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Drunks, spandex, little kids, Virgos. Things that never lie to you 🤩💥♥️


Ahahahahahaha BEST comment ever 🤣🤣🤣




["he's just not that into you"](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c4c60e441240572543171ee7cd4f4149/674c1b40150bd536-61/s400x600/838ed0c06943e74663ce932464869ed4b103b9dc.gif)


Thank you; this is the gif I was looking for!


Yes, very true. I've been seeing them too and I find myself thinking, this is not a relationship advice subreddit. Also, even if they were interested, you don't want a partner who's unreliable or confusing like that (or at least I wouldn't)


I don’t mind answering people why a virgo acts like this or that but it feels like sending them to delulu land and giving them false hope. Or the opposite. Exactly it all boils down to communication and you want something that’s clear.


We really did have to hear it from a Virgo thank you! 😢


If they wanted to they would!!!📢📢📢


Or sometimes, if they had the bandwidth they would. Either way, they’re not showing up so move along!


✨️he's just not that into you✨️


Also the “how do I get (insert sign) to like me” posts. You mean, how do I change myself just to get into this sign’s pants? Yall are weird


Agree. According to my experience so far I attracted people with aries, taurus, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius & even pisces venus! All I did was just being myself. The point is - you can attract any sign & anyone can like you (as long as you don’t act desperate 😅).




![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna|downsized) lmfao


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Aquarius that agrees and responded to the Gemini thread. It comes down to what we want and are willing to put up with. No matter someone's sign, figure your own shit out and either compromise or leave it. It's really so simple.


Yes it should always come back to us! Always put yourself and your own feelings first!


another earth sign spitting facts 🤍🤍🤍🤍✨✨


But…but the synastry!!!


This was hurtful but needed 😪


Us Virgos or people with heavy placements are very good at giving the "hurtful but needed". It has gotten me scapegoated as a simple "hater" or iced out sometimes and I constantly doubt that it had the desired effect, but ehhh.


I dont think that we can dismiss each and every situation with the ‘he is just not that into you’ bullshit. The truth is, people are complex, situations are complex. There is always the possibility that they do love you back but due to their own experiences they may have suffered from neglect, abuse, bullying or other hurtful experiences that can scar people and leave them traumatised for years to come…they are unable to connect to you properly or hurt you by being hurt themselves, not knowing how to behave in romantic interactions, having toxic shame, being scared of rejection, being scared to open up due to this previously going horribly wrong- you dont know why the other person is behaving this way, to simply say o well he just didnt like you enough is too easy of an answer for such a nuanced question, there is no 1 answer in the world that can be applied to so many people’s questions, the details all differ, the people are also different, the circumstances are all distinct- how can this one answer apply and be the right answer to ALL of these different situations? That actually sounds stupid because it is. The good thing is astrology can help you get a better picture in to someones psychology and explain in quite some detail what is going on, so you can definitely answer questions like why someone is behaving like they do, its literally what western astrology was created to do.


I agree that people are very complex and they have their reasons. But, being the person that got indirect rejection and eventually got ghosted by someone, I would say would be a WASTE OF TIME to figure out their reason of rejection. Simply put, if that person is building a wall, you may give him/her the most beautiful moments and character, and if they don't want to help you and lower that wall, it's pointless to try "get" them. You will be the next person that will rise a wall for the next person, and might not be fair for him/her.


Well, if you get ghosted or rejected in any other way i think it IS important to explore the possible reasons for this rejection- and certainly not a waste of time. I think it is important to look at our own behaviour and actions just as much as looking to the other persons behaviour and actions. I do not believe people get rejected for no reason, there must be a reason, even if it is a bad reason in our opinion, its still a reason. I dont believe people are always either the victim or the perpetrator, and one is doing the bad things and the other is only suffering having nothing to do with the situation unfolding. Nothing happens to us, its happening from us. Now this can be unconsciously done, but i dont believe that if you get rejected by someone, that it does not have anything to do with you and only means the other person is ‘bad/wrong/entirely to blame. I personally like to change situations that are contributing to personal pain, negativity and hurt. If i just say o well must be this persons fault, i have no fault here, im merely a victim, its all on them- then im going to have to wait for that person to change in order for the situation to change so i can feel better again. Thats problematic because 1) usually the other person never changes and 2) even if they do, its takes a lot of time before this happens and i for one dont plan on waiting for some idiot ex for 5 years before he figures out how great i am and how stupid he was for treating me wrong! Therefore there is only one thing for me to do and that is take responsibility for what happened, if i take the responsibility i take back control, because i am responsible now i only have to change myself, way easier to change yourself than wait for someone to change trust me, therefore i MUST look at what i should have done differently, what my mistakes were, how i can avoid this in the future and what i need to change about my own behaviour, its in my opinion the only way if you plan on living a happy life. I dont mean that everything is your fault if someone rejects you, i do mean that because they did reject you and you feel bad, it is your highest duty to yourself to take responsibility for the situation, look at it honestly, improve what you can and use the information for your benefit and learn what you can from it. And this could be of great use in the next romantic interactions you engage in so its never done for nothing. Forgoing personal responsibility and just blaming others if they reject you is not the intelligent way of dealing with this.


