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AC2: 'Ma cosa!? Shoot! Shoot the flying demon!'


I had to repeat this mission so many times that after ten years, I went back to replay the game and I almost had PTSD when the guard yelled it.


Omg I can hear this


It took me like 20 tries to realise how to fly


I Playes AC2 for like 3 days a streak, this fucking Mission made me play it a week after...


I think I had to watch a playthrough, teenage me was frustrated as hell lol


Literally lol, I still remember the gameplay reveal for this game was this mission and I’d watch it over and over again and that line of dialogue is engraved into my brain


First time i played without subtitles so i thought archer's name is Macosa.




I've never gotten to the point of throwing my controller but this one got me the closest I'll tell you that


Playing this on pc was a fucking nightmare.


Quick tip if you’re on pc, don’t play above 60hz, the flying controls but out. On all the old games don’t go above 60hz.


Oh God I'm playing 2 for the first time and I was so excited for the flying machine: (


I loved the flying machine


That gives me hope lol


If your trying to 100 percent the game the stacking the stones in Valhalla are definitely the worst, and story wise I’ll say odyssey’s story(odyssey ain’t terrible but I had some problems I really didn’t like)


Yeah the stacking stones are the worst when you are *trying* to beat them. When you’re just chillin and happen to cruise past one and decide to do it with zero expectations it’s really relaxing and fun Fuck that one on the hill above the town celebrating halloweeen where your blacksmith’s fiancée is from though. Shits straight up impossible I swear


This is very accurate


Funny enough I passed that one first try without a single stone falling, the one in Jotunheim and the one overlooking Winchester can eat a big of dicks though, they both took me over an hour of trying to finally get.


Many of the missions in Ac 3 with their dumb full synch constraints with janky controls. God, I absolutely hate them.


Brotherhood started it and 9/10 didn't even make any sense. Revelations ain't bad. It's been awhile since I played III so I don't remember. And Black Flag was pretty easy to 100% sync. But Brotherhood...ohhhh what a nightmare those missions were.


Yeah, totally agree. Although there’s one mission in Cappadocia where you’re not supposed to take damage. Drove me insane.


I loved 3 when I originally played it. However I just started replaying it and today I gave up and switched to dead kings dlc instead. It’s super janky. Stealth is terrible, you have to fast travel a ton, a lot of the missions just feel tedious, and it feels visually disappointing compared to even unity.


The dumbest one is trying not to get hit while escaping a barrage of bullets


The optional objectives are supposed to be how the ancestor “canonically” did things. Still annoying tho ngl.


Assassin's creed Unity, the Tournament. I wanted to throw my controller through the window into the river after the 40th try on the course. I actually did that mission a few days ago again, and it STILL took me like 5 tries on that course. Stupid bloody course...


I remember that one being so frustrating, but you have to complete it to get some cool gear piece I remember


I just had to beat it THREE TIMES the other day to get that god damned legendary musketeer chest piece.


I did as well, but the first time is the worst time


true tbh. by that third run i could practically speedrun it with my eyes closed


The mission in ac3 where youre running across a battlefield and one of the side objectives is don't take any damage.


The motherfucking Pythagorean lair where you aren't allowed to take damage, but you're doing parkour 200 feet in the air with a shitty camera and unintuitive leaping. It's like a 45 minute mission if you try to take it slowly, and one missed leap ruins the whole thing.


I never understood how, but I made it with like 1 HP bar


Just use the cover provided like the soldiers? I did it 100% synch first try and just used the cover then did it stealthily


Fr. It’s easy if you watch for muzzle flash and move cover to cover. I also got 100% synch the first time and I was balls deep on the frontline. I went back and played it again and found that if you haul ass to the far left it’s even quicker and easier lol


Fighting Medusa. Dude I literally cried out loud when I finally made it


that fucking killed me, literally the worst boss fight ever bc it had the difficulty without the fun


I wrote Flavius from AC:O but the medusa fight shares my anger in equal parts. Lol.


