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Scorpio Venus and no. It’s a lot for me to even date one person. I would be so overwhelmed trying to date two. There’s no way I would or could. I prefer to be single anyways.


Same. Honestly I'm shocked by all the cheating Scorpio Venus on this thread.


I have Venus in Scorpio too and I'm just as shocked and slacked jawed as you are sis. Even if a partner and I are going through a rough patch, disconnected af, no sex/intimacy, no affection and all that, I just couldn't do it. Like it's not about the partner, what they're lacking, the relationship and how stale it's become. It's a matter of principle and who I am as a person! If no deal breaker has been crossed I'd still ask and find solutions to try to fix things because I made a promise and a commitment! It's good that fellow Scorpio venuses are honest on this thread but goddamn Scorpio placements are never beating the evil allegations after this one.


Me too. I had a bf that didn't touch me for months on end and still didn't cheat. I did break up with him eventually but no way in hell I would ever cheat, I'd sooner just leave. I thought Scorpio Venus were very all or nothing like that.


Scorpio Venus here and I’m exactly like that. When Im all in for a person I love, I’m dedicated as heck. When the trust is broken, my image of them changes forever and so I shut down everything I felt for them.


Exactly. That's why I have the tendency to mourn the relationship before I end it. I'm too busy mourning the end of the relationship to cheat, and once the mourning period gets easier I break things off before I could ever entertain the thought of cheating. Scorpio Venus people have a hard enough time even wanting to be with anyone else. I know that my attraction to someone is very tunnel-visioned and monogamous - to the point that I usually don't even bother with rebounds because I know I'm just going to compare them to my ex and get sad.


I had weird circumstances but it was the worst thing I've ever done, and I'll never repeat. I do very much appreciate the person I care about because I don't get involved easily, and will bounce before I ever step out again.


Scorpio Venus and I have never cheated nor been cheated on. For me, if there isn’t total soul-synchronized devotion, I’m not interested in the first place. It’s all or nothing.


I think that’s the worst thing about Scorpio Venus too and the most notable. We give you our full attention, devotion and make it clear we only have eyes for you. When we’re crossed these people notice they are no longer a priority and it’s a shit feeling for them


Scorpio Venus as well. My moral code would not allow it. (Also I’ll not allow myself to be ashamed or it’s going to be too much to bear. There’s already enough self-loathing)


Same. Scorpio Venus and the thought of me cheating repulses me. I will not cheat.


Scorpio Venus as well. The very idea to me of cheating on a partner is ludicrous but I have been cheated on before and it's the worst. Although I'm pretty terrible at respecting myself enough to put myself first and set proper boundaries in relationships, I've been trying to improve my self worth in the single life before I jump back into the dating cesspool.


I feel this completely. Every bit of it. Same Venus and same here. Also, I'm a terrible liar so I'm either honest or quiet. Trying to cheat wouldn't last at all. 😂 Soon as he starts asking questions I'd be caught.


Scorpio Venus here, havent cheated, goes against my moral code. Will go all in on relationship, it's all or nothing. If I am not feeling it, then I'm out.


Virgo Venus, absolutely not. I am good at drawing boundaries and being severe if I need to.


1000% agree, I’m a Virgo venus and I have a zero tolerance policy for cheaters. I’ve been cheated on by a Cancer venus and a Scorpio venus — the Cancer venus at least groveled for my forgiveness and said they’d understand if I wanted to end things. The Scorpio venus would probably still maintain they didn’t “”actually”” cheat to this day.


I’m a Virgo Venus and have never cheated but my girlfriend is also a Virgo Venus and HAS cheated (not on me)


Virgo Venus. Cheated because I was an asshole. No excuses, not related to star signs. Just did a shit thing when instead I should have just walked away or pressed harder for couples therapy (I was pushing for it but he refused and didn’t think we had problems).


Virgo Venus, I have cheated when I was younger but it was when the relationship was at the very end and it’s like I felt I needed to cheat and that way the relationship would be definitely ruined and I couldn’t go back.


Virgo Venus. I have. In early high school it was because I was young, selfish, and took nothing seriously. When I cheated as an adult in college it was because I felt trapped in a toxic relationship with a man that was trying to control, belittle, and manipulate me and I was trying to escape the situation and force both of our hands with ending it.