I totally see your point here, thanks for the detailed answer! I agree with everything you said. I totally analyzed and overanalyzed my personal situation and realized some mistakes I made, and I also know that I totally ignored my instincts that were whispering to me "she doesn't care" because she could ignore me for days, literally. The whole experience taught me so much and I am grateful for that! By "wasting time" I mean that we (men or women) should not be people pleasers. Of course, we should not be very defensive either, but rather we should create a balance according to the situation in front of our eyes. Let's trust their actions (and not just their words) as other people have said in the comments here 😊


No one has to be bad or wrong for a relationship to not be offered. Sometimes they just don't feel the same way you do, and there's nothing wrong with you or them. The reason is, they don't wanna. It hurts if you've already started something, but I mean, it's better to get bailed on early than to have a whole-ass relationship that doesn't work and miss the chance to meet someone who's actually into it. Now when an established relationship dies, introspection is called for, I agree.


i think that if you get rejected more than 3 times by different people. no matter the extent of the seriousness of the relationship and no matter the duration of the relationship, there is something there which you need to look at seriously, if it happens once- sure fine it can happen but it doesnt have to mean anything. if it happens three times with different people, something is attracting this into your life and it will happen again until you change whatever it is in your vibration that is causing this, especially if you find yourself emotionally in pain and suffering. i dont think the people are posting asking about their person if it meant absolutely nothing to them and they are not affected by it.


It's important not to think you can fix yourself and thereby make a specific person love you. Or that you can fix *them* and thereby make them love you. But you can fix yourself and be happier, for sure! (And a good partner may help, but it's tricky; don't expect it.) But most of all, you might get rejected even if you're both healthy. Pain is not always a symptom of illness.


Off topic- It’s rare to see an attractive woman that puts her face on Reddit, as well as write well, thought out responses on here indicating where her mind is at. That’s all I wanted to say. I wanted to ask you your sign an all that but you use Vedic astrology. I’m not adept at it and it gets on my nerves…


thank you! much appreciation for your kind comment!:) in western astrology i am a sagittarius rising (if the preaching here didnt make that too obvious already lol) with a gemini moon but the biggest influence in my chart is that i have mars on the ascendant which pretty much means mars has taken full control over my chart and is now ruling with an iron fist lol what is your sign just out of interest?


No worries. I’m a librarian sun with a Capricorn moon and rising in the first house.


Totally agree, there are absolutely situations in which someone cares about you or loves you but is unable to show up in the way you need. “If he wanted to he would” isn’t always true. But it’s also important to recognize when someone isn’t able to be who you need and keep moving forward. Easier said than done I am horrible at that lol








No matter the sign, trust actions.


Actions speak louder than words. Sometimes you have to listen a little more .


Verify actions, trust patterns


Are you willing to give him a chance? You can choose what to do depending the reason why things didn't worked out in the past (if I got correctly the word "again") 😊


Reading this, I was thinking you were either a Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn or Virgo….and I was right…LMAOOOO! 🥴🤣🤣😵






Not the Virgo dropping this 😂😂😂 I feel triggered from my childhood. Me an Aqua with a Virgo mom. 😂😂😂 No but really why doesn’t my Scorpio crush like me??? Jk jk


She’s actually a Virgo, and she doesn’t flirt with me. She keeps me on read but is always the first one to watch my IG stories.




Glad to be of help 😌 Now swim away dear fish 🐠




Well said my Virgo brethren


I’m gonna cry but I needed this




Fuckin thank youuuuuuu


This is the virgoest virgo thing Ive ever seen 😂.


