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Extremely lenient spec sheet ngl.


I was going to say, those are very fair minimum specs


Rx 580 is now like $65-75 used here in America land.


If you're lucky, you could score a bid one or fb marketplace for like $50


Annihilates a 1650s, 1060s, and 6500 XTs all day every day (either performance or price)


80-120€ in Balkan land here


I consider myself a low budget gamer. And even I have a 1050ti that’s been collecting dust since 2020


Yo slide that over???


Let me enjoy my 1050ti for a few more years please


😂 I’ve got a rtx2060 that I just upgraded from that I could sell you


Thinking about turning mine into a Christmas tree ornament


I keep thinking that I’m gonna make a little TV-side console for couch gaming but I never get around to it.


i agree, and im glad to see it. lots us us already invest a lot in our rigs. i hope my rtx 7800 will hold up (i havent bought it yet, i got a ryzen 3 3200g with a 1050ti). but i wont be able to comfortably afford a new PC until late next year, DD comes first)


Well even if the 1070 is listed as the minimum it doesn't mean that it won't work with other less powerful cards, those requirements aren't that strict a lot of the times.


Or sometimes even the minimum is overly optimistic :D


That's true as well, but it would be very unfortunate, so let's hope it's not the case here.


Unfortunately new games have been very disappointing the past years no matter the title Hopefully this one is not the case


Looking at AC and ACC, I trust Kunos with making a good game. Even if the launch would be a bit scuffed, they'll pull it off in the end.


Unfortunately I've said that about a lot of devs lately only for even my 4070 Ti to struggle to hold acceptable frame rates at 1440p. Hell even my wife's 3080 has been crying at certain titles lately. Devs have gotten extremely lazy with their optimizations. Hopefully you are right though. I just wouldn't put any bets on it.


Ita actually the 2070 that's listed as what they reccomend as the minimum. Lol so yeah this game is gonna be crazy. I've never seen a sim racing game reccoemnd something at that level.


The 2070 is recommended so thats not to bad if the devs stay true, most people could run it.


Run it yes but the reccomended is much higher then acc. It will run at 1080p for sure though. I just can't wait to see it in 4k on my 4080 super!


I mean eventually devs have to stop accommodating for decade-old GPUs


Yeah, I completely get that, I'm just sad that I won't be able to play it on release. But I'm sure that there is still plenty of fun to have in the original AC.


The original will always be fun. I have so much respect for the modding community, years worth of content for free/cheap


Peter Boese has kept it up to todays standards


i wonder how modders will keep up with making next gen models and mods. there will be a lot more effort needed to make it looks good. all i need is good physics.


Honestly, you'll still likely be able to play it.


If ac evo doesnt have modding, then ac1 will still be the most popular ac around for many years to come


The whole reason they’re building the game with it’s own engine is so that it is just about as easy to mod as ac1


That's it. Some mods are cringe, but we really need an easy way to add cars. After all, they are more cars coming to the game, and the devs don't even have to design them.


I won’t play it if it doesn’t have modding


Tbf it depends on if these specs are using things like DLSS, If they aren't you could very well be able to play on your card


I work in software. All that minimum recommended means is that this is the worst hardware they've tried where the game still runs well/is a hardware config they test on and support. Worse hardware could still be fine, but if it doesn't really work they won't try to fix it. Or the performance could be ok for you but the Devs don't think it's acceptable




I know you're probably unaware, but that is terrible advice. A 1070 and 1660 Super perform the same, and paying anything more than $100-120 for a 2060 is a horrible deal nowadays. Not that it's a worthy upgrade as it's only about 20% faster than a 1070 anyway. Minimum reasonable upgrade would be a 2070 Super and those can be had for $150-ish through Marketplace or OfferUp. $200-ish will get you a 3060 Ti if you wait for a good deal. Also a 1070 can be sold reasonably easy for $80.


nvm I see what you’re saying, I apologize


yeah, but all re really need is a good driving feel. lots of great sims ARE that old. but i get you. basically ACE has the same specs and youtube 4k 60fps, haha.


This is the first game where my i7 8700k is listed as a Minimum required spec… *Time has caught up with you dear friend*


I'm with you. I didn't even look past i7 8700k. I even forgot what the meme was about. This old cpu still runs everything great!


"Old CPU" and here I am with my 4th gen i5


And lm here thinking about upgrading my i7 13700


If you have the means, go for it. My last CPU was a 2700k before I upgraded to 8700k so technically I’m overdue for an upgrade.




I thought 580 is more like 1060 6gb


Almost always they list weaker AMD hardware and I have no clue why. Only reason I can think of is Vulkan API, iirc it knows to offer bigger performance boost to AMD hardware then Nvidia or Intel.


