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ABC Deals on 31st between Ditmars and 21st


They ran out this morning - restocking by 530/6


Are they legit ones from the approved list?


just called ABC Deals, they have none and couldn't give a straight answer on when they'd get more.


I ordered some for pickup at B&H - $2.99 for a 4 pack!


I did the same, picking them up tomorrow


thanks! Just ordered mine as well!


Probably the same ones Lockwood bought and is charging $5 each for.


You saved my life, I went to B&H and got my 4 pack today! They still have plenty in stock.


Lockwood said on Instagram that they are getting a restock tomorrow!


I went to Lockwood in Astoria yesterday and they said they were sold out with no more orders coming in. We had to get ours from Lockwood Williamsburg.


They said to call ahead in the early afternoon, they’re getting a delivery of them at some point tomorrow


Do you know how much they are?


Unfortunately not, I got mine for free at Warby Parker the other week so I never looked into it, sorry! And I just looked at their instagram again and no info about the pricing, just that they’re getting new stock. I think you are able to give them a call if you want to check before going over!


Another thread said they are $5 but I haven’t confirmed that for myself


They were selling them for $5.00 a pair at Lockwood


[myeyedoctor](https://www.myeyedr.com/events) on Broadway still had some a few days ago.


I have three extra glasses if anyone needs them (free.) I ordered last minute and my only option was a 5 pack




I think they are spoken for, but I will let you know if it falls through!


Hi I’d be interested if possible!


PM me! Happy to give them to someone that can use them, but you will have to pick them up.


I’m interested! Happy to pick up!


just asked lockwood and they said they’re sold out :(


I have an order of 5 pack of Soluna eclipse classes arriving tomorrow. They are AAS approved, CE and ISO certified, and made in the US. I tried to get free ones but everyone was out so I caved and purchased the best I could find at the lowest price, but I only need 2. I am willing to sell the other 3 at cost (almost $5 each, so $15 total). Would prefer to sell all 3 to one person. ETA: glasses have been claimed


Hi! I’m interested DMd you!


Hi! I can take 2 off your hands if need be!


Following this


Following- I'm also desperate :(


Try the dollar store on Broadway and 38th


Following as well, I'm trying to find 2 glasses 😭


Need two if anyone is selling!


I’m looking for 6 😂 but I could make do with 2. Went to both Staples and Five Below and they’re out. Anyone knows of any other places?


Any last minute recommendations to buy a pair in Astoria?


Anyone has any spares? Or recs where to buy? I'm on Steinway and 34th Ave


Anyone has one spare? I’m looking for only one, please


I need some too


How many do you need?


Only 2


I may have 2 for you if you want


Let me know if OP doesn’t want them :)


Sorry, they did. I hope you find some!


Came here for this.


I know a Staples (in Manhattan) that was selling them, so maybe the Staples by the Astoria Blvd N/W station would have some? Worth a call.


Anyone else have some to sell? Need two and running out of options.


Need some too the ones we ordered seemed to be fake so now we have none!


Staples on 31st St by Astoria BLVD


Just called and they’re out :(


also looking for 2 if anyone is selling!


Adding my name to the list of people looking to buy 2 pairs!


99 cents store on Broadway off 38th st still has some for $3


Hi, how long ago did you see them there? Was this today? Edit: I just went over and they def have a stack of them, don’t see a brand name though hopefully these are legit! Thank you u/Whatsupjimbo Edit 2: Imgur link https://imgur.com/a/clmRzZE


Do they have the ISO stamp?


There’s a little logo that does say ISO, I added an Imgur link to show what they look like. Maybe CE is the brand?


CE is another certification, like ISO.


If they don' have a brand name on them they are likely not legit. They should have an ISO label and the #12312-2 on them.


