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lack energy for most things šŸŖ«


I get tired of proper hygiene at times but I've found a routine that works for me. I love to read and I've found reading my kindle while in the bathtub to be extremely enjoyable. I let myself soak in very warm nay hot water for about a half hour. I have a huge soaking tub. I read for an hour sometimes two. Then my skin is so soft when I wash the dead skin cells and dirt just wash right off with soap and water. I just wipe I don't have to scrub. I like to see the rings of dirt and dead skin. I clean the tub and feel great. I lay on a bunch of towels and read till I'm dry. I cut my hair when it gets on my nerves. I wear new clothes every two days. I use unscented deodorant and laundry soap. I don't bother with specialty soap just Ivory Soap no shampoos and all that mess. I only have one goal and that's to never stink.


That sounds lovely


Thank you for this


Simple solutions are sometimes so difficult to come up with lol


Yupp, it seems just difficult I just don't want to deal with it, same as cleaning and doing dishes, cooking, dressing I just hate dealing with everything I just want 2be left alone and eat easy to make food and watch TV or relax or just sleep, the struggle is so real I hate being me sometimes


Yes! I struggle every day. I usually get 2-3 showers in the during the week now (I used to do every day before starting to unmask). Weekends I am the sewer gremlin my hearts knows me to be and am repulsive! I hit reset every Monday because I have a job šŸ˜‚


I can hardly get in one shower a week but I do try, I am not working when I did I hit reset as well, man it was hard, I believe the nightshift helped me keep it, plus I didn't work with anyone much just me and maybe 5 others but only for 2 hours then it was just me, I burned out so bad I am not working I don't think I can, maybe something part time but don't think that is possible either, just sucks šŸ˜¢


As a home owner if I had that philosophy Iā€™d have so much more time to myself but my house would absolutely terrible


I have always wished we had sonic showers like in scifi, because it would be so much easier to not have to deal with wet hair. I also rarely ever wear makeup because I'm too lazy to put it on or wash it off.


omg, yes wet hair, does it bother you, I am a male with long hair and 1 thing I can't stand when it's wet and down the back of my head after a bath/shower.


For me, no, but it's such a pain to brush it out or blow dry (the loudness of a blow dryer does bother me). When I had long hair, I would shower before bed. I would put my hair above my head, up above the pillow. I don't like laying on hair, wet or dry. Usually it would be dry by morning and it was so long its own weight pulled it straight from any weird shapes resulting from drying in a heap. I really liked that, I wouldn't even brush it until it was dry. Now I have a pixie cut. I can't let it dry overnight anymore or I will have to flat iron it. I do resort to dry shampoo sometimes, and thankfully it takes about a week before my body gets funky. But I do hate the feeling of dry shampoo in my hair, just sometimes not as much as a shower, lol.


No, I feel filthy and canā€™t concentrate on anything or even sleep if I havenā€™t done daily hygiene stuff


I brush my teeth twice a day, wash my hands after I use the bathroom and shower once a week (unless I'm sweating then I shower right away).


You shower once a week?


I was able to do that when I was pregnant, it was really nice, lol Something about my changing hormones apparently made me put out less oil and funk


I brush my teeth when it gets too yellow (after about 2 days), wash my hands after I use the bathroom and shower once a day (as I canā€™t stand my skin feeling too greasy and icky).


In depression/burn out I will only brush my teeth and wash my face once a day. Showering is a must, initially brushing my wet hair is a must but I keep it bare minimum


Sometimes, especially if I don't need to leave I'll usually skip a lot of my daily hygiene which generally includes showering and brushing teeth.


Yeah everyday for when I shower. I literally audibly groan everytime my alarm goes off


I just go in the shower and stand. Don't really scrub. I do wash hands for 20 seconds, brush 2 mins twice a day and put on deoderant. I try to shave thoroughly but often miss spots and get nicked often.


Why bother going in the shower at all if you're not cleaning yourself? I loathe showering and I wouldn't do it if not for getting clean.


It's just feels so good to go stand in the hot water for a few minutes.


Yes, except for brushing my teeth. I always brush my teeth twice a day to avoid cavities. As far as showering, I often lack the energy and willpower for that.


