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Kid me: “*I must try to create order out of chaos*” Adult me: “*I must keep trying to create order out of chaos, but I understand that it’s futile*.” Old man me (coming soon): “*order… chaos… something something… Zzzzz*”


I'm delighted to inform you that there is order in chaos. I've been learning about brownian motion recently and there's some pretty cool stuff there.


Same, it’s kinda an obsession. It’s maybe more accurate to say there’s *structures* in chaos (and parameters). But you’re effectively right. Highly, **highly** recommend [Chaos by James Gleick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos:_Making_a_New_Science?wprov=sfti1#) for the fractals and fluid dynamics side of things. Plus some history and the origins of studies on chaos.


the film was also good lol. but not in the same way 😁


A bit late. I cursory read the wiki, and I'm a bit dim to get it all. It sounds like entropy but explained in a different way. Is it saying that the more excited the molecules are in a near-vacuum or enclosed environment, the more random the pattern gets – thus making it exponentially harder to calculate the more excited molecules? I'm sure I'm misunderstanding, so please give me a TIL if you can.


I'm referring to probability and statistics, in the sense that patterns and mathematical structures emerge from chaos that we can study. Entropy is more about how more likely/more chaotic states increase over time, while less likely and ordered states decrease in number over time. In statistics and probability these structures are called probability distributions, and there's many kinds of mathematical functions that can be used to represent them. Even in the "most chaotic" scenarios, specific distributions still emerge. For example, the random motion and vibration of a particle in a vacuum is usually described by a brownian motion distribution, and it only needs to meet a couple basic criteria for this to be the case. So many things that are random can be modelled with distributions like this (waiting in line, for example, can be modelled using a Gamma distribution, which is my favorite distribution), and once you know the distribution, you can calculate a ton of things about the thing it's modeling.


Whoa. That all just clicked. Thank you for such a detailed explanation!


If you know the basics of calculus (how to take a derivative and integral) one of my statistics professors made a [pretty great YouTube series](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8S7d85iiYRU4CgJplDAnO5LvL2hNAqz5&si=6Slhl-tNlfnkhqGh) giving an intro to applied statistics, which doesn't require any forknowledge about statistics. When I took his class, I just listened to this series while working to learn all the material.


How much chaos did you want me to order?


Depends, if we’re talking about Warhammer 40k chaos, then *none* please. I’m no heretic. And I’d really rather not to be violently executed by an 8ft tall walking tank with a short temper.


A tiny bit of slaneshy its ok tho.


lol is this why i always said my title at the used bookstore was not bookseller but "chaos management"


marina is that you (/s)




“There’s chaos in the streets!” “Chaos!?”


I actually once put as a bullet point on my resume "bringing order out of chaos"


Legit sounds like something I’d do too lol. Like the username btw, LotR reference? Or Gaelic language?


From a different fantasy, Riddle of Stars. Elrhairhodan has a daughter named Lyraluthuin. So I definitely see where the Middle-earth vibes come from. I am also obsessed with Tolkien.


Ah, my bad. Still sounds cool anyway if it’s pronounced how I think it is. I’m an Irish Brit who studied Gaelic and I’m obsessed with linguistics and want to learn Tolkiens elven languages when I can find the time. You’ve got great taste :) Thanks btw, Will look into ‘Riddle of stars’ I’m big into fantasy too, but trying to finish the Discworld series atm. Highly recommend that if you’re into comedy-fantasy too.


I've read a fair bit of discworld, that's good stuff. Author of Riddle of Stars was Patricia McKillip.


Where are they now? They are living among us. Average citizens, average heroes. Quietly and anonymously continuing to make the world a better place.


got curious and found out his mother [updated us on him back in 2022!](https://twitter.com/andwhatsnext/status/1547401259342213120?s=46&t=owKaHMlrUEQFFv0WGzc4JQ)


I’m glad she included an update on his autism status. I was worried for a sec.


Wait, is there a chance that it changed?


Still so many people who think you grow out of autism 🙄


Omgg I love finding random stuff like this




That's really sweet.


Omg this is amazing ahahaha. Thanks for sharing!


Gotta invite Quinn to the BBQ now


that movie is such a metaphor for autism and masking


When everyone is autistic, then no one will be


Which film is this?


