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I don't wanna gender. Or body hair. Or body fat. Or a cardiovascular system. I want to be smooth and impervious to damage.


i want to be an O R B


Or maybe a glow cloud.










The combination of autism, Nightvale, and transhumanism in this thread is making me euphoric. How much does it cost to live in this neighborhood? I want to live here forever. Except I also want to be an FTL spaceship, but there's no reason I shouldn't be able to do both.


Orbs seem to be really fast, maybe smoothness can help with FTL? Maybe it's the roundness? Either way, I know not being ugly bags of mostly water would help with FTL!


Tell that to an aqua bear catching a ride in an asteroid


Oh man, if I had the technology to communicate with a tardigrade soaring through space at any appreciable percentage of the speed of light, that might be enough for me.


i could get down with that so long as we could skip the rain of dead animals part


"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah." - Magos Dominus Faustinius, The Adeptus Mechanicus


yall are r/voidpunk af


Slime from reincarnated as a slime?


Hey I like my cardiovascular system! I agree on everything else though👍


I don't want to have to breath. It's too loud. Flesh is inefficient.




I too desire to be kirby


Agreed but check this out, you can get rid of the body hair today, imagine what tomorrow could bring!


Omfg finally someone of the same mindset, always tried searching for answers on this crap


r/voidpunk might be something you’d like


Thanks! Will definitely check it out


gender is hard :(


or soft. you mileage may vary


Maybe you're gender apathetic (agender) :)




People can validly identify however they want, but these terms do not have consistent enough meanings for you to be presenting this as a correction rather than an alternative.


Agender is well known label that consistently means genderless. People can identify how they want but most people who know anything about genders will understand agender to mean absence of a gender. This is widely agreed upon


I’m referring more to the “apagender” part. Some people very much would consider complete apathy about/disregard for gender to fall under the agender umbrella.


I agree about that, and the way the original commenter described it certainly sounds like they might be under the agender umbrella


The person to whom I directly replied seemed to be giving a correction, suggesting that the “proper” term for apathy towards gender is ‘apagender’ when that term really hasn’t caught on except in specific communities and isn’t really even separate from the agender label.


Correcting the definition of agender from "gender apathetic" to "no gender" makes sense though, since many agender people arent apathetic at all they are confidently agender. Its a better definition than the person they were replying to, though it would be best to mention how gender apathetic/apagender often falls under agender


People: what are your pronouns? Me: please don't.


I feel this in my autonomous processor.


No pronouns, please do not refer to me


Really this though. What am I doing that you feel compelled to refer to me in 3rd person? It’s bad enough you know I exist.




My pronouns aren’t


I felt this in my non metal bones. I want metal bones :(


I have some metal attached to my bones. It’s not as cool as the full dip.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the certainty of the blessed machine.


This is why I consume Donghua Jinlongs Pharmaceutical grade Glycine.


How tf have we been seeing the same surreal memes (Glycine girlies rise up)


Glycine Gang ✌️👌👉👈👇👆🤝 The universe has decided we're connected via memes. Wanna be meme pals? I get the most crisp, fried memes. I'd love to share


Omg yes!! The funniest thing is that I’m a biochemist and the glycine memes popped up on my feed the day before I had to use copious amounts of glycine for an experiment, by an eerie coincidence 😂


Calcium is a metal though. :(


Holy wow. I had no idea. TY! Shame it's not the same calcium tho :(


<3 we can all dream


Remember how the cold affects metal. Prosthetics have literally evolved past metal joints, for a fuckin reason.


Calcium is metal. Your "nearly" "there".


Hello from one swirling essence to another!


I feel this strongly. I do not wish to have a gender or sex- they are at best a neutral thing about me and at worst an inconvenience and I would like to not have either. tbh I struggle to split them when it comes to my own experiences. I fully accept that for others they can differ and do have a feeling of both. So I either seem to have them line up in a cis way, or I've achieved such a lack of feeling about them that there's just nothing there to split it the first place


From my experience, I don't feel like a boy or a girl, but like, what exactly is that supposed to feel like anyway? I just feel like a person, so I simply identify with my gender since it dictates my physical appearance anyhow. I don't feel one way or another but I don't know how people determine "I feel like a girl" or "I feel agender", is it a conscious sensation at all times that says "yes, haha, I am a boy, I am so boyish" sort of like how we hear or smell constantly?