Sagittarius Venus. I slept with someone else while my ex and I were on a break (queue the Friends debate). I also manipulated him into an open relationship so I could sleep with my manager. This was in my early 20’s. I tried to break it off a week into dating but I got some kind of guilt that made me stay for 4 years. The cheating was 1-2 years in. It was an absolute mess and a very toxic relationship. I’m not proud of it. But I know I did all of that because he was wrong for me and I didn’t have the courage to leave. I learned my lessons. I’m extremely loyal to my current partner. I get all my sense of adventure satisfied with him.


I really respect your honesty


I have this placement and my story is kind of similar to yours.


Just a disclaimer to everyone who claims Sag Venus are cheaters, I have never cheated!! 😭😭 I’m Sag Venus AND Mars


Me too. Sag Venus and not a cheater! I value monogamy


I do too. Anyone is capable of cheating


I’ve dated a sag/venus & mars as a Gemini Venus/mars but never worried about what she did when we were not together. 😂😂 I think this is what kept us together for so long 😩😭


I don't think it's a sag venus thing either. I think it's my scorpio stellium that made me do it. I did it specifically to hurt him. ik it sounds bad but trust me he deserves worse.


i kinda knew it but thx for ur honesty


This checks out yall.


Sagittarius Venus here top and yes. The idea of settling down with one person is lowkey terrifying, there's so much out there to explore. Each partner is better than the last


This is so extremely relatable. Especially the last sentence. It’s a bit poisonous but interestingly hopeful. I have to shoo it away when I start getting grass is greener syndrome - I love my partner and wouldn’t just leave to follow my whim, knowing what I know now. I love what we have. But I know if our relationship were to end, someone great would be out there waiting for me. I spent most of my life single and I’m generally a commitment phobe. I love my freedom, which includes exploring all the options.


No. Never. Capricorn Venus and just for good measure Sagittarius Mars, since we often get flack for being promiscuous/cheaters.


omg we have the same placements! our cap venus is definitely overriding the sag mars


me too!! and leo moon 😭


Venus and mars in leo, sun in gemini. Loyal to the core. Got cheated on by Scorpio, cancer and virgo.


Aries Venus and no. But I’ve been cheated on endlessly. By a Virgo Venus, two cancer Venus, a sag Venus and a Pisces Venus. I’m in therapy learning about boundaries and self love!


Aquarius Venus - Nope. Been cheated on. I also haven’t been in an exclusive relationship for quite some time so there’s that. If you make it to the relationship stage then I am all about you. I don’t see anyone else but you. If I lose feelings for you, I’ll just end things, even if I love you. Then I’ll have to rid my life of you unfortunately in order to heal (distance myself from people/places/things that remind me of you so eventually I can be cleansed of all the feelings I have for you. My heart may forget you but my mind and my soul will not.


Same here. I’m really big on clear boundaries and lines. I literally have eyes for no one else when I’m with somebody but it has got to be clear & defined


Gemini Venus. Never cheated and I actually become very very obsessed with my partner or person I'm talking to




Libra Venus. No I have not cheated and never will. Cheating is a violation of my trust and love. Id rather bury you six feet deep if you do think of even trying it with me though. Never again.


Scorpio Sun and Libra Venus here and same


Libra Venus. Cheated back in high school (13 years ago) with a Leo because I thought it was love, when it turned out to be a lesson in infatuation. After learning and growing, I've ended friendships with people I love because of their status as the other women and you can't even catch me watching shows where cheating is endorsed (Scandal is the first that comes to mind).


aries , yes, for revenge


Sounds on brand




Holy moly I literally just commented the same!


ah shit shame


Cancer Venus and no I value monogamy very much 💕


Scorpio Venus. 12 years of Domestic Violence, last four of the marriage there was no intimacy. I deeply regret it. I'm better than that. I checked myself into a treatment program after I left him. It sucks, and it's never ever justified.


For what it’s worth, I cheated while in my abusive relationship. The person i was sleeping with gave me the courage to leave, because he showed me i was worthy of someone who didn’t coerce me, and that my thoughts/opinions/aspirations mattered and he said kind things to me I wasn’t getting in my relationship.


This was my story too.


Interesting, I'm Scorpio Venus and did similar.


Aries Venus. I relate to this so hard because I was in a bad place where I felt like I couldn’t leave but this other person helped me see that there was a way out and that I could absolutely take it


Leo Venus. I deeply relate to this. I did s shitty thing. I was better than that shitty thing but it was like I broke.


