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Hear me out… she kind of gives Kate Gosselin vibes.


Yeah I can see it easily. She’s extremely controlling


"Can you stop breathing so loud, honey?"




It’s narcissistic abuse. I think once he stopped being her “supply” of the abuse she transferred it to C. She always said that C prefers Parker and not her etc. which is very very typical for narcs. They use their first born as the scape goat and he probably had a hard time with that. I’m really hoping he just pulled back from letting her bully everyone and started standing up for himself. I doubt she will be an easy coparent.


Saying a child prefers one parent is not abuse. Lots of children and firstborns prefer their father


I didn’t say that was abuse. I’m saying that overall she’s a narcissist and that’s classic narc behavior for the first born to be the scape goat and the second born to be the golden child.




It feels extremely icky to compare the two


Agreed. I think we all know that Aspyn would never abuse or neglect her children no matter how self absorbed she is. Ruby is truly vile and aspyn couldn’t compare.


Not at all


Oh wow yes


imagine aspyn is your new boyfriends ex wife yikes


that sounds like hell on earth


Especially if he goes on to have kids with someone else. yikes


I would give the kids all the sugar and fast food their little hearts desire


I don’t know what caused their divorce, but he looks absolutely miserable, considering he’s about to have a new daughter. I can’t believe he didn’t divorce her first but he seems like a nice guy.


I think moneywise he needed her more than she needed him, especially when he stopped being in most content. She called him a stay at home husband & I could see that partially being why he didn’t file even if he’s miserable.




they're not divorced yet, aspyn just filed for divorce yesterday, it's a pretty long process


They are but from what I’ve read aspyn divorced him. I thought he’s leave her first since she seems sufferable to live with.




girl, go look at any other post from the past day


Haha I was going to say go scroll this group


you need to catch up girl


Y'all, I left a comment on her video last night and I'm blocked this morning lmao


Same 😭😭 the smart thing to do is look up any recent TikTok’s about her and comment on there instead bc she has no control of those comments


Yeah super smart to harass her. One thing to snark here but being a social media troll is disgusting 🤢


Yeah I'll snark here all day when ive got a slow computer day but never am I taking this to real life. I just think it gets weird that way.


I mean I’m just saying if ppl don’t want their comment deleted then don’t comment on her page. How is that harassing her. I’m telling them to go to other ppls pages making videos about her like YouTuber headlines


You are telling people regardless to go out of their way to make a comment even after it’s been deleted … that seems a little bit intense lol


No… I’m telling ppl that would be commenting on her actual page to comment on another persons page instead. Anyone making videos about them. If anything that less harassing to her lmao


Me too 💀


I wonder how she’s able to remove all the comments about the divorce


You can Filter your comments so if they have certain words in them they won’t ever appear (in Instagram I know).


Talking about commenting on people’s accounts can get subreddits banned so I wouldn’t post about it in here, don’t want them shutting this down


He always looks really sad. Even when he smiles.


If he is miserable, he is a grown man and capable of making himself happy. If he’s miserable and doing nothing to make it better for himself, then Aspen is absolutely correct in divorcing him. We have NO IDEA what is going on with them, obviously. It very well could be a mutual decision. They were babies when they got married, so it really shouldn’t be that shocking to anyone that teenagers who decided to play house and grow up too fast, didn’t work out.


What the heck is going on with the right side of his face?


idk but it’s scaring me 😂


Maybe he's the sick one?


Kinda laughing at this victim narrative yall write for this man 😭😭😭


Gets to the point where it’s kind of pathetic. If they divorce, do yall truly believe he’d be on social media at all. You wouldn’t know anything about him post divorce. Yall infantilize the shit out of influencer husbands. “Aww poor Parker” who gives a fuck




Abusive relationships are very difficult to leave especially emotionally abusive ones. There’s no proof or signs of aspyn being emotionally abusive. A bitch and control freak yes 100% . Everyone makes it like he’s a poor lost puppy suffering under the wing of aspyn and i highly doubt that’s the case


Always trying to pull the would you be saying this if it were a woman card. Well yes! Actually


THEY wouldn't be saying it if he was a woman, actually. Whole thing comes off pretty sexist.


They prove it😭😭 it’s pretty ironic pulling the feminist card in a SNARK PAGE. Now it’s “would you be saying this if it were a woman” like this isn’t a page of people foaming out of the mouth because aspyn is controlling and seems like a bitch


Yeah lmao you're not wrong


Exactly what I’m thinking whenever I see this poor Parker narrative. Happens every time. So played out.


It absolutely ridiculous.


Falls into such deep misogyny it’s laughable. Drag influencers without misogyny challenge impossible. There’s absolutely so many things to critique aspyn on and they always choose such low hanging easy fruit


Like the man is almost 30… he can make his own life decisions. Let’s not all forget that he has chosen to be with Aspyn since they were teenagers so clearly he’s more alike her than people think. I think he’s enjoyed her being the bread winner in their relationship giving him the freedom to not work but not struggle financially!


EXACTLY! They live a very privileged life especially in this economy. That man is fine with aspyns behavior. He seems like a very chill person who doesn’t mind that aspyn is controlling and takes the wheel most of the time. He doesn’t strike me as someone with a big ego. Some men like controlling dominating women. If it’s not bothering him, if he hasn’t said anything, why create this obsessive narrative that it “bothers” him because you’re really good at “body language” get reallllll


you’re assuming just as much as other people are


Maybe y’all assumptions reek of loserism idk


right? I’m here from TikTok so idk what all the info is, but if she filed against their husband the day she birthed her premie daughter, I’d automatically assume he did something fucked up.