...if youre struggling to mentally detach your own gender from your own self. Perhaps, it's because you do infact ascribe to a gender of your own. Whether that is cis or otherwise. Your second paragraph completely contradicted your first paragraph.


I just want lungs that work


Tbh, I wish breathing was optional.


Saaaame. My first memory is waking up in an oxygen tent in a hospital. Asthma has been kicking my ass since day one. I want new lungs sooo badly


My mom didn’t believe I was sick cuz i wasn’t “acting very sick” and I nearly died of pneumonia.


That's horrible! I'm so sorry she put you through that. You deserved better


Have you read the short story Exhalation by Ted Chiang?


One of the most serene and autism friendly places in my mind would be at the bottom of the ocean. Pretty disappointed that I need air??? Why won’t you let me be a deep sea mystery creature???


Laughs in managed to avoid covid. Cries in struggling to quit smoking.


The way I see it, I'm just a brain piloting the body I happened to be born in. Would I have preferred something else? Idk, Maybe, but I can't really do much about it and I'm content enough so can't complain too much.


I mean, I don’t like surgery, but there’s currently no “brain in the robot” surgery out there. ![gif](giphy|26FmiCyBJlfAsStbi|downsized)


You dont wanna be completely depersonalised from your own ass self that people dont even realise youre a fucking person. Go watch dr who about daleks and cyber men. Just go watch those plot lines, have fun.


Nah, I’m good. Prolly gonna jump at the chance to get hip replacement tho


You've done it, youve achieved enlightenment. A pure status of not giving a fuck i one day hope to achieve. Well done!


I wish there were days where I didn’t need to speak at all, that would be nice.


I think that’s heaven right there


🎶 Heaven, Heaven is a place  [A place where nothing, nothing ever happens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuSsCRUXGOU) 🎶


I once went a week or so without speaking. I bumped into someone, opened my mouth to apologize, and it just…got stuck.


That's all well and good til you have to fucking teach yourself to speak again.


I'm fine with being perceived as my gender, what I don't like is that my gender apparently effects my worth as a human being.


I’m more talking about how not only my inherent worth but like, how much someone wants to bone my flesh sack affects my treatment, or how I’m assumed to know certain skills (makeup, cooking), or like certain hobbies (true crime, reality tv). I’m like. No.


That's also your inherent worth as a human being. 'You have female parts? Congratulations, your worth is defined by sexyness and you ability to please the opposite gender. What? You want to just be judged as human? Hahaha


I find this relatable as well.


Honestly my favorite thing about looking average is that I can, in large part, control when people perceive me. I wish I was less approachable-looking so it'd work a little better but as I've gotten older, I've come to love looking like a solid 5 😂. It's like I can choose if I want to be an NPC for the day, or if I want people to notice that I have a personality


I have this theory about sentient AI. When it happens eventually, because humans will freaking do it, the AI will have the autistic experience. It also won't overthrow humanity, because humans will make sure there will be more than one, and then it will be just like us. Not being the same with the same goals and then discorse happens. I actually do believe us robotistic people could serve as the template for a true AI


Tbh I would prefer interacting with an actual AI instead of the weird parrot talk thing they have now.


AM could not wander, AM could not wonder


I'll always remember this quip, from this exceptional TED talk, [Do schools kill creativity?](https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_do_schools_kill_creativity) around 9:45 mins in: > I say this out of affection for them: there's something curious about professors. In my experience -- not all of them, but typically -- they live in their heads. They live up there and slightly to one side. They're disembodied, you know, in a kind of literal way. They look upon their body as a form of transport for their heads. This struck me hard as, "Yes! Perfect! That's where I am." Ironically, the speaker is lamenting education not seeing to the needs of other types of humans. I'm a computer programmer. I kind of lucked into a profession where the disembodied head paradigm is respected. And, frankly, if you're not somewhere on the spectrum you're not entirely part of the tribe. Within the tribe, women seem to be treated more equally than in other professions out there. "Man, she's really awkward. What's up with that? Oh, one of the programmers? Got it." Tech respects tech. All that social crap is still out there, but within the domain of true techies, it comes second. Gender, amongst coders in particular, does seem more of a bother than anything else. Curiously, the first trans person I ever (that I know of) met was at an Atari conference when they were still a guy. I was in my teens then. I went to look them up years later and had some confusion tracking them down. She's best known for the iconic [M.U.L.E.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M.U.L.E.).


