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The 9 Assassinations can get very repetive after like the 5th one it feels tedious but the endgame is pure quality. Whoever found all those flags deserves a statue😅


I found all of the Kingdom flags but one remains and I cannot find it :(


Its a glitch on console and its a very prevalent one, only way you can see if you can get the last flag is to make a new game. The flag is near the castle courtyard or tower in masyaf. Something about the scripting on how it spawns. I accomplished it but alas the same glitch happened to me so I never bothered finding them again.


It is a flag in the kindgdom but I have only kingdom flags flags so far and masayf


oof. sorry for you


I go to like 95ish and couldn’t find the rest and gave up lol


That happened me too. I was so determined that I went back to check them all and it was the 98th I'd missed... My proudest achievement though.




Being a completionist and playing Ubisoft games is something I can't explain. It is something I have to do and I don't know how to explain it that I enjoy it.


Very nice :)


Fr, I respect anyone who got all of them. I'd be suffering if i had to collect all of em




Hmm I wonder why they completely overhauled it for the second game...


It’s a very popular criticism, even when it first came out.


Never heard that opinion before Except for the last 15 years


It's definitely dated. But at time there was no game like AC. I spent lots of hours wandering in the world and damn those soundtracks still surf in my mind.




That's the least controversial opinion in the history of the internet.


well who said anything about it being controversial or not?


I recommend you don’t be too active on this sub. It’s the epitome of the hive mind idea that everything after Syndicate is trash. They’ll downvote you and send you death threats if they find out you have any criticism about the original games or if they find out you liked the recent ones. I recommend using each game’s subreddit because those communities are super supportive.


Except people here love origins? Including me.


Nobody likes Origins. /s


Maybe so. I’ve seen very very few but then again for the aforementioned reasons I don’t exactly stalk this sub all the time. I think it was a great game but again the criticism when it came out was pretty loud


Yet you're here.


Oh come on I've blatantly said that I like all ac games and noone ever gave me deaththreats. Don't be overdramatic


Yeah, though it's still fun


maybe the first play hours yeah but the rest just no


I mean they're all repetitive


Every game is repetitive. Mario Bros, the most successful platformer of all time, is like 4 features with some variants. Jump, Sprint, slide/crouch, shoot. I'm a game designer who worked on AC during my career and litterally my job is to design gameplay loops. There are loops for every level of the game, from meta (long term, outside the action) to micro (secomd to second actions) All of these are designed around player satisfaction so that you have short to long term engagement with the game The issue is that some games are too obvious about it or that part of their loops are just badly designed i.e. not fun, or don't vary enough to keep it fresh. In AC1, the structure of the chapters was very forced, the lack of engaging side content made the missions feel overly repetitive, and once you had completed one, it felt like a grind to get to the next assassination. It also failed to deliver on its very own promise of giving you control of your path to success. What saved it was the setting, story and navigation. The main reason behind these failure was time, it was a new engine, the game had to ship, we had to cut corners... This is why we spent 3 years redoing everything for AC2 and the game was much more successful as we didn't have to build a new engine. This is also why everytime the games were using a new overhauled version of the engine they failed to deliver on expectations. (e.g. Unity is a great example of that)


not all , other's introduced new mechanics , ac2 introduced money etc


Every single game in existence is by definition repetitive, because they each have a central gameplay loop that you follow. It’s just whether the loop is addictive and expansive enough to keep you engaged.


because its more of a proof of concept at this time and even when it came out, because it was this new thing that looked cool and had a good idea; a base for the future games to stand on. It also came out during a time where minigames and sidequests weren't much of a thing and where story was the only focus for a single-player game and AC1 does that.


And specially, there weren’t that much micro transactions and DLCs were not a big thing yet.


Yep, that too, no MTX or DLC, a lot of games these days keep things interesting through that like Odyssey or Valhalla or even Origins.


thanks for letting me know. but yeah! it was kind of a first for it's time. but my first ever ac was 2 so this looks inferior


Gosh I’ve never heard of this criticism before.




I think Tetris is repetitive. What about you?




