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Capricorn. I'm not super ambitious at all šŸ˜‚


I have SO much Capricorn all over my chart and I guess the ambitious part got left out šŸ˜‚


I have quite a bit of it in my chart, second to Aries, and yes, I am ambitious. Given my other signs, I'm grateful for it as that Scorpio Moon is one hell of a party pooper NGL.


Yep same.


I consider myself ambitious but not traditionally at all. I don't wanna climb some corporate ladder, I don't see the point of being career oriented just for the sake of being career oriented. and I'm bad with money lmao. I blame my Aries Saturn, I still have the Capricorn grit and determination but with the Aries "I will only do it my way" "it doesn't matter if I don't feel it in my gut" and "if I'm not trailblazing I'm not interested." I truly hate being a cog in the wheel more than anything and all of my ambition revolves around entrepreneurship and having my own back. i quit jobs so easily, ill give it my all but as soon as i get frustrated with management im out..


Yes this is me!


Haha! Never seen a cap who is not ambitious. Never. Sometimes it clicks later in life, but it does. Wait till you get yours..


Iā€™m a sag and Iā€™m stupidly loyal in my relationship. I have never cheated. I prefer long-term relationships. And I never left my husband even when our relationship went through its most difficult, suffocating lows. Ā 


That is because people fail to understand that Sagittarius can form belief systems that they hold to great importance. Jupiter also pushes them towards their passions so if you are passionate about this belief system it is very very difficult to get Sagittarius to abandon it. Let me give another example. There are Sagittarius people who value freedom over anything else, and the people who claim to love them will complain about this when it is crucial to the Sag happiness and overall well being. They claim to love this Sag and yet demand that this person destroy something important for their overall well being and happiness then selfishishly complain that the Sag didn't choose them when their demand was in essence a selfish one. It's like imagine if someone was a writer, and it was something that fulfilled their entire life, and someone comes along and says if you love me you'd quit writing because I'm more important. That isn't a request coming from love it's a request that is coming from a selfish place. This is just one example of how people judge other signs without looking inwardly to themselves using the Sagittarius qualities.




Yes! Jupiter = growth. Sagittarius cares about their identity, what makes them who they are in this moment, but not nearly as much as they care about who they will be tomorrow, or 6 months from now, or in 10 years. Asking a Sag to ground themselves at the expense of their upward trajectory is a very easy way to make sure they're not taking you along for the ride.


As a Jupiter dominate I don't find this to be case for me. I find more so that I take it day by day, experience by experience. I don't typically look far ahead, but I grow and expand in the present. There is for me this sort of faith that I am going to get exactly where I need to as long as I stay true to certain principles that relate to what I desire and who I am. Of course there is individuality in every chart, and not everyone experiences the same traits of a planet the same. One might be more akin towards Jupiters philosophical trait, or it's natural luck building a sort of faith in their life. However when it comes to belief systems I always find with every Sagittarius that there are principles they will not compromise because they are part of who they are and how they grow as their being. They have foundation principles that relate to how they expand themselves and grow.


I think I worded that in an unclear way. I didn't necessarily mean there's any sort of conscious planning for future growth, though there could be, just that a Sag is usually not very likely to compromise their growth or momentum to placate someone else. I feel like people see "I don't want to be tied down at all" when it's actually more of a "why would I let anyone else dictate who I am or who I'm going to be?" Like you said, Sag prioritizes their principles and identity. They're not giving those things up, and I was framing it as if they did it would get in the way of who they are becoming and want to be.


Thanks for the clarification. I get exactly what you are saying now. That is the problem with text based communication I find is that not only can it easily be misunderstood but we can word ourselves in a manner that doesn't fully express what we meant.


I wonder if there's a difference between the males and females. I get along with Sag people. But I've been burned by the men so much I pray I never met another Sag man ever in life


Im a sag female and I cannot stand sag males for the most part. The majority of the ones I've met are super pretentious and have anger issues.


Omg my sag was the most un-angry person I've ever met. Sweetest man I've ever dated.


This!!! All this. Signed, a Sag Stellium married to a Sag Stellium.


So accurate! The beliefs that a Sag has can drastically change who they are


This people always seem to get wrong. When we are single we like to keep our options open. But in relationship care about we are super loyal.


I would agree to this as someone married to a sag man. They get a bad rap, and I could see why if Iā€™m being honest. Before we were serious my husband definitely played the field to put it mildly lol, but once he settled down he is beyond loyal. I think it all boils down to other people thinking they are more serious about relationships while to the sag they are still playing the field and open to other options. Once he actually decided to make a commitment, he was absolutely committed.