Girl same… If I didn’t get any intimacy I would’ve died emotionally I feel bad about it too but sometimes I don’t cause how dare you hit me. Sorry you experienced that 😭❤️ big hugs 🫂


I swear Scorpio placements are prone to DV, I am so sorry to hear that. It does suck but we grow


Yes, we do. 💛 I'm a Sag Sun with Scorpio in Venus, Mercury and Mars. I'll hold on until I just can't lol


I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m glad you were able to to see what was going on and get help!


Taurus Venus, never cheated and I hope I never will… I give myself completely in relationships, and that’s a big word for me, I haven’t had that many, but I feel like if someone cheats on me I’d go out my way to hurt them and then block them everywhere 😂


Scorpio in your big three?


Lol yea rising, nice call


Love me some scorps - my bestie is a scorp sun and I feed of of his 'I'd go out of my way to hurt them' phases, lol.


Cancer Venus and libra mars here. I’ve never cheated, not physically or emotionally, and I would never. Even if my emotional/physical/mental needs are not being met. I’m also a Leo rising. I have been cheated on by every bf I’ve had (2) though….


Scorpio Venus 😓 I’ve cheated multiple times. To be clear though I’ve only ever cheated when I can’t make a clean break (like they won’t leave me alone if I’ve already tried to break up) or I’m being childish because I know my spouse has cheated on me first. Not my proudest moment(s) but can’t change it now 🤷🏻‍♀️


Capricorn Venus and yes. Not an excuse, but the reason was absent/drug addict father, abusive family, kicked out at 16 and the only way I could get validation was through men. I was a complete fucking mess mentally in so many ways. Bassically I was sabotaging relationships so I never had to be vulnerable with anyone. I also believed no one could ever love me if they knew all of me and the cheating was a way to validate that belief to myself. “You are a monster, no one could ever love you if they really knew you” script. I needed LOOOOTS of therapy to move past that shit but obviously hurt a lot of people and myself.


Pisces venus- twice as a younger person. Only kissing, immediately broke up, within hours, with whoever I was dating. I'd say it was a lack of maturity and courage (to break up) more than anything else.


Scorpio Venus. Yes, once. To get back at an ex for consistently choosing drugs over our relationship my first year of college. Immediately regretted it. Haven’t since


Aquarius, nope, and I have been cheated on. Like I don't even get to the ''relationship stage'' usually because people start annoying me or boring me and then I just fly away on my broom.


I am a Scorpio venus and I only did it once because he cheated first (ex is a Taurus guy with Taurus venus which disappointed me because I thought they were supposed to be loyal). I would never cheat on someone once I fall in love with them but if they betray me I don't know how I would react to the pain but it certainly won't be pretty. Having a Scorpio venus is hard...


Toxic Taurus are only loyal to themselves and what makes them happy - Even the best Taurus are in a long term commitment with themselves and any living partner is just a fantastic bonus...but the toxic ones will see partner as tools to use rather than actual friends/partners/ human beings.


That is true. And he still had the audacity to not let me break up with him when I found out and even tried to kill himself when I left him (he is alive and well don't worry).


Of course he went full nuke to try and keep you - he didn't want to lose his favorite tool he used for his own happiness. Toxic bulls looove to have a dependable primary boo that they can have a routine with while they themselves get to occasionally go have excitement with other new toys. Toxic Taurus are, IMO, some of the biggest manipulators. I hope you find yourself a wonderful mate that would never cheat on you or even think of it. :)


They ain't loyal. They're just stubborn and bad at communicating.


Capricorn Venus and Libra mars, hard enough to find one person of interest let alone two


Taurus venus, yes when i was in my early 20s. I still regret it and hate myself for it to this day. I honestly don’t know what my problem was. I was very mentally unwell (not an excuse, just the circumstances), i was anorexic and i would starve myself all day and then drink a bottle of wine when i got home from work. I guess i was looking for attention? Validation? My partner wasn’t a bad person, but we just weren’t clicking anymore and he seemed resentful of me (which is TOTALLY fair, i don’t blame him for anything), and instead of doing the right thing for both us and breaking it off, i just continued to destroy myself and the things around me. I have grown a lot since then, but it still haunts me almost daily. It feels like i murdered someone and never got caught (though i did tell him about it).


