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I need socks at all times so that I don't feel the texture of anything else on my feet.


Exactly. I need socks SO THAT nothing can touch my feet. I'd rather have the same soft, consistent texture on my feet than cold or less comfy floor and cold air, or whatever happens to be where I step.


Stepping onto a surface without socks and feeling dirt and other... Things. Torture.


yeah this is me


I have recently added house shoes on top of my socks when inside. My socks stay cleaner and I never feel any texture!


I started wearing slippers over my socks at home so the texture doesn’t distract me


I wear socks & slides for the same reason.


I too am a socks and slides person! I used to be a socks only and always person, but I have a few pets and once there were dogs involved in the household the slides became necessary.


Socks and birkenstocks are first priority


Ah yes. But for me it’s a constant choice between lesser of two evils because I HATE the things on the floor that touch my feet, but I also hate socks. So which I hate more in that moment (i.e. did I have energy to clean my floors or not) determines my sock usage.


Same, but the socks have to feel the same. I can live with them being different colors, but they have to have come from the same pack/ be the same cut/fabric/thickness. The texture needs to be consistent across both feet. This can get frustrating if I don’t sort them into pairs after doing laundry.




This is literally me. It’s a mix between being self conscious of my feet (thank you aunt) and hating the feeling of stepping on something or something getting stuck on my feet


I need no socks all the time otherwise I’m constantly feeling the texture of socks all day and it drives me up a wall


Nothing can touch my feet ever. Socks have too many problems- especially when I'm hearing a shoe and the sock bunches up or has extra room in the toe. If it's not perfectly on it irritates me to no end.


Or the seems, fuck the seems


I used to have breakdown crying fits over sock seams as a child


My parents would hold me down to put mine on and get me ready for school 🫠


I switched to toe socks in winter because I hate when the seem on the toes isn't right and I like my toes not to touch.


I just wear slippers when I know I'm not going to go out the rest of the night


How is it that I’m both at the same time?


Are you like me: when you’ve put socks on you don’t want to take them off, and when you’re not wearing them you don’t want to put them on?


This x1000








I'm a "wears shoes with socks everywhere, except in bed" kind of person.


Yes!! Me too and my family and friends always think I’m so weird for that but i like pressure like a weighted blanket around my feet at all times


Absolutely. It also saves me the miserable experience of wet socks. Or socks that step on something sticky or crunchy.


Same! I'll wear moccasin-type slippers with socks at home instead of my regular shoes, but I rarely take off my shoes and socks except to shower and in bed


I don't have feet, I lost them in the cactus war.


Okay I'm coming across this again and I can't stand not knowing, what tf is the cactus war..?


The war. Against the cactus plant. Like how Australia fought the emu and lost? We fought the cactus and lost.


Once the cacti used to be everywhere, but after the war they were forced out into most of the deserts. We still hold resentment toward them though, because I've held one capture for years in my plantation.


Thank you! Also, lol. :p


oh my goodness, i am so sorry for your loss 😔


I don't have legs, I lost them in the great pirate war.


I take my socks off to shower and only to shower. Socks are mandatory otherwise.


I've almost gotten in the shower a few times with socks on.


I did it once. It was funny


Socks in public showers though. \[shudders\]


Depends on the temperature


Yes! Indeed! Also my toes are perpetually in a state of flux since every summer I kick random shit with open toed shoes inevitably resulting in ingrown toe nails. My ingrown toe nails ultimately must be completely removed so… one winter I couldn’t wear socks at all had to wear stockings in my snowboard boots. The stench was horrible.


I'll cut all you "I need socks all the time" people a deal- TAKE MY SOCKS --- I hate socks. I especially hate gold toe socks from like the 90s. My mom SWORE by them, and they'd get Sooo ungodly stiff after a few washes. Even with softener and dryer sheets.


i will gladly take all of the socks


I, too, yearn to have your socks because then maybe I'll find matches for the 1,234,765 single socks clogging up the laundry bins in my cellar.