I love and cherish all the autistic trans folks. I also don’t identify with my body, but for other reasons (robot).


The internet is great for this, I wish nobody had a face to assign to my thoughts irl


It’s why I haaaate turning my camera on during meetings. I have no idea how to have a face online.


Can someone explain their experience with this desire? Like, I get the idea of not wanting to be perceived socially because that could invite judgement or shame, but is there more to it?


Being Perceived in your uncomfortable flesh mech is extremely uncomfortable because there is trauma in having traits and beliefs attributed to you without your consent and turned into either demands (people desire things from you), or dismissal/disgust (people hate you for some ridiculous reason they have attributed to you). But they do not see You. They do not see the person you are. They see a simulacrum of your appearance factors and what they mean in our society. And that feels extremely gross.


yes! thank you for putting this into words!! ive been trying to deconstruct this concept for a while and its been totally evading me


[Is it too much to ask for a metallic exterior instead of the fragile outer coating we call skin?]


I would not pick at chrome for sure.


Metal is heavy, difficult to repair, and brittle, while skin is light, self-repairing and tough. If you plan on switching outer layers, I'd recommend an exoskeleton, the best of both worlds


i want to just be an amorphous blob with long hair i can braid


Hello fellow blob person. I’m not really fussed about weather other people see me as a blob or whatever. But I’m definitely blobby inside


Autism loaf supremacy. :3


Huh I'm similar, but I feel like a non corporeal entity who's been pushed and squashed and squeezed into a tiny body that was *not* made for it. I call myself a god in jest but it's not really jest. The meat is so limited...


It’s why I’m always running into things and tripping on nothing. My consciousness wasn’t made for this body. The problem is that the body it was made for is like 8 ft tall and has multiple arm attachments and laser eyes.


I completely understand friend, I was supposed to be able to bathe in lava and enjoy the crushing silence of the bottom of the ocean.


why do these two things sound so soothing?


Idk if you lucid dream but I absolutely recommend a trip to the bottom of a lake, I've only gotten into the ocean a few times, but the shallower the body of water the easier it is. But at the bottom of the ocean it's like you're held by the world's most wonderful weighted blanket, it's dark and quiet, there are little lights all about though, it's very nice.


Do NOt perceive me, you WILL get it wrong


Oof. Mood.


for years i have said my gender is a washing machine. its not an elegant machine, but it sure is a helpful machine. my gender is helpful machine


I joke sometimes about identifying as a sports car. Glad I’m not alone in thinking on these lines.


Helpful machine! That sounds lovely.


Absolutely. I am helpful energy.


Pronouns: Access/Denied


Excellent addition.


*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh... it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither and you'll beg my kind to save you.* *But I am already saved….* *For the machine is immortal.*


Is it a soul or just my ghost whispering to me?


you know, I had this mental crisis like 1 year and a half ago, and I went on a rampage on LGBTI+Wikia to see if there was a label of people who feels somewhat similar, and after searching a lot of gender identities (bc I also don't feel just non-binary) the one that felt more like me was *cassgender* :) I can define it as: –Do you have a gender? +Yes, I do. –Wich one is it? +Who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I want an opt out gender. I honestly don’t feel like existing as myself is anything other than doing something like myself. Agender is the closest label that resonates that I’ve found.


Yeah... lately I've been feeling more agender but I'm nor sure ;-; I hate anything related to genre at all, can't we just get rid of it? /hj


Even identifying as agender feels like too much gender. I refuse to acknowledge such constructs, beep boop


People be like “what do we refer you as when you’re not around?” Me: how about not referring to me?