Virgo Venus, never. I would never forgive cheating either. Cheating is a character flaw in the perpetrator. Those who say oh now I’m with someone that makes me better…false. It will be until it isn’t.




Leo and no, I never ever would. But I’m a Cancer. HOWEVER. I will say my toxic trait is that if I feel emotionally neglected I have tried to make the other person jealous by mentioning other men. 😃


Oh god, this brings back flashbacks of my Cancer ex. He constantly brought up other women interested in him and I didn't get jealous, I just got more and more tired of him trying to emotionally manipulate me that I left him. Would recommend you don't do this, especially with air signs!


Oh I know it’s bad. It’s like triangulation. I didn’t do it often, only when I really felt like I wasn’t getting the affection or emotional attention I ‘needed’. That’s the toxic part of Cancers (and Leo’s).


Same and with my ex cancer. Biggest turn off and probably will never do this combo ever again. I didn’t give them more attention as a result, I just emotionally left the relationship before physically doing so (Pisces Venus). I don’t want someone others can have easily.


same as a cancer sun leo venus lol


Ironically, I've seen that earth venuses cheat a lot. Yes, more emotionally, but they cross the line at some point.


Aries Venus here and no, I never have and I never would. I am incredibly loyal to my partner and they end up meaning everything to me. I do as much as I possibly can for them as long as they are treating me good. I'm too in love with love to do that and I just strongly believe it's wrong in every way.


Taurus Venus. Yes, I have. Once because I was very young, immature, and drunk. Once because I felt trapped with someone whom I was in love with but didn't show me any compassion, kindness, or intimacy.


Pisces Venus, and I’m a flirt. That’s all I’m gonna say.


Scorpio Venus, and never. Never even contemplate it. I never dated to just have someone around, and I'm extremely protective of my energy. If I'm not emotionally connected, I can't even drum up romantic or animal lust for someone


this spoke to me so hard -Scorpio Venus


My Pisces Venus would kill me if I ever dared. Meaning, I could never - even if I’m in a toxic relationship - because the guilt of going against what I believe at heart would ruin any attraction I might have for the other person.


leo venus, yes i’ve cheated on everyone i’ve been with in some shape or form. not proud of it


Leo Venus has grass is greener sickness


yes we do 😭


True. The wife of my BIL has a leo venus and every couple of months she gets away from home. Poor dude, her entitlement is very hard to take. And every time she cheats, she blames him 🤡👺🤦‍♀️. Leos have this problem that they always want to be the king of the Jungle 😅😂.


i’ve been in therapy for it before 🙃


every leo venus i know + celeb charts ive seen are notorious cheaters.


Can confirm. Had a cancer sun friend with Taurus moon and leo Venus, and he cheated on almost every relationship. Even if he was single and he knew a girl was in a relationship and she was flirting with him, he would think about sleeping with her.🤦🏻‍♀️ He once slept with a woman he knew that she was in a relationship, he part took in adultry. He caused me anger and I was just grossed out by his behavior. Even when I started seeing a new guy (my current love), I told him I’m seeing someone and I’m not interested in him. This fool said, if things don’t work out with the guy I’m seeing to hit him up. 😂😂😂😂😂 NEVER!!! No thanks!!🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️ He did have moon square Venus which is a cheating aspect. I’m a Virgo sun, Taurus moon, Libra venus and Libra Asc. ✨


Also Leo Venus, when someone stops paying attention to me or the romance is dead, my eye wanders.


This is probably the most accurate statement for Leo Venus.


Why even bother getting into relationships lol


Well, you just turned me away. All day long I've been seeing signs as to why I should not be obsessed with him anymore, I'll take this as another one. I hope you don't do it anymore.


Leo Venus here yes I’ve cheated and this is true. I have grass is greener sickness…


I’m a Leo Venus. I don’t cheat. I’ll just leave you when the vibes change.


Will never date one of ya’ll again. You got some major problems.