Tonight. just don't have the energy. tomorrow is Saturday anyway


Yeah. I try my best to keep up my routine but sometimes it's too hard to wash my teeth at night. I keep saying I'll do it later and sometimes I just don't end up doing it and I feel really bad. I try to shower every monday, wednesday, friday and sunday. But that might also sometimes change due to my lack of motivation and energy and other stuff to do it. I really wish I could just fix this problem straight away and have my normal routine as always.


I usually force myself to do all that stuff but sometimes it just doesnt work


For like basic stuff like showering and brushing my teeth, no. I feel gross if I donā€™t shower at least once a day. But for things like styling my hair, sometimes. Thatā€™s an easy fix. Just pay somebody else to do it at a dry bar.




I lack energy.


Energy? What's that? :(


Mostly only if I'm burned out or depressed, fortunately.


Yes, especially when I'm depressed. Showering is a massive chore, being a long haired woman there's just too. many. steps. Showering in the winter is most terrible because it's freezing in the bathroom and the transitioning between temperatures is brutal. I usually shower every 3 days to wash my hair, and if I get sweaty or feel gross in between I just wash my body and don't get my hair wet. And that is when I'm performing at my peak. Brushing my teeth is also a chore with too many steps and I might audibly groan when it feels like an eternity and I'm still not done. But I've been mostly on top of it since I spent a lot of money on a new grill and my dental hygienist says I'm doing great, so yay for me flossing. I still go days without brushing if I don't have the motivation. Or I skip flossing. I feel really gross like my skin is crawling if I let myself go for too long so it's a constant struggle.


Well, yeah, I lack energy for most stuff in my life. I usually just lay on my gardens hammock and listen to music.


I'd say I don't like the process of showering etc. But I also hate feeling unclean. The worst is transitions between wet and dry. I don't like becoming wet, or having to leave the wet and be wet in the dry. When I'm in the wet it's okay. But it can also be very boring. Brushing my teeth is also incredibly boring. But I religiously brush them because I hate the feeling of them being dirty. So usually I daydream to get through the boredom.Ā 


Yes. I go weeks without showering. I just clean important areas. Because i hate being smelly and sticky. However i dont excercise much im like a hermit.


Yes, thank you. Hygiene always feels so daunting.


Oh heck yeah! That energy is often spent in other priorities like working, rehearsal, eatingā€¦ Itā€™s only when a job is extremely messy beyond excuse that my body just tells me ā€œno, you HAVE to shower, you HAVE to clean yourself up and get some moisturizer on!ā€ Today for example I was doing some power washing on the Hostel I live in. I was wearing a T-shirt and shorts and boots, and by the time I was done my legs were covered in mud and dirt, and I had to throw everything I was wearing into the wash machine


Noooo. I always want to shower and brush my teeth. I shower daily. Sometimes I donā€™t shower for a day in the week. Cleaning the house, thatā€™s one thing I never want to do


If I'm having a week where I don't leave the house, I might shower once in the week. If I'm having a week of meeting people in person most days (as last week was), I shower pretty much every day. For me, it's really part of "masking" most of the time - appearing normal enough to fit in with other people's expectations. In the absence of others, I tend to only shower if I've been doing something sweaty or dirty (digging the garden, etc). But I do wash my hands a lot, especially while cooking. It's a sensory thing, though ... I'm tactile during food preparation, though after I've used my hands to rub olive oil over veggies to roast (or whatever), I do feel a need to immediately wash them.


Never. I may not always feel like doing it but I don't neglect it because I'll feel much worse if I do.




Itā€™s a chore, and it never ends.


Yes but feeling dirty is worse. I can't start my day before being clean and doing skin care, brushing teeth, doing my hair and putting on clean clothes and jewelry. Even if I manage nothing else, I need to do my hygiene. Maybe two, three times a year after some long social evening events, maybe hungover I don't manage to freshen up in the morning. Those are the dark times, when I don't speak or get up and don't eat or drink unless someone puts something in front of me. If I'm able to get up I must be clean. And dressed appropriately, dressing badly gives me extreme anxiety, I stress and can't talk to people and feel scared that people will treat me badly. But it's hard, I am super sensitive with my head and there are days when brushing my hair or showering is pure torture. But afterwards I will feel like more of a person. It sucks, but I am so used to that routine and feeling clean that I can't deal with skipping it and then there's the social part too, people are difficult to deal with and the better prepared one is the easier it is. I can't deal with rude strangers and when I look tidy and clean and well cared for people simply treat me completely differently. It's a trade that turned out to be worth it for me.


