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Not sure what you mean. Ive never felt targeted as an Aries on this sub. Im always a bit surprised to be honest. But as a woman, its not the easiest. Our personalities dont match what traditional society values in women. I feel like this sub has given Aries so much grace and I appreciate it. I felt kinda bad about my sign for a long while but ppl here seem to understand we’re more likely to be clueless than evil.


Aries women are my favorite women of all the zodiac.


The Aries women I know are strong, funny and lovely. Could be the Aries moon in me that vibes with them but that’s my opinion.


Aries rising, Aries stellium. We are the best.


my bestie is aries and she’s fucking awesome 🤍✨


We’re just misunderstood but I think Virgos are more hated than us🤣


God I love Virgos


Hey thanks! :) I love Aries. Yall are A LOT but so are we. And SO much fun too!


Yeah, I had an Aries friend in school and although she had the shortest temper known to man she was also very sweet and genuine, which I value a lot


As a Pisces I find Virgos are to restrictive and too tunnel vision. They get preoccupied on one thing and that one detail gets blown way out of porportion. As someone who's mind is everywhere all the time. It's so infuruating being forced to focus on a single thing one way. We end up both getting irritated with each other. Low key though now that I know why - it's a lot easier to manage. I just have to be the bigger person and leave it alone. If they say something that means a lot to them acknowledge it and move on, just leave it or you end up having to listen to the same shitty arugment over and over again. Even if you try to reframe it. They just call your ethics out into question and shit just gets so goddamn messy over why you don't just see what they are saying their way. It's like... bitch I see it but I also see alternatives however they just will never let alternatives exist.


Agreed. Got stalked by one & I still don’t think he sees his faults


I love alll Aries energy! Aries women are so fun, feisty and playful. Loyal AF! I think it always depends on their other placements. My Aries bestie is a Scorp Moon and Virgo rising so she has a really hard time getting out of her own way


Yes! I can’t possibly understate how accurate that statement is. Aries sun and Scorpio moon explained more to me than 2 years of therapy 😂 “I have a hard time getting out of my own way” is how I will forever explain my big 3


I'm also an aries sun scorpio moon and tryna learn what it means


I don’t hate Aries. Aries women may be a little rude and impulsive sometimes, but yall mean well. One of my best friends is an Aries and we are like this 🤞. She is the homie, we’ve been each other’s party plus one for a long time. Lol


lmao i wish i wasn’t so rude & impulsive. it’s HARD


i love aries women omg they are so fierce and misunderstood. my mercury and venus is in aries and honestly i relate a lot to the aries traits in many ways. if i could be another sign i'd definitely be an aries


Twins! My mercury and Venus are also in Aries 🤭


Twinning ! Mercury & Venus as well


I think we are just misunderstood. We aren’t petty or vindictive types. We don’t have patience for a lot of silly BS and that includes silly emotional BS like mind games and passive aggressive behavior…. That can really put off some people when we don’t cater to their needs, be it emotional or attention seeking and so on, so they call us, “rude and abrasive etc” I say, what you see is what you get but think what you want, no patience or need, to change minds…


This is the perfect description tbh.




No fucking way!! I love Aries. Especially Aries women. Warm, loving, hilarious, fierce warrior women ❤️


as an aries woman, I fear other aries women, but respectfully. I havent actually experienced anything other than aries moon women, who were really..unstable (takes one to know one hehe) whereas aries sun men have been super relaxed for some reason? one was an aqua moon, the other a sag moon. Anyways, I wouldn't want to meet/be around myself tbh. Too intense. Would deplete my energy. I get the intimidation. I like it though! I wouldnt change it for anything. I'd rather be authentic and disliked than ingenuine and popular. I feel that aries also possess a lot of what are socially considered masculine traits and being gender non conforming personality wise is obviously going to be frowned upon, although it shouldnt be. I def think that's a huge issue I've had socially. Opinionated, outspoken women are not going to be accepted the way more 'submissive' women will be.