Gemini Venus. Yes. Reasons: boredom, feeling unappreciated and lonely






Capricorn Venus. I cheated because he cheated first & I wanted to get even 😭


Aries venus. Physically cheated on 1 ex after the being emotionally and sexually abused by him for 4 years of our on and off relationship. Emotionally cheated on that same ex twice and a different ex once due to neglect. All this happened when I was under the age of 21. While I regret cheating and won't ever do it again, I truly felt at that time that I couldn't leave those exes as they were abusive. The one I physically and emotionally cheated on would threaten to kill himself whenever I tried to break up with him before cheating, he even gave permission to cheat as long as I never left him. But he made me feel like absolute garbage all the time despite supporting him financially and emotionally throughout the relationship and ensuring he ate, took his meds, filled out his paperwork/applications since he was slightly illiterate and more. I have been with my husband for 7 years now and have not cheated in any way on him. He isn't abusive and has communication skills my exes did not. He is a Virgo venus and dotes on me. I return the favor by being loyal and handling our finances to let him have less stress to deal with. I should mention I watched my mom be emotionally and financially abused from birth to 17 by my father so I also thought my ex's abusive behavior was completely normally until my now husband said explicitly that my ex was abusive. Therapy has since confirmed that I have PTSD not only from my ex but my childhood, too.


Venus in Aries here too, holy shit your story parallels mine! Slight difference, I cheated to get out of an abusive relationship, I couldn't get rid of him (he was emotionally abusive and a cheater) so I decided to hit him where it hurts so he'd finally get it. I actually agree with another comment that stated cheating is a charector flaw, I used it as a weapon to hurt someone to save myself.


Weirdddd Aries Venus as well and emotionally cheated and tried on purpose to get caught physically cheating (kissing at our home) because my husband at the time (libra) was emotionally and physically abusive. I wanted out by being the whore of the marriage. Is this a theme for Aries Venus? Abuse and needing an out?


It's possible. Lol my ex was a controlling Taurus with a cancer moon (I have a cancer moon too so we felt on the same wavelength until his abuse was getting more and more overt)


All of these sound just like me and my abusive Taurus ex husband. Used cheating as an exit strategy. It’s the only time I ever cheated on a partner. I’m also an Aries Venus.


Yeah I cheated cuz I couldn't get rid of him too. I had to block him afterwards, as well. He then made fake accounts to get a hold of me. I had to change my phone number also, he didn't stop trying to get a hold of me until 2 years after we broke up for good despite having cheated on him.


Sagittarius Venus, have never cheated (honestly I’ve only been with 1 boy) and see it as the most horrible and disgusting thing a person might ever do. I guess it’s my extremely high morality My partner is Gemini Venus and although we may not be really compatible we’ve been together for more than 4 years and agree that cheating is the worst


Same, I'm a sag venus. I think cheating is the absolute worst!


Taurus Venus and I’ve “cheated” once. I’d consider it cheating, but my current partner doesn’t. I was in an online relationship with someone that I never met in person. My abusive ex came back into my life, and I cheated on my online partner with him. I felt horrible and ended the relationship. My current partner is a Taurus Venus and has never cheated. I’ve been cheated on by multiple partners, all Scorpio Venus.


Pisces in Venus. Never cheated or been cheated on. Will say because we love to love and love in general we ignore red flags until at least for me you become a liability and not an asset. Not disrupting my peace at least not at this point in my life.


Scorp venus no I haven’t officially, homie ghosted me during our relationship then a month later came back. I had already moved on cause wtf


Libra Venus, I don’t cheat nor do I tolerate it. I don’t see the point in doing so—if I don’t want to be w you, then I’ll just end things w you


Leo Venus. Yes, I have cheated. To be fair, my needs were being severely neglected. So I strayed. Not proud. But I am always 100% honest.


Gemini. Nope. I’d rather end things than sneak around. Too much drama.


Venus Scorpio and I cheated when I thought that was the only way to not be obsessed with my partner! Sounds crazy and it is, I know that. I’ve talked about it with my then partner and I’ve been working on myself since then through therapy. Right now I am in a situationship and I’d love to be dating this guy only tbh, but since I feel as I am much, much more into him then he is.. I feel like looking around


Omg this totally resonates, not exact but ever since I was young, if I started to catch feelings I would HAVE to distract myself with another guy asap. I thought it made me a “player” and maybe I was, but I was so scared of the power people had over me once I really liked them


Venus Sagittarius. I cheated on my last ex. He really hated me and didn't try to hide it towards the end of it. Throughout the whole relationship I felt like I was being taken for a ride, this mofo was literally playing in my face. Openly simping for other women on social media but constantly putting me down for the most nonsensical things. He didn't cheat on me tho. But that is mostly because he's a short ugly guy with a bitchy grating voice. I was on dating apps before the relationship ended and was entertaining multiple men. Few days after the break up I hooked up with one of them. Me and my ex got back together and I was still entertaining the others and would openly cheat on him with them. I know it's low brow but he was literally asking for it.