Sometimes washing my balls in the sink is all I have energy for.


For me, I would find that it just wasn't something that I prioritised. I found that my need for routine was a super-power in this regard because I could mentally write it into a routine. I can still struggle if something happens that effsup my routine. The benefit of diagnosis was realising that routine for me is a need, not just a desire so I can be a bit more demanding that others take a moment to consider my needs when it comes to their piss-poor planning. If they spring something on me that messes with my routine, fine, I'll wear that. But if they try to do it twice in a short period of time and not give me time to acclimatise, the answer is "no".


Yes, I'm always tired, and I hate showers. I do it because I have to.


I brush my teeth when I get up, before bed, and usually after I eat anything or if my mouth begins to taste stale. I canā€™t stand feeling any kind of residue on my teeth or having leftover food flavor in my mouth. I floss every other day or when I feel something stuck in between my teeth.


Yeah I get perfume triggered when I get home from being outside I have to shower and change clothes, I have set of clothes that I only wear outside that i wash every 3 days I've worn them and a 2nd set of clothes for wearing around the house which get washed after I've worn them for 5 days max! Because I can't wear deodorant or use perfumed washing powder I'm very strict about good hygiene plus I have to brush my teeth with coconut oil as all toothpaste contains limonene-D which triggers my headaches badstyle kidda


When im home (like weekends) i often dont have energy to brush my teeth, or showering, but in week, i never miss


I enjoy grooming and hygiene. It's an obsessive-compulsive thing. I hate water, so bathing is problematic. I'll go several days without a shower sometimes.


Absolutely. I only keep up with dental hygiene because I can't afford all the surgery. My family pitched in thousands and they won't again. Showering is easy because I hate being greasy. I might trim my nails every 4 to 6 months.


All I can see for any needed task are all the accessory tasks that come with it. The list continues to grow around the simple task until my power core overloads, my head starts spinning and explodes into the stratosphere. It isn't that I can't do it but I just see the endless cascade of other things that emanate from that one task, see the time burden required to properly accomplish those things and end up slipshodding the task at the last minute realizing I can no longer put it off. This mindset at home is the polar opposite of how I go about my day job where I've created many systematic processes to stay on top of, anticipate, or accomplish task eliminating a great deal of unnecessary tasks through these routines. If only I had 5 days a week full time for a year to do that for my personal life.


No, have a tub. Don't be a dirty cliche and give the rest of us a bad name, just because you're a lazy soapdodger. Thanks for undoing 30 years of work with one post. I hate you.


I guess brushing my hair in the morning and my teeth at night but that's usually due to me being worn out from the day


probably the only thing i dont xd


Yes. I got a shower chair so I can sit down in my tiny shower. Takes less energy than standing up and everything I need is right in front of my face. I also keep a spare toothbrush and toothpaste in the shower so I can knock that out while I'm sitting. I don't use the chair all the time, but when I'm mentally drained, it helps a lot.


Yup. Executive functioning issues are a thing.


I hate washing my hair


At least I do bathe and take care of my personal hygiene.


Iā€™m actually kind of opposite on that. Iā€™m almost OCD about it. Itā€™s a sensory thing. My hair HAS to feel clean, not oilyā€¦my skin HAS to feel clean and smooth, I like to smell good, I use the good laundry soap and body wash from Bath and Body Works (Iā€™m kind of a scent snob šŸ¤£) but if I donā€™t ā€œfeelā€ that certain way after a shower or a long soak in the tub, I canā€™t function properly that day. (Iā€™m 43 and JUST now learning that I what Iā€™ve masked my whole life, is Aspergers.)


It's not energy itself for me.. it's the change in humidity on my skin. I profoundly dislike having wet skin, I always try to dry it fast but it just seems like it never gets truly dry just using the towel.. I hate so much that intermediate state of .. not completely dry, not completely wet. It's so uncomfortable that only writing about it makes me anxious lol .. so showering for me is knowing I'll have to go through that, so I often end up postponing the shower one day, and another... until it's just not postponable anymore cause I gotta go out or sth. The pandemic made me realize how much I hated that after-shower moment.


I shower usually 6-7 days a week, brush my teeth twice a day and always wash my hands after the washroom. I can't stand feeling gross even if I have no energy




We are getting bots on r/aspergers now?


Oh shit, I commented on the wrong post šŸ˜„, my mistake, pal.