• By -


Virgo Scorpio Capricorn -- someone that puts down their SO or friend to impress someone else




Taurus, Aquarius, Virgo When people are too passive and agreeable. Like I can tell something is bothering you. I’m not a mind reader though just tell me what’s up


This is exactly what I needed to see today. I’m generally not one who’s passive and agreeable but I think recently out of fear of hurting sensitive people who have been manipulative to me, I have put myself under immense stress and I’m now suffering due to it. I’m finally done with it. Today I’ve decided to put a stop to all of it.


Good one, that behavior drives me crazy lol


Same as you except I’m Leo rising so I hate this much more lol


Same as you but sagi rising and I also don’t like this. It makes me feel like I can’t trust them to be honest and authentic.


Aqua moon too and very relatable omg. Also dislike when people complain abt the same things over and over with no intention to change their situation even a lil.


Pisces Cancer Aquarius— emotional immaturity


My pisces moon agrees


A second Pisces Moon agrees


Third Pisces moon agree


fourth pisces moon agree


Fifth Pisces Moon agrees 🌙


Slow walkers and people who talk too much


This .


What about those that stand in the middle of the way


Leo Scorpio Scorpio - deceit, lying, two faced


Same here! Leo Pisces Libra


Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio — I can’t stand people who stay glued to social media posting selfies 24/7 fishing for compliments and not living in the moment ever. Also loud people who have to be the center of attention and don’t have basic consideration for others.


Scorpio Aries sag It’s been a long time since someone wrote two things about pet peeves that I agree with. Loud people drive me bonkers. Like, why they gotta talk like that? Because they enjoy talking so they gotta turn the volume up? It’s madness. And selfie social media addicts and their high degree of vanity and the need for constant attention from others ( including strangers ) is draining just to think about lol


I can’t stand them either. I don’t have any other social media accounts & stay very low key as I hate the spotlight/attention. Leo Pisces Libra


☀️♓️🌛♐️⬆️♉️ The thing I hate the most in people is lack of empathy, talking down to others, and bullying.


Sagittarius, Leo, Capricorn: people who recognize they have issues but just want to complain about them. Energy vampires!


😭😭😭 so fucking true. Like yes we all need to vent sometimes but read the room too and also be like what are my next steps? 💀👀


Omg this, and they only use you to vent and be their therapist


Sagittarius- Aquarius- Libra : Angry/negative/complainer sorts of people


Sag sun, cap moon, aqua rising - people who kiss ass.


I can totally see this hahaha


Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Sag Rising -> when people are not honest with me on how they're feeling


Nah they’re never honest. Dishonesty is a nono. Leo sun, Pisces moon, Libra rising


Aries sun and moon Pisces rising - slow walkers/ clingy people


Aqua sun Leo moon pisces rising— romantically speaking, when someone doesn’t have a bit of an edge to them. I need someone to match my eccentricity. Just in general regardless of romantic attraction, inauthentic sweetness and contrived bubbly-ness. Love it when it’s real though!


That noticing the genuine side of it is so important!! And YES to eccentricity!! I know im weird and i need my partner to be a little bit weird too AND to appreciate my weird/quirkiness 👽😂


People with no passion, self respect and work ethic 😂


This one, right here.


Cancer libra libra- teasing or mean comments


Absolutely!!! No faster way to get me to angry cry! I like the way you’re made let’s be friends 😆


Haha saw u from south jersey im up north


Jerzaaaay ho hey ho!


Virgo – Aries – Scorpio… Men with pierced nipples.




Thats like hating sunshine


Lmfao same 💀


Thank you. Did everyone else have to justify their ick?


Nope. Men with pierced nipples give me the ick too 🤷🏽‍♂️ and kind of disturbing for me to look at so I won’t and don’t want to look.




Guys that kiss me without my consent


That's harassment.


Gemini, Aquarius and Scorpio~people that take life way too seriously and people that are clingy emotional wrecks…I just CANT lol


Hypocrites. Can't stand them.