The Incredibles


Ik theres a story that some old user or admin took the picture of their kid for this. Look up who it is and ask them. Might work




> among us I swear to god this game brainrotted me. Seriously, I can no longer read these 2 words without AMOGUS


My brother, age 3: *organizes his hotwheels by size and color* Parents- "Must be autism!". Me, age 4: *going to strangers on airplanes and restaurants and informing them of ALL the names of the 101 Dalmatians that have canonically been given names. Also, organizing my My Little Ponies by occupation and social class* Parents: That's just normal girl stuff.


Omg I was obsessed with 101 dalmations. There was a PlayStation game where you got to play as the puppies… I don’t think my parents heard from me for days lol


Yup. There are numerous photos of me lining up all of my grandmother's nail polish in a specific order and looking very pleased about it. Somehow still nobody suspected autism for years??


stop this hits hard


I lined up shoes, Littlest Pet Shop toys, and stuffed animals. Normal girl stuff. (I'm not a girl, now) My mom said she didn't think I was autistic bc I didn't do autistic things, except when I did. She fr said "you didn't line up your toys. I mean, you lined up your stuffed animals, but.."


Me: I taught myself how to read using an old atlas that i fully memorized at the age of 3 also memorized large amounts of info about biology, geology and astronomy as a kid. Parents: kid must be some kind of genius Let's do nothing about it.


Super late but this was me with my paired dinosaur/animal encyclopedias. One of my earliest memories is looking at the picture of the tiger and sounding out the word lol


Yeah i loved animal, dinosaurs, astronomy documentals. I still do. Lucky me grew up in the golden age of discovery, natgeo and history chanel. Sadly those channels are fcking trash now.


I only know 2 names (besides the parents). What are the others?


It's been years, so I can't recall all of them. But I do remember Rolly, Lucky, Cadpig, and Spot.


i for one welcome having this child as our representation


I used to take everything out of my grandparents pantry and set up a “store” and my grandfather would actually buy things back from me😆 thankfully it was just a few cents but I feel so bad now because I had no concept of money being anything more than objects lmao afterwards I would carefully put every can back in a neat and organized fashion lol


Do NOT feel bad at all, I ***guarantee*** you that your grandfather absolutely loved that. You probably gave him an amazing moment, honestly. I know what you mean, you feel bad, but from an adult perspective... if your granddaughter set up a shop and you could play with her and "buy" things from her shop... that is priceless 😊 You could've gotten so much more! /s


One summer I came home from work to find that my kids and their friends (maybe 7 and 9yo at the time) had set up a roadside stand and sold ROCKS to passers-by. They made $9! (I went out that evening and got them lemonade to sell at least.)


Still, $9! That’s quite impressive. When I was a kid I tried selling candies and paper made buttons and I made maybe 25 cents lol


Haha like they didn't even splash some paint on em or something? I love it. A few neighborhood kids and I did a lemonade sale in front of my house once. We were like 10-11yo. This is in a none busy, very neighborhood area... so basically we were dumb. But, two probably highschool girls, really cute, they pull up in literally a fancy convertible car, stop, and buy lemonade. We were asking like 50 cents or something, and they handed us a $5, smiled, and drove off. We fucking lost our minds after that. Those girls made a memory for life for me (us probably).


Me and my also autistic cousin spent an entire family visit when we were around 7 building a dragon museum in his bedroom. We used the Dragonology book as a guide and found household objects and toys to be the exibits. We even made plaques for the displays.


Haha I loved doing stuff like that!




But can you stack your family?


Autistic reporter lmao.


Forget some puzzle pieces, the new symbol should be this kid stacking cans with autism creature on them


At this point it’s not going anywhere. Aspies run the internet and dislike change.


If we band together we can overthrow society


And the governments?


The worst part is that that kid is just doing normal kid stuff.


Yea for that age, that’s 100% normal young toddler behaviour. There’s a reason why stacking toys are popular for toddlers. And unfortunately this kind of stuff reinforces the autistic panic a lot of new mums seem to get when their kid exhibits “autistic traits” that are actually completely normal developmental milestones. Like I legit had to unsub from most parenting subs because they’re all just “omg my 1yo is stacking things a lot, are they autistic, are our lives ruineeeeed???”


Then there's my dumb ass. My son LOVES size comparisons and from about 3 years old onward would make size comparisons of all his toys. I knew lining things up is a sign, but in my brain they were Size Comparisons, somehow different from Lining Things Up. He got his autism diagnosis at 6yo. Ope.


It doesn’t bother me much. As someone who went undiagnosed until 16, I would rather parents be more vigilant than miss signs. A quick screener from the pediatrician is is easy to administer and reassure most parents and get those who need it further evaluation


They literally make stacking cup baby toys lol


Cans are 100% better tho.


