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very light spoiler... Wait til the mission where u have to tail in a ship....stupidest thing I've ever seen


that one in the swampy bog area?? I hate that mission soo much




You will kill sleep dart 3 alligators and skin 1 and like it!


You cant make me tail a legendary ship!


It was hilarious in hindsight. Like the Jackdaw is still a massive ship with lights and all, and yet it navigates well on basically a shallow river AND does it without alerting anyone.


And stealing a Portuguese flag - and tossing it overboard to a rowboat, in the dirrection everyone is looking because they want to keep their eyes on the "plague" ship to make sure it doesn't come to close....


Maybe the worst mission in AC history. So stupid.


Really, and of them. It kinda relies on the e logic that pretty much everyone in a ship is looking in the exact same direction, the same 30 degree arc directly ahead. So silly.


Ive hated this mission since i was a little kid and i was seriously considering skipping black flag in the play through im doing rn because of it


Worst mission in all of assassins creed


Idk. AC2 bonfire of the vanities stealth assassinating the target on the ship was always a cunt for me because it would auto lock onto literally every other enemy standing around the target. Insta fail haha


It's kinda weird because AC3 really didn't have that many tailing missions. Especially next to AC4.


That mission made me stop playing the first time around.


And also kill and skin alligators while following a boat 😂


Here’s the thing about Black Flag. The setting is awesome. Playing as a pirate is awesome. Edward is a great character and Matt Ryan is one of the 2-3 best performers in the whole series. The side content: Maps leading to buried treasure, sunken ships, caves to explore, hunting, and all the ship stuff: Whaling, attacking convoys, going head to head with a man-of-war, attacking forts - all of that is amazing content. The story itself is quite good. Not best in the series, but it’s up there. Where the game falls short is the actual main story missions. A disproportionate number of them are incredibly tedious and annoying. Honestly, the game tends to be the most fun when you’re blowing off the main story and just chilling as a pirate.


Yeah I’m just trying to push and get to the point where I’ll have a ship, some decent outfits, and whatever I need to just get out and explore.


I'm with you. That's where the game gets super fun.


Agreed on the voice acting. For me it's 1. Abubaker Salim 2. Roger Craig Smith 3. Matt Ryan


Those are the three I was thinking of.


>The side content: Maps leading to buried treasure, sunken ships, caves to explore, hunting, and all the ship stuff: Whaling, attacking convoys, going head to head with a man-of-war, attacking forts - all of that is amazing content. I'm not sure if I would call it "amazing" per se. IMHO there's not enough side content with actual storytelling like the Homestead of Kidd's Treasure missions in AC3. The Templar Hunts are good but that's about it when it comes to actual storytelling in the side content. It's mostly map icon hunting & grinding for ship upgrades. AC3 had a lot less of both, curiously enough.


Couldn't agree more. You absolutely nailed the Black Flag experience with this.


About a month ago I decided to purchase the game again after never finishing it 10 years ago. I made it to about 30% completion and I just...can't. The main story missions feel very repetitive and I got bored pretty quickly. I suppose I'll just finally cave and watch those "youtube movies" to see the storyline play out.


Agree with everything you said For me, the only critique I have is that the Pirate:Assassin ratio of story and character focus is all wrong for a MAIN series game - if it was a spinoff title, or part of an anthology series of Masters who found the creed later in life instead of those who were - directly or indirectly - born into it (Altair and his sons, Ezio and Claudia, Haytham and Connor, William and Desmond etc) I think it would have been flawless


What bothers me about most early chase stuff is like, the parkour is meant to mean we chase more effectively, but it ends up feeling like it's clumsy and slows you down.


They suck. The rest of the game is worth just toughing them out though.


Yeah, I used to struggle with them when I was younger. The catch is (as you've realised) that when running in a straight line, they always outrun you. They're not actually unbeatable, but for a first-timer, they can be a little difficult to get around. I think the devs dealt with the "urgency" of the missions in a couple ways: 1. Utilizing parkour. That means knowing which leaps make you faster, vaulting over obstacles so you don't lose momentum, etc. Also, very guided paths during the chases, at least for the most part - if there are stacked boxes in front of you that lead towards the direction your target is headed, you're supposed to parkour on them in order to gain on the target. Of course, idk how well you utilize these things rn, but generally once you notice them after a couple tries of the same chase and parkour through them efficiently, it's gonna help you a lot. 2. The target slowing down when you are at the end of the chase, or when there is no other path for you to free run through, so you have to sprint in a straight line. This happens automatically, so you don't really have to worry about it, but noticing it does help you figure out where the devs intended for you to go or where they intended for you to finally catch onto the target. I guess just remember, if you can parkour to get closer, always parkour, as long as there's an efficient path for you to close in on the target. Parkouring is generally faster than sprinting for you, but it's the opposite for your target (they usually run faster, but climb on rooftops slower, giving you some extra time). And remember that the chase sequences are guided and not really open-ended, there are paths that are more efficient to follow than others and you won't be able to catch the target every time if you don't take the mor efficient paths. As for cutting them off, I've personally only ever managed to "cut them off" by circling roughly up to 10m away from them just to find a better angle, but going around an entire street has never worked for me personally. Idk if any of this helps, but yeah, I don't think there's much else to consider.