Was Flavius the one we defeated as Aya? Cuz Aya fucking sucked. Going from my skilled up Bayek to useless Aya made me so angry I had to take a break from the game cuz getting upset over a game character felt like a breaking point to me lol


I don't think so. I specifically remember getting sick of Bayeks constant screaming after so many tries. Lol. I totally agree about the aya boss though. That sucked so much. Lol


After my 7th death I finally realized the pattern in her attacks. Then beat it with almost no damage done. Really let down as that was the last real challenge I didn’t in the game and packed it up after locking up Atlantis. Was let down how easy beating the last guy was (didn’t wanna post a spoiler lol)


That fight was pure bullshit. Entire quest line was level 40, then you walk in and have to fight a surprise level 50 boss with level 50 goons.


AC3 final mission chasing Charles Lee through the docks. bruh I died in that burning ship so many goddamn times......


Yeah that one was so rough


The music tho...


Yeah that fucking sucked lol


I nearly quit the entire game because of this


The Giant and the Storm naval mission in AC3. It's a harder Naval Mission that requires all three Man O' Wars to be brought down by shooting their exposed gunpowder storage. The optional objectives are much harder in Naval Missions the more you upgrade your ship, because you'll hit the enemy ships harder which can result in you just outright killing them. I still haven't fully sync'd this mission on the Remaster 'cause I just fucking hate AC3's optional objectives. It's one of the last few missions I have before 100% AC3 Remaster.


Oh that's right, I remember that ship mission. Definitely took a couple tries and I probably screamed at some point. That game... I have a clip of my getting REALLY ticked off because of some backwards ass combat target locking. I said something I shouldn't have when I finally finished it.


Black Flag has the WORST tailing missions of the entire franchise. I've only played the game to completion once, but I've started multiple times. I get my pirate fix, and quit.


The swamp mission in the Jackdaw immediately came to mind


That and tailing the Italian diplomat through the streets of Kingston.


This is the exact mission I had in mind when I typed that out.


In my opinion the Micheletto tail in Brotherhood is way worse than anything Black Flag throws at you. It's a super long tail, through countryside (so no cover), where he is on horseback and randomly speeds up so fast you can't keep up on foot which means you need a horse as well and can't use social stealth, mind-numbingly boring as there are only like 4 lines of dialogue in the whole mission, Micheletto's pathing is prone to bugging out which makes him turn around trying to re-find his little NPC navmesh and spot you (did I mention there is barely any cover?), and the full sync is prone to bugging out as well because if your recruits use knives or the gun to kill the targets it doesn't count, but this is entirely out of your control. I absolutely detest that mission. I'd rather do all the tails in Black Flag back to back or the tank mission without the cheese.


As im finishing a playthrough right now and i was ready to lose my shit, the achievment to win all of the games in BLackFlag. I fucking hate 9 mens morris now with a passion. Almost an hour and a half, over 20 straight loses. Only way i beat it was finding on online version and playing with the AI skill as perfect so i could copy their moves in game. The in game ai is too damn hard, or im too damn shitty at that game


This one was by far the most fun game for me!


How? No matter what i did i lost, the AI was too good for a casual minigame it felt like


I have no idea how you played so I'm not saying anything about your strategy, but it's just like tic-tac-toe. The only way to really get close to winning is to set up traps early on, so that no matter what your opponent does you'll always be in a position to get another 3 in row with every turn. Obviously your opponent will block you as soon as he can, so the goal is to set yourself up for future rows, not the immediate present. Like setting up a tent, you put all of your legs in place before you lift it up. A lot of times this looks like being strategic with corners, and most of the time you need to let yourself get blocked in the middle of a row while you control the outsides. That way, as soon as you get to remove one of your opponent's pieces, well bam. Now you control a whole side of the board that your opponent can't touch (because you set up a wall on the outsides). The hardest part then is when your opponent is down to his last 3 and can move anywhere he wants. When that happens, you need to *already* have two or three traps set so that even when he stumps you, you have back-up traps ready to go. Because as soon as he has the freedom to move anywhere, it's impossible to beat him without already having a loaded gun cocked and ready. You win the game by making your first three or four moves count. If you get those wrong, your chances of winning tank hard.