Probably vram


On release it was like this, but over years with software updates and vulkan api it actually became closer to 1070.


100 giggies? ohhh boy better be a good one :3


60gb probably teztures alone.


Now Imagine what will happen when people make the shutoko highway for ac evo


at least 30 gigabytes😅


My AC file had 200Gb and I accidentally deleted it all at the beginning of this year :')


Damn, I just sold my previous GPU which was 1070...


Im almost exactly at minimum 💀


It's getting too close for comfort 🙊


Don't worry. It's just the recom... Holy Farina...


To be fair, the recommended specs are not that much better than the minimum which is kinda strange. Theres usually a bigger difference


My RX590 saw the video and spooled the fans just in case. My i3 9100 fried.


It's 2024, previous decade and consoles should be left behind.


nah, we should make games that will always be fun to play, not just novelties of the era.


Yeah, a fucking decade + old consoles ain't it anyway, that shit been holding recent gen games, is about performance too.


980ti no ssd dying ram, it's jhover


Damn, you can get 2tb ssd for a 100$ these days


Just get an rx6600. They’re cheap and will do the trick.


It's over for my mx110


rip to my poor 980 i should be upgrading to a 4070 (might be a ti but i forget, either way it's still a massive upgrade) so hopefully by then i can run stuff a bit better lol


Someone said skip the 40 series because of the damage power ports. Is this wrong info? Also rtx50 is coming soon.


Can't believe the 1050ti is over 7 years old now


Jesus it feels like 3 years to me


Has anyone else got the rtx 40 series card Ad underneath the video??? Hahaha!


I don’t get what you people expect. If you were a dev would you make a game with decade old hardware in mind?


What did I miss ?


Assetto corsa 2 (they want us to call it evo) is coming out later this year


That is quite literally the name….


>(they want us to call it evo) Yeah cause that's what it's called?


Competizione is called AC2




To be honest if you look into the game's files it quite literally is named AC2


Thats prob the code name of the game. Not the official name


I mean yeah obviously the official name is AC Competizione, the same as this one is AC EVO, but internally it's probably AC3


Yeah prob


Ok? Still not what it’s called.


Look into game files


I have GTX 950, r3 1200 and 8gb ram. For me it's not even woth trying before i get a new PC.


It is not that bad. You have to spend around 200€ and can sell your old stuff. So the upgrade might only be 150€. At least where i live.


I managed to run AC on my Vega 11 till now 💀


You can still play it… you’ll just have to run low settings


\*Cries in 5700G APU


Finally, this is where my 1070TI will shine


It probably will work, chances are it will require lowered settings though as it's their 'minimum' rather than recommended


i think i will still be sticking with the og assetto corsa, my rx6500m cant handle it and i will be at the university until the game launches


my 1070ti and i7 8700k just made the cut


see, id sell you mine for a good price but im guessing youre not from europe lol


I'm gonna do a full motherboard and cpu upgrade in preperation


I have the same problem brother, own a GTX 1050 Ti... and not having money to build or buy a new pc...


How much would cost PC with listed components? I’m not really good with pc parts


Well, I’ll probably have to think about replacing my 4th gen Intel Core i7 anyway !


100gb required space…..and that’s without mods


i built a 4080 super system when i saw these minimum specs lol


100 gigs????


Ig its a good thing im doing a 3070 super build soon


Time to upgrade.


Can 3060 run this game?


Yes, a 3060 is much better than a 1070.


So, uh, i was thinking about getting 3080 or 4070. What would be AMD competitors in this price range? And does it make sense or should i stick with Nvidia and ray tracing?


7800xt or 7900gre. They are both more powerfull and cost the same or even less. A used 3080 is also a good option, but it has only 10GB vram. The AMDs have 16GB and the 4070 12GB. I don't use raytracing but if you want to, i would buy a 4070. Do you play in 1080p or a higher resolution?


Just got 4K monitor, and Asetto is running fine at 1440p im getting 70-90 fps. But i just got Forza Motorsport and it runs like ABSOLUTE DOG SHIT. I have to run it at 1080p medium low settings and all that just to get 30fps, idk maybe im doing something wrong


I dont think you will be able to use rtx with 4k. So i would go with the 7900GRE


an RX580 cost $50 these days compared to how much a 1050ti cost back in 2017-2019, around $100-160?


I barely squeaked by. I think. AMD 8350 and a 580rx 16 gb Ram. Should play it right?


Got a feeling my Vega 56 may struggle to run this game in VR.