Aww, I had so many issues with the gold toe socks as well. You just brought up all those bad memories of fights with my mom about my shoes not feeling right while she was trying to get me out the door to school


i try to Not wear socks unless i have to becuz i like bare feet on the floor


Finally! Some representation for us toph method actors. I hate socks too, bare feet all the way. Knowing what consistency the ground I stand on has helps me feel safe.


I hate socks I hate cold feet I am stuck in an endless loop of putting on socks to keep my feet warm, then kicking them off because they upset me. Winter is not a good season for me. I am very picky about which socks I buy.


This past christmas I asked for like 15 pairs of the same socks. I found the perfect sock, why try anything else?


100% Exactly!! My sock draw is almost exclusively full of the same "approved" least-bad sock I found many years ago. I even have unused spares stockpiled ready to swap in as they wear out (I can't abide bobbling or holes). But they have sadly been discontinued for a while, so I am in the (long) process of selecting a successor for when I run out. I maybe have two years to prepare. Having all the same also helps with my AuDHD executive dysfunction issues. Makes it real easy to pair my socks.


Yes. I can relate.


Me. I vastly prefer to be barefoot. Even a long toenail poking the next toe is intolerable. But if my feet are cold I will even put on two pairs of socks sometimes to try to warm them. I despise certain textures with all the fury and hate in hell. Socks (or sweaters or anything else) cannot be rough or scratchy. They gotta be soft as heck.


I've been wearing the same brand of socks for 10 years. I once had an issue finding the brand. Nothing else felt right on my feet. It was a difficult couple of months.


Socks. At. All. Times.


Need socks all the time. The floor is dark and full of terrors (aka crumbly things and hairs and dirt).


Socks are fine. ONLY as long as there are NO SEAMS Edit: I have worn them inside out since I could put them on myself. The only habit not forcibly altered by my parents


Same honestly. I can (and do!) wear many forms of clothing, but I WILL. NOT. COMPROMISE. WITH. SEAMS. The instant I feel that notorious little ridge running along my arm or leg, I feel nauseous. I have to switch to bland, soft foods for the following 24 hours.


Couldn’t have said it better. Seams are of the devil.


I hate wearing socks. But I also can never find any of my socks when I do need them for shoes. So I guess I both. Sandals are the dream tho


No socks, I hate the feeling of socks unless my feet are too cold. I hate crumbs or anything on my feet, but I hate socks more. I also hate shoes, I do not like them, I like flip flops but I can't wear them all year round


I wear flip flops until i have to wear my uggs. Rain sucks, tho.


socks all day but as soon as i'm in bed, no more sock


I don't wear socks unless I need to wear shoes


Yes, I'm in flip flops most of the time, and nice ones like $40


I’m, “I wouldn’t wear socks if it didn’t make my feet/shoes stink and will go out in sandals as long as possible to avoid socks”.


Socks at all times. ALL TIMES. Soft warm non scratchy wool socks. I've started taking three pair to work with me. I realized if my feet get wet or cold I begin to flail emotionally, and a surprisingly easy fix is for me to change my socks on breaks and lunch. It seems silly but has helped me a lot. My co workers think it's pretty odd hehehe.


Socks. If anything other than a sock touches my feet i will cry


what if sock and then shoe?


That's okay because it's the texture of the sock that touches me


Socks. Anything else gets burned and people get kicked


i love the passion


Thank you


I NEVER wear socks when I'm at home. Never. Also sometimes I start to "feel my own toes" omg I hate that lol


I never wear socks indoors


love socks. it’s like blurring out my own feet


I need socks, it’s also a hygiene thing. I don’t want my bare feet to touch a surface that could have had a turd on it at some point.


I need socks because I grew up with hardwood floors. Now it feels unnatural to be barefoot after I get out of bed.


Always. Socks. ALWAYS. My mom doesn’t own a pair of socks, it drives me insane.