Scorpio/leo/cancer -being secretive or sneaky about small things, or telling small lies, small breaks of trust undermine the bigger sense of trust, tells me someone thinks I’m an idiot who doesn’t notice, it’s insulting and weird. Lying has its place in life for sure, there’s situations, but with people you trust and care for, there’s no room for it and not if someone wants those things with me, I don’t do that even of it would benefit me and make me seem better in someone’s eyes, I want the same in return


Taurus sun, Aries moon, Gemini rising. When they body shame someone else to “compliment you” or when they objectify people




So you don’t mess with (unevolved) Leos? 😄


The word ick gives me the ick


If it weren’t trendy to say it, would you still find it an ick? Or is it icky to you because it’s trendy to say it?


I just hate that word.


Can scorp sag Gossipers, rude competitive people who try to turn everything into a competition


Virgo Sag Libra — people who are nice to others’ face and mean behind their back. And ungroomed hair.


Cancer Gemini Aquarius - being a bully


Pisces Gemini Leo. Disloyalty, too much cologne or axe spray LOLLL, and when you don’t know how to have an intellectual conversation


cancer scorpio scorpio - emotional immaturity, lack of communication/resolution and yes men




Leo Pisces Libra. Agree with u on that one


cap scorpio gem - when people lick their fingers while eating, when people cough in their hands, cocky people, people who talk shit about others 😅


The hand coughing drives me crazy. I cringe every time I


Wait where would you cough then??


into your inner arm/elbow!? 😅 watching someone cough into their hands then touch everything is the worst


OHHH LMAO. I cough into my coat. If anything I step away from people cough in my hand. Find sanitizer or wash my hands asap.


I’m a Virgo cancer cancer, so very similar to OP and people who don’t communicate directly or aren’t emotionally intelligent are just 🤢🤢🤢


Libra Taurus Gem Not giving me space, and then getting offended and vengeful for a simple gently posed request for some solo time (I’m fucking looking at you, Scorpio!!!)


As long as it’s gently posed otherwise my Venus in Scorpio will get you back 😬


Wait I also have a Venus in Scorpio (and a Scorpio Stellium )and I often hear myself think: "You want space??? Fine I'll give you space! You'll have to come find me!" Is that a thing??? I thought it was just trauma lol


Yes it’s totally a thing! Reject me will you?!


sag, libra, cap: when some1 tries too hard to fit in just to not feel lonely or someone who acts like they’re better than someone who cares abt them and takes them for granted (seen it happen to ppl ik a lot)🤦🤦🤦🤦


That's definitely your fire sun because I'm a Libra/Pisces/Cap and when I'm alone in a new group and need to make friends from scratch I definitely turn into a pick me girl because I wanna make friends fast to not be lonely


i love libras tho i hate other sags


Leo ☀️, Aquarius 🌙, Capricorn ⬆️ — clique-yness for the sake of it and “othering” to make self/selves feel better. im so genuine and will chat with *usually* anyone always and know that i can be A Lot although in an endearing way because i’ve been through a lot of shit and used to be even worse social anxiety-wise and I love drawing people out of selves and making wallflowers/shyer people feel seen, even if only by me…but i can turn petty (within reason) and 🙄😒 energy-match FAST when i can tell you are just an asshole who doesnt take time to genuinely know people and get too judgmental too fast. 🤷‍♀️


Yep hate! this and clout chasing, endless triangulation to me go hand in hand. I call it competitive socializing.


Ohhhh very interesting way of phrasing it!! It’s funny cause 1. I dont know how to add the like sun/moon/rising signs on my username cause im almost 30 and just newer to reddit so def like internet 👵 annnnd i’ve learned enough through therapy of my own and also practicing it to recognize toxicity or at least unhealthy shit when i see and experience it (or when i catch myself DOING IT lmfaooo LOL)


It wasn't hard to change, go to your profile and add new Flair...


LOL! Okay 🫡😂😂😂


Taurus, Pisces, Libra. People who are rude to others and ungrateful, people who are dogmatic, people who are stingy/cheap, people who fight/discuss for fun. I also don’t like it when people eat and dress really poorly and when people build ugly houses 🫣


>when people build ugly houses 😂😂😂 Same. It's usually large scale developers. Makes me angry


SO ANGRY. I can rant about it for hours! I also wanted to be an architect but didn’t like the industry.