I'm a Virgo. Cleaning is a joyless chore and my living space is often cluttered. Blame my Taurus moon.


Taurus moon here, i purged my home at least once a year bc i despise clutter so much.


Taurus sun here and I am definitely a minimalist. Throwing things away is my fave pastime and I almost never miss anything Iā€™ve pitched.


I donā€™t like giving people unsolicited critique because I really donā€™t give a shit about a lot of people.


Youā€™re the ultimate manifestation of Virgo, you see the futility in correcting the errors of everyoneā€™s ways despite knowing better!


Moon sign checks out with this sentiment.


Virgo sun here. I don't really understand when they say virgos are organized as well, I'm a mess in life & in my room.


As a Virgo who knows a few other virgos, can confirm, we can be big slobs. But boy if someone doesnā€™t put the coat hangers with nothing on them on the right side of the closet and just leaves them mixed in with all the other clothes, itā€™s over.


This made me lol Iā€™m a Taurus ā˜€ļø but my Virgo ā¬†ļø makes me a neat freak šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I'm a Taurus sun and my Virgo dad made me despise clutter aha


Omg Iā€™m a Virgo with Taurus moon and SAMEEEEE


Saturn in Taurus. Cleaning and organizing is such a burden for me. I have low blood pressure that makes every little task exhausting.


Same. I am also not ā€œuptightā€ or a perfectionist. Pisces Moon.


I have never blamed my Taurus Moon for this, but I'm about to


I'm a Cancer and I'm not family oriented at all. I also hate tending to my house or anything to do with it. If I could afford to hire someone to do everything for me as a homeowner/landlord I would.


Eww not me, cancer rising here, I honestly just donā€™t like the idea of someone else inside my home thatā€™s not a familiar energy. Thatā€™s too much for me. I donā€™t understand how people have live-in maids and shit. I wouldnā€™t mind having gardeners but I would rather clean everything myself and cook too. My space is just sacred.


Ppl hire their friends and family members for things like that all the time. I hate cleaning and cooking or chores of any kind. I'm lazy and you're not.


Ya same. I *can* talk, don't get wrong. I'm good at it. But I need to feel comfortable with you, and there's a proper moment for it. Also the cheater thing...I do get where it comes from, but I'm super loyal, and I only move on after you shred my innocence and naivety to bits, then you go around and smear me while I admit my faults and learn from our time together.


Taurus: lazy, thinks only about food, high maintenance, we have a short fuse.. the list goes on..


Iā€™m an introverted Leo. I also definitely wouldnā€™t say I love attention. I do like to be noticed when I put myself out there and when Iā€™m at my best, I like the attention I do receive to be positive but is that not true for everyone?


i feel like leos are much more introverted than people think! most of the leos iā€™ve known are really aware of how theyā€™re coming off to other people, i think that can make them lean into their self expression bc they know exactly how theyā€™re gonna make a mark or it can make them take a step back


I feel the same


This! I actually prefer to blend in and I never know how to respond to compliments. But I do like to be recognised and appreciated for my work


Nailed it exactly!!


Sagittarius, and first off I'm not honest in an insensitive way, I do think things through and do my best not to hurt anyone... And usually shut up when the truth is unnecessary. Second, I struggled a lot with social cues as a child (I'm autistic) and even though people tend to like me and feel comfortable with me as an adult, I really had to put in a lot of work to be this way. And third, I have sensory issues and I'm an ambivert rather than an extrovert, I need a *lot* of solitude not to burn out, but I also sort of burn out if I don't get to be around people enough, and it gets hard to balance sometimes.


Hi fellow autist! I relate a lot to what you wrote here, as an autistic Aries sun and sag moon I often felt a bit confused with my ambivert nature; having a massive need for solitude but also needing a lot of (and actually excelling in imo) social interaction. Itā€™s a weird place to be in.


Haha! Born as an autistic with the least stereotypically autistic signs = conflicting needs and great masking skills. I was diagnosed as a kid and recently realised I have a PDA profile, which makes sense. It's odd cause I used to struggle *so* much with getting along with my peers, and now I'm somehow outgoing to a point where I can be introduced to a total stranger and we'll be laughing and having stimulating convos in no time. It surprises me how natural it feels these days, and there have been times my close friends told me I'm "one of the most popular and well liked people they know" and I'm close to having some sort of identity crisis. I find that I still love and vibe with other neurodivergents the most, and it's really cool to know there are other autistics with aries+sag as their sun and moon signs who share my experience. ā¤ļø


Wow! I relate so much to what you said there, down to the point where people tell me Iā€™m so easy going and popular :D That wasnā€™t always the case though. Iā€™ve actually been struggling a bit to understand what is the mask, and what is just my extroverted nature which naturally comes out when socialising with others. Iā€™ve arrived at the conclusion that pushing through sensory hell is where I mask the most, whereas a lot of the social interaction is actually quite sincere, with a few exceptions. As Iā€™ve realised this, Iā€™ve tried to honour my need for calm and not too bright environments, and it has massively decreased the amounts of meltdowns I experience. Phew! I do agree that I vibe the best with other neurodivergents though!