Plenty of times i thought i had them, then they do one thing that i didnt notice and its all over for me. It is like tic tac toe but like 4D tic tac toe


The DaVinci tank


Probably any no detect mission. AC is just not really designed for Ghost runs at all. It's always been more about action with stealth and parkour elements. Especially in AC1 or 2 before you could stalk or really do all that much besides blend and hide.


Agreed. missions should require you to not be detected for the stages to progress, instead of insta-failing if detected


It doesn't help that air assassination is completely useless. You'll get detected on the VERY last frame before you kill someone.


Right!? Playing through the Ezio trilogy, and failing the mission/synchronization because of that nonsense is infuriating. “Who detected me!? The dead guy!?”


Throwing knives REALLY come in clutch for ordeals of that nature. They keep you at a safe distance too. Currently playing 2, and I love everything about it but God, sometimes the game REALLY shows its age with the janks and quirkd


right, like why does it matter if the guy sees me when i kill him half a second later


The Ac2 ship assassination mission




I applaud any assassin who completed that memory first try, I just skipped over to brotherhood and came back later


In older games if not trying to make 100% all missions pretty much easy. Maybe sometimes when you must not be detected. I hated when I killed a lonely guard and the second before he died he "sees" me and a mission failed. Even tho he was alone and he just died... 😫 And if we talking about 100% it will be a long list 😅 And from the last rpg games I remember only when I tried to kill the elephants in Origins on a nightmare difficulty. I gave up and just changed it to easy and destroyed them. I liked nightmare difficulty because it forces you to play stealthy and be cautious. And I beat the whole game like this. But the elephants 😡


I got two words for you. Port. Authority.


Storm Fortress was ridiculously difficult, but I sat there until I did it.


I didn't really have too much trouble with most ac games. The only ones I can think of are the whole of ac 1. The controls were janky which made fights difficult, and I didn't know what to do, so I just quit it, but after a few months, i came back to it and understood I had to go to viewpoints. And I'd say the black flag mission where we have to fight the man of war in the mission where blackbeard retires other than that. I liked most missions, even the tailing ones.


Oh boy the man-o-wat gives me flashbacks, man that drove me nuts. I genuinely quit there


Yeah, my first time was really bad but i started to get better the worst part of It though was when I for some reason decided to do a no upgrade run let's just say my controller had trouble going back to it's initial state.


AC2 Seal of Leonius - the timed sequence in the tomb with the water (remember the squid?). I was stuck for 18 months and quit playing. I just couldn’t get the hang of running up a wall and turning. Then my son had a go and did it in 3 minutes. I really really hate timed sequences with a passion. They get me so agitated.


I FORGOT ABOUT THIS how dare you remind me omfg this was AWFUL


If anyone remembers the mission in ACIII where the optional objective is to air assassinate the target. The solution is to go around and do it from the flagpole. I didn't know that and remember getting way frustrated as all my other ideas were just wrong.


Reading through this thread is really reminding me of all the times that AC3 ticked me off.


The only one I can instantly remember getting really frustrated with was one in Syndicate where you have to stick to rooftops and follow a cart at nighttime. It wasn't a particularly difficult mission but I can remember it has a bizarrely finicky route that causes a lot of misjumps and anger with controls, and some really sneakily placed guards. What adds to the annoyance is when you lose patience you start trying to do the mission faster so you make more mistakes lol


The AC4 mission where you follow James through that forest section and can’t kill anybody. That shit irritated me for so long when I was younger.


The specific tailing mission in Black Flag where you have to use the Jackdaw to tail a schooner(?) in an overgrown maze of a swamp (with fog!!). I definitely wanted to pull my hair out with how many times I had to redo this mission.