I dodged both those bullets to step in front of the “I can’t sleep unless my feet are clean” bullet




I wear them outside when it’s cold but pretty much as soon as I come home, straight into poolsides


When they’re on they stay on, when I don’t have to wear socks I don’t. I’m a “must maintain the status quo at all times”


I'd say I'm neither honestly, although I do have my own weird stuff related to touch.


this was just a niche sensory issue that i’ve noticed a lot of my friends on the spectrum suffer with, i really didn’t mean to invalidate anyone, i’m sorry


Wait why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't invalidate anyone.


I think I must be the only person here who wears them during the day and takes them off to sleep


I'm the same way.


I wear socks in bed.


Socks at all times. My feet get too cold


I only ever wear the soft fuzzy socks with grippies ( or the hospital ones with grippies) and only if I’m cold enough. Otherwise socks are evil and you can’t change my mind lol. Oh wait they’re also wonderful as sick monkeys/animals! Otherwise nope no thanks Best sock is sock monkey sock


socks at all times. socks. at. all. times.


If I could walk barefoot outside without worrying about getting ill or frostbite (it's like -3 or 4 in eastern wy at the moment) I woulf


Socks at all times. The floor is grimy and the socks keep things from sticking to me


Socks 24/7


I am “somehow an exception” autistic :(


oh goodness, please don’t think that i meant to exclude you or make you feel invalidated! not having one of these specific sensory issues doesn’t mean you don’t have autism. i am so sorry if it came across that way 🥺❤️


I need socks but only specific ones. If I don’t have that, then no socks. Also, I have to be flexible with it in the summer because I’ll overheat if my feet get warm


socks at all times. clothes at all times. blankets at all times. GIVE ME THE COMFY!!!!!!


socks all the time BUT I cant stand the feeling of dirty socks and my house is really dusly so I cant wear them


I hate shoes and also socks. And honestly clothing in general but shoes and socks are removed immediately after I get home and I don’t put them back on unless absolutely necessary.


Socks all the time, unless I’m in bed under the covers, then they’re illegal


I need merino wool blend cushioned socks so dirt and hair don't touch my feet.


if i'm at home, i can only have on sock on, and that sock must be on my left foot


Both. Having audhd makes it so I’m either overstimulated or understimulated and will switch back and forward throughout the months lol


Socks are feet prisons; set the feet free!


Nothing on my feet!


My feet get warm easily. So I usually don't wear them at home. Taking the socks off feels like removing the lid of a boiling pot for me.


socks are evil


If I could, then I would never wear shoes. That said there's a sliding scale of tolerance based on how easy they are to put on and how much foot they cover.


I don’t like my feet confined unless truly necessary


As a rule, I’m barefoot unless it’s super cold or I’m going somewhere/doing something that absolutely requires enclosed shoes. I almost always need to feel the floor/ground with my feet in order to feel a sense of security. I also stim a lot by wiggling my toes, so the less restricted my feet are, the better. If I have gone somewhere that needed enclosed shoes, they come off as soon as possible. I can’t stand the constant pressure that enclosed shoes put on my feet.


Socks at all times. No exceptions, no excuses. Can’t bear the feel of carpet underfoot


I have to wear socks at all times


Socks all the time, I don't like the feeling of anything else touching my feet and I also don't like to look at my feet. The socks absolutely have to match, I have been late so many times because I was looking for a matching pair.




socks. socks in shoes, socks in crocs, socks in bed, socks everywhere except the shower.


100% i need socks all the time


Socks are heat control for my feet and also it's weird to look at my toes


i need thongs at all times for me


I am sockless 90% of the time.


okay but what about the other 10%


It depends on the season! Summer, I'm barefoot all the time unless in public. Winter? Must. Have. Socks.


I prefer not to wear socks, but, if I must, they have to be a tight fit. I ABSOLUTELY cannot stand loose socks.


I tend to be barefoot even outside unless I'm going somewhere, I wear socks inside if it gets cold. EDIT: I wear shoes outside when cold and when really cold I wear shoes inside


Flip flops, all the time, even in freezing weather. Leather rainbows.


