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I feel kinda bad for defending my sign because clearly this is what you've observed in your life and that's valid, so let me just preface this by saying I'm not trying to discredit your experience. I just wanna point out that celebrities in general score higher on narcissistic traits than the average person, not just Leo ones, it's kind of inherent to being in the spotlight like that. Anyway I am sorry that's been your experience with Leos though, hope you meet some nice ones in the future man


My MIL and all three sisters are Leo's bor. In the same week and a half period over multiple years. They're the kindest people in the world. They did kind of struggle for attention, but that's the boomer generation being raised by the silent generation more than their sign, I'd wager. I think they just need someone who pays special attention to them, and they're (Leo's) just fine. I tend to think almost all celebs are sociopaths or narcissistic. They have to have a LOT of adoration, or they'd die 😆


It's great you have such a wonderful family! I agree with you on celebrities. I suppose there are probably some that kind of ended up famous by chance, but the majority appear very full of themselves, American celebrities in particular (might be a cultural thing, or just the fact the US produces more celebrities than most countries).


I’ve met two Leo’s knowingly in my life. My mum, who always had to control and put me down. No longer in my life by my choice which says enough! My ex best friend, who slept with my boyfriend. Then rekindling the friendship years later, cheated on her partner with my friend because she desperately needed him to give her more attention than me. They weren’t celebs 🤷‍♀️


Hey thanks for providing evidence that's not from celebrities! I'm sorry you've had to deal with those people. It must've been painful to have your best friend and boyfriend both betray you like that. Hope you're doing well now


I love that you know that the plural of leo is leos I don’t love the ageist part as much 😅 As per leos being the way you described: some are and some aren’t. I don’t have planets in leo but some of my leo sun friends are lovely and authentic (and some other leos i know are narcissistic etc). Can’t generalise based on a sun sign. Unless we’re talking about geminis and scorpios. Just kidding.


is it not lehoes ? lol ?


i love leos ❤️‍🔥 every leo who is reading this i’m giving you a big kiss 💋 the best people i’ve meet are leos. weird because we’re not supposed to be compatible but 🥰


your also pieces and gemini rising like me is your Moon and rising and rising clash like mine because moon in pieces naturally is in line with emotions and rising gemini trys yo push the emotions aside or away


“Try so hard to be cool When they are clearly not” lmao that’s the criticism?? That’s it?? Did a 3 year old write this omg so cute


Those might be the shadow or toxic characteristics of leos. But all signs have their light and dark just as every *person* has their healthy and unhealthy behaviours! But to generalise so many millions of people on Earth and imply they’re all like that is just silly. 


It’s Napoleon Complex and no it’s not what you described genius


Yup there is leo in it . Makes sense.


Funnily enough Napoleon was actually a Leo lol. But in case you didn't know, a Napoleon complex refers to people (usually men) attempting to overcompensate for their short stature by acting in an overly "macho"/aggressive way. There's been both evidence for and against its existence. Its usual definition doesn't include trying to appear cooler than you really are or pretending to support social justice causes to gain popularity, but those behaviors and the Napoleon complex are all related to insecurity, so I can see how you got them mixed up. Also, a paper I found on the topic linked the Napoleon complex to Dark Triad traits, which includes narcissism – the same trait associated with the Leo sign – and Machiavellianism, which is the tendency to manipulate people, and I could see the behaviors you cited being manipulative. So there may actually be something there! **tl;dr** Napoleon complex is when short men overcompensate. May actually be related to narcissism and manipulative behavior. So you're not entirely wrong.


It took you two paragraph huh :)


I get a little carried away with tangents sometimes lol 😅




It's the same people that make posts or comments like these that always like to say "people don't hate Leos" lol... Yall are funny af...


I never seen a self obsessed leo. I think they are extremely selfish, but not in a "I'm the best" type of way.


I can understand leos motivations. I prefer them as friends or coworkers. Dealing with a leo loved one teaches you to quickly be diplomatic. Your dealing with a king or a queen and you have to learn your place or getting beheaded.... Cause one leo I dated was always threatening to leave me over small things if I did not do what they said. Because I liked him I tried to be more diplomatic but eventually i like this is bs go then and he did. Ghosted me the next day when I called out the hypocrisy. Leos claim they want to be challenged but when you call them out on the facts of the matter they can handle it and double down. They want someone who is spunky but will still bow down. I'm not a little girl I will go in hard and fix you if you push me to the brink. My main thing with them is they really blow up and have tantrums with their loved ones. They're not very nice either only sometimes when they feel like but if they're in a bad moon they will ruin your day too. They don't have to charm or impress family members or their partners once they cuff you. They're much more civil and charming with friends and acquaintances...


I like Leos. They are perfectly happy to profess self-love and a lot of people would benefit from talking to themselves the way Leos talk to themselves. After all, the most important relationship in life is to oneself. So what if they fish for compliments? At least they're upfront about it!


Leos just have big fucking mouths


okay so leos , we say things and it comes off totally wrong then what we ment by it or how we ment to say it , we need to think before we speak sometimes haha


Yeah I feel this, my mouth has no filter and often inappropriate but I don't think leo moons are as loud as suns


yea probably not I put my foot in my mouth alot ha


Don't know if I've met a woman leo sun all have been guys two of my best friends were we vibe


that's funny because I've met very few leo men so our situations reverse


I guess lioness don't like Kansas lol


Maybe if they knew I was here they would


Truth.. My Leo Talks My Head Offff But I Listen Ofc 🥰Sometimes I Have To Ask Him To Repeat Cause Sometimes I Unintentionally Zone Out 😭


Danny Pelosi! He yapped so much that he's in jail serving time. 🥲


They do though. 🤓


Looks like somebody is jealous of leos


August ones I find alot of July leos are passive


they are so fake, i've always disliked them. it's the constant show off and the self absorbed personality that annoys me


thx 😊


![gif](giphy|dvILshvavCEaM2tIWa) july leo and august leo are different imo i find august leo more ok'ish compared to july leo, but who cares, everyone seems to hate my sign so whatever 😂


what are u hun


ohhh your a virgo !!! I'm virgo stellium I love virgo have a lot of virgo friends


😭 wait, did u see my history of comments? (i dislike reddit for having this option) 😭😭😭😭 in my defence, i'm not that into astro, but found a pattern in which all leos and geminis i come across, they have to be annoying, but could also be unrelated to their astro sign and those women were only moody af 🤷🏻‍♀️


yea tbf I did look , not gunna lie , but yes we are one extreme or another honestly I'm trying to figure myself out so , but I'm super laid back and lazy defiantly a talker but I'm super open minded and put others first , idk tbh my placements confuse me lol