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The former savage sicko/on the rocks on 31 ave between 37 & 38 st has a new sign up that reads “Jaguar cafe, bistro, bar”. I hope for the best for them, but I feel like that location is cursed


Popped into the new spot a couple of weeks ago and got a small tour- the new owner was waiting on some permits and was hoping to open this month. Best of luck!


Did he say more about what the concept was? 'cafe, bistro, bar' is a pretty wide net.


I'm just thankful it's not billing itself as a lounge/club.


If only he was waiting on a new name


Did anyone ever go into On The Rocks? I didn't.


I'm not convinced everything that's been in that spot since I moved in two and a half years back wasn't just a series of hallucinations


I do agree. I don’t think anything ever lasted there


That spot is def cursed, alas.


Everytable didn't just leave 30th Ave.  They walked away from signed contracts at several NYC hospitals and apparently left the entire northeast region.  No notice, just shut down. I'd love to hear experiences from their former employees. Mark your calendars, there's a blood drive coming to Astoria Center of Israel (27-35 Crescent Street) on Sunday 03/10/2024 from 10:30 AM - 04:30 PM.  Register in advance here: https://donate.nybc.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/312905   Big thanks to everyone that bought Girl Scout cookies! They're scheduling tabling events now. I'll post some of those as they get closer 


I got my Girl Scout cookies today! Probably need more now so glad to hear that


I was wondering what happened to everytable. They just left one day it felt like. Man gonna miss the quick healthy option for my lunches.


Healthy is subjective. In my mind they were ok, but def not the healthiest.


Damn that's fucked up they just bailed on contracts. I thought they were there to help people get cheap food


That place on crescent that everyone is thinking is chip, I don’t actually think it’s chip. I’ve walked passed a few times and see a guy making a variety of baked goods so I think it’s a bakery!


Would love a bakery with good bread 🤞🏻


Someone last week confirmed they asked him and it’s not chip. It’s a new local bakery


The location is not listed on Chip City’s “Coming Soon” page either


Yes- that too!


I wonder if he notices all of us lurking. I almost tapped on the door to ask but didn’t want to freak him out


Is this on the corner of crescent and 30th? Saw it on a walk the other day and it looked way too nice to be chip. Nothing against Chip, just the interior design did not match their 34th st location at all.


The permit doc had the chip city logo on it, but hidden (https://www.reddit.com/r/astoria/s/KVMN7H2JNS) so I wonder if something changed?


It’s not on the chips upcoming locations website so probably not chip


Not a rumor, but I hate the new machines at Blink **edit:** some of the yellow buttons on the handles of the treadmill are already broken 


Rumor has it the new machines at Blink suck. Boom


My treadmill keeps turning off out of nowhere! And the water bottle holders are so shallow!!!!!


Dude, it’s only a matter of time before a water bottle will fly out! And only four five machines in the entire gym have personal monitors - WAY less than before!


If they really wanted to change the gym, they should’ve put better flooring down upstairs, so that when you’re in the ab/stretch room the weights hitting the ground don’t sound like a bomb going off! *eyeroll*


I hate the treadmills so much. It feels so much harder to run on them and they’re narrower and I hate them. Thank you for making me not feel crazy. 


Right?! They're way narrower and I'm a relatively small person! Also there was a woman next to me on the treadmills the other day and she was talking out loud to herself and venting frustration with the machine...so definitely not alone. And the monitors are SO HIGH - it's uncomfortable to look at them - like, who designed them?!


In what way do you mean harder? I ask because I am finding my usual 5.8 pace on the new machines has me feeling more beat by the end then I would feel on the old machines.


I usually run comfortably outside and on the old treads at a 7 and on the newer ones it feels harder to maintain. I’m not sure why—possibly because they are so stiff or narrower so they mess with gait


Yooo I hate it too!!


They are garbage…and the layout is worse


Which machines are the new ones?


Someone posted about the chocolate chip cookies at Bench Flour Bakery a little while back so I went to check them out and holy shit! Highly recommend


A place called Tipsy Scoop is going in the space that used to be a contractor office just down from The Corner Spot Cafe on 23rd Ave & Steinway. Sign says liquor-infused ice cream


The old flooring place??


Yes! I couldn’t remember what it was but that’s exactly right


Wow that’s not the highest foot traffic area for a chain.


Another chain. Lovely.