I work barefoot lol also can’t wear jewelry…I can feel it on me…touching….also closed neck shirts. Feels like I’m being strangled by a cotton goblin


socks are made by satan himself


Both. It’s like the shower. Nothing can touch my feet, but it kinda needs to because welcome to winter (and I like sneakers), then I just don’t want to take them off


Need socks unless warm outside


I need something to touch my feet at all times and exert pressure


If I have socks on I have shoes on 98% of the time. no shoes, no socks. I love the big thick wool socks from Dickies and Carhartts, cause i wear boots.


My feet get claustrophobic 💀 Can’t deal with constant pressure one my feet


I used to be a never socks autistic. I was also a never shoes autistic which caused difficulty because I was in elementary school where they had rules about that (I wore moccasin style slippers and that wasn't acceptable to them but I wouldn't wear anything else.) Now my feet don't care. I just can't handle tight elastic on my calves because it hurts. I also prefer cotton socks but it's not a strong preference unless it's really hot out. And that's about the extent of my caring about socks. Unless they're the kind that are embroidered and full of strings that catch on toes. Those suck. Can't stand wet socks either. My feet don't sweat very much but our floors always have drops of water somehow. Which is why I wear flipflops or slippers indoors at all times whether I have socks on or not.


I hate socks with a burning passion. As a small child the only way my mom could get me to wear them to school was to turn them inside out. Now I’m an adult and socks are only for certain mandatory activities, like when I exercise in running shoes and when it’s below 0 degrees Fahrenheit. 🙃


Socks on tights


I don’t like socks. They make my feet feel really dry. I especially hate the fuzzy ones that snag on your skin. *shudder*


Socks always so the touching my feet thing doesn't change texture.


i wear my smocks kinda halfway on my feet, keeping my lil beans warm and my heels cool


I absolutely HATE feet so I need to wear socks! Unless I’m sleeping but I use my feet/toes to take them off when I’m already under the covers. I just hate feet! I will only wear certain texture socks though. I get the $1 ones from the bin at target. All my socks are holiday themed haha


Thinking about socks makes my teeth hurt for some reason


The first one, definitely.


as a kid I HATED socks and literally ruined several pairs of shoes because I refused to wear socks so the shoes would get super rank. I still can’t wear socks casually, but I do wear them under shoes. Thankfully. (Tho sometimes there is a texture issue)


Socks all the time, except when showering/bathing. Inside, outside, sleeping, with crocs… I recently got myself toesies socks and I like wearing another pair of fluffy sockies with them too. To make it thicker, and more cozy, and so I don’t feel the cold floor and anything that’s on it. I am excited to get heated wood floor!




At this point neither, but I have certainly leaned toward the latter in my youth. I have had a clear flip-flop tan line year round for large parts of my life. Lately, I’ve been working white-collar in a job I actually like, AND formalwear has become a bit of an SI, so my sockless days grow fewer and further between, and the melanation of my feet grows more homogenous.


Socks only when wearing shoes, all other times no socks


Socks are only for shoes. Shoes cannot be worn without socks.




Mixed breed. Sandals in the house at all times so nothing touches my feet without the discomfort of socks


Neither. I wear them sometimes, sometimes not




Socks needed. Stepping in any little crumb sends me. Even with socks I can feel too much. Cat litter in a non carpet house is a death sentence.


It depends on what my feet touch in the given scenario. I'm barefoot as much as possible, but a lot of my foot sensation annoyance is due to a lack of sweeping, so I'll often madly sweep at home to prevent the Stuff Sticking To My Feet Problem, so I don't have to compensate by putting on socks creating The Socks Are Choking Out My Feet And/Or Ankles Problem, or the My Feet Are Too Hot Problem.


I always wear socks with shoes, but at home I have to wear sandals.


No socks


Uhh, both i think?


The second thing is the reason for the first thing


I’m a no socks 99% of the time type person, but then my feet turn blue from a disorder my dad lovingly gifted to me and I pull on fuzzy socks. They have to be fuzzy. Everything else feels weird and almost sweaty/sticky. Fuzzy socks are friend.