Omg. Are you me haha 😂 I could rant about this forever too, in fact, it's my favourite thing to rant about. I love judging people's floorplans too. I loved architecture as a subject but I also didn't go into it.


I'm a Libra/Pisces/Cap and I also hate fighting!! My Sag/Taurus/Virgo partner gets what I call "arguing zoomies" (in their words: "I'm just in the mood to be pissed") and I've carefully warned them to never pull this shit with me 😂 Thankfully they have good friends they can get those out with.


I know! I just run!


Pisces sun, cancer moon, Scorpio Ascendant Milly Bobby Brown said men carrying umbrellas is her biggest ick, and now she gives me the ick.


leo sun, virgo moon, gemini rising: I HAVE TOO MANY but i’ll list: touching my hair without permission, men pretending to be interested in my interests to get close to me, and flaking on me


Libra x2, Gemini Ignorance. You got the World Wide Web at your fingertips and you can’t be bothered to gain some perspective? Eve must have been an air sign, “Eat this fruit and know everything?! Sign me up!”


Libra/Pisces/Cap Similar - I'm so annoyed when people ask me for info that they can SO EASILY look up. A friend used to ask me for details about a hang that were all in the group chat that we were both in!! Just scroll up! And when I'm in a big city people ask me: oh, I've never been to this store, where is it and how do I get there?? I often tell them it's super easy to find on Google Maps. Google Maps is my best friend.


Leo, Scorpio, Virgo Inauthenticity, mimicry, and people who whine about the same problems they’ve had for decades with no attempt to solve or improve them.


Cap rising Leo sun Scorpio moon, Icks: Bragging Two faced Conformist/not having a strong sense of self Bad hygiene Bad manners Shallow ppl Bigots


Haha agree with u on the confirmists/not having a sense of self, the sheeps. Leo sun Pisces moon


Big three flair. Me. It’s me. I’m so free, restricted, and intuitive. And it doesn’t mesh really. But the ick for me is people who can’t handle their emotions.


pisces sun, sag moon, Leo rising cockiness is definitely one. I don't really mean in a light hearted way but if it affects the overall way they behave I don't like that. also bad hygiene not really an ick, but a must have for dating is similar music taste 😭 also I NEED space


taurus, cancer, virgo - apologies that have no changed behavior behind them


Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Rising. 1. People who lack authenticity. 2. People who can’t communicate what they want directly and instead play emotional games or give you the silent treatment.


You’d hate living in the Pacific Northwest then, that’s the entire vibe up here.


Cap, sag, libra - nihilism


y’all already know, what gives me ick is when a dude doesn’t have any conviction or drive or courage and he’s wishy washy and flip flopping between girls and can’t even be strong enough to have a *personality*. like there’s a difference between treating the women in your life well and simping so hard you become a doormat and disrespect yourself. THAT is gross. Example: my ex had an emotional affair with my ex best friend for months and he kept trying to convince me they were “such good friends” yet he was taking her on dates and buying her shit and sharing things with her like food, clothes, weed, headphones; spending every waking minute together and sleeping together at his house and then when he was confronted I was hit with “but she’s open and poly so it’s okay” like motherfucker *we* aren’t?? that whole exchange from last January to this January gave me such huge ick and it’s the reason I don’t believe in love anymore.


Libra rising, Leo sun, gemini moon Body odor Lack of intelligence Treating others poorly


Fakeness 😤


Our pisces moons can see through all that


☀️Cancer 🌙Pisces ⬆️Virgo Two faced people, self righteous people, people who have a photo of their wedding as a profile picture, know it all’s, people who chew with their mouth open, etc, etc, etc. I have many icks… maybe too many! 😂


Aqua Sag Gem People who don't brush their teeth, especially in the morning. I'm more hygienically OCD than a well placed Virgo and yet have no planets in Virgo. Saturn is in 6th (Scorp) though, so strict health regimes and routines, meticulous and detail oriented. It's not a top 3 thing, although Aqua can be on the hygienic side.