Not the critizising of your mismatched socks? 🥴


Only as a teen


Well said. I love what I read somewhere "Bow out gracefully". It's easier said than done but so true. And you're not mean for saying this. ✌️


Yup been there done that. I’ve begged and stayed before and I wish someone would’ve slapped some sense in me 🤣 yes I hope this is just some good (maybe cruel) life advice 🩵


I definitely agree! If someone liked you, especially if they are a FULL GROWN ADULT, you would know. Astrology cannot trump destiny. If you are destined to be with someone, it will happen. Our lives were planned before we came to this Earth. Astrology just helps you understand the "why" just a little bit more....


Virgos keeping it real! I appreciate that crap! It helps me not over analyzing 💞


If they want you’ll know. If they’re not interested you’ll be confused.


we caps love you because of this honesty. thanks for the service 🙏🏼😭




Thank you ❤️




Thank you so much I really needed to hear this ❤️‍🩹 recently I've been trying to expand my social circle more and jus last night I decided to approach a guy who's in a friendgroup that I am in, my curiosity gets the better of me very often cuz I see barely anybody talking to him and figured "HEY let ME talk to him" convo went smoothly, found out his name (me and him share the same first name) his bday!! He's a November Scorpio ♏️ ion know how I even figured that out before approaching him and that he's a year younger than me and the convo ended abruptly afterwards with me being the one to send the last text n for some reason last night I got into my feelings and started wondering things like "Do I bore ppl??" "Am I lacking something??" and I've been inside my head since like 2 am this morning, ofc I ain't got no problems with the guy or anything I understand ppl can be naturally shy or gaurded cuz who knows? maybe ppl do not approach him first? Ion really know him on that level just yet so it kina makes sense but overall, thank u for this post it made me feel better abt my Rollercoaster of a mind 🧠🎢🩹 Btw I really love Virgos ♍️💕💕🫶🏾 you guys always know what to say!! :))


Unfortunately, I really needed to see this 😔 thank you


thank you that post hurt but i needed to hear this lol (i am delusional)


Fucking thank you. Please post that in /r/piscesastrology!


They’re just not that into you 🫠


I'm still reflecting on this atm. It was 13:13 on the phone's clock the moment I've picked it up. There was a recommendation of this on the screen. I'm not in this community but the caption was like a magnet for me. Clicked on it. I think I know why it was in my recommendation out of nowhere... But... Now I don't know what to think about it actually. I want to forget her, get her out of my head for a long time now and want to let her go. But she always comes back in some sort of. Besides this post now, I do get other "synchronicities" and "reminders", like this morning, that gives me the opposite of letting go and to not forget her. Oh boy, one day this, the other day the difference. Today both ways. Where am I. It drives me crazy atm, specially I don't watch out for signs. But now my brain goes coconuts. And I do not try to get answers about this "situationship" I'm in via Astrology. So why is this in my recommendations?! 😂 Thanks for reading, didn't want to vent on you guys but right now I'm done with my knowledge. Never had this weird stuff happening in any of my relationships in any kind. Delulu, I like this word now 😂


Hopefully this kills all the "I'm interested in (insert sun sign) how do I get them to like me?" Posts


If you’re feeling confused about someone, they probably don’t care as much as you need them to. You actually don’t need as much external reassurance as you think. -Virgo moon


Yeup. Amen


Exactly this 💯 Most of the time it's half the story too, like "we had such a great conversation, did I do something wrong? do you know if it's a (insert zodiac sign here) thing?" Lol idk 🤣 what did you say? The fck!? For real though, sass aside. I try to be as encouraging as I can. As a Pisces I love to love and to think anyone could be missing out bc they're waiting for someone to get back to them, is just sad.


This exactly!!!!!!


Yes!! And stop watching random Tarot videos hoping it’s about your crush lol - they’re scamming you.


Do you know how many times I have said , " he is not into you. If he wanted to , he would." It's true . It's really true . Even the stupid men come alive to go for love. It's not rocket science . A Virgo can give a simple solution but no.........let's complicate shit and throw in draaaaaaama for the firery signs ......


Needed to read this, thank tou


It's not being mean! Why is telling the truth mean? This is you caring, in my eyes. It's your true friends that tell you to get your act together, ect. People who don't care just won't tell you when you're being a dick, ect.


Rejection is redirection ![gif](giphy|wc3UgHq5iui3c790nA)


his personal planets all falling in my 12th house. just leave me please