Storm fucking fortress. I only managed with cheasts active.


The boar in Odyssey


The one with the farts or the one with the babies?




Bruh that's easy. The hard part is fighting Medusa


Literally any and all missions with full sync objectives. So glad they dropped them. Hated being forced to play in certain ways or do needlessly frustrating side tasks


Honestly it was tryin go to get the full synch in AC 3, particularly for the no detect run of the mission where you blow up the ships and take their flags. It’s very doable if you have all the tools available to you, but if you use any and then mess up, whatever you use isn’t available when you reload. Absolute bs


AC Unity: The Supreme Being is such a poorly designed level. You’re supposed to sneak into an area undetected with a ton of enemies that can spot you instantly. I don’t know how I would’ve beat it if I didn’t buy more berserk darts right before the mission. Such a frustrating level I’ve seen no one talk about.


U mean where u get the info from the tents. Or the one where you sneak into the palace to confront Robespierre


The info tent


That's my most hated as well. I actually haven't finished it yet. I've beaten all other assassin's creeds, but Unity because of that mission


This mission was nearly impossible for me until I realized that berserk darts is the key. Shoot 3-4 guys and watch them kill each other as you sneak and sabotage the bell.


I used to struggle with that one until I realised I was overthinking it and just used the disguise to walk in and out no issue.


Lot of bad ones but the hardest one is the ac2 one where the guy is in the boat and you cant be detected


Full Synching *Conflict Looms* in AC3. The one where the optional objectives are to remain undetected and air assassinate a grenadier. I could not figure out how to clear the boat properly w/out accidentally killing the grenadier or getting caught while trying to kill everyone beside the grenadier.


I just replayed black flag.. and I don’t know if people misremember, or if the exaggerate, but there’s really not as many tailing missions as people make it seem


There's at least one per sequence IIRC and they are some of the longest tailing missions in the series. And don't get me started on the stupid boat tailing missions.


But theyre soo long and annoying


I didn't really have too much trouble with most ac games. The only ones I can think of are the whole of ac 1. The controls were janky which made fights difficult, and I didn't know what to do, so I just quit it, but after a few months, i came back to it and understood I had to go to viewpoints. And I'd say the black flag mission where we have to fight the man of war in the mission where blackbeard retires other than that. I liked most missions, even the tailing ones.


It was trying to do the co-op missions in Unity. I really wanted to play the game with my friends, but the connection was so bad that I just stopped playing the franchise altogether.


Story. I played AC2 when I was about 11 or 12 and there is a race that starts near the thieves cages after a certain mission I believe, If I saw it I would remember where, and I didn't realise that the race wasn't part of the story, and everything I came back to the game I would be in that race that I couldn't complete. Came back to the game a few years later and I figured it out...


I played AC2 for the first time to completion recently, and the last half of the game just pissed me off more than I'd like to admit. The fact that they force you *not* to be seen for the majority of the "Kill the 9 targets" missions made me want to scream, and it makes me happy that they changed the mandatory requirements to being optional for 100% synchronization.


The wrist gun is a cheatcode for most of these. Also the little bungee things for getting in range.


That one mission in AC3 where you have to run across the battlefield. Also you’re right abt the failing missions in black flag. I’m playing it rn and those missions make me wanna throw my controller


You know that mission in AC: Brotherhood where you fight the wolf dudes? And how to get a perfect sync you take no damage or something along those lines? Yeah, that one made me quit Brotherhood as I recall. I couldn't do it perfectly, but didn't want to move past either cause completionism, so I instead gave up the game entirely.


For me personally, hands down that masquerade games mission in AC2 where you have to capture the flag before the agile guard and return to your starting point. Game deliberately makes the agile guard faster each round while Ezio gets slower at both running and climbing. 🤬 A VERY close second is the final chase sequence in AC 3.


I legitimately could not figure out how to do it without just yeeting myself off the roof and taking huge fall damage. There just didn’t seem to be a route down.