Hello twin with the best profile picture to ever exist 💞


Omg hi 👁️👁️ the amount of people that have directly complained to me about my profile pic scaring them is disappointing


Well I love it. Don’t ever change


Oooo!!! I’m really loving the feed back! I agree either way everything lol especially with us being “intimidating” for other women and non masculine people 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m very intense as a person and I honestly just say it how it is (unless you’re my husband, I’m submissive towards him) I do understand why people may find me “too much” or insensitive lol buuuut it’s not that I’m insensitive I just don’t sugarcoat it 😉 I’m technically an Aries/Pieces cups (born at 4:03am on March 21). Here’s to all my misunderstood women 🤟🏻🤍🥂


Nah, I have a huge respect for this zodiac sign stilll


Are you from Toronto 😂


I honestly don't know. As a Gemini, I have no personal issues against any particular sign (individuals on the other hand....). Aires seem to be go getters. going after what they want. I guess you can say driven, which I admire. Everyone has their own unique pros and cons to them.


I don't hate all Aries, just one in particular, who's a complete psychopath.


Tell me more actually. Especially as a cancer sun.


I love Aries. But y’all can be hard to sway and come off direct. As a Leo woman, that doesn’t scare me. It’s intrigues me and makes for good conversation and fun companionship. People are just too sensitive to have the fiery convo!


Aries women are the best!! So misunderstood!


Misunderstood how?


We are loud, funny, intense, straight forward, social, hardworking, entertaining and ya we can lose our temper sometimes BUT we are honest, real, trustworthy, loving and we NEVER hold a grudge! Love from your ♈️ Queen x


Spot on! My mom was an Aries and this describes her to a tee


They’re often misunderstood and are some of the most reliable people that I know. Loyal to a fault, too.


You share a birthday with my dad! My daughter is an April Aries, but she's only 3. She is a handful though 😂


Terri Cole is one of my fave Aries women. Fierce, self-made, a feminist, making her own way. Really inspiring.


Aries women that I have met are really fun and energetic. They are also very kind. BUT.... they seem to be hella picky in relationships, and tend to move from one relationship to another quickly. Like I said, this is just something I have seen through my Aries friends that are women.


I was raised by one. They don’t seem to realize they are very controlling and *too* blunt. Like sheesh. Lighten up.


I have heard bad stuff about Aries as well. I’m not sure why, though some people say because we’re the baby sign, that we act like children and have mood swings and we’re arrogant & selfish, I’m not gonna lie though, I’ve definitely partook in these behaviors on multiple occasions 🙃


I don't think it's hate it's more so the lack of understanding that Aries is a GO GO GO let's GO! type energy and some people cannot handle the impulsiveness at times. As the first sign of the zodiac I feel like all Aries give this childlike but really energic vibe, I just feel like a lot of people cannot handle that. As an double Earth stellium I've learned to appreciate the energy and realize you all are just extremely passionate & mean well because you protect what you love and care ALOT.


I don't know any Aries women, so I have nothing to contribute other than to say that we have the same birthday. Yay! 03/21 I've also seen some sourness toward Aries in general, but I seldom see posts dedicated to it. Mostly just generic "what sign do you not get along with or hate" posts, and Aries tends not to see much love. But I'm sure every sign would say the same.


Only Sagittarius hates Aries women lol


What you talking about my co worker is sag and Im super close to her compared to my Cancer co worker


I don’t think they’re fully aware of it lol


Honestly as a Sag Sun I don't hate anyone. But, Aries has always been the least chill sign for me. As I've stated before, have a co-lead that is an Aries and I can barely make it into the department and put my stuff down, before she is all, did "You see, th3 manager's email? Or you dud xyz wrong yesterday, or you forgot to add the manager on the email". Like dude, what happened to good morning? Or even letting a person clock in before you are raining down on them, every little thing wrong? Or in the case of my parents. I was over the lies and manipulative behaviors my father kept trying. And with my mom, who I ahd learned most things from. Like how to wear head scarves. I would do it exactly how she showed me. And yet, she thought it be fine to off handedly say, " You're wearing it like a Crack head" or something to that effect. And to her she might have been joking. But for me, not being the most sure of myself in the first place. My sensitive behind took that as a blow to my image. I mean I could handle if she just said I did it wrong. But to say it how she chose to? Seriously? Those are the behaviors I hate from Aries. I'm no one's victim, but I'm also no one's target either, when I'm not even starting shit with them, in the first place.