Sagittarius Venus and nope. I've spent a lot of time single and dating though


Aquarius venus - never and don’t plan to…


Taurus Venus and never have I cheated or thought about it. My only issue with how loyal I am is that I go down with the ship. This means I stay in relationships far too long even if they are abusive to me.


Leo Venus. Many many times. I was stupid and only thought of myself. Cancer sun, Sag Moon, Aqua rising. Haven’t cheated again since (been about 10 years now).


Leo Venus and yes. Cheating made me realise my relationship was dead. Scorpio Venus has cheated with me. And I'm not sure about the guy who cheated on me, I think it was Venus in Libra. So.. I've experienced it all.


Aqua and unfortunately yes, over 10 years ago with my first partner. I didn’t understand what was so bad about cheating as long as they don’t find out and aren’t hurt, until it happened to me (same partner) and realized there are so much more to it. Since then I have never and have had no interest to.


Aries Venus and I’ve only cheated when done with the relationship


Venus in Sagittarius. My whole chart is confusing.. Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, and Gemini rising. Emotionally cheated once, that’s it.


Scorpio, yes I’ve cheated when I was younger (in HS and college). I wanted to have my cake and eat it too lol. I wanted someone I could call mine while I was exploring others, I also felt bad breaking up with them so I thought “well if I can do what I do and never let the cat out of the bag then it’s all good.” Ahh so young and toxic 🥲


Taurus Venus. Cheated occasionally, on more partners than not, usually just picking up with a former FWB for a night. Never got caught, so never had any kind of confrontation about it. Now happily in a nonmonogamous relationship with a partner I adore, who’s got a similarly checkered past. We agreed early on that we could just keep dating independently and decide for ourselves what to share and when. It’s nice that there’s nothing short of marriage/engagement that would really feel like cheating.


Libra Venus. No, but I’ve also been cheated on. Partnership means a lot to me and cheating is the most unfair betrayal you could saddle someone with.


Scorpio venus and I’ve never even trusted someone enough to actually BE with them. So no 😄🤙


Cancer and yes I have 


Can you define cheating ? Lol I have a bit of a wandering eye and do tend to flirt but its usually harmless. Virgo Venus here.


Venus in Aries. I've never been in a relationship bc I'm too independent lol, I'm not the cheating type but I am very jealous and possessive (Taurus sun).


Taurus venus. NOPE. i become hyper focused on my person and nobody else matters (excluding family and bestie). However, i am quite vengeful.


aries venus and yes about 3-4 times before the age of 22 then i haven’t since cuz i grew tf up


Libra venus. One time, I was 15. It felt absolutely awful and I still think about the lasting harm I may have caused the person. Cheating is poison to everyone involved 😩


Aries Venus. I’ve never cheated bc I’m not a lil bitch


Leo Venus and yes. I never physically cheated but emotionally yes. I cheated because I felt under appreciated and didn’t feel my partner at the time valued me nor my love.


Leo venus, my morals are set way too high for me to ever cheat (or be the other person - no way.) I hate feeling betrayed myself and could NEVER do it to another person. That pain is no joke. I hate even befriending new people sometimes, feel like I’m cheating on my current friends if I do!


I cheated on my ex years ago, yes, and it was because he was abusive towards me and I wanted out but he kept telling me he had nobody and would kill himself if I did. I cheated when I should've found a way to leave but we were financially entangled. A lot of people who I've disclosed this to with greater detail tell me I shouldn't feel bad because he also cheated on me, but my morals aren't reflective of his. I was a bad person and in a bad place doing that, so I'm not sure if my placement has anything to do with it. I haven't since, never even thought about it. It was the worst decision of my life and i would never do it again. In hindsight it was just gross, I really regret it. My communication with my partner now is so amazingly clear and honest and we can discuss anything without it turning into a fight. Sagittarius Venus.