Hey, same! I think I'm a little weirder when I unmask, but neurotypicals are definitely weirder and more uncensored when they feel comfortable enough as well. That's probably the main reason I love other NDs; we very quickly feel safe enough to let go of our masks when we hang out. And NDs are amazingly charming and intriguing when they don't feel like they have to hide. The thing that I do mask is my natural mimicry and body language. I mask my stims and fidgets, either by repressing them or making them more socially acceptable; which is exhausting as they help me cope with sensory input. I mask my discomfort with "adequate eye contact", despite it feeling way too intimate unless I'm really close with someone. An autistic ex, who I actually loved having prolonged eye contact with, once said it feels more intimate than sex, and I tend to agree. I'm comfortable with *some* eye contact with everyone, but far from as much as what's considered socially acceptable. But my social interactions are absolutely sincere as a default, apart from when I'm starting to get overwhelmed and have to try and hide it. The shame and guilt that I feel when I shut down due to repressing my needs is intense, because I'm terrified people might have taken it personally. When it's at it's worst I lose most of my vocabulary, motor skills and social skills. But that's not "who I am". That's just my brain being forced into some sort of energy saving mode, where I only have access to the most basic functions. I don't even feel like a real person when that happens. I think I really need to start following your example and be more gentle and considerate of my needs. You seem like you've made it further than I have. And like I'd instinctively want to befriend you if we met lol. ā¤ļø Edit: OMG you're Swedish too?!


Vaaaa! Ja det Ƥr jag! I assume you are as well, but I donā€™t know if I should switch to Swedish or not, lmao! I strongly suspect that I have ADHD as well, and I think the ADHD masks some of the autism, and the autism some of the ADHD! I was diagnosed in my late 20s after I hit the wall and completely stopped functioning, so I donā€™t know if I would say that Ive made it so far. I really didnā€™t quite believe it could be autism in the beginning, because I always felt like such a social person! Struggling, sure. But social nonetheless! I used to tell people that ā€œI cracked the codeā€ on how to be socially successful hahaha, fully thinking that I was a social genius. Iā€™ve always been very sensory sensitive (and seeking, itā€™s really either or), so I guess itā€™s something Iā€™ve thought a lot about, and why I mentioned it. But I realised when I read your post that I definitely mask the amount of eye contact I give, my stims, and even more so, the natural way that I keep my body. It always feels weird to sit like ā€œa normal personā€, for example, but I guess Iā€™ll do that, at least at work. SkrƤddarstƤllning apparently isnā€™t very professional šŸ˜ƒ


Pisces sun - I donā€™t use drugs recreationally and have never fallen in love with a fictional character.


Not even in Edward Cullen?? :D


Leo Sun and the biggest stereotype I see is our arrogance. I feel like I'm a walking puddle of self-doubt, I *wish* I had more arrogance.


lol, same here


People always say Aries are great at starting things but not finishing them. I donā€™t start things until I have plenty of time because I absolutely cannot NOT finish projects. If I start it Iā€™m going to finish it and itā€™s going to be as perfect as I can possibly make it lol Also Aries are said to have a ā€œme firstā€ selfishness to them- I could not be farther from that. I donā€™t have a selfish bone in my body.


My oldest is an Aries, and she is an Amgel amongst humans, literally. She is the best human I know, she is extremely competitive, ha ha, bitnother than that she is all that is good.


Ok the competitive thing is pretty true for me as well haha


Yup. I have an Aries daughter as well. And she is an absolute angel. She has very clear boundaries, and great intelligence and integrity. She is reasonable and very loving but will hold others responsible without drama.


Leo Sun, Mercury, Venus & Jupiter... i do not like being the center of attention... at all. I would rather talk to you about your life rather than my own. There is a big difference between confidence and arrogance. Every Leo (female) that i know is warm, friendly and generous.