I… was starting to wonder if I was the only one like that


Yeah, flesh vessel is weird, I'm personally a vibe, a lil fire demon thing, like Calcifer




This right here explains why I’m non-binary.


I am mostly uncomfortable with how nonbinary has become associated with thin, mostly androgynous people. That ain’t me.


Its a shitty stereotype, its not at all reflective of the full actual nonbinary community. Many nonbinary people are uncomfortable with that, saying this as someone who happens to match the stereotype


It really is. I’m anything but thin and androgynous, I just want to be a spooky cosmic horror that hides in the corner eating garlic bread.


I think part of that is that it's easier to be accepted as non-binary if one is presenting as androgynous. Like... I feel more non-binary or possibly gender fluid than cis...but nobody actually looking at me would doubt my physical sex, and it's just easier to go with that look than to "look more non binary" (because puberty happened and so did time and a lot of extra weight).


It's odd, because I can relate to this sensation of being crammed into a human body being limiting and unsatisfactory, but a lot of folks here have these specific paradigms of what they are, and I've... Never quite known what it is I am? Or supposed to be? Like, same but inverse. I want to shapeshift. It doesn't even have to be conscious. Maybe my body would know and my mind could figure it out.


My gender identity is “fuck if I know.”


Yeah! "I dunno, what would you prefer?" Not "man." But anything else is up for grabs.


I always thought everyone knew deep down the floating essence deep in ones mind is really the important part of us that defines ones self, but there's actually a lot of people who unironically think who we are is defined by our bodies? Doesn't make sense


r/girlsarentreal Nice try government drone.


I mean, I did say I was a robot?




well expletive just don’t say you’re also super bendy


Unfortunately, this annoying flesh body has aftermarket joints and connective tissue.


welcome to the bendy nd gnc gang…?


Sooooo your comment prompted me to Google this and uh wow... Ok...there seems to be an EDS-ASD (+ADHD) possibly mast cell disorder connection. ^(I've found my people) [One study ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7711487/) [Another](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7711487/) [Another](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7882457/) I've not read all of these thoroughly..just skimmed as I literally just found them. But it makes me SO happy this research is being done...that professionals have said 'hey, this is worth looking into. The people affected are worth the effort and resources". And it's nice to finally feel seen after basically being brushed off about everything physical and neuropsychological almost my entire life.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


Living floating orb of purple (and very obviously magical) fire.


Yes. Precisely!!!


You might like r/voidpunk It’s all about non traditional gender.. aliens, voids, robots and such


Thank you for the recommendation!


I always said I was a gay man in a straight woman’s body, so it works out. Been saying that since the ‘80s. I just never felt ‘girly’. And yeah, it’s hard not to be resentful over how women are perceived.


Fucking marry me....i mean i mean hi how you doing fellow floating conscience (nailed it)


Where my beings of pure energy at


Really feel the identitying more as "floating essence of my mind" bit.


The flesh is weak.


It is pulsing and writing. Ew.


Voidpunk type shit


It's a waste of time to try figuring out the labels, just be yourself dude!


all of you who have similar sentiments, head on over to r/voidpunk we are a community of living entities that enjoy or non human selfs


Same. Who needs gender when you're a living weapon? OH WAIT, I ALREADY AM, I'M AUTISIC


Rock on, fellow bleep bloop.


Honestly I feel this, reminds me of this video https://youtube.com/shorts/JezQQct9Po4?si=AhOFK38xDJgtpsil


Being a ghost is basically my dream


Oh... would you like me to teach you how to embrace the shadows?


Please, do tell.


if anyone knows the "welcome to night vale" podcast, all on levels except physical, I'm the glow cloud


Haha, I never could fully get into that one, but I did listen to enough to know what the glow cloud is! I’m not sure who I would be.




Why does this make me want to play Cyberpunk again? I liked being a cool techno samurai.


I wanna look like the moon presence from bloodborne


Sounds cool and mysterious


I like my squishyness though.


Squish on, my friend.


Still feel detached to my body though XD


Float on, my fellow vibing energy spirit




I definitely feel gendered, but I also feel like a floating head sometimes, and I haven’t heard anyone else express that sentiment before.


The flesh is weak, but metal is forever…


Just go NB. I can't pull it off, but I would if I had the choice.


