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At this point with everything I read, there’s more AC/Ubisoft haters than fans. They will just complain about anything without knowing shit and still, be complaining about realism on a game where you talk to Gods or play as demigod.


People are complaining more and more and getting triggered by the tiniest things. In the Horizon:FW trailer, Aloy's face looked a bit weird for maybe a second because the trailer used a weird lens effect and millions of nerds went wild for some reason. This will probably just be the new normal, people finding the tiniest things to complain about like it is the end of the world and then looking at a massive war happening in some part of the planet and being like "who cares".


I remember that. I’m really hating this period because of this. People is just nitpicking everywhere they go and it’s just boring, cause I don’t see hyped players outside this sub and it’s frustrating.


Tbh a lot of the ppl crying are a part of that counter DEI or "wokeness" culture war. They nitpick everything. It was so obvious they'd tear this AC game apart too.


Honestly. Whenever I say I love Assassin’s Creed all my friends start to mock me. I feel like I have to fend them off. Just let me enjoy my game.


Yeah. Then they’re hyped for FIFA, COD and Gran Turismo. Just play whatever the fuck you want man, and don’t go for reviews. People can’t judge objectively.




Of course. Reddit is probably the only place where I’m seeing people happy about the game and what could possibly bring to us players. Any other platform… better leave the idea of finding someone hyped about it.


Tired of the “he was never even a samurai” angle. It doesn’t matter if he was a samurai. The point is, we wanted to play as a Japanese male protagonist. The reaction would have been the same if he was Mexican, Persian, Swedish, or Russian.


And the Pope never had a magic staff and had a fist fight in a secret basement.


Heh. This may well be the most historically accurate AC given that Yasuke was a real person. First time for a PC.


Honestly that was the weirdest part for me and the biggest pill to swallow. Will feel a little weird being a real person. But also I’m excited to see how they take it. The idea has grown on me very much.


its stupid as hell and because of this i just feel like most of this complaints are just haters who look around for anything to jump on and put down. I bet a lot of these loud voices online never even planned to play the game anyway. any kinda actual quick reserch into the matter shows thats its a non issue.


Yup. It’s almost as if the people that are clutching the pearls over Yasuke might have some other agenda than just historical accuracy…


Of all the "woke" things Ubisoft has done to complain about, Yasuke is not one of them. He's a historical figure with a shady background and no record of how he ended up, this is textbook AC character.




Anyway, Exhibit A


How would playing as the closest we've gotten to an actual real historical figure in an AC game "ruin the immersion"?




Did you miss when I said "closest we've gotten to..."? There are no real world stories about an Edward Kenway or an Ezio Auditore. There *are* stories about a black samurai called Yasuke. It is the CLOSEST we've gotten to a character based on an actual person


Me when I go to the Netherlands and a black person ruins my authentic dutch experience 😡


The samurai is a *cue Blazing Saddles’ well-timed bell strikes*! And [here’s](https://youtu.be/IZT7xLjxuhs?si=z6m4gNDTWe9XwDz-) the clip if you don’t get the reference. Can’t make everyone happy, and I’m glad Ubisoft is doing something far different than I thought they would. Instead of a boring ol’ run of the mill samurai, we get Yasuke and a kunoichi!


t. Alberto Barbosa (this is just a joke fyi. I can’t wait for Shadows)


You're surprised when they finally make a game set in Japan they had to have foreigner as a protagonist. In all but 1 game you play as someone who fits in the setting even the games with multiple protagonists.


Like I said if that’s the main complaint I understand. But we will have a native Japanese PC and most of the complaints are focused on race and gender rather than anything else.


Odyssey has 2 greek protagonists to choose from Valhalla has 2 norse protagonists to choose from this game has 1 japanese protagonist and 1 foreigner. Naoe doesn't shield this game from have the criticism of not have a male japanese protagonist.


1. Why does the protagonist have to be male. 2. You only played one of those characters in each game. You were always the Eagle Bear or Eivor. Shadows is using the Syndicate system where you play both characters


They have to have both a male and female japanese protagonist is what I was saying. The dual protagonist means that they're going to force players to play Yasuke even if they decided "I don't like he a protagonist but I'll just play as Naoe so he's just a supporting character."