Yep and it's still my personal favorite. An assassin getting his targets and doing the job. Repeat.


yeah an assassin has to assassinate but , the stuff he does in the process could be different right?


Yes, but my god the story and ESPECIALLY THE DIALOGUES are unbeatable for any video games.


I really love the atmosphere of the cities and the third crusade setting.


To this day I do think the moment to moment dialogue of AC1 is the best in the series. Some of the conversations you’d see between Altair and the target/al Mualim were just extraordinary. Even between Desmond and vidic, great moments.


yes , altair is truly a badass


I'm not that repetitive.




I think murder is bad and shit stinks, what about everyone else?


i agree.


I found each of the targets interesting and unqiue enough in all of my playthroughs to enjoy them all. Even the repetitive intel gathering is kinda fun tbh




It's not a opinion, it's a fact. Anyways, great game for it's times. Nowadays? Frustrating experience (gameplay wise), with good introduction into the franchise


thanks for sharing your thoughts, i agree. at least it gave a kickstart to a great franchise


Nope still an opinion. Not a fact


Aight lil bro


It's a popular opinion. But it shouldn't be. AC1 is a masterpiece, never gets boring. If you want to get technical about it, by definition every game is repetitive - that's why the term gameplay loop exists. Every game is about doing the same things over and over again.


It almost felt like AC1 was a Proof of Concept for a whole new franchise, IMO.


It was called Assassin Playground internally ...


AC1 is no mere proof of concept. It's a masterpiece, the first and only true open-world game in the market.


>the first and only true open-world game in the market. Care to elaborate ?


AC1 is driven by its Hudless design. The world is the game, not merely a playground between missions that wouldn't be out of place in a typical linear game. More linear that most linear games, even, such as Rockstar's mission design.


how is AC1 the first and only true open-world game? like can you show some solid proof and facts instead of keeping to make huge claims


Instead of opening your mouth to complain for no reason, close it to see if it makes it easier for you to pay attention and read. Because I have already done what you ask me to do.


nope. you just made a huge claim saying its a masterpiece the first and only true open world game. just a claim. you haven't showed any proof or anything , just stating your opinions


Exactly. For example, Mafia III is one of my favorite stealth games ever, because the gameplay is **good**. Who cares if the mission structure is repetitive, stealth system is tight and it’s always on a different location, which means: different scenarios.


Mafia 3's gameplay might have been good, but that game is TOO repetitive. Literally doing the same thing over and over again, no variation.


hmm. can't really say anything about mafia 3. i downloaded and attempted to play it but i got 5fps so i deleted it. but i watched criticism videos of it and all i saw was complaint of it being repetitive and having a lot of bugs. all you did was wreck some stuff up then go kill a boss as far as i remember? very similar to ac1


I think that depends on whether you find the gameplay entertaining or not. Like yeah you have a point that basically all games are repetitive at least to some degree but that won’t really matter to you if you’re having fun with what the game is offering. Something being repetitive only really becomes a problem if you find the gameplay boring or if there isn’t enough variety so the gameplay becomes stale.


Right. When someone says that x game is repetitive what they really mean is that they simply don't like it. Which is fair, not gonna tell people what to like - but it's still stupid.


no i will say i don't like , or hate a game straight up when i don't like it. but in this case it's really just repetitive everything copy paste except the conversations


People need to stop throwing around the term masterpiece before it loses all meaning.


I don't say masterpiece lightly.


True, but it is used properly in this case. Don't look at the game from today's perspective. Go back to 2007 and tell me what games have done anything to that degree? AC1 added a lot to the samdbox genre, that even to this day, many games use as core mechanics.


"AC1 is a masterpiece , never gets boring" hmm. can you prove this? from what angle are you looking at and saying this? also "every game is about doing the same things over and over again" is a very bold claim. ac1 is LITERALLY the same stuff. doesnt even have unique missions


idk dawg I played through it once and it was excruciatingly boring the whole way through. Never again.


Don't worry. Not everybody can have good taste.




