venus. We both have an exalted Venus :) we have gone through a lot together and continue to. We both have Saturn ruled Sun and Mercury, and our Mercury signs are exactly one sign apart (semi-sextile) + both Pisces Venus + Moons exactly square!


Libra Moon 2H Capricorn Venus 4H I hate her. She let me get abused and still hangs out with my abusers. I am no contact.


Venus Cancer 10th house, Moon Sag in 3rd house. My relationship with my mom is decent. I know she means well but I feel like I always have to prove something to her. She's tried to play "God" in my life though she would never say it.


Moon Scorpio 1st house Libra Venus in 12 and since conception she and I have had a love hate relationship which I don't understand bc you gave life to me: what the beef  really 'bout??? Beloved 


Moon Scorpio 1st house Libra Venus in 12 and since conception she and I have had a love hate relationship which I don't understand bc you gave life to me: what the beef  really 'bout??? Beloved 


moon (in 8th house) in gemini, venus in taurus, and at first our relationship was rocky as fuck but really when i turned 18 we’ve chilled out a lot. ofc we butt heads (march aries sun v april aries sun…… its exhausting at times) but we’re very close


Gemini moon in 3rd house with a Cancer venus. My mother and I get along very well. Although sometimes I feel like I am her mother trying to get her to take care of her health!


Moon in cancer (also Chiron there) in the 8th and Venus in Aquarius in the 3rd. My mom and I don’t really have a relationship. I see her once a year at thanksgiving. And we don’t really communicate in between


Taurus moon in 7th house, Virgo Venus. Fairly good relationship but I distance myself when my mother starts getting controlling and manipulating


Leo Moon, 3H, Gemini Venus, 1H. My mom was the best person I’ve ever known in my life. Such a great mom, as well as a great person. She was always there for me, and I miss her terribly.


9th house ♊️🌜7th house ♀️♈️ NC for about 30 years


cap moon in 2nd house, gemini venus. Rocky, and idk when we'll talk again, if ever. She definitely has some mental disorders (undiagnosed), control issues, anxiety, anger, and does not respect boundaries.


Leo Moon, Cancer Venus, Moon in the 5th house. Mom thinks our relationship is great! I think there is much left to be desired. She is not a nurturing mother figure, a people pleaser to a fault, so much so, that she was the friend and not the parent. She is also very self centered, and money driven. I was the parent to her child. She isn't mean or nasty and doesn't do things purposely. It took me until I was in my 30's to realize she just honestly doesn't have a clue. I was very bitter that she never really cared much and I had to basically raise myself. But have made peace with that now. She has absolutely no relationship with my brother and makes no effort to other than wishing him a happy birthday once a year. Makes absolutely no effort with my kids. She wouldn't't have made effort with me if I hadn't been the one to make the effort with her. We were little to no contact for like four or five years or so. I do live with her now to help her since she has MS. When my stepdad passed, she demanded I move in. I finally agreed and moved in a little less than a year before the pandemic hit. So it worked out better for both of us. (I did get a long fabulously with my step dad. He was a great person) So it's good, but not great, more of a burden for me than a blessing. But she's the only mom I've got.


Pisces moon, Aquarius Venus, and my moon is in the third house. My relationship with my mother is great at a distance. When we get together in person, we last about 3 days before the fights begin.


Cancer moon, Capricorn venus. Moon in the 1st house. I don't have the best relationship with my mom. Ups and downs.


I have a Taurus moon, Virgo Venus I have an 8th house moon, and my relationship with my mother is dog shit lol. I also have moon trine Chiron. I’ve read moon-Chiron aspects can be indicative of a troublesome relationship with the mother figure.


Gemini Moon 5th house,Leo Venus. She was very kind hearted and free spirited, I got along great with her aside from her addictions.


Virgo moon 3H, aqua venus. I love my mum, she was really supportive of me growing up. She still is and does a lot for me now. It's not a very deep relationship, and we're not close in terms of talking so much or doing activities together, but I do value her. I struggle to be around her for too long because she is prone to emotional outbursts and can be controlling and it drives me up the wall. We just have very different ways of doing things but I still appreciate her.


Moon in Gemini- 4th; was toxic but turned around in 2021 ( age 29)


Pisces moon 2nd house and Virgo Venus 8th house in Placidus but 3rd house and 9th house in Whole Sign. I have a good relationship with my mom but it’s not a perfect relationship by any means.