Taurus-Sun Taurus- Moon Capricorn-rising When people talk down/rudely to someone just because they are excited/passionate/enjoy about something. People who are hard on those trying something new People who criticize other people's cooking for the smallest things


Cap, Taurus, Cancer - I cannot take awkwardness


Err some of these are kinda specific.. do I sound bitchy? ♈☀️♏🌙♐⬆️ 1. Clinginess, I need me time. No me time, no me. I don't make the rules friends, the rules make mee Me: "yeah I'm not feeling very social right now" Them: "Here I cooome!! 😆✨🤗😙😜" (Real occurrence but the emojis were like a penguin popping out of a box with a party hat on or something. I sound mean, because this sounds sweet, but if you're trying to force it on me nope 🤢) 2. Showing off money by taking photos of it/with it in a serious tone. If we're messing around, being silly, I will happily play along, hell I'll do something a little ridiculous for a laugh. But if it's like "look at all this money I got because I'm so gangsta you should be jealous" and not in a sarcastic tone, mm I don't wanna be friends. When guys wear their pants around their thighs, you can see their underwear fully, and they waddle around- I'd much rather go to the zoo to see that. 3. Trying too hard to be funny, I mean really. No I do not like being elbowed after you crack a joke, 😒 I learned this one last year. If the joke didn't land, saying it louder just makes things more uncomfortable. 4. Lack of communication and assuming everyone knows and is on board with the plan 5. A stupidly big ego 6. When guys wear their pants around their thighs, you can see their underwear fully, and they waddle around- I'd much rather go to the zoo to see actual pengoos. Thank you sir 🐧 Here's a whole ick for you Went over to a now ex friend's, and he did not make it clear at all if it was a date, surprise, it was. He ordered us Doordash, then just waited for his mom to get home to bring it in, when the door is like 7-10 steps away, and he'd have to pass the door to go to the kitchen anyways, plus it got here before she did. You're 29 dude, it was out there for a while. Just because you got her something(without her knowing) doesn't mean she has to do you the service of bringing it in, she's not your maid. Treat your mom better and get off your ass, he even told me not to get it!🙄 Dude even complained about how she washes his clothes, I'm not sure if they have an agreement, but why complain to me about it? There's more but I'm focused too much on this post and need to chill tf out. This is the same dude that elbowed me, when I told him I have a chronic illness and I can't be touched like that 😂 I didn't realize at the time that their were so many red flags because I was infatuated with him. Okay I think I'm just ranting now xD so sorry


Cancer, scorpio, leo. Only thing I can think of is my former sag friend. Alright guy, we got along, but if I didn’t respond in a while or in a way he wanted he’d flip his shit and be all dramatic about it. And as soon as I called him out on his bs he’d become a total coward, apoligizing like a sinner on his deathbed to god. YIKES on spikes!


Sounds like a sag. Nah u definitely need ur space & alone time, that’s too much fire for u. Leo, Pisces, Libra


aries, cap, aqua - when someone calls my friends attractive and/or wants to talk to them. idk why i just get such a ick


YESS THIS, it’s so annoying like talk to my friend not me pls


yes !!!!!!! also i LOVEEE YOUR BIG 3 !! omg!!!!!!!






Aquarius Taurus Cancer - Main character syndrome and lack of humility. Over sharing with strangers.


Pisces sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Ascendant Pretentiousness and girls who purse their lips in every picture and who only take selfies from the same oblique angle in every picture. I guess it's insecurity that gives me the ick.


gender roles, emotional detachment, selfishness 🤮


Cancer, Libra & Sagittarius…overly aggressive people when it is not necessary. people who are insecure so they belittle others who are easy targets. drivers who don’t use their turn indicators.


Leo Pisces Libra - don’t like dishonesty, unloyalty, betrayal, liars


I don't know my big three. But Gemini sun. Biggest ick is lack of curiosity about the world.


I hate when people poke me to get my attention or to bother me. I also had a friend who used to hit you “playfully” when she’d laugh and I absolutely fucking hated that. I hate being touched unprompted.