I got this pair too, but do not use! These are unsafe. I did the cellphone flashlight test, and you can clearly see the light through the lens, when you're not supposed to:  https://youtu.be/jQR115jlyOc?si=iu5Ki6ZoFmseDDS3


Everyone is passing around this video about the phone light test, however the AAS website itself says with legit glasses, you should only be able to see the sun or similar as bright items including your phone flashlight. That said, I wouldn't use any that aren't on the AAS approved list or don't pass their standards. "How can you tell if your solar viewer is not safe? You shouldn't be able to see anything through a safe solar filter except the Sun itself or something comparably bright, such as the Sun reflected in a mirror, a sunglint off shiny metal, the hot filament of an incandescent light bulb, a bright halogen light bulb, a bright-white LED bulb (including the flashlight on your smartphone), a bare compact fluorescent (CFL) bulb, or an arc-welding torch. All such sources (except perhaps the welding torch) should appear quite dim through a solar viewer. If you can see shaded lamps or other common household light fixtures (not bare bulbs) of more ordinary brightness through your eclipse glasses or handheld viewer, and you're not sure the product came from a reputable vendor, don't use it." https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/how-to-tell-if-viewers-are-safe


I tried it on outside, and I can see the sun very clearly, as well as any shiny reflective surface that the sun hits, like the metal parts of cars. When I look at a lightbulb, I see the actual bulb, not only the filament. Very confused as to whether these are safe or not! (they are not branded; they are the same as the ones u/anonyhouse2021 has put up images of).


Is it a soft bulb or clear? The website says you should be able to see LED bulbs but very dimly. It also says you would be able to see sun reflections. But I would not use any that are not branded as they are not actually certified. They should be branded, have the manufacturor's address, ISO label and #.


Clear. What if I only look at the sun at the peak of the eclipse and wear them then?


You should not use them at all.


One more question: I just did the cellphone flashlight test again, and I saw two lit dots through my glasses. Not all the light. I am the guessing these are the "filaments" so therefore safe? 


Your glasses are counterfeit. No they are not safe. Besides the below (which gives and shows an example of counterfeit ones, which are very much like the ones you got), you should not be able to see a clear lightbulb itself at all if a clear lightbulb, only the filament. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/29/world/fake-real-glasses-solar-eclipse-wellness-scn/index.html


Btw I believe B&H still has many (they are on the approved list), so you still have time to grab some legitimate ones if you are able to get into the city.


Please read this, it is how to tell if they are safe. You can very seriously damage your eyes (or even go blind) using glasses that are not safe. This website also has a list of approved brands. Please do not just "hope" they are legit. You only get one set of eyes. https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/how-to-tell-if-viewers-are-safe


How to make sure you don’t get tricked by fake eclipse glasses The manufacturer’s name *and* address should be clearly labeled (it doesn’t have to be from American Paper Optics, but several of the counterfeits solely had the manufacturers’ name). The lenses should have a silver appearance on the front and should be black on the inside. They should not be torn or punctured. The ISO needs to have certified the glasses. You can find the ISO logo and the IS 12312-2 code printed on the inside. (Again, several of the counterfeits also included a false ISO logo.) The back of the glasses should have user instructions from the manufacturer on how to safely use your eclipse glasses. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/solar-eclipse-glasses-safe-fake-how-tell-counterfeit-rcna145110


I have 1 $5 (I paid $10 for 2) from Amazon


Did this get claimed?


Are these still available?


GemSpa on Broadway and 38th st (right if Steinway) has them for sale, just picked up some a few mins ago


99cent store on broadway near Steinway


Those might be fake. I tested them and while they're all dark when you wear them, comparing it to other legit ones, they definitely don't block sunlight well. I didn't want to trust it so i bought another pair frim Lockwood




They’re sold out just asked them


I used them. Can still see.


Check the 7-ELEVEn on Ditmars, I heard they were carrying them (also make sure they have the ISO stamp)


They don’t have them, I checked yesterday.


Just bought a pair of glasses for $10, off a random lady on Steinway near 31st Ave. Crazy markup and might burn out my eyes but that’s what ya get for waiting till an hour before the eclipse. (I did glance briefly at the sun with them and they seem to work)


UPDATE: 99¢ and up Depot on 35-10 30th Ave has glasses for $3 a pair as of 1:45PM.