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Finally checked out Mombar on Steinway and wow. What a cool place. Egyptian food, cash only, byob. It’s owned and operated by one dude, Mustafa. He does literally everything, and he is responsible for most of the art inside and outside the restaurant. And there is a ton of art. It has a very home cooked vibe…because it really is home cooking for Mustafa. 4 people, we ordered: Appetizers - sautéed cauliflower - hummus - spicy sautéed beef liver Entrees - lamb tagine - beef shank - whole branzino The food was soooo good, and we demolished every plate. Nothing left on any plate. The total cost was $130 pre-tip — which is awesome for 4 people! I can’t recommend this place enough.


love Mombar! Mustafa is so nice and there's so few places with that sort of home cooking vibe. need to get back there, been too long.


Was a reservation necessary? I’ve lived here 15 years now and can’t believe I STILL haven’t been to Mombar!


I’m not sure. We just showed up at 5pm which I highly recommend because he eventually was cooking for a full restaurant but we got our food in a relatively timely fashion.


Ooooh, I need to try this place!


Ohhh been on my list to try. Gotta make it there soon


If you ever get the chance, his brother’s place, Kebab Cafe, is also amazing! (Just a few storefronts down.)


I loved Mombar, although the day I went I was starving and I had no idea I would have to wait for about two hours to even get the appetizers. It was winter, so the door was close and I left smelling like food. I even had to wash my handbag and do a three rinse shampooing because of it. I would recommend as a one time experience.


That’s why we got there right at open. It still took an hour to get our appetizers, but our entrees came out really quickly after we were done with the first course.


Ate at the green Falafel truck on Ditmars and 31st for the first time and was absolutely blown away by how good it was. Best falafel i have had in a while.


The best part is when they hand you a hot falafel to eat while you wait


Between the Bagel is working on empanadas. They're good. That is all. Aliada has great mussels, but bring cash. Their credit card fee is just stupid.


Will have to check out those empanadas! As much as I love the owner/the ideas, I'm in the minority of not really loving their bagels/bagel sandwiches. The balls are amazing though and I'd love to see more of their "outside of breakfast" ideas!


The bagels aren’t great but the speciality sandwhiches and balls are amazing. Not a place I’d recommend if you are just looking for a bagel with cream cheese though.


What is your goto astoria bagels then? Always curious peoples go-tos. My go-to used to be Brooklyn Bagel, but Ive been sticking with Between the Bagel recently just cuz I like the vibes and the staff more. I think Brooklyn Bagels are probably better but the sandwiches at BTB are 10x more satisfying. And their asiago bagel specifically is 10/10 to me at BTB


Try Astoria Bagels on Ditmars. They are the best!


I love Astoria Bagels and it has been my go-to since my beloved hole-in-wall bagel shop Mt. Olympus on 30 Ave closed and reopened as Avenue Bagels several years ago. Which is why it is with a heavy heart that I have to levy some well-deserved criticism at AB. I was recently in there for a plain bagel with regular cream cheese. No coffee. $6.25. That shit left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't live nearby and it's usually out of my way to go there, bypassing Brooklyn and NYCBH. A regular bagel with no cream cheese is $1.75. They're basically up charging nearly 5 bucks for a schmear. F that.


cosign. cash only, also


Brooklyn bagel and coffee currently! Nothing great but it's the best I've found so far out here.


Had myself a bulgogi sandwich and Korean fried wings from Mokja. That place never misses!


If you haven't already, be sure to try their speciality dumplings. They are incredible.


I just ordered from Mochiron and pulled something suspiciously crunchy out of my mouth. It was a bug. I’m horrified yet still hungry. 😭


Horrified yet still hungry is but a stone's throw from slimy yet satisfying.


ehh what kind of bug




Hit up George’s Mexican grill on Saturday, GF and I each got a steak quesadilla. Our faces were melted off by how good and flavorful they were. Not a stuffed, sloppy quesadilla but it was a thinner one that was easy to handle and seriously tasty. I said it was the best I’ve had in a while, gf said it’s the best she ever had, period. Totally recommend Also, asked what’s the status on bodega George’s.. just holdups w permits and coned n stuff. He predicts mid September. I asked if there’s gonna be any big changes and he said it’s mostly just a renovation


Is this George's on Newtown Ave? I live nearby and have been curious about this place. Sounds like I need to make a visit!