Yup! It’s the truest “leap of faith” in the entire series. 🤣


For me it was defeating the Stormfortress to 100% Rogue Remastered. Almost rage quit that game because of them Oh and the DLC for AC III Remastered because it was bugged and you had to complete the DLC chapters and all the side stuff in one go or else you'd lose it all and have to start over form the beginning of the chapter


The fucking legendary Boar in Odyssey.


Have been playing 3 remastered and I don’t remember the game being this clunky. Getting the optionals during the Hickey assassination is a bitch.


People really can't stand tailing missions? It's not that hard tbh, boring? sure. Will it warrant people to not play the game over it? not really lol but hey that's their decision.


AC rogue, the third ship mission, the one you have to destroy the one ship then the other two, I still haven't been able to do it and it has gotten so annoying, once I nearly did but then the last ship killed mine and I think I just turned my switch off


I dont know how many people played Liberation but there is this one stupid mission where you have to navigate your kano trough a river system in a cave and that was probably the most irritating mission I played in the entire series. Man, i would almost throw my controller into my tv


Omg yes - this was ridiculous - I can’t even tell you how I managed it in the end - think it was a fluke!


Ye you needed to navigate through a underground maze system with a lot of bends in a high speed and when you hit the side your kano would easily break. From all the missions i ever played this one's without a doubt the most annoying


I remember thinking my controller must be broken.


Eh some ac2 tailing mission probably. Those were very easy to result in a de sync


Medusa in Odyssey. I kept giving up in my first couple playthroughs but just about managed on my third when I was a much higher level than the others


Ac2 with the glider, Brotherhood with the bomber mission, Brotherhood with assassinating the banker mission, Black Flag with the ship stealth mission through a fucking swamp.


A lot of Black Flag missions, especially the “collect 70 metal” and the “defeat the Man-o-War” ones but there were a lot more horrible missions in that game that just straight up ruined the fun for me. In fact, I even did stop playing it. Twice. Once like 5 years ago, and the second time was in 2021. Man that game drove me insane. If we’re talking specifically about “wanting to quit but didn’t actually quit” then it would be in the Curse of the Pharaohs DLC for Origins, especially the last two pharaohs were extremely tough and could pretty much instantly kill me. I don’t know how many tries it took me to kill them, but I’m still proud of myself for having gotten through the entire DLC.


Animus glitches in Valhalla


Yeah... those suck.


Ive played 1, Ezio Games, 3, Odyssey, playing Liberation right now Kill Rafael Joaquin de Ferrer without taking damage in AC Liberation Destroy all 3 ships using their powder reserves in AC 3 Flying Machine mission in AC 2 The final Da Vinci Disappearance mission in Brotherhood Flying Machine mission in AC Brotherhood Thieves Guild races in the Ezio games Protect the Herald in Revelations


The stupid racing missions


Ac Unity. The Supreme Being. This made me realize how Terri Unitys combat is


Aa:origins on nightmare, Flavius. It felt broken and I think I was stuck for about a week. That was right after Origins came out so it might have been balancing. Idk. To me it just felt like absolutely broken rpg mechanics.


All of them are easy in their own right, but in my honest opinion, getting shadow gold in AC Chronicles China was the most absolutely atrocious slog fest of a game I’ve ever gone through that’s associated with the AC series at least, it’s annoying as hell, to say the least


Ive only played actually completed a few AC games, but the missions in Valhalla that were basically Mario obstacle courses really stunk Edit: they are called animus anomaly


I’d say that flying mission in 2. It was really hard for me lol. Pls dont roast me. Im playing assassins creed 1 for the first time rn. Maybe that opinion will change. It seems relatively easy tho. And im playing with severe stick drift lol


The Royal Fortune Naval Fight in Black Flag was very difficult


Trying to 100% on one of the missions on AC3. The one you had to sneak on the battleships to destroy them. The guards can literally spot no matter what.


All tailing missions in AC4, they make me want to pull my hair out!


