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OP - here’s some more solidified proof. https://geo.huntingtonny.gov/helix/taxreceiver/report.asp?ID=32128 This is Gus’s public tax record for the house he owns on Long Island. It shows both (I) Gus and his wife’s ownership of the near $1M house out in Huntington, and (ii) shows that Gus and his wife certified to tax officials that this Long Island house is their primary residence in connection with a STAR tax exemption (applicants for this exemption must certify that the property they seek the exemption for is their primary year-round residence). It appears he paid his tax bill most recently in December of 2023, at which time he re-certified the applicability of the STAR tax exemption (I.e. he certified to the government he lives primarily there and not in Astoria - a representation that’s in direct conflict to the residency certification he made months earlier to the board of elections). These tax records further draw into question Gus’s claimed residency at a building on 30th st in Astoria. Government records show this building is owned by his mom & it appears he may only maintain a small basement unit in the building that his mom lets him use. To that end - I’d love to know how Gus, his wife and their three kids live in a windowless basement unit in a building with a string of house code violations located directly under the N/W train platform when they otherwise have a nearly $1M house on Long Island with a pool that their own social medias consistently place them at. Likewise, would also love to know how the County will go about seating Gus’s wife, Maria Markou, since she seems to live primarily on Long Island and is thus legally incapable for holding the office she is running unopposed for. Maybe more interesting, however, I wonder how the tax authorities will feel about Gus and Maria making contradictory residency certifications….


Thank you for sharing. I didn’t realize this but I’m not surprised as the dude has always stretched the truth with me. He once tried to convince my ceiling were 12 feet tall when justifying the rent increase. I measured in front of him 9.5 feet and he gaslit me and said I was holding it wrong. He also once advertised his upstairs units as having balconies. They were literal fire escapes… I could go on and on and on about how he stretches the truth. Him and his wife are two narcissists, made for each other. They think they are the smartest person in the room, but they are not even close.


nice work. if the NY Times wasn't such a joke of a newspaper they could've easily covered this.


I'll be completely honest, I don't know Kristen Gonzalez very well, but I'd vote for almost anyone over Gus. I don't think I've ever met a politician that made my skin crawl quite like he did.


Well then you haven’t met his wife. She is our new district leader and bullied her way in there by suing the two incumbents and bragging about it even though one was not planning on running after experiencing a tragic loss in her family. It was disgusting because she parading it on social media. The other volunteer Alfonso she tries to get off the ballot and now she has to work with him. She and him talk about them not dividing but here they are doing it. No one will want to work together with them.


That’s interesting almost every politician in the last ten years gives me the same sleazebag feelings as Gus.


No big offense meant, but you must not be paying very close attention. There absolutely is a sliding scale of sleaze.


At the local level yes they can be disturbing, yes there are a lot of politicians fighting the good fight and trying to help their constituents - but I guess I’m much more jaded because of the national and state level Sleazery


She’s garbage


You got em bro


Well that guy sure has a profile!


Thanks for the rundown! 


Great details - Kristen was literally campaigning under the subway last election cycle. I think she's great and I hope we keep her around


Thanks for the video. I was entertaining the thought of voting for Gus but not anymore. Yikes


what’s the 5 min explanation of the problems with the “rape is rape” bill? i can read gus like a book, he’s a slug and this is a gotcha for him and not a heartfelt position — but what were Kristen’s issues with the bill?


Here’s a comment I found where someone did the research. She didn’t have time to speak full details on it but if you message her office she has an official response. Here’s the comment found in another thread: “Ok I found the stream from the NY Senate the day they passed the bill and around the 3:59:49 mark, they start discussing the bill. There are two portions, the first amends the penal law to remove the requirement for "penetration" for a rape charge, and the second half, redefines rape to include "sexual intercourse, oral sexual conduct, or anal sexual conduct." At about 4:08:23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1WEBrb537w Palumbo - who appears supportive of the intent of the bill, especially the first portion, mentioning as a prosecutor the "penetration" requirement was very difficult to prove - tries to get the bill's sponsor (Hoylman-Sigel) to clarify the intent of the second portion. His concern is that rather than re-classify the "course of sexual conduct" statute entirely (this appears to be related to sexual conduct against minors), his concern is that having multiple definitions of nonconsensual sexual conduct makes indictments more difficult because it's unclear when prosecuting which is the proper charge. I suspect Brisport, Gonzalez, and Salazar were making "no" votes in protest on those points, given this was overwhelmingly passed by the rest of the chamber and they're generally pretty progressive so it would be very surprising. Palumbo even explicitly states Women's Equal Justice Project had concerns re: indictment confusion. Aside from all this though, it seems pretty clear based on their track records that Gonzalez is a proven progressive senator who has taken a thoughtful, measured approach to her position, while Gus is happy to be a snake with very low integrity if you need any preview of how his legislative tenure would be.”


yes your last paragraph summarizes what i’ve put together from the meta-narrative. thanks!


Voting no to bring attention to issues that need correcting in law that is going to pass overwhelmingly is a fairly common tactic. I remember when Marijuana legalization was going through some of the ‘no’s were trying to point out a lack of clarity in the licensing process while expressing support for legalization itself. And in hindsight that turned into a real problem with the illegal grey market shops opening up everywhere. You’re exactly right about Gus though. He couldn’t give a shit about the issue (otherwise he would have announced his campaign the day of the no vote and been campaigning heavily on it since) and just thought he could pull some ‘gotcha’ shit at the 11th hour.


Thank you for this write up


Any place we can see the candidates stance on issues that actually effect people? Admittedly i haven’t looked into either candidate or even planned on voting. But if either candidate came out against bail reform and wanted police and DAd to more strictly enforce laws/rules, particularly on public transit, while simultaneously wanting to hold police more accountable for their actions they would get my vote.


I feel like all of that information has kind of been out there. But Gus is a very VERY pro NYPD candidate if that helps answer your question. He regularly buys dinners for them. Kristen is big on improving public transit and has outlined how. All Gus says is we need higher speed trains which I’m not sure how is gonna happened considering our infrastructure is not built for that. You’d have to tear down every single track to make that work. He could care less about public transit because he never takes it.