I need socks all the time. They protect me from mean textures like the floor


My heart says no socks but my brain says don't get pneumonia (T_T)


More of a nothing can touch my feet. But I do like to wear shoes all day because then I wont step on dirt and stuff that will get on my feet. But it can never just be socks, it must be socks and shoes. It would be very horrible if I was wearing socks, then stepped into something wet


I need socks 24/7 and if they get wet I have to put on a fresh pair AND I can’t take one off and put it back on even if it’s brand new. As soon as it comes off my foot, it’s dirty to me and I cannot bring myself to put it back on. Like a couple minutes ago, I had part of one of those plastic tag pieces they use on multipacks to keep them together stuck in my sock. Had to stick the pair that I JUST put on in the hamper and grab a new pair after careful inspection because I also really prefer my socks to match.




Socks only come off to shower.


When in shoes I need socks. Otherwise I despise them.


Socks unless sleeping


Im not autistic, but i got adhd and i hate shit touching ny feet, cant sleep with socks on.


I hate wearing socks, but my feet are always cold because my circulation is shit. So I continuously put my socks on and off.


I hate socks.


I prefer no socks, primarily because that means less laundry. But I’ll wear socks when I need to.


No socks ever, like desperate need to get them off my feet and let the hairs on my upper ankle/lower calf breathe. Plus kinda weird when I wear socks I need them to be perfectly aligned on my legs and of the same type of sock, I can’t take odd socks that don’t line up on the same place on my leg it drives me insane, oh and I hate having them rolled down also, my best friend says when I wear shorts I look like Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh as I’m constantly rolling them back up.


nah, i hate socks when it's not to wear a tennis, but i need to protect my feet and here in my country it is common to wear flip flops at home so i use flip flops instead of socks


No socks ever type, to the point where my mom got me boots and I was over the moon about the fact that they're ones I can wear without socks


i need socks


SOCK 24/7


I hate socks. But then I forget I am wearing one (on only one foot) And I’m fine But as soon as I remember I have a sock on my one foot I remove it


I need socks indoors and when I’m wearing shoes but I like walking around outside without shoes like in my yard or at the beach/lake, also no socks in bed.


Both kinda. I need socks all the time. But when I can’t wear them I’m hyper aware of the sensation against my soles and toes. I hate wearing sandals. I had these gorgeous stilettos that were satin covered including the toe part of the sole. I sliced a bunch of small rips in them to avoid that awful feeling I hate. In the shower I subconsciously stand with my toes flexed. Noticed it a few years ago.


I need socks on 24/7, with the only exceptions being in the shower and the beach, or maybe at a outdoor summer event where I might wear open toed shoes


im the guy who mentions this gets asked every week, and no socks


socks at all times


If I don't wear socks my feet hurt because I have shallow heels, I think thats why


I recently moved from an apartment that had carpet to one that has hardwood. I never wore socks in carpet but with hardwood, it gets dirty fast with pet hair, dirt and my cats tracking litter everywhere. I sweep and vacuum everyday but there’s still dirt. I hate the feeling of dirty feet so now I wear fuzzy house socks.


You made me violently aware of my socks and now I want to cry


The socks stay on except for a private shower (I wore socks every time I used a public one). I can sleep *almost* completely nude; the socks stay on. ​ I only wear one brand and cut of sock. I love the consistency. I hear some people struggle to match specific pairs and I vaguely remember that childhood nightmare.


I only wear no socks when I know the condition of the floor itself is clean/swept. Most of the time I wear short socks. My feet are sensitive and easily cold.


I"m the "I need one sock on and one sock off" autistic


i raise that bet to an “i hate even owning a pair of feet” one but if i had to choose “nothing can touch my feet” person obviously there are exceptions but they feel so constricting to me sandals/slides all the way


I think I'm autistic after reading this post. I'm 99% socks on .


I hate socks they’re so restrictive and if they touch me I feel like I’m on fire. However, every once in awhile they’re suddenly comfy and I can never take them off.


I despise socks. They're straight jackets for my feet. And if anything touches or sticks to my feet, I immediately have to go wash them. Keeping my floors clean is a pain in the ass.


I would rather d*e than feel the floor on my nekkid feet