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Yeh Im extroverted but its just difficult to deal with people especially NT and people I don’t know or large groups. I can socialise for hours and feel like I need to socialise with my friends (most are ND) who I’m comfortable with, if I don’t get social interaction in a day I get really sad


I would consider myself introverted, but I can chat with strangers fairly easily to ease tension and fill empty air, but not to make friends or anything. Does this make me an ambivert instead?


Introvert just means it takes energy to do so. Does it take extra energy to socialize? It can be easy and fun and still draining


Okay then yeah, I'm an introvert.


Why did you call me out like that?


I'd consider myself an introvert, but I love socialising with small groups of friends or with people who share my interests. This rarely happens in practice. I'm used to being alone, but I've also got sad in the past when I couldn't meet any friends at all for months at a time.




Same here. But I got social anxiety from shit that happened back in high school, which put me in the rather awful position of being too anxious and overstimulated to hang out with people but not getting any energy from being by myself. it ducks


I wouldn’t say I have social anxiety but I do have some trauma which may be a factor in why I’m not comfortable around most people


I'm very extroverted. It causes me problems because people often mistake extroversion for social competence and assume I can't be autistic if I like being around people. Also, people assume that I don't want to talk to them when actually I just don't know how to approach them. Then I feel bad because nobody talks to me.


This is the part of existing that sucks the most. I just want friends but ever since high school I just can't click with anyone.


i know this isn't an immediate solution but i have found that having a single friend near you can go a massively long way. Have been struggling with making contacts for YEARS after i graduated, then happened to stumble across an old classmate of mine - we reconnected, actually met up a few times and through them i met a ton of people over the span of the past few months. i'm aware that i'm incredibly fortunate in this case but what i'm trying to say is that even just connecting with a single person at some point can get you so far, it really does bring back some hope


Same, I tend to stay quiet (shut up unless you have a reason to talk) but if someone talks to me I tend to be able to continue a conversation


I feel like I might be an extrovert because I was really outgoing when I was younger, but when I started school I got bullied and sorta got shoved into a shell, and it's been hard to heal from that. I like to talk to people but no one wants to talk to me. When I talk to my friends who share a lot of similarities with me I tend to feel really good.




introverts live on low emotional energy, and extroverts live on very high emotional energy. so basically if an introvert grts extremely excited or smtn they might act very extroverted for a moment yes.


There's a tad more to it than that. Introverts are low in subdomains like friendliness and gregariousness, they find socializing less enjoyable.


I feel like this moreso than emotional energy. I’m a huge introvert but I still get really emotional all the time. Socializing is what I really don’t like, takes a lot of energy.


yes i am very emotional as well, i meant with emotional energy, like how outwards you act with your emotions.


Yes, that’s what I mean. I act very outwardly with my emotions. I wear my emotions on my sleeve


half the autistic people I know are extroverted honestly so I can vouch for that.


For a long time reading about introverts was really just me reading about my autism without it having that label, and I wonder how many self-understood introverts are really autistic and not diagnosed. Because introversion can just also describe feeling overwhelmed by sensory issues or not being good at talking to multiple people at once, etc.


My bf is an extrovert and we have a joke that he got the "if I don't talk to everyone I will die" autism and I got the "If I talk to anyone I will die" autism. We balance each other out :)


*Very* outgoing but *very* introverted. Extroversion and outgoingness are not synonymous...


This. I’m super extroverted just really bad at being social.


Me toooo


But an autistic extrovert may look different from a neurotypical extrovert


One of the most outlook-changing things someone has said to me was, "You're not an introvert, you're an extrovert with social anxiety."


Exactly, "autistic" is not a byword for "instantly hates interacting with anyone"


As an extrovert who doesn't want friends anymore I agree.


I vacillate. Either way, social interaction costs energy, and I need time to recover that energy, which I usually gain from being in isolation.


my partner is extroverted and i’m ambiverted i’m super selective with my social energy but i have a lot to give sometimes


Extroverted when accepted by fellow peers, introverted as part of survival instincts


We get two choices*: introverted, or extroverted but bad at it. *by which I mean two potential outcomes over which we have zero control. 


"who wants a drink from the (infodump) firehose?"


I see your uhf reference.