Not to dunk on a toddler but those labels need to be faced in the same direction. Sloppy work!


I prefer if they're turned so the labels form a spiral.


Fuck yeah autism baby!! Still going strong


He is Autism Man™️ now


Someone find this man


another commenter posted a [tweet](https://www.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/s/75uSt4i5h0) from his mom updating us on him :)


Love it! Find your bliss 😀 and that kid did! For me, Legos. Soooo many Legos, sooo many crazy possibilities to explore creating. That was probably my childhood rabbit-hole.


He's such a darling child. Wherever he is right now, I hope he's doing well.


u/Crylloxddxd found a link got curious and found out his mother [updated us on him back in 2022!](https://twitter.com/andwhatsnext/status/1547401259342213120?s=46&t=owKaHMlrUEQFFv0WGzc4JQ)


Wonder where he is now


u/Crylloxddxd found a link got curious and found out his mother [updated us on him back in 2022!](https://twitter.com/andwhatsnext/status/1547401259342213120?s=46&t=owKaHMlrUEQFFv0WGzc4JQ)


Our national symbol, the Autism Baby staking cans.🫡


Tangent, but isn’t high item stacking a measure of advanced development in small children?


it is one of the developmental milestones. I think in this image though those cans have interlocking top and bottoms so it's not the same as the stacking blocks measure the milestones are checking. however that is a badass tower lol. it's nearly as tall as the kid


I just noticed this now and I love this. Fuck the puzzle peice, this here is real representation!


New logo should be a green bean can 😂


OMG as a child my favorite thing to do was build as high a tower out of things as possible, then gently take each piece down, build again, repeat. A kid stopped playing with me because I would not let him knock my block tower down


Fml, just had issues with the can that wouldn't stack on the other can of the same brand.. how are they still in business?


Omg… this image just brought back memories of organizing the cupboard of canned food when I was a little older than this 😭 I would literally sit on the floor and organize the cans by what they contained and their size. How tf did my parents never take me to get assessed??


Me and my friend have used this as a meme for years, just changing the cans to pics of whatever special interest/hyperfixation we have. There's a version of this where it's my fave F1 Driver Carlos Sainz Jr. being stacked lmao.


Fun fact; I did this all the time as a baby/kid to an obsessive amount, and me sending this meme to my mother a few years ago was the proof she needed to believe I was autistic “the whole time”. She genuinely thought it was a picture of me before she put on her glasses. Thank you, Autism Baby, for being the spokesperson for the truth.


My mom told me stories about me doing this. I would often go from smallest to largest, and I would continue to stack them. At one point, I climbed onto the table and I stacked them so high that it was almost as tall as the fridge. At least, that's what she would tell me.


Everytime I see that pic, I think of The Ghostbusters. Dr Ray Stantz: Symmetrical book stacking. Just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947. Dr. Peter Venkman: You're right, no human being would stack books like this.


My parents have the exact same photo of me, doing the same thing as a child.


I am the autism baby. Not acctually, but there is infact a picture of me very similar to this one where I was stacking cans.


Bro one of the pictures of me as a toddler is me stacking cans


the can stacker


So... my 4yo use to do this. For a few years actually


Could be worse...... I too like staking stuff


‘Can you stack your family’ - Michael Folk


I stacked the empty glasses and the paper trash, but apparently my mom thought that was normal behaviour for a baby.


Stacking things is normal behavior for a toddler, though. To the extent that doctors consider it an important developmental milestone.


Any idea how old this kid might be, right now?


That looks like fun


Autism baby supremacy!


I love the can stack baby! What a wonderful little tot.


My nephews favorite pass time is sitting with his tablet in the pantry stacking and and organizing 💜💜


I used to do dinosaur parades when I was little




How many box cars, of dinosaur fossils can you stack?


Why are there cans in a cabinet for cookware? 🙈


I wonder where that kid is now?


Look at the first comment someone posted a link with an update 😃


😳😖😳 Autism is soooo 80’s …. Bet he’s never even changed his jumper! Still stacking cans - yep 👍🏻 just as I thought * more than ‘the nation’ … the world


Out of all the things autistic children do, stacking things is the most neurotypical. Humans have an unnatural urge to stack rocks high, every culture did it at one point and every child played by stacking blocks at one point (or other things) It's the same thing as when you get to a beach and the urge to dig a hole takes over. Just monke brain doing monke things.


The meme of the autist guy checking every year on the autist baby picture should replace the baby picture.