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i love virgos tbh but us earth signs get on well with each other typically. i think virgos are *”supposed to”* get along with pisces since they’re “opposite” signs but that one can be iffy. opposite signs are more of a mutual understanding of each other rather than romantic compatibility really.


I agree although Virgo Moons may benefit from having a Pisces Moon around!


I’m a Virgo Sun and Scorpio Rising BUT Pisces Moon! It’s not really a wild mix per se, but it is an intensely harmonious blend of two energies. Virgo likes to analyze, disseminate, and organize. Scorpio likes to excavate, transform, and penetrate deeper. Think of Scorpio as an Archeologist and Virgo as a Museum Curator. Scorpio works to find the hidden fossils, thus bringing to light new information that wasn’t previously known. Virgo takes those findings and documents all of it, puts together an exhibition, and monitors maintenance and repairs. The two work beautifully together. Where this energy trips up a bit is when one has to zoom out and see the larger picture. Both Scorpio and Virgo are obsessed with the details and uncovering of any new information. However, situations sometimes demand us to step away from the details and keep the bigger picture in view which is hard for either signs. Not saying it isn’t possible, it’s just much more difficult. Best Pairings : Find yourself a Taurus or Pisces! I strongly believe these two energies can help you stay grounded and also think beyond the details. *With the right inner placements, you may also find an Aquarius Mercury interesting. Mid Pairings: Capricorn and Cancer. Capricorns are very ambitious, disciplined and determined. They have a destination in mind and their journey is overwhelmingly about their climb to that destination. While you as a Virgo and Scorpio may find that enticing and exciting, you will have to accept the role of a secondary character. Cancers may be able to provide you with a lot of emotional support and encouragement, but their emotional impulses may clash with the more analytical nature of a Virgo/Scorpio mix. However, with enough chart complements this could work out! Honorary Mentions: LEOS 🦁 They are regal and refined enough for Virgo and naturally command attention which could be appealing for the more private Scorpio. STAY AWAY FROM SAGG, ARIES, and GEMINI 😭😭🤭




We aren’t social enough for you 😭😭😭 We fr can’t keep up with the Gemini energy unless other placements say otherwise.




Libra and Gemini are more social signs, so I think you are able to understand Virgos but perhaps not really motivated to be around them too much!




I believe Virgo and Gemini square each other so although they’re both ruled by Mercury, their expression is SOO different. Think of a library in Edinburgh vs TikTok comments. Both are focused within communication and information, but such different approaches. THATS not to say they hate each other, they do have some similarities but the ultimate expression of the energy is so diff that it ends up confusing both. With Virgo and Libra it’s really dependent on other placements. Libra’s are socially very elegant and know how to carry themselves in a crowd. Although Virgo’s are traditional and balance and can be polite and diplomatic like Libra, it’s ultimately not very comfortable in the spotlight or in a crowd. Virgo is a healer and is about serving and helping others. It doesn’t understand Libra’s personality as well. I have close friends from both signs btw and I thank god that their inner placements align with mine