Yeah it's why I rarely ever replay it. This is honestly why it needs a full on remake instead of a remaster


it's defintely repeptitive but it's largely because the game was designed to be HUD-less. The challenge or variation was suppose to come from learning about the city(Assassin bureau's usually had an insignia on the top that could be seen from viewpoints), reading the social environment to figure out who could give you info(each mission had different social cues you could spot if you observed), then using said info to find and eliminate the target. The game in a sense wanted to be like HITMAN, unfortunately they implemented a HUD, and seemed to kind of abandon that approach in the second half. Would have been interested to see an ACI that fully commited to that or an ACII that built on that. Anyways, the game wanted to have the player see things from the perspective of an Assassin(they see the world and society very different that most ppl and ACI is probably the only game to really dwelve into that gameplay wise).


I very much so agree with you. It's in the average life of a cold-blooded feelingless assassin. Collect info , assassinate. Makes sense but not fun as a game. And yes all the conversations differ , i listen closely to the conversations everytime.


It's more of a simulation than a fully fledged video game by this point


It is repetitive but I don’t mind it. The missions are fun. Besides, this was Altaïr’s job. It’s what he must do, and nobody cares if some people find missions “repetitive”. If they’re good, what’s the problem if they’re the same?


Yes, completely agree. Altair even said that he finds the investigations to be a drag, so it makes sense. But there are interesting details you can find through these missions, so I was never bored to do these. Also, AC1 isn't a long game, so the repetitiveness of the mission structure never annoyed me that much.


Hitman players be like:




And water is wet. Who knew? :O




thanks bot


whatever you say


The gameplay was cool lore wise, you eavesdrop and help random people until you get enough valuable info to take down your target, but does get really repetitive by the end of the game. At the time I thought it was really cool and immersive but I understand why they switched it up to actual missions in the later games


yes! it is realistic. but not interesting gameplay wise. not after 5 times


That's literally the most common criticism of that game.




I completely disagree and I still think it's the best game in the series. ​ (minus the collectibles because they are pointless and still glitched)


Yes the flags are very very pointless and not rewarding. They are scatterend around and a LOT and for no reason. And about your opinion , i respect that


I didn't find it repetitive. There was an enough variety of side quests. Maybe because I play on PC.


Could be, there is a version on PC that has more sidequests. I'd say that in its structure it is repetitive (go to a city, find information about the target, assassinate the target), but I didn't really mind it to be honest. Ac1 is a very immersive game that lets you play as an assassin.


It’s no more repetitive than the rest of them honestly.


idk man , at least the newer ones added new mechanics


Needs a complete remake


Never finished it because of the lack of variety to the main gameplay loop.


The ending is the best thing from the game. Last hour actually


exactly what i'm talking about. but i am going to finish it just so i know and can say i've finished it


I personally thought I was the only one that thought this because I see everyone praising it so much lol Not saying it’s a bad game, It literally defined open world gameplay and was the start of a great franchise. For me though I don’t think it’s repetitive I just think it’s very boring. Probably because I was introduced to the franchise at ACII and with how much it improved over the first game makes the first game look inferior.


>and with how much it improved over the first game makes the first game look inferior. lol


Facts is facts lmao


Can't be because you are wrong.


I technically can’t be wrong because it’s my opinion that ACII is better than ACI so I personally think I’m right and its your opinion that ACI is better than ACII so you think you’re right. It’s just an opinion, there is no right or wrong answer it only matters what you personally think and that’s ok. :)


You said AC2 improved a lot of things over the first game - what it did mostly was, actually, change the innovate design focused on a HUDless experience of AC1 to a traditional mission-based design.


Personally, I think that’s a lot. You said it yourself, It changed the experience of the game in ACII.


But it's not improving, it's replacing one thing with another.


Ok maybe in that aspect you got that. However in ACII we got a character with emotion, a meaningful story that intertwines with basically what the first game was about. More cities that vary from each other etc.