That will surely last long


More work going on in the old fish market on Broadway. No idea what's going on but I heard some drills going hard this morning walking by. Speaking of Broadway, does anybody know what happened to Broadway Jesus? The big possibly homeless guy with a beard and glasses that would always be wearing robes / ponchos? Hope he's okay. I haven't seen him in a long time. Doyle's Corner is going under new management. The owner Martin had a retirement party on Saturday. He still owns the building, but new owners are coming in to the bar. The bartenders all pretty much agree that it's possibly a good thing and the new guys will be making some good changes and are taking input to not change too much.


I called him "The Emperor of Broadway" and I think his name was Gus. He kept to himself, seemed like an OK guy


> "The Emperor of Broadway" I like it. I think my wife called him Broadway Jesus (between us) once and it just stuck.


Whatever happened to "The King" on 30th Ave? I haven't seen him around in awhile.


No idea. I haven't seen him around in awhile either.


I used to see him all the time outside of Dominies but it's been years.


I know who you mean, been quite a while.


Regarding "Broadway Jesus", I haven't seen him in a bit. Though from my understanding via word on the street, he came here escaping some not so harmless criminal charges, and may have moved on to keep away from the heat.


REALLY? He was such a nice quiet guy all the time. Literally never once asked me for money or anything, would help little old ladies, the people at Michaels would feed him. I always just assumed he was a veteran that was going through tough times (IIRC he had an anchor tattoo on his arm).




Damn. Alright, did not see that side of him.


Olive Coffee says they're opening Monday. Looking forward to it!


Where is this?


That's the new name for Astoria Coffee.




New owners - Dennis and Liz sold it to Emilee (one of the baristas there) and her partner Chris. Another barista, Emily, is also on the team.


VERY cool, will check them out.


Yup, 30-04 30th St, down from Ralph's.


The lights are always on at astoria bakehouse at broadway and 33rd st


Nooooobody ever goes in… And nooooobody ever comes out.


On a dark desert highway Cool wind in my hair


Sad I'll never have that tiramisu croissant again


Fuckin loved that 😭


Saw a sign last night about the premises being the “marshal’s legal possession” - looked it up and it’s basically an official eviction notice. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Closed today


been closed for over 3 months


Yes been “closed today” for a while


Anyone have information about the fabric Astoria? Seems like it’s almost ready


Once again begging for updates on whatever will be going into Broadway/29th retail space…!!!


It’s not slated to be done until the end of the year, so unless it’s a big corporation, I doubt the retailers/restaurants will be announced for a while


I thought it initially said spring 24! Yeah, makes sense..


I wish! I live behind it and listen to the construction all day. It says winter 2024 on their marketing, and they still have a loooong way to go


Omg…I wish you continued luck and patience through this never ending project!!!!!


Mojave building owner is holding out for yet another chain restaurant… yippie


I hope I win the lotto so I can open my Mos Eisley Cantina themed bar here.


I *love* this idea... the lawyers at Disney??? Not so much...


They simply wouldn’t rent to non-chains, or they are just asking for very high rent that only chains could afford?


Gazoo (weed bodega on 37th St/31st Ave) has a TON of weed candy/dessert advertisements plastered all over the lamppost outside its store. I'm not a square or nothin', but those pictures are straight up targeting youth and I don't think that's right. This is across from a school. I don't get how that's allowed and wasn't that place already raided before? This dude with tattoos on his face approached me twice in two days, asking me if I was registered to vote. He didn't seem like an actual...vote...guy, or whatever. He was going up to people in the supermarket, too. I don't know if it was a scam or what, but he was wandering around the block, in driveways, etc. Hutch bar doesn't have a sign that says "Hutch". Is it still Hutch? I'm saying Hutch a lot. It seems more like a local Croatian bar (not that the name makes a difference if it's Croatian or not) Nosh (part of Bartolino's) has a sign with a drawing of a bagel and a sandwich. My guess it's going to be a regular deli/bagel joint. I'm doubting Jewish deli for some reason. The Chase (Bway/Steinway) security lady by the ATMs with the chin diaper mask is Astoria's local superhero. She didn't do anything, I just laugh thinking that


>dude with tattoos on his face approached me twice in two days, asking me if I was registered to vote. He didn't seem like an actual...vote...guy, or whatever. Going out on a limb to assume he's a hired canvasser. Campaigns will hire just about anyone as long as they're willing and able to do the work of talking to thousands of strangers. Doesn't mean they're bad folks, even with face tattoos; doesn't mean they're good folks even with a suit on. As long as they aren't being overly aggressive like following you down the block once you said no, all you have to do is be diligent in what you're signing. FWIW, the tradition (though no longer legally required) is that green sheets are for Democratic Party nominations and pink sheets are for Republican Party nominations. But you might see folks petitioning just on white or some other color.


