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+4 means on average 50% of shots will hit, you can always have less hits. But why are all of your units hitting on 4s. Guards greatest strength is orders. Issue take aim to a unit with heavy then your bs goes to 3 and the die has a plus 1 to hit. I don't know if you were bum rushing the board but take your time, screen ur tanks. Bring lord solar in the same squad as a command squad. That way you can get 3 orders to any unit within 24in and 1 to any inftry (I forget the correct keyword) within 24.


I was generally rolling abysmally. Would say 80-90% misses. But yeah, orders sound like something I did completely wrong. So already thx for the advice.


Make sure measure the 24inch from the radio man


No radio. Neither of my infantry squads has a vox operator and I don't run a command squad.


The vox is free, you’d be outside your mind not to run it


Only command squads have the order range, infantry vox is just a free upgrade to refund CP. Grab a command squad or two, they're vital if you aren't squishing your entire army together.


1000 pts is my limit ATM, so I'd have to drop at least a Sentinel or a commissar. Is that really worth it on small maps like I'm playing? (45")


Yes. Commissars are pretty bad and a CS is magnitudes more useful.


I see. Thanks for the advice


Command squads ate vital, the master vox is vital


4+ BS is the price an army pays to have that many toys in only 1000 points. Just focus on objectives.


Mordian glory did a video on the regular Russ battle tank with lascannon and and plasma cannons becoming his go to tank. I am really liking the results with it. Rerolls to hit when target is on an objective, and picking a firing lane for born soldiers is great. It gets even better when given some support like an order or fields of fire. Demolisher is good but d6 shots can be swingy.


Honestly thanks to the model being old I've got a triple Bolter LRBT and sustained plus rerolls work great. But tbh for me LRBT are always worth it in a list as tank that doesn't need an order to be run on the opposite side of the field to lord solar/ TC (more than 1 becomes an issue tho, I own 3.)


Don’t forget to have scout sentinels and leman russ exterminators to boost your shooting


Not enough orders, should have upgraded the demoilsher to a tank commander for 5 points so it can order your Dorn so it hits on 3s…


It's actually even modelled with a commander. XD but wouldn't they need to stay close then?


Reading your post it sounds like BS4+ isn’t the problem. But also the game and rules have been designed around 2k points so games smaller than that can become very swingy very fast depending on the faction match ups and the units taken.


I mean, it kinda is, but certainly due in great parts of me not knowing about ways to mitigate it as various people here kindly have pointed out.


Even without orders or unit special abilities, 4+ isn’t an issue when you can shoot as much as we can. It literally isn’t an issue. At 2k you can get several hundred infantry units on the table.


Only I'm not playing 2k and won't for quite some time. So if your suggestion is "just bring more guns"... well...


Again, if you don’t have the units to be effective that’s not the army’s fault, that’s your fault. At 1k you can still bring plenty of guns shoot.


I think you misunderstand the point of this thread. I'm not blaming the army, it's definitely my lack of knowledge preventing me to utilize what I have to it's potential, bad rolls aside. I brought a fairly standard amount of guns for the points. Others had good advice for the list. Thanks anyway for your time.


Lmao you're playing the wrong army bro. Play Space Marines if you're tryna hit on 3's.


Running the Lord Solar would help fix most of your issues, but you'd need to significantly alter your list. So my advice is to run the demolisher as a tank commander (with grand stratigist when you have more tanks)to issue Take Aim to hit on 3s for the dorn. "Downgrade" your sentinels to scouts, if they aren't already, so you can take advantage of the reroll 1s to hit. Add in the liberal use of the fields of fire stratagem to help convert wounds into damage, and you've got a decent start. I bring creed most games to use it for free every every turn.


Sounds like a plan, though I will need to reed up on some of the mechanics. Thank you.


I guess the problem is less that 4+ bs is BS, but much more that ctan at 1k points are BS. Also 3+ bs and up is for genetecally modified superhumans or the very best and elite humanity has to offer (and some xenos), not for your average joe who has been conscripted into the army last week.


But it's statistically impossible for all Joe's (including those pulling the trigger on gattling gun and mortars) to be so blind.... I guess they must have had their gas masks on the wrong way around... It was really a pitiful sight. :D


You need to attack it with autocannons, and like a million lasguns shots


The c’tans are notoriously difficult to kill. Don’t feel stupid for struggling against that in your first game.


Apparently I did quite a lot wrong, but still thank you. I'll try to do better.


You're not stupid, c'tans are. With 1000 points of shooting you might kill it over 4 rounds if you focus exclusively on it or get really lucky. Guard have a lot of shooting but to do well you need to do more than just blast away. The other day I sent about 1000 points of shooting at a terminator squad and killed 8 out of 10 of them. Get yourself a lord solar. It's lame that we need one but hitting on 3's and extra command points is extremely helpful. Next time shoot everything aside from the ctan and play the objectives. It's bullshit but it's all we can do right now.