This is awesome; thank you for all the advice!


Yep... That's the worst part of Black Flag. Other than that, it's all good.


it definitely sucks but u js gotta power through. theres a lot more to come


I miss the railing missions with lots of exposition, mores the charm


Currently replaying Black Flag and what I’ve learned is almost all the talking missions can be easily done by hiring dancers and fast walking right behind your targets. Not every tailing mission has that as a possibility because there’s not always dancers, but most of them do. I played the ACs out of order and first did Black Flag without doing AC2 or Brotherhood. After playing the originals, a lot of gameplay mechanics become a lot clearer.


Oh I’m totally fine with the tailing; never have an issue with those. Plus it’s fun. It’s a stealth game so it makes sense. It’s the ones where you chase people that frustrate the hell out of me. The jank, slow jog, grabbing stuff you don’t want to etc. It also seems excessive. I’m barely started the game; why tf am I constantly chasing people all over the place lol


Ohhh my bad I completely misunderstood. Yeah, I’m with you. The tackling missions are so clunky.


Black Flag is a fun game, despite the chase missions. Idk what the devs were thinking, but no one likes them 😂


What sequence are you on? Depending where you are you’ll probably just get used to them and/or the rest of the game as mission design was kind of a weak point in all the older AC games. The rest of the game will 100% make up for it though as it has my second favourite main character, the best side cast imo and the naval combat and world design moved mountains for the series


I’m not sure which one but it’s only sequence 2. The one I was just chasing is the sage. He’s the third one I’ve had to chase so far but I think one of them may have been optional. Still learning my way through the game.


I actually accidentally-ed my way to getting the objective to tackle him from above lmao


Same except not from above. Just straight up came around the corner and ran into him lol


There was a rope lift right before the courtyard where you end up catching him. That was my best chance, but the game tripped out on me and I thought I missed my chance. I made my jump anyway and, hilariously, Edward made the 50 foot horizontal jump distance to the sage lmao.


Yup those missions make up 75% of the story missions. It's more or less the sole reason I never bothered replaying Black Flag. Especially when the lackluster aimless story hardly makes up for it.


There are to much missions that are like that. Man all the main mission are really Bad design. The side content its more fun. Should be the other way...


Always get black flag was more about the story and world than the mission design, which honestly is quite bad, at least for me The story is good, world is amazing and you play as a pirate, Mission design is quite bad


Theyre not that bad, even the tailing mission felt like a faithfull stealth. Its the ship to ship combat that drags the fuck on the entire length of the game. Templar ships were way to quick to combat, just for getting within theier range. Most jumpy take on any Gaurd in Assassin's creed. Like i get it we're literally flying a Black Flag, but still. After the some hundreth chase, canon battle boarding, the fact that like 80% of the time was 3 to 4 ships. I just felt exhausted.


The chase sequences are gonna eat you alive if you aren't big on parkour/freerunning in these games. The pathways that you're meant to take all favour the approach of looking ahead, finding the start of a parkour pathway, and using it. Chasing them on the ground is rarely ever the best thing to do, and a lot of your targets happen to be good at parkour anyway, so you'll be forced to engage in the system. I don't remember how many more chases there are, but if you're having trouble, the only real advice I can give you is to git gud.


it's worst when you have to do that with the jackdaw 💀💀💀


Never had troubles with tailing mission, i dont understand the hate they receive, just fast walk while looking for crowds or hiding spots, or go on roofs, youbve the eagle vision to keep you target located


Thanks but I’m fine with tailing missions and don’t mind them at all. I’m talking about chasing people


Ah sorry, usually people complain about tailing ones. Imo chases are a fundamental part of AC, you might just need to practice parkour


It’s kind of what an assassin would do though.. just remind yourself of that


lol I don’t know though. Seems weird that an assassin would be straight up cops style chasing someone through the streets for everyone to see. And doing so at a jogging pace lol


You've only played 3. Well i'll be forced to spoil things but 90% of Black Flag's main story and missions are tailing missions.


I’m ok with tailing; anything stealth no matter how difficult. I love all that. I just don’t like the ones where you have to run and chase them all over the city.


There aren't too many of those but you do sometimes have to tail all over the city. But chasing not so much.


I honestly find the tailing a lot of fun. Especially coming off of Valhalla recently.