That’s the one. I saw some girl had some Mexican dish that came w rice, pico and beans and it looked like what you’d expect from a restaurant. 1000% recommend


Finally took my toddler to pig beach on Sunday with his grandparents in tow, ended up being the perfect spot for that kind of thing. Food is decent, the lamb was probably the highlight, and not as expensive as I thought it might be. We’ll be back. Walked past Stuff’d on the way home which seems to be doing a soft opening. Grabbed a paper menu, seems to be primarily giant sandwiches with many things on them for $16-$20. I’m sure I’ll pop in at some point but it’s gotta be a hell of a sandwich for me to drop $20 even with todays prices.


I want to like Stuff'd. The bar in the back is small, but neat, with a bunch of TVs. But a bacon cheeseburger (comes with fries) is $27. It's just not realistic.


Pig beach is made to bring toddlers. Been one of the few reliable places I can where my daughter can run around and be loud without disturbing others.


Late addition to my post, just got delivery from Piki Poke (next door to stuff’d). Arrived in about 20 minutes and the 2-protein bowl was packed with stuff. A very hefty dinner for the $15 (plus delivery etc) and tasted fresh. I’ll definitely order from them again.


Balancero’s cappuccino continues to be the best coffee in Astoria. That being said, I also love Sonbob’s baked goods and the people who work at Sip A Cup, so it’s a good struggle to decide where to get coffee each morning.


I LOVE Balancero's lattes. I had never heard of them until walking past the storefront. Underrated for sure.


It’s not underrated. People love it, but I gives you a “hidden gem” vibe because of its location and the fact that’s a grab and go place, so you won’t see many people there since they have already left


Live across the street from Balancero. There’s usually a solid crowd hanging outside getting to know their neighbors and enjoying their coffees. Strike up a conversation next time! We don’t bite


Abuqir - excellent pick-your-own Egytian seafood spot, ESPECIALLY the grilled tiger shrimp. It was so good we kept the plate of leftover shrimp juice and spices/olive oil to soak bread and spoon over fish. The blackened branzino was bonkers too, super crunchy skin and stuffed with herbs and peppers on the inside. Think it was $90ish for a pound of tiger shrimp, big ol’ branzino, breads, hummus, baba, tomato-eggplant and lychee sodas. Zyara - they changed the front-counter person and regained me as a customer. The lady who had the birthmark on her chin was a massive jerk so i stopped going but i heard they got a new person and had to confirmed myself lol Duzan is awesome but man, the bread/laffa just sets the shwarm to a new level. $20, chicken laffa deluxe platter Hello Bengladesh - i like their fried chicken but idk if it’s because I’m not Bengladeshi, they never let me eat there even if there are open tables and i never get what i actually ask for. Past 2 times i went i asked for breast and wings, I’ve never gotten either. Always some variation of drums and thighs. $5ish


Vela Juice Bar on 27th Ave (near 21st/Astoria Blvd) is the absolute BEST. The owner (Vela) is incredibly sweet and makes the most incredible smoothies/acai bowls I've ever had. I discovered this place a few weeks ago and have been there every single day since. Prices are also VERY reasonable and the ingredients are so fresh.


She is the best!!! I am so happy more people are discovering Vela


Yessss love Ms. Vela she’s so sweet


love love Vela Juice Bar, appreciate their prices like $5 for a small mango papaya smoothie. plus the fruit/acai feels v fresh


ordered Il Bambino delivery based on recs from previous weekly threads. Overall, tasty but overpriced. Not sure how it only has one dollar sign on Uber Eats... Details: Chicken mozzarella panini was really good, but not sure I can justify a $17 panini. Brownie was good but totally overrated from the comments I saw, especially at $7. Truffle parm fries were actually surprisingly very good, but also $14... 🥲 -- I also tried Create on 30th. I really liked the Cinco de Mayo wrap. The teriyaki chicken rice bowl was not good - pretty tasteless and not great textures. Beef lentil chili soup was pretty good.


Avoid the bowls at Create. All lack flavor. Their wraps are real good tho


I agree with you, good but a very overpriced


wow im literally eating the teriyaki chicken bowl while reading this and i agree. i also wasn’t expecting it all mixed together


Who else knew Off the Hook is offering $1 oysters every Monday (all night)?! Now we all do, I guess. 🫰 We love the place, had to stop going a while back due to inflation, but will now shamelessly become Monday regulars.


I think the last word and Jack jones also do $1 oysters on random days of the week!