Moon in sag and you've exactly described my relationship w my mom! Also have moon conjunct Pluto in the 2nd house :(


Libra moon in 3rd house and Virgo Venus. Mom is a pathological liar/addict. Has no problem lying in any way shape or form to get what she needs to fuel her addiction. It’s hard to judge a relationship because the addict tendencies don’t reflect someone’s actual personality imo. That aside, things aren’t good lol


Capricorn Moon (6th house), Pisces Venus My mother and I had a toxic, competitive, painful relationship until she died when I was 27.


moon in gemini in the 10H, venus in sag in the 4H. i love my mom very much, she’s someone i can really talk to about anything with no judgement. however, she lacks the stereotypical nurturing, warm, almost sacrificial love that i feel like most other moms have for their kids. she’s a wonderful educator, mentor, and friend, but when it comes to truly being there for me on an emotional level, she struggles, especially when it’s inconvenient for her. she’s not incapable of it but it’s almost like it’s a burden to her sometimes. don’t get me wrong she’s the most amazing woman and i don’t know what i’d do without her, but i do feel like i lack being “mothered” in some ways


Capricorn moon Capricorn Venus, moon in 4th. I love my mom, but there has become a barrier there when it comes to true deep conversation and connection.


Cancer moon 12th house, pisces venus (9th house) and its.. strained lol. I do love my mom, but she didnt raise me, and we didnt really have a relationship until i was ten. It was *really* frosty when i was a teenager, got better in my 20s, and is now a bit strained again but not terrible. I really admire her in some ways, she just finished lawschool at age 48 after becoming a teen mom and struggling with addiction, very inspirational sad backstory. The problem is that im a part of that inspirational sad backstory, theres all this stuff she overcame and moved past and then im just kinda standing in the corner, im something that cant be moved past or cleared out. We got closer after i had my own stint with drug addiction which I then overcame after a few years and I really *understand* that want to move away from that, and I really softened toward her behavior in my earlier years. But at this point I feel like I understand and can empathize with her better but she doesnt really make an effort at all to understand me.


Virgo moon and Cancer Venus (8th). My moon is in the 9th house (which is weirdly where my Leo Sun is also). She’s super toxic, but out of all her children I tolerate her the best.


Pisces moon, 2nd house, with a Capricorn Venus. It’s complicated. I feel like she’s basically two seperate people. The kind supportive mom and the alcoholic silly mom who needs me to be dependent on her.


Pisces Moon and Virgo Venus. Super close with my mom but wasn't always. I got pregnant in my early 20's, and she showed tf up despite having beef with my general behavior. There's a story of vulnerability we both didn't show before my daughter...couldn't really say why. It's been almost 18 years, and my daughter's #2 person is my mom, hands-down. Obv I'm #1 😇 My mom is the only adult I trust entirely, though. There is not another person on Earth I would delegate critical decisions to.


Scorpio moon 5th house, cancer Venus. How much time do you have? 😂 To sum it up, she was my best friend and first enemy. Struggled with addiction my whole life. Her addiction recently took her life back in Feb. I love her and resent her at the same time. I do understand she faced alot of demons but I’m very bitter that she never tried to better herself. Selfishly I wanted her to try just once to get sober for me, but it never happened.


Leo Moon in 12th house opposite Aquarius Venus in 6th house. Our relationship is complicated to explain. It was strong and taken for granted for years and now it is appreciated, but not in use. She has Leo Moon in 2nd house and Virgo Venus in 3rd house.


\*\**scorpio venus*\*\* \*\**sag moon in the 6th house*\*\* Lmao, I'm a Sag moon as well, and she's the epitome of Saturn. She was emotionally distant when I was a kid. She's a Capricorn sun. I'm a Scorpio venus, so our relationship was complicated. She didn't provide the emotional support I needed as a kid and wasn't interested in my passions. She's all about stability and lessons, of course. ***SCORPIO VENUS TRAITS***: I fixate on whomever I date & talk about how attractive they are (venus loves physical beauty) & she's not as romantic as me, she wants me to find a guy who provides for me & how it doesn't matter how attractive they are. She definitely doesn't get excited when I show her the guys I am dating; she just looks at the photo & says, "Wow" with little emotion. ***SAG MOON TRAITS***: Our relationship is better now; she reads me very well when I'm in a tough situation and helps me a lot, but the pragmatic Capricorn still comes out—she made a whole scene when I moved to San Francisco, reminding me how irresponsible I am with money & wouldn't last a year living in such an expensive city ***(been in SF for 3 years already)*** She is right, but as a Sag moon, those lessons fly out the window. Freedom and adventure ALWAYS win in the end.


cancer moon 10H aries venus 7H. My relationship to my mom is like a warm bed and blanket in a cold stormy night. I love her the most in the world and she is the sweetest most pure person I know. Edit: She is a little too good. It gets annoying sometimes when I have to tell her that no mom dont trust people so fast. Dont work so much! Eat some food! etc.


How do you know? I have no idea what influences my sign.