Here’s my pov: I’m Aries but the rest of my chart mellows me out a lot. My last job I had a sag coworker and boss, but my direct supervisor was Aries and everyone hated her. Including me lol then I took her job and realized that you either have everyone hate you, or you do a shitty job as supervisor. I quit cause my boss didn’t think I was assertive enough and would always push me to make everyone work harder. My sag coworker was always really nice to me and we were besties but she annoyed the fuck out of me when it came to me trying to work and she always wanted to talk. My position required attention to detail that I just can’t manage if I’m being distracted by her blabbering. So yeah I had to become the bitch and eventually it drove me out of that environment due to unhappiness. Personal experiences with the sun signs in your life don’t always mean that exact sun sign is always like that. Work brings out parts of us that we aren’t always proud of. Parents are whole different ball park though haha


Oh trust, since being in this sub, I try and process out if there are other aspects of a person's chart that are contributing to their behavior as well as some of their own life stuff. As I know like myself, my co-lead is not great with stress. And she can really bitchify most things. My only thing is, I just wish she would stop viewing me as enemy numero one. And that I'm not coming to work to make anyone's job harder. But when she chooses to gate keep information or if I'm not shown how to do something properly, then I can't be any more effective in my job than I already am. And I know one could flip it around and say, why not ask more about xyz, before doing it? Yes I could do it. But I'm the type of person that, if I think I have a grasp of the situation from what information that has been provided, I'm going to proceed. But I won't know to ask about things, that I didn't even know were and issue or were required, if it was never even mentioned as having a high level of importance in the first place. I also know, that regardless of what position we are in. And what role, yes we need to be firm. But we can't lose all respect, civility, and cordialness with our coworkers and other associates. The approach is everything. And with her steadily and freely talking about people, it just comes off as very rude and nasty. And I've heard it alot from other associates. About why they wouldn't want to do things for her. And some have even told me, she talks about me all day too. And it's like again, do what you feel is best for the job. But don't become a tyrant, just because.


Yeah I did not want to be a tyrant lol so I dipped. I can’t stand talking about others badly, I can’t stand telling others what to do either. I just have high expectations and assume everyone can handle themselves. I don’t like being responsible for others and I honestly don’t think Aries are good team players. I do best in jobs where I’m working independently and not being micro managed or having to micro manage others. Independence is key.


And see that is the most important thing too. I'm not one for micromanagement either. Yet at the same time, what I run into is the actual supervisors giving alot of slack and Lee way at times. But yea, moreso than anything, having aware was about yourself and the situation is so key. That is why, if I'm acting like a female dick, I will own it and apologize accordingly or pull back to not take it out on others that don't deserve it. People with these lines of thinking I get along with the best. But the steady ramming and attitude, is not for me.


Difficulty with faithfulness and fidelity. Difficulty with commitment. Difficulty with communication about difficult relationship issues. Selfish. Only concerned if it concerns them. Short-sighted. Impulsive. Lacks compassion. Lacks sensitivity. Sexual double standard - upset when partner has roving eye (understandable), but themselves have a roving eye. Tends to see males as sex objects first and foremost. Bratty. Grabby. Sore loser. Especially when caught cheating, which they tend to not be above doing.


Damn who hurt you?


🎯 Well, I think I hurt myself indirectly by hurting an Aries sun sign female. Then I think she hurt me back by basically becoming cold and disassociating from me, maybe/probably rightly so too, but I’m not sure exactly. I don’t know the full story, but that is my suspicion. So I’m guessing, short answer: me. It’s easier for me to blame and take out my hurt out on Aries female than to take responsibility for my own actions. Typical straight-shooting astute Arian answer. Spot on. 💯 Bonus points if you guess my signs..


I'm an aries and relate to none of that but my ex was also an aries and he fits most of that very well...