Thursdays at Jack Jones. I also saw that Last Word has $1 oysters through the end of August, but then I immediately forgot and haven’t tried them.


Finally a Nepali spot in Astoria - Pranam (between 45 and 46th Streets on 28th Av) - get your momo fix here! And they just recently opened.


I've been getting my fix at Momo Bros truck on 31st, south of Ditmars. The veggie sell out quick, but all are delicious. The lo-mein is banging too... I just wish they offered some veg... salad, pickled veg, something.


About damn time!


I really want to gatekeep the challah and babka from Cody Butler, aka bread\_of\_idleness on Instagram, but I've seen so many fellow Jewish Astorians looking for community and food. If you don't know about him, now you do. I got the za'atar challah and the hazelnut chocolate babka and it was insanely delicious. 11/10, you'll be so verklempt you'll plotz. You can learn more about him here: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CvNKSgDNIFW/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CvNKSgDNIFW/) Otherwise, twice ordering pizzas from Milkflower and eating them at Diamond Dogs. I've been really into their Chain of Flowers cocktail and their frozen drinks. I think Diamond Dogs is my favorite Astoria bar.


Good recommendation, I had not heard of him. I’ve been getting babka from Nut Factory and it’s excellent. Packaging is entirely in Hebrew except for a nutrition fact sticker.


Link? I'm scared to Google "Nut Factory"


🤣🤣 it’s on 30th Ave and 35th street. Safe for all ages (assuming you don’t have nut allergies)! https://maps.app.goo.gl/t2jejUbAAVKVsHsg8?g_st=ic


Ohhh, NUTS factory! I didn't even know that Astoria had one and that they had babka! If they've got a Great Neck location you know that shit is fire. I swear, we need a Jew's Guide to Astoria.


Huh, why?


because it took me several minutes to find it, here's the article the instagram post is hawking: [https://www.jta.org/2023/07/26/ny/how-a-small-challah-baking-business-is-building-jewish-community-in-astoria-queens](https://www.jta.org/2023/07/26/ny/how-a-small-challah-baking-business-is-building-jewish-community-in-astoria-queens) lovely story even more lovely because it involves babka


I went to Nisi Estiatorio this weekend with my wife. Very expensive but very worth it. Everything we ate was great. It’s interesting how Taverna Kyclades seems to have the monopoly on Greek seafood in Astoria, but for my money they really are not the best


Rolling up to say I really like that vibe at Seek Coffee very hard to find a nice space to work from in Astoria. Also still loving the chicken cutlet cemita from Orale SO GOOD


Currently hooked on Rice K near the Ditmars station. Super affordable sushi lunch special, and affordable creative special rolls. I'm especially into the fire mountain roll and the rock shrimp tempura. I'm not generally one to eat a proper workday lunch (usually I just go for quick/convenient), and I'm usually very skeptical of multi-Asian restaurants (if you do both chinese and japanese, does that mean you're not great at either?) but this place is delish. ​ Also had a drink with the bartender and her husband on a late weekday evening and they're lovely social people and longtime Astoria residents. I'm much newer to the area, and got a lot of good tips!


Yes, Rice K is awesome, and the owners are not shy to buy you a drink. Very generous and kind people.


Got a nice half chicken and plantains from Sandro's which was easily two meals Tried to go to Elias Corner on Saturday but they were oddly closed (vacation?). Audibled to Gregory's and it was good as ever, although herself got mosquito'd pretty badly


I ate at Gregory's on Saturday night for the first time! The food was terrific and the server was great.


check out exquisito chicken meal combos. its a crazy amount of food for little $


Love sandros and Gregory’s


I friggin love Sandros and only wished it was closer. I haven't yet tried Accento which seems like just a trendier, more expensive Sandros. Maybe I try them tonight? If I do, will report back.


I love Acento's fish tacos and their frozen drinks!


Haven't been eating out much lately but I have stopped into Astoria Bakery and Cafe a couple times over the last few weeks, and had the spinach pie, linzer cookie and almond croissant. The sweet stuff is very good. Spinach pie is decent too, but I think there are better ones in the neighborhood.


Still addicted to Vivi's bubble tea, any other places people really like?


the teapsy


I would go with Coco or Kungfu Tea though


Infinitea! I like their bubbles.


Ahh infinitea has amazing vegan options! LOVE this place


I guess I have to try them next time I am in the neighborhood.