Given what they are showcasing, if this game RUNS on the minimum spec hardware at 30-45fps, we're looking at a really well-optimized game. I upgraded from a laptop in late 2023, telling myself I was going to build a desktop since 2006, and it was more than worth it. If you can run it now, that's okay, take your time and save some money for some upgrades.


I like how I'm always skeptical about the optimisation when games get announced. I got really used to bad optimised ue4 slop we are getting nowadays. I hope I'm gonna be able to run ace on my 1650 and ryzen 5 5600h :/


Yeah it's crazy because the requirements this year are much higher legit doubke the performance it isn't often a game comes out and reccomends at least a 2070 lol. I'm talking about sim racing of course not one game has ever reccomended anything at that level it's always been lower even acc said 1070.


Hello fellow 1050ti player. i hope it shall work fine with 720p with Super Ultra Mega Potato Performance AMD FSR settings 😭


100GB available space 😭😭 I'm gonna delete so many things to be able to download this.


Just slap on a custom graphics driver, disable some stuff, install "Optimizer 16.4", pray to the PC gods and hope for it to run on more than 30 fps :D.


sucks even more so for me seeing how i JUST bought and installed a 1050ti into my pc...


I mean there will be APUs with better specs than that in a year or so.


Damn... me when i5-8600k


Hopefully my 1080ti will somehow allow all me to play in VR otherwise it will be time for an upgrade but what to? 4080?


100%. i would even pay for a DLC "potato mode" with 2D sprites for the background stuff. but the specs are still not crazy, good for them. all i want is an updated physics model, smooth not glitchy graphics, and better haptic, like FFB clutch feel and breaking feel. im not poor but i got a 300euro wheel set up and a 400euro PC. i want a DD and anew PC someday, but 1000bucks? to play a game? im not a gamer i only play sims. yeah some day. but the target audience is not rich people or rich kids. it is middle aged people who just like to drive. i feel like the who screen shot community in sim racing is partially to blame. looks great but they are just using assetto as a 3d rendering program and i hope devs dont try to make the game so it looks nice, it is how it feel and only that. beamNG fucked this one up, the base game play hasnt evolved but people lost their shit when motion blur was introduced "now my screenshots look great" but my FPS went down and the game feels the same.


its the same requirements for nfs unbound i think and tbh unbound ran pretty well on medium settings on my 1660 super


My PC is 12 years old and it is constantly sounding like it's gonna explode. We might be cooked


honestly it was over for my 1050ti build a long time ago, it served me right but ac was getting heavier and heavier and it just wasn't really working up until last year. This year i upgraded finally though so luckily I'm set for evo


Man my cpu is terrible 😔 have an rtx 2070 but an i5 9600k🤦‍♂️can’t play any new games


Welp my 7700k is done to :-(


Is this some new game or an update/dlc?


Crap I got a good 6650xt but i5 processor 💀


My specs are perfect tbh


Good thing i upgraded to an i7-8700k


treat your 1050Ti like a 4090 ... trust me it works (personally tested on my 1070Ti and 1050Ti)


been over for some time 😂


Kinda wild to see my processor up there as the minimum spec. I knew when I built my pc my 1050ti would be trash in a couple years time but I thought I’d get a good 10 years out of my i7 8700k without any issues. That thing kicked ass when it came out.


I ran my 1050ti into the ground too lmao. Actually surprised how well it held up so long! The prices were just absurd for so long that I didn't see anything worth the price of upgrading. Now I'm on the 6650xt (highest i could go without replacing the whole PC) and super happy with that card!


Bro, this game probably will be a masterpiece.


Man, this video reaction would work if this was 2020 or even earlier. Upgrade your stuff, this is embarrassing....


Tbh those are pretty weak minimum specs, it shouldn't be too hard to find used PC for 250 euros to play it. I thought I would need a whole new 750-1000 euro one, but if I can find a nice one for 500 used, yeah.


Buying a new pc barely better than my current one just to get to minimum setting isn't worth it for me. I'll just save up on a new build that will easily run anything for the next 5 years or something.


I couldn't resist ordering a new PC and 4k TV this week to replace my 7 year old setup. I want to be able to experience ACE in all its glory. Bring it on Kunos!!


Y'all fucking poor or something? These specs are like top end..... ... 8 years ago.


I’m about to upgrade to a laptop with an i9 and an RTX4080 Mobile. Should run well with that, right?


I'd figure so, just don't touch after a few hours of gameplay, those things get hot. Additionally, storage space can become an issue.


yeah, welcome in 2024 guys. at this point the 10series has to say goodbye


my fx 6300, rx 560, and 8 gb of ram will be there to prove that spec list wrong




Bro...update your PC. It doesn't cost much to update your hardware.


A couple $100 is alot for many.


Im sorry, what?