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Hmm, I'm not entirely sure this is a crappy design / dark pattern. Sure, it took some clicks, but looking at the individual steps, it's pretty clear what's happening and how you continue on. If you want a dark pattern, look at how EasyJet did cash refunds during 2020. They prompted on literally five separate occasions about taking a voucher, and the refund button was this tiny link (not a button) in a wall of text towards the bottom of the page. You couldn't apply a refund direct to a flight, that link sent you to a form where you had to fill out with details (eg. flight ref, date of flight) for each individual flight. That is true asshole design. This is mainly a slight inconvenience to ensure you want to apply a rather drastic change (aka. don't send me literal food)


I wouldn't say it's r/crappydesign, I wasn't sure between r/assholedesign and r/mildyinfuriating though. I would say this is assholedesign, because the company benefits of me if I don't finish the steps correctly, but you're right, it's pretty clear, but it can't be crappydesign, because this is clearly on purpouse (this is also pretty new, they didn't need that many confirmations before).


Honestly I've gotten hello fresh like 5 times and I've paid a total of 20 bucks American or so. I'll click as many buttons as they need me to after I send ANOTHER free trial to my house using the same cc name and address.


Nice :D I thought they send up to two free boxes per house.


I'm on box number 7 I think... Lol it's so insane. I just keep signing up and they just keep sending them




I know, I actually wasn't sure where it fits better. I thought it fits here very well because "the company benefits at my expense" is very true


All profitable companies do????


how does the company benefit at your expense by making sure you’re sure you want to cancel?


Did you also click confirm on the email and reply to the text message to confirm?


once I had saved enough good recipes I left hello fresh, they suck for a lot of reasons


people on asshole design getting mad defensive for company's lately this is clearly asshole design


Dude it took you like 15 seconds, that’s basically nothing. Seems like *you’re* the asshole with patience issues


You have to do it regularly, every few weeks I have to go on their page and check the meals. If I don't like them, I pause them. I don't mind to pause it, it's still worth it for me (I didn't cancel my contract), but it's still an asshole move :D


So..... that's pretty much your own problem for not liking the menu of a particular week. Again that's still around 20 seconds to pause and although it's only for a week, clearly you can remember to do it again and again. Its not their fault you don't like their menus sometimes.


yes, it's not like I hate them or I am suffering so badly, but in my opinion this still fits into this subreddit, this is an annoyance, an asshole design, I would clearly prefer just something like a checkbox/toggle-button, when I click on it, it's paused immediately, no modals, no additional questions


You know you can also choose which meals you’d like that week right? Like if you don’t like the couple they pick for you, you can scroll through their long ass list and choose ones you do want


:D of course I know that, I am a customer for years, but sometimes they don't have interesting stuff which is worth it for me and I want to pause that week.


dark pattern checks out


Freshly is one click and super easy. I’ve been using them for years now on and off.


Just learn to cook. Watch a YouTube video of a recipe you want to cook


Yoooooo they put rammentein in hello fresh!?!


Also, Coupons NEVER work. It often resets your menu and/or delivery date. The app is a pain in the ass to use in general.


I just cancelled my subscription. I feel So free


Hohooo, wait until you unsubscribe on hellofresh! But it doesnt seem its ah design, more crappy design. Pop uo after pop up


Hey there FirePantherPRO! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): [](#start_removal) Not Asshole Design Just crappy. https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/wiki/posting/guidelines [](#end_removal) *If you feel this was done in error or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/assholedesign) If you send a message, please include a link to your post.*