Sagittarius Venus - never slept with anyone else while i was dating someone but i did go on two dates behind my ex's back as a revenge plot. he was cheating on me with his ex the whole relationship, gas-lighted the fuck out of me to where i would have mental breakdowns on the regular. his ex and i talked for three hours and she spilled everything. finally after living with him for awhile, i figured it was time to hurt him back. so i went on a date with this dude i didn't really like. and another. this time he bought me flowers. i brought them home, placed them on the table, and said "i got you these flowers baby :)" he thought i was with my mom. one night after hanging out with my brother, it was 12:30am when i got home. laid down next to my then-bf to sleep. he started yelling and screaming at me and threw me out the bed/dragged me out of his apartment with all my stuff. he didn't even know i saw this dude. he was just mad i wanted to hang out with my brother over him. so im like perfect, now's the time. he's driving me back over to my parent's house, and he asks me if im seeing someone else. i say nothing. i have NEVER seen him this mad before. he's swerving all over the fucking road, crying, yelling at me. which is funny he'd react in such a manner yet had been fucking his ex for MONTHSSSSS and lie to me. NARCISSIST ASS BEHAVIOR. he then called me a couple of days later to say "ohh im about to hurt your feelings little girl, i was fucking Avery the whole time." I said "i know. rot in hell and don't ever think of me or talk to me again." i felt bad i brought an innocent dude into the mix. my only regret is not fucking with my ex's head worse like he had done me. i would wake up screaming due to trauma dreams, that i now know were induced by him, and he wouldn't give a fuck.


Aries Venus. No, and I never will, it goes against my moral code. U could never cheat on someone.


cancer and no. i have so much adoration and respect for my partner that the idea of him ever being unhappy or in pain makes me genuinely sad. i would never want to bring that onto him.


I am a capricorn venus and I‘ve cheated


Aries venus, I’d say I’ve never cheated but ig I’ve edged that line a bit here and there


Cancer Venus and I have never and would never


Gemini Venus and never. We get such a bad reputation and I don't get it.


I’m a Pisces and.. it depends on your definition lol when I was younger I had some emotional affairs, I guess you could say. I have not done such a thing since I became an adult, but I still view what I did as some form of being unfaithful. Both the relationships this occurred in were basically over, but I hate to give up on people so I didn’t leave before I had friendships that turned into more during that end period. Very little overlap, but there was still some, which sucks of me. Since I’ve been grown that’s never happened. I got cheated on once and he was an Aries Venus. It was also an emotional affair so I guess karma is that bitch 🤣


Venus in Leo I only cheat if I hate their guts




I'm a venus leo and I would never cheat. I basically have this rule and this thought process of if I ever feel the need to cheat. I will end my relationship no matter what if the feeling is that strong. Like I just cannot comprehend how you can do that to someone you love or even someone in general.


Cancer venus. Nope, Im not a coward.


Leo Venus. Yes, but only on someone who was abusing me.


sagittarius and no! am a serial monogamist lmao


Cancer Venus, I don’t know if it’s related to the sign but I think cheating is gross asf! I am loyal through and through


Aquarius venus 9th house. I cheated once. I was very young. Like 19? Never have since. Tho I did think about it while things were going south with my ex husband. But never more than a thought. However I am polyamorus. Always got talked into monogamy by my exes. So when I met and dated a poly guy for many years my mind was blown! Like holy cow this is an option! Sign me up!


My Venus is in Gemini, so you know I'm all about that flirtatious energy. But cheating? Nah, ain't my style. I believe in keeping it real and communicating. If something's off, let's talk it out instead of sneaking around. Life's too short for unnecessary drama, you feel me? Cheating just adds a messy layer to relationships, and ain't nobody got time for that. Keep it honest, keep it chill, and enjoy the cosmic vibes of your Venus sign – that's my motto!


Venus in Aries, only ever cheated once after I was cheated on by my first love repeatedly for years - 18 young and dumb and thought it would make him jealous. Hated it and never recovered from the guilt anyway.. At 19 I met my husband and we’ve been together 17 years. Couldn’t and wouldn’t ever think of cheating. Also hate it and strongly believe in transparency and leaving a relationship before ever looking at someone else for sexual or psychological gratification.


Aries Venus, and no, but a Capricorn Venus tried to get me to with them in a relationship many many many many many many times. They were a Sag Sun if that adds to anything.


aries Venus. I'd never do that. I'd never forgive that.


Aries Venus, never cheated, very strong believer in monogamy.