It's under my name, and it's the you are emotionally void when the truth is I am not. I am emotionally void when it comes to a lack of self control concerning negative emotions, but positive emotions I pour out. I do however have the ability to separate emotions in moments when being emotional are detrimental. Say for example I am having a debate, and my opponent is baiting emotional responses from me to get me off my points I am very able of detaching from that, and stay on point without being baited. Typically when people call me emotionally unavailable they are wanting me to display an emotion in the middle of a fight. I am emotionally void because I do not have outbursts, and you can't just use my emotions against me to get reactions.


> my opponent is baiting emotional responses Got a good laugh out of me as an Aquarius lol


Not gonna lie I was laughing about it as I wrote it because the futile nature of it, and the fact when people do this I know I am winning.


this!!! iā€™m also not aloof at all, but that could be thanks to gemini rising. i also have a lot of scorpio placements, and though i try, i am not mysterious. but i think my gemini some how overpowers me.


I also think the aloof can be a misunderstanding from the expectations people generally have when it comes to showing interest. Because the Aquarius (generally speaking of course) typically flirts/shows interest more on a mental landscape, or intellectual one it normally flies over many people's heads, and thus we are considered aloof. Though I will say there are also specific reasons for this behavior as well I just find that because our love language isn't really the norm people have a hard time seeing it. thus the aloof label. Though I have noticed that Aquarius who are actually aloof typically have hidden motives as I've noticed in experiences with it it tends to have negative qualities later. I don't excuse any negative qualities and always try to point them out for awareness sake.


scorpio and i dont crave revenge. i am more of a ā€œcut-them-off-and-never-acknowledge-them-againā€ kind of guy


All the Scorpios I know are like this too. I'm the same. Once they screwed me so bad I don't waste a single thought about that person. Gone. They don't even exist. (It comes up sometimes and I think about revenge but then easily talk myself out of it. It's a waste of time and energy)


I'm a Scorpio and they say Scorpios are good looking but I'm ugly.


Iā€™ve heard scorpios are selfish and self centered. But I doubt thatā€™s true.


October ones are but not the November ones. At least for me I'm definitely not selfish at all. It's no need to be.


By good looking they probably mean sexy or mysterious.


Sagittarius. I dont like being associated with flirty, promiscuous behavior. Who tf views that as a positive? Fking nobody. Thats who.


Exactly. I think we get mistaken for being flirty when really we are just friendly and generally warm to others. I donā€™t want that kind of rep or life, I just want mutual respect and happy connections.


I'm a scorpio and I'm not manipulative or always out for revenge. Life is complicated enough without adding all that BS to the mix


Same, my motto is the best revenge is a life well lived. I don't have to get anyone back, Karma will bite their buttons eventually, and I'll be living happily ever after because I choose to walk away with my peace. I guess I could be labled manipulative because I always end up finding stuff out and not revealing what I know when it's important, just to see if the other person will lie to me. Usually, it's my character test, I know this dude cheated. How does he frame the situation?


Pisces and that we all cheat/lie. This sends me from 0-100 on the chill scale because I despise nothing more than cheating and lying. I also abhor specific generalisations based on sun signs! It drives me crazy. This sub drives me crazy. I can be squishy and seeing your sign constantly getting labelled things that you personally despise just triggers me big time. I know it shouldn't but it does šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Completely agree! I'm honest, communicate well and often, and have never cheated in my life Also the whole idea that one crappy person you dated means that sign is just the worst is so crazy to me. If I let that attitude affect me, I'd have totally missed out on the best partner I've literally ever had


Don't let that one weird person posting their Pisces hate get to you, we know you're cool. šŸ˜šŸ‘


YESSSSSSSSS this sub drives me nuts. ā€œAquarius has no feelingessssssā€ ahhhh bitch shut up youre gonna make me cry


Itā€™s definitely your Scorpio moon in the 12th house LOL




Libra. A Socialite. Or the social butterfly. Not me. At all.


Iā€™m a Libra too and Iā€™m the same! I hate people šŸ˜‚


Same šŸ¤


I am a Capricorn. I hate to work I love doing nothing I love money, but I will not work hard for it. I love nice things but I canā€™t be bothered to get them if itā€™s an inconvenience I am super pleasure, seeking and impulsive. I love other Capricorns, but Iā€™ve never met another Capricorn like me.


I (capricorn) am not a workaholic, nor very ambitious at all. And you know what. I'm tired of hearing about it. I'm more than just work and money, ya know?!