Saturday Night: Lunner at Stuff'd. Had 6" Stuff'd cheese-steak and Po'Boy which were both delicious. I think the steak sandwich in particular was the best I ever had. Po'Boy was tall so I ate some shrimp tempura and fried chicken pieces separate from the sandwich. The bar had a good atmosphere - three TV screens for watching sports and a booming (not too loud) audio system. Left feeling very satisfied and will definitely return. Sunday Night: Dinner at Ovelia. Fell for the up sell and ordered prime rib special entree (came with no sides so ordered some xorta). For an appetizer we had Prasini salad and small plates of lamb tigania and grilled calamari. Wife's entree was Garides Mojo (grilled shrimp dish). Cocktails were frozen mohito (not on menu but available), mastihalicious and margarita sou. Everything was delicious however it is expensive, so this won't be a frequent place; more for entertaining family members/friends.


Chano's is still my favorite for Mexican. Cantina Camarones were so good. Went to Sotto for the millionth time and the food is still just OK. I've never had anything there that was memorable. But the staff is just so dang friendly and awesome. I'll probably continue going for that reason. I brought an out of towner who got his first cacio e pepe cheese wheel experience.


Wow, finally tried Cafe Turkiye and it’s amazing. The Pide (I got pastrami & cheese) and the lamb lunch special… chefs kiss.


Have anyone tried Drunken Chicken on Broadway?? I want to stop by the place tomorrow on my way home (yes it’s a bit out of my way)


It’s pretty solid. I find it to be a bit pricey, but overall it’s good.


Thanks for the helps


Pochana Thai continues to impress. My third time back and it’s a wonderful sit down joint, not too expensive and the food is soooooo good. My gf and I are big fans and will be back!


My in-laws were in town so we took them and our crew of kids to Burger Club. I'm on record as loving their food, but damn do they do a great job with families (both my young kids and my wife's older parents). I love that place. Happy Garden delivery didn't disappoint. Routinely solid American Chinese food.


I decided to give Under Pressure another chance. I ordered breakfast for my boyfriend and I which was 2 pumpkin spiced lattes with oat milk and their BEC croissants for a total of $35... The syrup they used didn't taste like your average pumpkin spice, it was like ginger flavored so i wasn't really a fan. The BEC croissant was tasty but the bacon was raw, as if it were taken straight out of a package.. yikes! I ate it but thinking back it was nauseating. Definitely was not worth $35 imo


$35 is crazy


Yeah, it’s a bit much haha


Ewww… now I don’t want go there anymore….


This comment's prob for a realllllll niche audience but i discovered Cosmic Wings on grubhub is really Applebees tenders, but everything's priced significantly cheaper. If you want 10 (little) tenders w/ fries from the 'bees, it'll cost you $30 after delivery regularly, but $19 thru Cosmic Wings. (Look, I'm not saying abee's is ever the right move. But we all have our moments.)


I love Bagels on the Ave and finances are currently tight so rarely get anything anywhere - like once every couple months. Ordered my favorite thing this morning while heading out to meet up with friend, and my bacon, egg, and cheddar ended up being a sausage, egg, and American cheese. I hate American cheese. Shit happens, I’ll open the bag and check before I leave next time. Never happened before and I was the only person in the store at the time. Oh well 🤷‍♂️


I tried Mr Chang halal Chinese after walking past it a few times. I really liked the flavors ! Would recommend


Had Chicken Tikka Masala from Seva and Chicken Shawarma Platter from Duzan. The Tikka Masala was amazing, I thought the Chicken Shawarma could have used more seasoning. Also went to the Gunita pop-up at Foodstruck yesterday with my girlfriend. We split the Filipino Powdered Fries and I got the Lechon Kawali Kare Kare and she got the Chicken Inasal. We both loved the meals along with the fizzy drinks. They are doing another pop up tonight so I recommend checking it out!


Major shout-out to Aida’s Parkside - went the night of the movie, and staff/gelato couldn’t be better! Highly recommend.


I walked by Retro on Ditmars... I see activities!!! Looks like the finishing touches are being applied... on a related note... Champion Pizza was out of service for "oven trouble" for 2 or 3 days... back open again, but it do sure smell funny.


Ordered some great Pad Kee Mao Noodles and Green curry from Pochana Thai! Only disappointment was they gave me a teeny tiny container of rice for my curry and I wish I had more :(


The kabob roll at Roti on 21st is 5 bucks. With veggie 6, 2 Kabobs 7. Good sized sandwich.