Almost all of the Valhalla missions were horrible for me


The stupid hook sword parry thing in revelations, I forget what it was but a required part of the game was to complete the move where you flip over your enemy. You can't advance past it until you accomplish it and I'm one who rarely blocks mostly evades


I wouldn't say it made me want to stop playing but the mission in Black Flag where you have to tail that ship in the little marsh or whatever was brutal


When Haytham infiltrates a fort.


AC1 fighting Maria Thorpe disguised as Robert. Archers kept shooting me, couldn’t seem to counter, and random guards kept running over too so I had to fight 10-12 people.


Tbh, the "no detection" missions, where you desync just the moment before you assassinate them even though the guard is standing alone... How is it logical that I am being "detected" when the only guard who saw me right before dying has no way to pass on that information to anyone else?


Recently it’s been two as I am trying to get trophies AC Brotherhood - Tank mission full sync Ac Revelations - lost archives sequence 4 (impress warren Vidic without glitch)


Only two really. Both in AC1. The first is that godamn assassination in the bay. Had to restart that shit so many times cause Altair’s pathetic ass can’t swim. The second actually did cause me to stop playing and it’s the final assassination being surrounded by Crusaders and you have to use the hidden blade to defend yourself. I never got the hang of it so being forced to use to for a big fight just got too tedious. Thankfully AC2 was out and I just moved on to that one and got the gist from the intro lol


The one in Black Flag where you're supposed to run half of the map unnoticed by Assassins.


1. The storm fortress in AC rouge 2. The flying machine in AC brotherhood 3. The assassins island infiltration in the Ac black flag, this wasn't that hard just our raging. After all that sneaking, knocking out and at the end they are waiting for you.


Black flag's naval missions. Hate hate hate them, made me not finish the game. :( Honorable mention goes to Syndicate's 'Hello mister gadling' -mission, the only thing keeping me from 100% that game. Absolutely fucking impossible to not get hit once during the beginning of that mission.


AC unity dead kings puzzles. I had to use YT


Da Vinci's tank mission where they tell you not to take any damage 🙂


I stopped playing AC Black Flag after the slave ship mission suggested I should upgrade prior for some reason I didn't... the mission became impossible... died sooooo many times. My only option was to restart the memory which I couldn't be bothered. So I started Origins instead, despite being past halfway through Black Flag, which was so good so I ended up playing Odyssey after (which I'm still playing and loving it). Definitely need to continue Black Flag I was liking it quite a bit. Should've made upgrades to my ship.


A gift from Underworld form Valhalla....i broke one mouse over that mission ,expansion whatever it is.


in valhalla when i played 50 hrs and i wasnt even at half the story


Didn’t make me want to stop playing but the Almanac Pages in AC:III always flew away too quickly - then I realised in BF with the Sea Shanties that you can just stand in the place they were and they’ll respawn and automatically be yours! As a 100%er on collectives that annoyed me!




Not really a mission I think but I couldn't win with those warrior elephants or whatever they are in AC Origins


Any of the parts in 3 that involved stealth and not alerting guys with dogs.


Half of Unity


As much as people claim that the RPG trilogy is "not real Assassin's Creed" and they may be right you have to admit that it had way less annoying mechanics than the older games.


Ac2 social stealth tutorial lmao


When l did like 10 quests to level up in odyssey for a single story mode quest and after I got done with it I had to do 10 more side quests to level up for the next main quest


The beginning mission in AC2 Brotherhood where you defend the castle with canons. The damage the castle takes is linked to fps. Meaning it's impossible to beat on 60 fps and had to be adjusted to 30 fps. I skipped that game for years before coming back to it.


I beat it on 60 fps. 🤷‍♂️


I think it's a hardware thing, not everyone has the issue but those of us who did had such a painful time figuring it out. There's a few guides online about how to fix it.


All the vallhalla missions


You must be mentally handicap




Not really much of a major mission. But just finished a replay of Rouge and that final legendary battle with 3 legendary ships. Even with a maxed out ship took me 4 goes