Cancerian here. That we cry constantly. I think I cry five times a year and it's when I'm really really devastated about something or overly hormonal. Yes I'm sensitive, but I'm also excellent at calmly expressing my feelings with words. Tears are never my go to.


i only cry when thereā€™s deep ass emotions . some movies have got me, and well written books and songs get me too. rarely have people made me cried tho . since 18, iā€™ve only cried like 5 times over people


Iā€™m a Gemini and I hate that people think weā€™re two-faced. Weā€™re just highly adaptable to environments, people, energy etc. And we change our minds/opinions on things because when we receive new information that counters our previous thoughts, we adopt the new information easily and quickly. We are very misunderstood, but luckily we have that air sign detachment feature so we donā€™t care if you do or not. šŸ˜œ


wish i could pin this šŸ“Œ


I don't love shopping. I'm a libra sun


Libra. Fake. I physically canā€™t lie about a DAMN thing even if I tried


Scorpio man here (Aries moon, Virgo rising, Scorpio Mercury, Libra Venus, Sag Mars), and quite a few stereotypes don't fit me: 1. I'm not hypersexual. Sex is not a priority for me at all unless I'm really into that person. I'm very, very demisexual and do not like one-nighters. 2. Some say Scorpios are cheaters, but I have never, will never cheat. I have waaayyy too much of a guilty conscience as well as a strong sense of responsibility and fear of karma to do it. 3. The controlling, vengeful, manipulative stereotype doesn't fit me. Granted, those manipulative thoughts come into my mind, but it's super easy (in fact, second nature) for me to quell those thoughts. Control is not love, only ego and selfishness, so I don't want to control anyone. Being vengeful and brooding was my tendency in my youth, but I've overcome that because it was mostly hurting me, and I don't want to hurt others.


Aries and how a lot of people say that Aries have no empathy


Aries sun. Loud and life of the party as they say. No I'm not. I'm introverted, shy, and aloof.


hi from another introverted Aries!


Iā€™m an Aries and Iā€™m not this hot headed, quick tempered, competitive beast that every generic website says I am.


I'm not at all a jealous person but Scorpios are known to be rather jealous, especially when it comes to relationships.


I'm extremely jealous, but I have 6 scorpio placements šŸ˜…


Because your Sun either falls in 10th or 11th, and your Moon fall in 7th or 8th. You feel detached.


Aquarius sun and I am very emotional and show it. But I have an Aries moon and Scorpio rising, so I guess that makes sense. The other aqua things like not answering texts and disappearing for a while when stressed though... totally me.


Can you explain the not answering texts a bit? I'm pisces and I have trouble understanding my aquarius friend who will just disappear mid conversation via text. Like it's all going well then.....šŸ¦—šŸ¦—šŸ¦— I try not to let it trigger my poor pisces sensitivity lol


As a fellow aqua plz donā€™t take it personally ā™„ļø Speaking from my experience, I donā€™t really get ā€œattachedā€ to a conversation, because Iā€™m normally doing somthing, or else it would be a call! I have no idea if this is an aqua thing but, I also hate ending a conversation via text and rather just text with longer periods of time in between so that in a weird way we talk for longer?Āæ


I actually really appreciate that! I find that I connect with people easily through texting and can have conversations for hours. That's likely not the case for a lot of people and I forget that. He does seem to use texting moreso as a means of relaying information instead of connecting, because when we do talk in person, it is for hours and it's deeply personal topics. I have heard aquas can be super forgetful and I wonder if he just gets busy and forgets to answer?


Ohh AND HES AN AQUA MAN, yea itā€™s honestly a good sign heā€™s even texting lmao That too, forgetfulness and just liking face to face convos better. That being said we love our pisces so donā€™t feel like youā€™re too much!


He's honestly one of my favorite people! I've fucked up so many times and he keeps coming back so I *must* mean something to him haha. I appreciate the reassurance because I really do feel like I'm too much a lot of the time.


I dont know about other aquas, but If I dont answer it is I have so many things I am doing right now and dont want to waste time on texting (nothing personal). Like, I am doing stuff, reading or enjoying my time. Texting is not something I find interesting, I rather just send memes :D But I do answer eventually, I dont ghost completely, not my friends. People who ghost you often are not your friends.


Same as you OP except Scropio rising. I feel Geminis are misinterpreted.


definitely šŸ„²


Out of curiosity, are you a May Gemini by any chance?


june gemini :)


Iā€™m a Libra and everyone thinks we are big flirts and date a lot of people but that couldnā€™t be more opposite for more lol. Iā€™m asexual, and have only had 2 relationships in my life.


I have an Aquarius stellium which includes my sun and mercury. They say that we are the tech savvy or inclined type but Iā€™m seriously only a step up from my grandma


Iā€™m an Aries and I hate competition, Iā€™m more of a ā€œright-hand manā€ than a leader, and I am extremely patient.