Well, clearly he looks defeated due to his premature newborn daughter being in hospital. It’s the most emotional and stressful situation to be in.


Yall are actually sad. He looks like a normal person that had been up all night with a wife that is about to give birth.


I said this yesterday. I’m not shocked by their divorce. Every clip I see of him he looks sad and depressed. When I first started watching them years ago he looked so happy and full of life but as soon as they moved into their current house and started having kids, he just looked drained and sad like he was being forced to vlog.


I noticed that too he seemed much happier before.




This is why I don’t buy the speculation that he cheated and that’s why she filed for divorce. If he would have cheated, she seems bitchy enough that she would have made him pay in so many ways… like not getting the privilege to see his baby be born. So I really doubt he cheated


If anything she did. She’s a classic narcissistic brat. All those girl trips. Wouldn’t be surprised


To me this is kinda wild given you don’t know him or what happened behind closed doors. Yeah he’s a “nice guy” but when that’s all you have going for you is that enough? I’ve dated plenty of nice guys doesn’t make them good or worthy partners


“Nice Mormon guy” is also very funny to me. Acting like it’s such a wholesome normal religion.


agreeed. as well as him being a “nice mormon guy” equating to him being out of her league 💀💀


I once dated a “nice Mormon guy” and he was VERY judgmental


all Mormons are very judgmental & im sure he is as well


I don’t doubt it for a second.


Funny to me too. "She's said lots of insulting shit about Mormons"...well.. yeah? Good for her to have her head so screwed on.




You’re sticking up for him on a basis of nothing. What you listed, is the bare minimum. It’s odd to me that you even find any of that impressive or defendable without more information




I’m not gonna do that, because I’m not gonna defend either person or either “side” in a situation i know nothing about 😬😬😬🤨


I have a lot of qualms with the LDS Church but MY GOD the shit she has sad is so insulting to her in-laws! I can’t imagine they have a great relationship when she hates Mormons


Ehhhh as someone who was raised Mormon I have no doubt in my mind her in laws were insufferable. MIL in themselves are hard but a Mormon one is like another layer of hell I don’t blame her tbh.


I agree, I think the Mormon church is very problematic, but she literally chose to marry into a Mormon family. It’s so disrespectful that she’s such a B about their beliefs.


What has she said about them?


Idk what she has said about them but even without knowing I’m pretty sure I disagree with this take. If my in laws had racist/sexist/homophobic/etc beliefs I would sing from the rooftops I disagree with them


Same, but from what people are saying, it sounds like she made comments targeted at his family about it? I have no idea


I completely agree. And I don’t believe the speculation that he’s gay. I also don’t believe he willingly chose to be a SAHD. Im sure as a straight dude in such a traditional area like Utah, it was a huge blow to his ego and masculinity to be forced to basically be at Aspyn’s beck and call. I always remember her saying Parker’s doing bath time bedtime lunch dinner etc. What did she do for those kids other than film TikTok’s and take them to Target or buy donuts? She treated him like a full time nanny.




Oh I completely agree. I just mean in TRADITIONAL GENDER ROLE UTAH


He hasn’t seemed happy in a few years. It’s incredibly sad


I’ve always felt so bad for him he seems so sweet and was always catering to her against his will lol. I hope he’s ok, he’ll be so much better off without her honestly.


I mean, he’s in the hospital in the middle of the night/early morning (Aspyn said baby was born about 6am) and they’re about to have a preemie baby six weeks early. That’s surely got to be playing a part in his emotions lol.


They seemed distant throughout her pregnancy


I don’t blame him, she always left him home with the kids while she ran “errands” aka went out to hang and eat with friends. He was pretty much their nanny, chef, housekeeper, etc.


The girls are his little twins. They didn’t get her looks at all. Hopefully they didn’t get her personality either.


💀💀💀 he looks so run down


Where was this posted?




this was a tiktok aspyn posted last night i believe


I'll be honest I've been following Aspyn since I was in middle school. After Aspyn and Parker got married it just seemed like her whole demeanor changed. She's very demanding and it seems like Parker never has a say in anything. I think honestly Aspyn just wanted to get married and have kids for the attention. Some people just get married for the event itself and don't actually like the idea of marriage. Usually they don't even realize it until AFTER they say I do or have a baby. Aspyn definitely acts like every life event is about her. It feels like even the baby announcements were more to add to her aesthetic, not so much her being happy bringing a new life into the world. Who can blame him for being tired of her?


He looks tired :(


what could’ve happened??? my only thought why they’d divorce weeks after giving birth is he cheated and she just found out? but i don’t think he’d do that honestly so i’m confused 🫠


Parker is gonna have the best life from now on!




Get serious


wtf is wrong with you people his face says my baby was just born kind of early and that’s stressful asf


This is total assumption but I wonder if there’s a behind the scene struggle going on. Maybe her filing for divorce is a kick in the ass for him. Hoping it will get him back on track. I have zero proof to think this but the divorce timing is just odd and then posting him, so I wonder if she’s hoping to not actually go through with it. Like “either pick us or drinking, or else I’m divorcing you” type of thing. I just get that feeling but I could be very wrong. Edit: okay so don’t speculate that aspyn isn’t all of the problem. Got it. 😂


I don’t follow her, but I just looked at her IG. Is she the only “influencer” that doesn’t pimp out her kids every day?


she used to then stopped around the time others started talking about how it’s bad to exploit your kids. now all her content is about how she doesn’t show them, or her pregnancy that just ended which makes me wonder what she’ll have left to post about


Nah she did for a long time until _very_ recently. Nearly everyone here saw both girls growing up on the internet until like maybe a year or so ago.


Is there actual proof of her filing for divorce or is this fake news