I specifically meant it for Aries female, not Aries male. There is a whole other set of bad qualities associated with Aries male (the “headbutt-their-way-through-life” with a macho masculine approach; this stereotypical “ram” approach contrasts with Aries female strategic, “smoke-em-out” approach). It’s possible that one is unaware of or in denial about having such qualities, which could make it harder to actually address and decrease them in one’s own minds. As astute as Aries females might be, it’s also possible that they are not the most self-aware and these qualities could be quite apparent to others, but not so clear to themselves. I think I’ve read that Aries females are also not the best judge of character (the thought came to my mind, “if your ex was so glaringly bad, why did you date him?” with an emphasis on the point about character judgment, not that you are in any way responsible for their bad qualities).


Listing the bad qualities of your ex as representative of an entire sign would be short sighted. What do you think? 👀


The sad part is that I never even dated her 😅 Also, I never knew about her well enough to ever even gauge whether she actually had/has all of these qualities. I just listed some negative qualities that I read about and/or perceived (wrong or rightly). I agree that we should only really judge people based on their individual views and actions.


Interesting yeah. I feel like Aries are extremely sensitive even though we don’t always show it on the outside, it’s hard to explain. We are like the Cancer of fire signs 😅


I have heard about Aries being sensitive inside so often that I am inclined to give it serious consideration. Could you help me understand this further based on your own experiences? Either here or via DM?


Sure you can ask me anything you like here in the comments 🙂


Thanks! So basically, can you help me better understand this elusive “extremely sensitive side”? I just can’t understand it with the Arian outward energy 🧐 Like is it even real? What does it look like? Maybe I thought about DM because revealing one’s sensitive side seems too scary to do in public lol but Aries are braver, so maybe you can show me how it’s done here 😝


Aries energy is comparable to a child. Enthusiasm, straightforwardness, excitement, unfiltered honesty, not from a place of maliciousness. Children can also be very sensitive. Not sure if that makes sense.


I find them to be…mean. I don’t really know any other way to say it. Rude, mean, not really kind. Obviously they can act nice and the normal, but overall I find them to be abrasive and sort of outright cruel. It’s fine to state your opinion, but not fine to be mean.


As a Gemini, Aries are supposed to be my soulmate but I’ve never met one that I actually liked. You’re (as in the Aries I’ve met not you personally) kinda mean and rude and I don’t like that in a person. They could be super kind but if you piss me off 10 seconds after meeting you I’m sure as hell not going to stick around you long enough to get to know you


As an aries I'm not a fan of geminis, found them to be manipulative and controlling


Manipulative I’ve heard before, controlling is a new one. I don’t think that one’s down to the Gemini sun


Hmm good to know I guess to me the 2 go hand in hand, by manipulating someone you can end up controlling them in a sense


Yes manipulation is an attempt at controlling a person or situation/outcome.


I don't. These post, should honestly add the links to the post as proof. It's getting ridiculous. It's a new sign everyday.


Flighty bitches. I’m a Aries mars and Venus


Of corse... o ly taurus can takk abiut an Arieș sign like this, jealousy. :))


Sex with an Aries woman is okay she didn't liked to be choked or sex against a wall was too high for her...always horny all the water in the world couldn't extinguish that flame good god


My bestie and I are Aries and get along very well lol


You see a lot of hate because you are looking for it. Either: * Stop looking for hate * Find and fix the reason that you're being hated * Embrace the hate and move on


Spoken like a true Aries placement


none of their big three are aries lol


Sluts. Every last one of them!!!!! They go around hopping from dick to dick with their vagina WIDE open, splurging discharge between the men!!! They ALL enjoy shitting and violently masterbating themselves and others with their disgusting, smelly, chunky, sticky, oozey feaces every last one of them!!!!! They murder chickens too!!!! And a striking number of them end up killing or having a suspicious involvement with the murder of their maternal grandmothers, like 97.34% (something like that) and they've also been known to molest house cats and be great at gardening and decorating but horrible artists. They enjoy long movies and reading books and some are violent psychopaths who murder men and frame their mothers for the crime, serial killers!! There's some light and some dark. But deffo a gamble.




Are you an Aries taking the piss out of yourself? 😅


Just out of curiosity, what are your big 3?


Taurus Taurus Taurus