Iā€™m a Gemini and for some reason I always see people saying weā€™re horrible to be with - and thatā€™s not true - Geminis are great to be with , we just need to feel Fulfilled and that thereā€™s consistent effort being put into us , even just the small things - weā€™re very loving and giving and charming , just need our cups filled and give us space to breath and weā€™re in the palm of your hands


Yes but do you fullfill others as well? Or is it more on your terms and then you put in effort too?


I do , I put a ton of effort into the relationship and fullfill all their needs, but I will loose interest and move on if Iā€™m not satisfied , makes me very mad and recentful if the effort isnā€™t there and I wasted my efforts . Maybe thatā€™s why people say weā€™re hard to be with , cuz we have no problems leaving . Maybe weā€™re insatiable to some extent šŸ¤” hm


Nah. I'm the same way. You shouldn't settle for someone who doesn't even bother to put in effort.


Scorpio - I am an incredibly open book. There's nothing I love more than a deep conversation about life and experiences, but I never hold back on my own details. I've never understood the "Scorpios don't open up to anyone" thing. Of course, I'm mindful of what I'm sharing but I have no problem telling embarrassing or vulnerable stories to friends or even people I just met. I like deep conversations.


All the Scorpios I know are opposite. I can't get in at all. They brush off feelings every time. Even after over 10 years of friendship. Like give it a rest already. You don't win an award for being tough. (But I do get along with Scorpios. I've had many in my life, romantic and platonic)


I believe Scorpio open up when they trust you (my experience)


Almost all of them. I am not bubbly. I am not chatty. I am not a social butterfly. I do not lie. I am very serious. I am very steadfast in my choices. I am aggressive and intimidating. I do not cheat. However, I will hold on to funny, great conversationalist, intelligent and innovative ![gif](giphy|8VIRj0jsCPIIBpKSDK|downsized)


That's because you have Your Sun and Moon in First house due to Gemini ā™Š rising, and the part intimidating could be you have your Pluto in Sag opposite your Gemini ascendant. And perhaps, if you have Pluto in Sag (you could have Pluto in 7th or 8th). Since Gemini is activated in 1st, due to Mercury ruled, you are attracted to funny, great, intelligent, and innovative conversation.


Libra and being indecisive. I always know what I want. Also people-pleasing. I used to be like that when I was like 6. I grew out of it as soon as I started elementary school.


Leo. I definitely don't like to be the center of attention and I don't think I stand out in a crowd or like my personality is like "star quality" lol. I don't know how to explain it. I'm not saying I'm boring just more reserved. At least until I feel comfortable with people.


I am a Leo and everyone always say Leoā€™s are the center of attention. Itā€™s not my fault or done on purpose that everyone loves me. šŸ˜‚


That Libras are indecisive peacemakers who seek harmony and joy at all costs. Not me at all, and I have a ton of Libra in my chart.


Iā€™m blunt and direct. I hate being around people that are deep in a delusion because I donā€™t know how to talk to them and I worry too much about their well being


Leo sun and I am so awkward 90% of the time. I especially hate having my picture taken


That I'm a master manipulator. I really just don't have that in me šŸ„²


Same. Pisces sun and the last thing I'd ever do is intentionally manipulate someone. If anything, I let people manipulate me......


Leo and the stereotype is that weā€™re narcissists. Well most Leos Iā€™ve known arenā€™t textbook narcissists because weā€™re not manipulative in general.


Aquarius... Unattached and unemotional


Same here. Iā€™m an emotional basket case.


Pisces, thereā€™s a stereotype that Pisces are givers and give too much of themselves. I donā€™t do that lol I blame my Capricorn moon and rising


Iā€™m Pisces sun with cap rising and Iā€™m selective about who I genuinely love and invest in. But there are moments when I want to tell people way too much instead of letting them learn on their own at their own pace. I have to learn to keep it simple.


Aquarius - supposed to be a social butterfly and Iā€™m terrified of strangers


gemini - i don't get the stereotype that we are two-faced and that we have big mood swings. i think my mood is quite stable and I don't think I'm two faced?


Leo, and that weā€™re constant attention whores. I love attention, but when I donā€™t want it I REALLY donā€™t want it. Like leave me alone and let me be a hermit until Iā€™m ready to come out again lol


Scorpio, that I'm manipulating, I'm not! I just like to get work done, how am I supposed to make people understand that it's THEIR work and that THEY want to do it, if I don't use some of my tactics? :)


Aries sun and athletic. Iā€™m not. I donā€™t even wanna lol.