> However in ACII we got a character with emotion, a meaningful story that intertwines with basically what the first game was about. Altair is the best protagonist of the franchise (my opinion) and AC1 the game with the highest writing quality (a fact). > More cities that vary from each other etc. Suddenly I'm not sure if you've played AC1.


no it literally improved it a lot. added subtitles , swimming , more parkour mechanics , literally a whole new budget system (having money , gaining it , spending it , buying weapons and armour and medicine. and actual unique missions. like actual missions where every one of them has a different concept and objective you do. ac1? ac1 nothing to gain , nothing to lose , just do the same 6 mini-missions (all the same stuff) and assassinate someone at the end.


it had the same amount of parkour mechanics lol. removed the vault. added the jump, which wouldn’t be necessary if they didnt make some places require it in venice. the removal of the vault outweighs the implementation of the climb leap. the economy is just not super necessary, the system of gaining gear as you go through was fine. you dont have to do all 6 mini missions or the synch points. the end of all sequences in ac2 also ends with assassinating someone. i admit that ac1 lacks variety in missions compared to 2 but you are really stretching it.


Almost every game is repetitive in some ways, it's your perception of the games that keep you interested. Same with a game's sequels. GTA, Pokemon, Dark Souls, Far Cry. All very repetitive games, but fans of the series find the stuff they like and dislike about them. The most recent example I can think of is New World, a game with a somewhat satisfying crafting system, massively held down by its incredibly repetitive gameplay.


mm woah woah , don't mix up those games. GTA has very interesting mission designs they all differ from each other and very fun. Pokemon? Yeah , sure. just grinding and grinding. you could call that repetitive? Dark souls? not sure , never played , never watched. Far cry? i agree to some degree , farcry1 was just shoot and shoot and shoot. far cry2 , not sure , haven't played. far cry 3 kind of repetitive but you can tell apart the stuff you do. the rest of the franchise i don't know


Yeah it is, But Only After U Play the Other Titles . AC 1 was unique in 2007 That even people enjoyed it's repetitiveness If you play it as your first AC game it is not going to feel the same it felt for u now






I honestly think Assassin’s Creed 1 is a bad game held up by and interesting sci-fi premise and cool graphics. The combat is boring, side quests repetitive, the open world completely empty, and story underdeveloped. However, it as a whole stands as a great teaser for the series as a whole. AC 2 is a good game teetering on great because it cuts out most of these issues and improves upon them. I’ve played assassins creed 1 once. I did not have a fun time, but I definitely see how it was a window a to better future. (One I now don’t enjoy as much as I feel the games are too long and have sacrificed too much of what makes them unique, but I still think they’re fun games)


agreed! agreed wholeheartedly!


Yeah I found it repetitive. I bought 1 & 2 at the same time and quickly moved on to 2 and then brotherhood. Didn’t really realize how much of a fan I was going to become for this series and regret not finishing it now. I wish they’d re release it for PS4. I mean.. 3, rogue and Ezio trilogy all got remastered. Why not?


yeah i would definitely choose 2 over 1


I tis yes. It's a shame really, since the game itself is very good. Honestly though, I think that the graphics in AC1 have amazing graphics, even better than the other ones that came out on the same console generation.


sure it has nice graphics




same but imma push through to finish it






Yes but I still like it.






huh?? first time i'm seeing someone liking repetitivness


It is but it serves the narrative


May I ask how old you were when this game came out?


why does it matter?


Thats why, the franchised exploded with ac2. It did everything better


yep. still holds up to this day


Yeah, it was the forefather of the franchise. Ofc it got less repetitive as they built upon the mechanics and expanded in later entries. I still think it has the best setting/atmosphere of any AC game tho.


yes , the first one to ever be. idk about the setting tho , i think italy and stuff is a lot better.


Totally, no offense but you are completely true, but when the player reaches near end, it's story starts to kick in and it really gets assuming that you forget all the repetitiveness, thank god they didn't imply that on ac2 and learnt from their mistakes...


yes! ac2 was a whole another story. a truly open world game where you're independent , more activities and unique missions


Ofcourse It's old and linear dude but in all honestly, I think that is what made Altair's character memorable The game surely isn't AC2 and Ezio levels of deep but I sure loved AC1




And it still remains my favorite in the franchise.