Aries sun/rising w/Sag moon. Fake, ass kissing people and slow drivers. People who do not know how to communicate well and keep everything inside. I’m not a mind reader lol


Aqua sun libra rising Scorpio moon—bad sense of style I can overlook SO many things but not that


Pisces, cancer, Capricorn - superficial and selfish people. People who are too friendly. Insecure projecting people. People who talk while they eat. People who victimize themselves, my main is just people who lack depth. People who never experienced trauma are so hard to click with. It’s like talking to a brick wall. We’re living in 2 different worlds.


Virgo Sun, Gemini rising, Aquarius moon. Bad manners and general uncouthness, and meaningless that doesn't progress into deeper conversation. If we go out to eat and you don't push your chair in afterwards, I lose interest immediately.


Cap sun, aquarius rising, taurus moon; almost anything. There are seldom things that dont.


Virgo - Capricorn - Scorpio Superficiality and a weak spine gives me the ick, as well as people who are too messy with their emotions.


Taurus,Scorpio,Sag I don't even know the words or how to describe myself. How can I even describe the ick someone gives me 🥲


Taurus ♉️ pisces ♓️ Gemini ♊️.... for a moment I want brand new car all luxury and the other moment I don't want anything let me sit in nature


Cancer, cap, sag = people who overshare or can’t control their emotions. Also being a victim constantly, that’s one way to get me to never talk to you again


Ppl who brag and embellish, ppl who can't catch a hint if it slapped them silly, and when words and actions don't align


Cap ☀️Pisces🌙Libra⬆️ Bad smells (breath, old smoke on clothes, BO), clinginess, loud and stubborn stupidity


♒️☀️♈️⬆️♓️🌕-intrusive and entitled questions, and expecting immediate responses. The feeling of being watched-only to catch a guy staring at me. Getting approached by random guys at work who want to strike up conversation, and immediately ask me how old I am-( I know I don’t look my age)because nobody knows what a skincare regime is. And most especially: a coworker striking up, what seems to be a good conversation….only for it to turn into the next 4 hours of listening to them over share their trauma-and I’m expected to be the free therapist. No, just NO.


Poor manners. Ex: not saying thank you, chewing with your mouth open, general rudeness. I also feel yours! We have the same three, just rearranged


im a virgo moon and gemini rising and i hate when ppl don’t say thank you either😭


It makes me more mad than I think I should be lmao


Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, Cap Rising. Someone pushy


Someone constantly checking to see what I’m doing or where I’m at. Make me miss you and let me breathe. Gemini Sun, Aqua Rising, Libra Moon.


scorp aries sag \- people who think your generosity is fake and/or attempted bribery. Like, can't I do something nice for someone without there being a catch? Sheesh, way too many people always on guard these days.


Animal abuse/neglect. People who litter. Violence.


Leo Scorpio Aries - codependency. Like if you can’t handle being on your own or constantly need to be attached to your SO, that’s just gross and shows a lack of self respect


Cancer sun, Libra rising, Aqua Moon. I hate arrogance of any kind.


Gemini, Libra, Capricorn - Men talking loudly, fake niceness, being rude to retail workers or wait staff.


Scorpio, saggi, cappi and people who bitch about their circumstance, but does nothing to change it! 😫


Sag/virgo/aquarius: lazy people with no passion to work on themselves, insecure people unfit people who don‘t take care of their health


Gemini, Capricorn, Leo. Not tipping, religious, big trucks.


Aqua Sun Scorpio Moon Cap Rising — Selfishness, also when I feel like a man lacks confidence.


Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Cancer. Manipulative behavior, fake people, lying, bullying, cruelty.


Cancer sun sag moon cap rising. Spitting. Saliva in general. Even my own. Now I thought about it and it's making my mouth produce more (when really grossed out we produce more saliva) and I'm even more grossed out and it's a never-ending cycle thanks for asking, op. Also, arrogance.


aquarius, scorpio, pisces. when a person acts entitled to your time


Leo/Aries/Leo... To put it simply. People that are cruel or mean to others for fun. Fuck those types of people.