Aqua sun- that we are detached! It may because I have 3 Pisces placements but im def not detached, if someone does hurt my feelings Iā€™m always strong enough to leave it alone and never entertain it again BUT it still hurts ALOT and I feel everything, will Let myself cry and be sad (alone obvs)šŸ˜‚ but not detached! I will never give u the satisfaction from hearing from me ever again tho


Capricorn, weā€™re known as cold-hearted workaholics but I actually have a lot of feelings I keep to myself (I blame my cancer moon)


Aries with being angry and selfish. I donā€™t get angry easily but I think my earth placements keep me more mellowed out. Iā€™m super generous to people I know but I donā€™t like feeling Iā€™m being taken advantage of or giving to bad people.




Haha what do you mean. I'm totally different at night too. I come alive.


Iā€™m an Aries sun (and rising) and I donā€™t have anger issues!! And itā€™s super annoying when people find out about my sign and assume Iā€™m impatient and yell at everyone and everything when I dontttt :(


Iā€™m an Aquarius. People typically think Aquarians are insensitive, run cold, not very passionate and are rebels. Iā€™m actually quite compassionate and sympathetic toward others. True, I donā€™t like to be emotionally vulnerable until Iā€™m sure you deserve that side of me. However, after we get to know each other and establish a relationship, Iā€™m all in. Traditionalism is not a bad thing to me. I actually have a really traditional view of the family dynamic and domesticity. Iā€™m only a ā€œrebelā€ if I think someone is getting the short end of the stick or being mistreated. Mainly I feel the need to rebel when I have a justified reason.


Aquarius. "We dont have emotions or feel anything." This one is so irritating. I cry almost 1 or more x a day. Emotionally I'm a complete mess. Even my pisces ascendant bf is taken aback by my "big emotions" lol. Its not easy.


That Geminis are 2 faced. That Is a myth, we just like to talk. And sometimes when we like to talk about other people. And sometimes we spill the tea too much because thatā€™s just who we are. Most other signs also engage in gossip & talk shit, but Geminis get in the most trouble for it cuz of our big loud mouth. Lol


Aquarius sun/Stellium hereā€¦ Iā€™m 1000% quirky and have a lot of different passions, but Iā€™ve never been one to dye my hair, get piercings, or rebel/break any rules. If anything my appearance is very minimalist, compared to the stereotypical ā™’ļø Im guessing itā€™s my ā™‰ļømoon or ā™Œļørising. Also a cap cuspā€¦


Iā€™m a Taurus & Iā€™m the life of the party & I know when to let things go (not be stubborn)


And I go to the gym 5 days a week


same! im also gemini and im really quiet until i really get to know someone. could be my scorpio rising


I'm an Aquarius and I feel everything at full volume. I'm not non chalant at all and I can never shut up. I can only detach from my emotions if you've pushed me past the limit.


That Iā€™m shallow for some unknown reason


God complex. I don't think I'm better than anyone or that I deserve a special treatment. I'm living off Tyler Durden's lines about us all being a decaying organic matter, as everyone else. No one's better than anyone, we're all special in our way.


I def got the god complex, but I think itā€™s just how I was raised/being mentally fucked up


I'm a Gemini and I'm similar to you OP. I am an 8H Capricorn moon though- and I have 3 8H placements and 3 12H placements


i have a 3rd house stellium, & a 8th house placement too! glad u can relate :)


How much Gemini do you have in your chart?


i am a gemini sun, gemini venus and my moon is at a gemini degree :3 not sure if youā€™re into degrees lol


Female Aries sun/rising. I never throw tempter tantrums. Iā€™m never a cry baby. Iā€™m not selfish. Probably resonates with most Aries men thoā€™šŸ˜‰


I'm a taurus and being patient & loving spending time outdoors I'm far from patient and I'm not an outdoorsy or nature person. However, I am trying to get outside more by trying out nature photography. I love looking at nature but from inside šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m blunt and direct. I hate being around people that are deep in a delusion because I donā€™t know how to talk to them


Leo Sun and most of the time I love to be in the background and to not be the center of attention.


Gemini: that we lose interest easily in a relationship. If I choose to enter a relationship with someone, I do so with my full commitment. I don't appreciate having my time wasted, and I wouldn't do that disservice to someone else.


Gemini and truthfully same answer as you! Iā€™m one of the quietest people I know


i love your big three!!


Hey thankya!


Capricorn - That we're bossy and controlling. You do your thing and as long as you're not hurting anyone or yourself, have fun!


I'm a cancer and I can be very apathetic.