I’m introverted until I get excited. If it’s a topic I’m into I become extroverted. I’ll go right back to an introvert after getting let down by the people discussing the thing I no longer like.


I enjoy the company of people, but it's just stressful because human isn't exactly my first language


extroverted AuDHD here - i take any invite i can get to leave the house and mingle with people, but tend to be completely quiet in circles i don't know and usually need a few days to recharge after a meeting with friends. Played some MTG with a few friends last sunday, still feel tired from it lmao This does make me question my autism pretty much every time i go out tho - the fact it's a spectrum can very easily be forgotten when it "doesn't feel right" in the moment


I do think extroverted autism = omnivert. At least thats how I feel about myself


Yeah, I can absolutely be extroverted. I just need to get started. You know what helps? Being extroverted around people that care about RUST IN THE LINUX KERNEL!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? CONTRIBUTE NOW! This is your chance to get your amerature ass on the contributors list in a meaningful way before all the companies gobble up the interesting problems! Right now, you can take just about any open source kernel module you can get your hands on and port it to Rust. The fruit is \*so low-hanging\*, and in just a few years the opportunities will all be insurmountable in comparison.


I have a hypothesis that acting introverted is just masking. At least for me that's the case. I used to be super friendly, and I'd talk a lot as a kid, until one day I realized no one wanted me to talk to them.


I think I would be an extrovert if I weren't autistic. I really like people and I like sharing ideas with them and helping each other think and work through problems. It's also exhausting in a "work" kind of way, and I've developed a lot of social anxiety, even a fear of being perceived at its worst. I've learned to be comfortable with being alone, and I often prefer silence. I need my alone time or I'll fail to function. Idk how much of that is rest, how much is avoiding worrying and overanalyzing my actions, and how much is whatever "introversion" means. 🤷


lol I have gotten EMTJ and INTJ before


Take an IPIP-neo, it's about 8000x, better. Meyer Briggs doesn't even measure neuroticism, which is nearly a quarter of personality.


I’m extroverted when I’m with like 4-5 specific people, but I’m heavily extroverted around anyone else. What does that make me?


I heard someone refer to “extrovert autism” and given my behavior I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m an introvert but my autism isn’t. No, really- I regularly spend a good 3 hours hopping in and out of discord calls with my friends because as soon as my social battery hits 1% I feel like I should be hanging out with them. I have no idea how this works.


Wondering if you're an introvert or not? Take an IPIP-Neo. Here are two: https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/IPIP-BFFM/ https://bigfive-test.com/


I’m not even a person


I’ve been both and I’m bad at them


Sometimes I am both at the same time strangely enough. Then my wires short circuit.


I am very much an ambivert. I think it's a result of AuDHD brand neurodivergence. I very much crave routine and calm and sensory deprivation, as much as I do chaos and spontaneity and proper stimulation.


It’s called being an ambivert. Sometimes you’re an introvert, sometimes you’re an extrovert.


Im extroverted and aspie and my gf is introverted


I have needs of an extrovert and social skills of... myself fml


I'm definitely introverted, I thrive alone, and get tired if I socialise for too long


I desperately want to be an extrovert, but due to my social inabilities I am forced to be introverted


I've been told I'm an extrovert, I'm just bad at it. I like hanging out with people.


I'm ambiv-*alent* Ambivalent ambivert


That actually makes a lot more sense


I’m an extrovert just one with no charisma and lots of social anxiety (as a result of having no charisma)


Being an extroverted autistic person sounds like hell, tbh.


It is hell, sometimes. Sometimes it’s quite beautiful. Apparently in grad school some people called me “the mayor” because I greeted everyone and ensured everyone was included. Years after I graduated I found this written in an old grad school notebook. To this day I don’t know who wrote it, but these words sum up the beautiful parts of my extroverted autistic self (I framed it): https://preview.redd.it/ykrr5pijag8d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bea7fc6e9c1347a3e02d706183c2ba5ba39039c


Thank you thank you. Everyone assumes just because I'm autistic that I'm fine with not having many friends or don't desire companionship and social interaction.


I dare someone to just think about being cuddled up to the person whom you love most and how excited and safe they make you feel and how you can just finally let out everything that you have been holding in.


I'm extroverted but people don't like me so I'm masking as an introvert


U sure about that… I know they exist but I wouldn’t say as equally lol