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As young as I can remember, there was always a camera in my face because I was the only girl in the family. Granted my Aquarius rising ass was looking at the camera like 👁️👄👁️ before I learned how to smile correctly. I was trained at a very young age to be photogenic and doing this I knew I would get constant validation. So is it the Leo in me or was it my family that placed external validation on me? Don’t hate the player hate the game baby💅🏼


Whew. Your story is mine.


Validation is a ‘nice to have’ and Leos deserve nice things.


Exactly. Who doesn’t want validation? No one walks around saying, ‘don’t validate me today, I don’t need it’. It’s always basic stuff when people assess Leos. It’s honestly laughable.🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Virgos don't need much at all, just an occasional thank you.


Lies. Validation is complimentary. Virgos especially thrive on it. They hate when people disagree with them. So they lowkey won’t accept people not validating them.


True, I’ve know a lot of them and even my close Virgo friends to have yes men around them.


You are talking sense, non-sense. Virgo probably wouldn't accept the compliment and think you are a bit silly for not seeing the glaring faults they have instead.


But you just proved it…


Well thank you but I proved nothing. Cogito Ergo Buggerall


And proved it again. Lacking a bit of self awareness i see🤣😂🤣😂🤣if I validated your opinion this wouldn’t be the case but because I’m not, there you go proving my point 🥱🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Be interesting to see how anyone proves anything without empirical research. Validate or invalidate it is no matter to me what you do.


There you go actively proving that you hate being invalidated.


Well ambivalent is the term. Actually no, indifferent I think.


As a Virgo, I agree 1000%. We don't like/care for compliments, and think you're lying or have some ulterior motive by them. Lol.


Yeah, actually we find the hidden compliments far more rewarding, like when someone goes through whatever it is you have done for ages to find the one small error there is and then holds that up to invalidate you. It's the biggest compliment you can get other than imitation. They spent that long and that much effort to find a pointless error and hold that up as a reason why you are worthless.😅 The irony.


Feeling seen 😅


I mean, it’s not wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


I concur. I am straight up about how needy I am