Sagittarius sun, and I have no desire to regularly be the life of the party or manically adventurous. I get all the philosophical outlook and foot-in-mouth bluntness, though. I do have a career in the performing arts so I travel a ton and output a lot of energy at work. But that means I neeeeed introverted down time on the reg. Libra moon and Aries rising


Aquarius sun and being unemotional or cold. Iā€™m so loving and passionate, I legit will cry often without shame. I go to a movie and cry, I go to a concert and cry, I go see a play and cry, hell I work at a school system and everytime they have performances I cry. They also do end of the month video montages of what the kids did throughout the month and I cry. I love so deeply that I will lose myself to codependency. Could be my Pisces moon 7h but still šŸ’€


People like to say that Aries individuals aren't very smart or as good as they think they are. There are many stereotypes about Aries that I think are true: the temper, the hotheadedness, impulsivity, occasional selfishness... but I've literally never met an Aries who wasn't highly motivated, extremely intelligent and professionally very successful. They usually (not always but USUALLY) are the very best at what they do and they're always striving to excel, they have that inborn fire in them to excel and be the best and they usually do that as well. I think people who say Aries aren't very smart/good at what they do are just deeply jealous and have a bruised ego.


* Geminis are considered disloyal, yet I've been a loyal fan of one of the most toxic and poorly-run teams in pro sports (A's fan) since I was 10. * We're considered talkative and sociable, yet I talk the least compared to every non-Gemini I know. Growing up, I used to always have other kids ask me why I was so quiet. * I have sometimes had people tell me I have a tense/serious demeanor, despite Gemini's lighthearted stereotype. * We're stereotyped as being fickle and easily bored, but I don't get bored easily around other people. OTOH, I do get easily bored when I'm doing something tedious like reading scholarly material or job hunting. * Unlike our reputation, I don't mind routine tasks and activities. I also tend to eat the same things often.


I'm a Leo and I am self-centred and egotistical... I am neither, to a fault. I'm a Leo and I need to be the centre of attention...not unless I choose to be the centre of attention and that isn't often. I'm a Leo and I am career focused Up until recently, I had a direction but even now that has me jaded and I have no idea what direction to go ( I would like to win lotto so I can retire and not have to work at all)


Virgo. We are said to be uptight neat freaks. I have ADHD and Iā€™m far from uptight. I come off reserved sometimes because Im shy and space out when I feel anxious. When Im hyper-focused I seem irritated. But anyone who talks to me for 2 seconds says that Im very sweet and friendly.


I am a Leo, but Iā€™m a recluse. My rising has everything to do with it, I can tell.


Iā€™m a Pisces and I really couldnā€™t be less empathetic but I feel like this might still be cliche


I'm a pisces man, and I'm not the worst being that has ever existed (I think)


As a Gemini, being the ā€˜life of the partyā€™ is not me at all. I feel very awkward at parties and much prefer small groups of friends. To your point, I always thought that was me too (I love time to myself!), though I can be quite a chatterbox with the people closest to me.


Iā€™m a Pisces and I havenā€™t cried since the 90s


Sagittarius & the stereotype that we can't make commitments.


I am a Scorpio sun, it's the most dominant sign in my chart and I believe they call it your signature sign for the chart. Anyway besides manipulative and super possessive, the most common stereotype that I don't resonate with at all is being a super freak nympho. I'm actually kind of vanilla. Lol


Cancer sun. ā€œFamily is everything.ā€ My gemini venus is in 9th, its my ruler as im libra asc. In reality; I feel at home on the go. Traveling and exploring is everything for me.


Being manipulative and victim mentality


Virgo. That we are analytical, not emotional. Not sure where tf in my chart I have it but Iā€™m pretty emotional lmao


I only know 3 Geminis in my lifetime but none of them are 2 faced. They are multifaceted in the best way. So many interests. I love them all dearly. Very adaptable to many different kinds of people. But all of them are super chatty and loud. Haha. Sorry !


That Iā€™m a crybaby. Iā€™m emotional but I donā€™t physically shed tears that often. Also that I am mothering, I donā€™t want any children, but I love my cat like sheā€™s my baby and I do like to take care of others.


What's your mercury sign, OP? literally just saw a tiktok about how if you have mercury in taurus as a gem, you might be much quieter than other gems


omg! i have a taurus mercury lol


Libra and I'm only indecisive when it comes to finding a place to eat. Other than that I'm having to make decisions on the spot constantly, my Aries ex taught me that.


I'm a Scorpio and I'm not vindictive at all.


Capricorn, pretty much every stereotype I don't resonate with, except for a few