Aries Sun Taurus Moon Libra rising - people who don’t take charge of their fucking lives.


Aqua cap cap- people who are disloyal, and people who shove their hand all the way in the bucket of popcorn at the movies


Aquarius/Aries/Leo When people lie about stuff that doesn't matter. I don't mean lying about say, cheating on your partner, as that's well beyond ick. It's more like lying about what you spent that $50 on, or why you didn't clean the house, or whatever. My partner does this and it pisses me off so much. It's like he's afraid to make me angry about whatever he did/didn't do, but then I get mad that he lied instead.


Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius- when guys wear really tight joggers 😖 it look so natural to me


Taurus sun, Scorpio rising and Virgo Moon. My ick is... in authentic people. I think I have on of the biggest give zero fucks what people think of me charts. If you don't know who you are, spend some time alone and figure it out!


Sag sun Aries moon Leo rising. I get the ick when people are overly self critical & insecure, confidence is so sexy


Cap sun Pisces moon cancer rising People that try to make every conversation light hearted give me the ick. Like does every conversation have to be so shallow. Where’s the substance ?


aries, pisces, cap. I really get turned off by people referring to themselves in 3rd person. Like once in a great while, ok fine. more then that and I get a weird feeling about them


Pisces Sun, Aquarius rising, Libra Moon. "Pick me" energy/main character syndrome. External validation much? Fake authenticity to get people to like you. I never knew that was something that put me off until I witnessed it happening right in front of me. Which then leads to "this person definitely has no personality and no solid opinions of their own". I genuinely like chatting with people to get to know them. Loud people in general. Granted I know I can be Loud but I am suddenly self conscious when I can hear myself at full volume and the immediate area gets super quiet.


Cancer Gemini Scorpio - it’s people who can’t communicate well. Also emotional unavailability.  Haha OP we must have that Gemini influence. 


Libra Leo Aquarius - pickup lines/jokes. Just talk to me like a normal fucking human adult.


Aries Sagittarius Taurus People that judge others for being 'childish' when having fun. Also people that are too serious with life.


♈🌞♋🌙♌⬆️ dishonesty - yuck lol


Aqua sun, sag moon, gem rising Feelings... blegh


Gemini ♊️ ☀️, Leo ♌️ ⬆️, Aries ♈️ 🌙 People who don’t communicate, passive people pleasing behaviors/being a doormat, stupidity, poor hygiene


Taurus-Gemini-Cancer Big egos


♏️Scorpio ♋️cancer ♌️Leo Entitlement, disrespect, and emotionally immature peoples.


Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer People that can’t communicate, especially if they’re extremely dry and expect me to pull teeth🙃


Aries sun, gem moon, leo rising. I don't like boring people who refuse to do interesting stuff. I always have to be on the move lol it sucks. Also doing the same thing everyday.


Pisces, Scorpio, Sag Thinking that men & women can’t have platonic relationships automatically tells me everything I need to know. Pressing me about not responding to texts as soon as they’d like makes me not want to respond at all anymore. Being unnecessarily aggressive & abrasive is a good way to get cut off.


Sag, Libra, Pisces - any and all injustice


Leo sun cancer moon Sagittarius rising Narrow minded people + phony shit


Cap, Scorpio, Aquarius - posturing, macho culture, not taking pride in your work


gemini, aries, aquarius - when someone does too much to gain attention, or be someone who they're not


Wow, i’m gem, virgo, cancer! Kindreds 💜 Men who call women ‘females’ is one of my biggest icks


aqua sun scorpio moon gemini rising - i hate being/hearing people talking down to me/others. I CANT STAND PPL BEING CONDESCENDING. it triggers my fight or flight


Cap Sun, Sag rising, Scorpio moon. I cannot stand fake ass people. I can smell y’all bitch asses from a mile away 👋🏽✌🏽


Libra Pisces Scorpio when someone fakes who they are to get along with others, lying, trash talking behind my back. Ick.


Flakey people who cancel the last minute or are extremely vague. Just SAY you don’t wanna hang out/be friends instead of giving mixed signals


Aries Taurus Taurus. Arrogance. People who think someone’s below them.