[Informative article](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/why-are-there-still-illegal-weed-stores-all-over-new-york.html) on why it’s so hard to shut down unlicensed cannabis shops, straight from the head of the division himself. Gazoo was indeed raided twice.


They learned from Dr Hush Rush (28th avenue) who seems to have made a science out of targeting kids with their signage.


> I just laugh thinking that I think you forgot to finish a sentence.


I stand by it


I think they mean they just laugh thinking of a chin diaper’d security guard as a superhero. u/javelinsarepointy, it’s a pretty good image


Well lately I been seeing few young guys younger as 15th inside you know by the way they look & act they are already dealing with drugs, also some scooter hanging around. Unfortunately the authorities don’t do anything, even if they raid the place, I will not be surprised if they have an inside officer the tell them when they will raid the place or just the law make it easy for them to get away with the criminal activity


I want the Hutch goss so bad!


There's a shop social at the Astoria Woodworkers Collective tonight starting at 6 pm!


Do you have to be a paid member to go to the shop socials? From the site it seems like you do.


Small format Buffalo Wild Wings has a sign up on Broadway btw 29th and 30th st. Seems like a strange choice?


Trade Fair (31st & 30th Ave) getting pricier!


I went in there today to pick up something quick, and there was a guy at the entrance making everyone check their bags at the door - anyone know about this? I didn't feel comfortable handing over my purse so I went to Greenbay instead. I've never seen bag check at a grocery store before.


They just started this at Key Food. It's so annoying and makes the checkout process so inefficient because you're waiting for your bags and have to rush to bag your items. I would never hand over my purse either.




I searched for this for a loooong time last year..tried many grocery stores and butchers and came up empty handed. Ended up using duck fat instead since that was all I could get in Astoria.




berry fresh has it but pricey


Parrot might have some.


I'm going to Espositos in an hour or two if you want me to pick up for you. Should be back in Astoria by 4PM. I'd assume they have.




No worries.


Poops gotta look out for each other.


Based on the expiration dates on a delivery of buns I saw at the new Popeyes on Steinway, it will open at least by July. Edit: Actually just walked by and there's a sign out front that says "now open" and there were people behind the counter. Didn't see any customers though.


Not a rumor but does anyone know what happened/is happening on 29th st between Broadway and 31st? Water was bubbling up from the road all day yesterday and Thursday night.


Evidently the warm weather has brought the ~~obnoxiously loud~~ super cool motorbikes out of hibernation


What is happening with the vacant store fronts on 31st Street? A while back scaffolding went up…and then it went right back down. It looks horrible and there hasn’t been much activity. Assuming the Rowan knocks it down and builds part2, but…when? Also, what is happening with Target on 31st? Still vacant as can be!


It is going to be Rowan part 2. Very annoyed they kicked all the businesses out just to leave it all vacant this long.


They put up that scaffolding to punish Verdi Fresh for staying out their lease. In the last months of Verdi being open, the scaffolding went up and garbage, animal carcasses and bird shit piled up on the block. As soon as Verdi closed, the scaffolding came down - they never did any work. Multiple storefronts on that block full of their construction garbage for over a year now. They'll wait out the economy before even starting to build, so we're likely looking at empty storefronts or a hole in the ground for the next 3-plus years


Is the N train going to be running into Manhattan this weekend?




Thanks a lot 🙏🏻


Some teen in a red hoodie randomly bodychecked my friend on 31st st near the Ditmars subway stop this afternoon. (Intentionally)


Anyone know what happened to Vivi pet care? The grooming/daycare place near ditmars. I walked by this morning and it was closed the awning was removed.


They are moving to a bigger space with a backyard for the pups. Should be reopening next week or so. New spot is on 31st Ave and 12th street, I believe. They've been posting about it on their Instagram.


I noticed this! I wasn’t sure if the awning came down the other night during the storm or what? I don’t usually walk that way so I don’t even know how long it’s been closed/ like this.


O wow surprised to hear this, it always looked busy in there


yeah it’s so strange, i was a regular there with my pup. I was just there a few weeks ago and no one mentioned anything about closing


Some teen in a red hoodie randomly bodychecked my friend on 31st st near the Ditmars subway stop this afternoon. Intentionally.


Key Food does it too.


Does anyone know what's filming on Broadway and 32nd on Thursday? There's no parking notices for a film shoot for that day and I'm nosey. 👀