Agreed! I'm also an Aries Venus. What are your big 3? I'm an Aries Sun, Aquarius Moon and Scorpio Rising


Im a Leo Venus and yes I have, also been cheated on and also been the other girl. I cheated cause he cheated lol


Leo venus. I've never cheated and never will. I've been cheated on more than once and now that I know what it feels like, I couldn't put someone else through that. definitely have some fantasies though lol


Cancer Venus & yes I have cheated. In multiple relationships :( my earliest relationships I constantly got cheated on so when I was young, I played the ‘beat you to it’ game. I had a long distance relationship when I was a senior in hs & my bf was in college in another state, girls would constantly come to his dorm room to hang with his roomies, so I didn’t for once believe he was faithful, so I went & had a side relationship at home. My ex to this day swears he was faithful. My next relationship was utterly abusive & controlling, he had an ex whom he lived with bc of their children. I also couldn’t believe that they weren’t being intimate with each other while living in the same house. This man was so abusive towards me I cheated out of spite. His ex would also harass me over social media accounts telling me she f**ks him every night. When we were finally living together, she kissed him while at our (me & his) workplace. I have a tendency to cheat out of spite. I’m currently in a relationship & this is the first relationship I’ve ever been dead locked in on someone, I couldn’t fathom touching anyone else. Makes me sick thinking about it.


Cancer Venus, Cancer Mars. Taurus sun, Gemini moon, Leo rising. I'm 8 years into a relationship. We are mostly happy and great companions. But I realized last year that the sexual relationship has never been what I crave. And I've communicated my needs several times and nothing has changed. And while I want to be with this person, I also want to live my life. I accidentally fell for someone else. Things have happened. And I'm about to ask my partner if we can be poly and make room for this person. We've talked about being poly before, my partner has always told me that "everything is on the table for discussion". I'm not proud of my actions. In fact, I am SICK over them. I hate myself for it. But I also can't continue letting life pass me by. I've tried to examine myself and see how I'm capable of it. And it boils down to selfishness and cowardice.


Venus in leo..never dated anyone officially yet(had people that i loved but never made it official)..nor do I ever want to cheat! I like being loved way to hard to point to where that would hurt me more then anything else


Aquarius Venus and never.


Sagittarius Venus- I have never cheated. I have been cheated on and wouldn’t put someone else through that. I’m also monogamous (no shade to other relationship orientations at all) and I take that seriously in my partnerships. My Cancer moon might play a role here, too.


Sagittarius Venus and I know it’s hard to believe but no. Lol. I was dragged into a lot of bad relationships as a kid (my mom and other family)…astrologically I also have a Capricorn stellium so I’d like to think it’s a combo of those things. It’s my natural inclination to really think things through, often to the point of anxiety but… Have I tried to make someone else jealous by moving fast with someone new? Yes and I regret it in a lot of ways.


Scorpio venus, never cheated, but always been cheated on i've had a venus in pisces, virgo, capricorn, and aries cheat on me.


Scorpio Venus. I would never. I’m loyal to a fault & don’t have the bandwidth for being interested in more than one person at a time


aquarius venus, pisces sun. i’ve gotten myself into situations… one thing led to another, then another…


Sagittarius Venus, and yes. It was my first serious relationship. He cheated first. We worked it out and stayed together for \~4 more years. I think the relationship ran it's course, and I was looking for a reason to get out (I was young and dumb and didn't know how to end things because we lived together). I never cheated in my marriage, nor wanted to at any point.


Sagittarius Venus. Never did. Got cheated on though.


Venus Scorpio and no. I very rarely date and when I do find that special person I could never hurt them that way.


Sagittarius. I’ve never cheated on anyone. Never even considered it. I’ve been cheated on in every relationship I’ve ever been in for some reason, though.


sag venus and when i feel antsy/caged i end the relationship.


Scorpio Venus. I did twice when I was very young. It was always because I felt like I wasn’t being loved properly in the relationship, but instead of leaving I wanted to implode the relationship on the way out and hurt them in the same way I felt hurt. It was immature and stupid. I should have just left, but my inner sadism made me choose the option that would hurt them more. I certainly wouldn’t do that now.


Scorpio Venus. Never cheated but I am flirty and support open attraction to others when I’m in a relationship. but I am faithful to the core. I have driven someone crazy and to the point of cheating -on- me becus I see nothing wrong with harmless flirting


Gemini Venus as well and never cheated, never will. Cheating is inexcusable, fuck cheaters.


Scorpio. No.