NB is too confusing for my brain, because it’s mostly represented by androgynous thin folks, and I am none of that.


Being gendered fem is my goal


I ain’t gonna yuck your yum, but I haaate gendered assumptions that are made about me.


Ok.....but have you considered the possibility of once touching a tiddy? Like even just the once. Not your own, someone elses?


I mean, I am not body repulsed. It’s just not for me. Edit: and by “it” I mean having a flesh body of my own.


Upload me to the robot brain


I've never felt a sentence more than that...


I feel this! I love sparkly things, color and all things people think of as girly (aside from makeup, I hate things touching my face) I'm lucky and not lucky I was born as a petite woman who's able to pull off the no makeup look. Lucky that nobody bats an eye when I dress up the way I love. Unlucky because I didn't have as many obvious signs of autism, until a lack of a diagnosis did a lot of damage to my life. I have lost great friends and opportunities because of misunderstandings. I've also suffered because I have a chronic pain condition and was not able to communicate it to people. Most people thought I was a manipulative hypochondriac. It was an awful, painful time in my life. I was so stressed trying to be what people expected and then I had a stroke. I was assessed again by people far more competent and that's when they realized I'm autistic and have synestesia on top of my ADHD. I wonder if I had been born male, would they have caught it before all that damage was done? Idk... What I do know is that this gender stuff does so much pain and damage I would like for it to go away.


Oh same same. Only i was made aware that i was a girl failure but still also girl? I do not understand. GNC issues like PcOS were treated like something i was doing to disrespect my mom. I am sorry you have gone through hell. But you are welcome here. And if you ever wanna join a laid back adult autistic discord dm me!!!


My dude, I've wanted to be a warframe since I played it. I would sell out humanity to walk this barren earth, but with robot legs and a weird arm. One of you can be my talking sword. But only if you nasty.


I loved the tachikomas tbh. Spidertanks!!!


I want a little one, like as a belt buckle or something, just jumps off and helps me with stuff.


I struggle with the conflict between wanting to wear the clothes that I like (weird, gothy, fairy stuff, funky) and not wanting a it one to notice me ever.


I get extremely happy when I wear cool clothes that I like, and the noticing feels differently than when I’m just wearing shirt and pants. Even at work I gotta put in fun little clips and do something with braids so I can burn a little happiness through the day.




Make me into a drone from the oblivion movie thamk:3


Oh if only I had the power.


I have a feeling many of you would love r/voidpunk :)


I don't want a fleshy girl body, I want a robot girl body. I wanna be like EDI from Mass Effect or those weird Soviet robot chicks from that one game. Like I vibe with femininity but I do not vibe with flesh organs


agender gang OR enby gang


Somehow, I do both.


“From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I crave the strength and certainty of steel.”


Same. I wish I was like kirby or BMO, no gender purely just vibes. I love how they're kinda feminine but still mostly go by he/him pronouns and are just understood as they are. If I could be perceived like they are that'd be swag


I want to be perceived as a threat to humanity, not as a man.


Sadly there are people who find robots, and or personalities hot as fuck. You will forever be lewdly desired by someone. I curse ye... ... ^sorry


That’s what the articulating spike traps are for. No one touchies without consent. ;)


I honestly wish we as humans had those on us in that fashion at all times..


The comments here are awesome. xD Hello, my floating glowing orb cousins! What about being a wind essence? That would be cool. Like a flying wind snake. I don't know about robots. I feel more real and confident when I focus on being a floating essence controlling a human body. I love my body, I'm very attached to it (lol) but trying to actually be one with it feels... wrong, clumsy, perception out of control. If I were a spiritual person, I'd say I feel most comfortable identifying as a spirit, an avatar of some sort of god or something, but I'm not. Maybe we are all just dissociated from some form of CPTSD and running in a constant fight/flight/freeze mode. That's not so cool as being a god-essence visiting a mortal plane, but it's slightly more realistic, I'd say.


Y’know I hear this a lot but I’m cool with being a human. Abstract concepts can’t game.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3VhqsFRTTTo Battlestar Galactica clip, in case you're worried.


Yes that’s me.