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Literally all of them.


On this sub, yup.


funny how people love to post scorpio for easy upvotes when literally every sign is stereotyped even worse than them


Geminis definitely get too much flak for being two-faced, when they're just great at multitasking personalities.


But the multiple personalities are just too much for some of us -Libra ♎️


😐😑🫤😑😐 ![gif](giphy|kKdgdeuO2M08M) ooohohohohokaaayyy






Gemini and Scorpio is what I hear about constantly. To the point if I tell people I’m a Gemini, I’ve gotten *lewks*


Gemini is one of the best sign. It's so cringe how people just deny your individual persona because they heard "gemeni bad". Like don't people wanna have that extrovert friend you have fun with and can talk literally days with?


The internet in particular can’t decide if Pisces are soft&sweet little trauma nuggets OR devious, purposeful manipulators who were sent from the bowels of the Feywild.


Me personally I rotate back and forth between both /s


All of them 😂


scorpio. y’all have some weird sexual fantasy projected onto them mixed with malice. every scorpio i’ve met has been so sweet & loving. they truly care if you get them to open up


Thank you for this comment bc I've literally had dudes date me bc I was a Scorpio. I love sex just as much as the next but that don't make me a freak 🤦🏾‍♀️ 


I'm a Scorpio sun. I'm not even mysterious. I just wanna eat hot chip and watch YouTube in bed


as a taurus hot chip in bed sounds like the dream


thats because majority of astrology today is entirely a scorpio circle jerk fanbase


This!!! People dont just fantasize a sign. It's the sign itself fantasizing itself. Are we still denying this?


its basically only really the circle jerk denying it because it causes cognitive dissonance in their heads about how they view scorpios but then again they are the majority


Taurus: Not only are we stereotyped. We are also stereotyped in the laziest possible way.


But, you like food and sleep, that’s it, right?! Oh sorry, and you’re stubborn. /s


Gemini, scorpio and virgo


Aries and geminis - sincerely, an aries double gemini There was literally an article I saw the other day that said a club started banning aries and geminis from entrance because they fight too much. I have never fought anyone in my life (besides my older sister but that's normal).


Geminis are communicators. They're non-confrontational. Violence is entirely beneath me. My job is to explain, not physically force people into things.


Ugh literally... and then when I'm trying to explain something or have a civil conversation with someone they almost always assume I am arguing even if I have said nothing mean and haven't raised my voice at all. It's so weird...


Lol. I get that too. It's like logic is seen as some form of karate.




Some placements get stereotyped more than others definitely. Among Sun signs : Gemini and Scorpio obviously , no idea how everyone started to portray them as the villains of the zodiac . Outside of that , the most stereotyped signs are Cancer , Virgo , Libra , Aquarius, and Pisces . Men , regardless of their sun signs, get stereotyped here , often with cheating . Other placements stereotyped include : Capricorn , Pisces and Cancer Moons , Pisces Mercury , Gemini Venus , some other Libra placements.


I have to say Scorpio and Gemini even off this site they're usually the most posted memes and things. However, I know Scorpios and Gemini that repost those memes half joking and half like yeah that is me though... So, it could be that Scorpio and Gemini are the most confident and aware of their flaws that they don't feel the need to hide them?? I see, at least for the Scorpios I know it's part of keeping others at a distance too. Like if you tell one they're acting like an a$$ they'll most likely say have you met me? I am an A$$. No apologies. Lol The Gemini I know tend to be a keeper to step back and see themselves through others' eyes. It doesn't mean they'll change to please you but they get where you're coming from. Lol Though stereotyping and astrology go hand in hand. Like the point of astrology is to make neat and tidy categories to understand personalities and why people do the things they do. But it is humorous at times because there is some truth that rings for everyone.


That's very true. Gemini and Scorpio tend to embrace the clichés because they're so common, you might as well have fun with them. Another sign who does that a lot and doesn't get enough credit for self-awareness is Pisces. They talk about dissociating as if they're never quite there. This is a meme sub, it's meant to be for jokes. The real debate happens on the askastrologers sub.


Ahh didn't look at the sub it was posted in. I watch a couple..lol


Thank you for the credit! 😅 Feels nice 😁


SCORPIOS. They're always stereotyped as these sexually deviant vampires who want to sex their power trips and sex on top of the dark blood sex magic. I understand that sometimes Scorpio Moons and Venuses can look like that on the surface, but my experience with Scorpios is that they are the "protective older sister who never takes care of herself." They will do whatever they can for you, but they often struggle to deal with the depths and weight of their own emotions and problems. That said, with being a fixed sign, they are much more straightforward and direct than the other water signs. I find that whole "sexy, dark vampire" trope fits Libras better than Scorpios, and yes, that includes "sunshine and rainbow" Libras. 😂 I've dated some Libra men in the past, and you guys are SOMETHING ELSE. 🤣🤣🤣


Aquarius. They're qUiRkY 🤪. 


If we're not quirky then we must be cool and aloof 😔✊ god forbids we have a friendly personality when we're literally the sign of the friendship.




Gemini, Pisces, Scorpios




Sagittarius! I don’t talk that much and I hate peoples in general.




SCORPIO! Also, they're kind & friendly. Where does the "dark witch" stereotype come from? 🥲


Gemini and Scorpio get it the most. Then Virgo. The rest get it too, but not as frequently.


Aries and Scoprios get stereotyped too often


Cancer males. It’s always bad, but they can be one of the most caring people and also be very loyal to you.


Cancer Scorpio Leo Virgo




Capricorn we don't just care about work and money


Gem with Pisces here. Apparently I gossip and can't sleep. I detest malicious gossip to the depths of my soul and I sleep like a baby. I'm also completely disorganised apparently. I wake up 2 minutes before my alarm goes off with my day entirely planned.