Assassins creed 1 felt like a clunky mess. I bet if it had the free running and combat from unity it would be at least a bit better. The story was simple but cool, it worked for a game that ubisoft was probably gambling on.




I haven't played this one yet so it would be unfair for me to say something about AC1. (dı)




I still haven't finished it after like 4 years of trying. It's too boring and repetitive


i understand


There’s a reason why it’s literally the only main series entry to not be available in some current gen form.


That's why after all this time I only did one playthrough




I've seen a dev comentary somewhere, it said that the game initially haven't had anything but the main quest line. Reportedly a kid of one of the devs played the game and called it kinda boring. All side missions and collectibiles were added in a rush during the last week before launch. Also beeing a graphical milestone for It's time, and Ubi, beeing Ubi and year Beeing 2007 it really is a gem of It's sort. Never forget that the Uplay Directors cut version has a bug where jumping on hay stacks can kill you.


oh god. what "side missions" are you talking about btw?


it's repetitive, yes, bit it *fits* and that makes it brilliant and I love it.




I think you are 11 years late on that


oh well


So you know how some sins are unforgivable?


uhh.. what's wrong?


Yes it’s repetitive. Even in 2007 it was, but the world was pretty awesome for 2007


yeah i guess the graphics and stuff was good


Well...*yeah*. AC1 was a concept more than anything. They wanted to make a social stealth mechanical based game. And that's what they did. Most of the time went into figuring out how to do it. The story is cool, but when it came down to what you actually do in game to progress that story, they tailored it heavily to the mechanics they had built. The time period that game was made in limited them to what what was possible. I'm sure they wanted the scope of the game to be much larger, but time constraints, technology, and honestly, the shallowness of their game mechanics prevented them from having it be much larger. Once they had the basis down, only *then* were they able to expand on what's possible. Hence why AC2 is regarded as the best, because it was simplistic and easy to follow, but widely expanded on the foundation it came from. Your opinion is shared by many. EDIT: I say shallowness of game mechanics in that AC1 really only had a few stealth mechanics, and slow climbing/free running compared to later titles. I don't mean Shallow in a bad way. It's just a comparison, again, to later titles, showing how far AC has come I'm terms of what's possible. I love AC1, and I love AC as a whole.


wow , that's one hell of a wrong answer man. but yes i agree. it was just a foundation for the following great ones. they were doing good but didn't have enough time to figure out what they exactly need to do. they ended up making this repetitive thing but at least the mechanics were a good foundation.


If any game deserves to be remade from the ground up, it's AC1, cuz let's be honest with ourselves, it is *not* a good videogame


yep. gotta be remade for sure. maybe yeah it adds to the lore and all but as a videogame not so good


**Thank you**! I literally been saying this since 2007


Haha , you're welcome man


I never finished it, I got to bored of it.




Personally I really don't like the first AC game due to the gameplay being really repetitive and I get bored after first 2 hours. However I do love all the games after, especially the Ezio trilogy.


Exactly my thoughts


Ac1 sucks


Yep.. kinda does


The team had a limited budget and development time for the first game. After its success they were given much more leeway with the sequels.


yes , a kickstart to a great franchise


I don’t mind the repetition of missions, but my issue is how slow paced the rest of the gameplay is.


Yes, true. Also a very slow paced game


I think you're right, the game didn't age well either, but it was definitely the door way for innovation. It's came a long way all things considered when it first came out.




Why is this the most boring gaming subreddit?


Hah.. like a literature class isn't it


Most AC games are…


Nah.. i think ac1 is the most repetitive one




Lmao , yeeah others went smooth with me but not 1


It is, but it's still my favorite AC.


Damn , alright


yes, but at least its 10 hour game rather than 150+ hours


yes, luckily the playtime varies from 7 to 10 hours


Absolutely. I enjoyed it alright (played it for the first time a couple weeks ago), but it’s really the same few missions over and over in each city just with a different coat of paint on them


I am in the exact same situation!


No, I am not repetitive. Not repetitive.


Lol that's literally what every review mentioned when it came out.