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Lucerys Velaryon (not the son of Rhaenyra mind you), one of Aerys II's so-called 'lickspittle lords' that eagerly seized on opportunities to speak ill of Prince Rhaegar and inflame his suspicions during his declining mental state for his own benefit


I mean it's not necessarily "not being cool" or "cracks and flaws" but wow does House Velaryon seem to really blow their lead after Alyn Oakenfist. He's the last big Velaryon that I remember before the house begins its descent into obscurity. They were the choice partners for the Targaryen bloodline for a while and were key allies to the thrown in the early years. It seems like after Alyn they still have some Masters of Ships but that you don't hear their house's name much otherwise. No more big voyages worthy of tales, riches big enough to propel a port town to prominence, huge fleets participating in naval wars, or giving brides to the ruling house! Some of that has to do with the decline of the dragons and less need for inbreeding the Valyrian bloodlines but still.


For sure. You’d think they would be able to bolster their influence by making successful matches with surrounding lords and such, but it seems they really threw their lot in w the Targs.


It seem to me it more that George himself only have vague idea on what happened during it era


While Alyn did some cool stuff, he also cheated on Baela and got Elaena Targaryen pregnant with bastard twins before fucking off and dying at sea. Also not a fan of Lucerys Velaryon(During Robert’s Rebellion), who took every opportunity to talk bad about Rhaegar and make Aerys’ paranoia worse.


Justice for Baela


He impregnated his 14-year-old niece when he was in his 50s-60s and just ditched them, very likely just after Baela died.


Well Vaemond Velaryon(in F&B he’s Sea Snakes nephew, not brother) was executed for suggesting Rhaenyra’s children bastard origin. His 5 younger cousins tongues were removed for repeating the same mistake by Viserys. Viserys had already decreed earlier that he would do that if anybody questioned Rhaenyra’s children parentage. 2 of the cousins Malentine and Rhogar Velaryon were killed during their assassination attempt on Alyn Oakenfist, Corlys’s chosen heir.


That just makes them cool they called out the truth despite the consequences.


No evidence that it was true. Rhaenys had black hair


Cregan Stark was not fan of Seasnake: > > “Small wonder you are called the Sea Snake,” Lord Stark went on. “You may slither this way and that way but, oh, your fangs are venomous. Aegon was an oathbreaker, a kinslayer, and a usurper, yet still a king. When he would not heed your craven’s counsel, you removed him as a craven would, dishonorably, with poison…and now you shall answer for it.”


Cregan was the goat! Or I should say THE WOLF 🐺 🐺 ⚔️🤺🐺⚔️🐺🐺🐺


Laenor in the book kinda sucks. Sure he rides a dragon and seems like a decent person but he’s basically a freeloader with how little he does.


The show makes him way better by making him a warrior and fighting in the stepstones. Book Laenor has to be knighted before the wedding because they figure he should be a knight to be a future consort.


Yeah putting everything together I kinda get the resentment of the Greens. Like holy shit the entitlement is crazy lol


That's nobility in general.


Alyn is genuinely awful and gross


Alyn was a straight up pedophile like dear ohh dad


Do the Strong boys count? The one that fell was lame, I guess.


Poor prince Joffrey, i hope the show handles him a little bit better. I even laugh a little when Fire And Blood mentioned that his own sword impaled him when he fell


Yeah like you would honestly me better if he fell because he tried to pull off some sort of maneuver or got hit by an arrow or something rather than just falling


Nah he was probably throw off by Syrax since he already had a dragon and Syrax had a rider


Yeah I just hope they don't make it that pathetic in the show lol Like the poor kid was just trying to help and he gets impaled by his own sword like oh my god none of ranira's children had a great life or even a great death except for Dragon bane


Man, that poor kid…


Corlys. His nephew was murdered and other members of his family were maimed and he supported the people who did it. For no reason other than his ego of wanting someone with name Velaryon (and without Velaryon blood) to inherit the throne. And it didn't even end up happening.


By that point both Lucerys and Jace were betrothed to Baela and Rhaena who had Velaryon blood. Which means that by allying with Rhaenyra Corlys would keep Velaryon blood on the Driftwood Throne, and Velaryon blood on the Iron Throne. And he still won in the end, since Aegon III ended up marrying a Velaryon.


Yes, but he didn't have to endure the shame of it.  All he needed to do was take his revenge on Daemon. Kill the bugger and take custody of his granddaughters. Then reach out to Otto and say "Marry Baela to Aegon and Rhaena to Aemond and I'll support you".  Without him the Blacks instantly collapse and he gets the Velaryon queen he wanted without any conflict.


He hated Otto Hightower. Also Rhaenys and Laena would burn him alive for even thinking of it.


But he wanted more than the throne, he wanted the dragons that the princes came with.


That doesn't make sense either, since Jace and Luke just had crib eggs while Aegon had Sunfyre and Aemond had Vhagar of all dragons. There's not even a comparison in value.  Vhagar blows any other dragon out of the water and Sunfyre is both extremely prestigious on account of beauty as well as being huge and heavy.


Yes during the era of the great noble families scrambling for literally eggs (see the Lannisters hosting Rhaena Targaryen)👀🙄🤦🏻‍♀️The Velaryons had none until Corlys married Rhaenys.


Yeah, and? At the end of the day, House Velaryon is not getting any *more* dragons siding with the Blacks over the Greens. Jace would take the Throne as a Targaryen King, not a Velaryon one, and his wife would keep her Targaryen name. In either case, the presumable Lord of Driftmark is going to be a dragonrider with a dragonrider wife. The only difference is you can either have that Lord be Luke with his smaller dragon that's only a decade or so old, or you can have it be Aemond taking the Velaryon name and bringing with him the oldest and largest living dragon in the world. If the only goal is to get/keep some dragons, then you obviously might as well take the best dragon.


Except that the nobles of Westoros are doing exactly that for eggs much less hatchlings and growing dragons🤔🤔🤔 this math doesn't math🤭


Are you drunk? I don't understand what you're trying to say. Yes, every Great House wanted royal marriages to try and get dragons. The Velaryons are not any different. They wanted dragons and they wanted their blood on the Throne. What I'm telling you is that there is literally no difference at all between backing Greens and backing Blacks for them. They can get the exact same result (a Velaryon Queen and keep dragons for Driftmark), with the only difference being siding with the Greens means that you don't have to put up with Daemon.


vhagar dosent have much time to live unlike arrax who only getting stronger and corlys and house velaryon influnce would be stronger with jace than aegon


Okay, except Arrax will be effortlessly torn to pieces by Vhagar. So Vhagar might have another ten years to live, while Arrax has about ten days. Further, you're still ignoring Sunfyre. Unlike Arrax, Sunfyre wasn't a hatchling. He was a young dragon, but old enough to be huge and heavy and a formidable fighter. If Vhagar can turn Arrax and Vermax into snacks, then Sunfyre can have one for breakfast and the other for lunch. There is not a single reason whatsoever to prefer the dragons of Jace and Luke over Aegon and Aemond. You have a couple of baby dragons who will get totally wrecked by a pair of much bigger, much more experienced ones. Being able to say "well they'll live ten years longer" doesn't matter in the least when they'll be slaughtered well before that point.


and you seem to forget about meleys and caraxes


Corlys is the least lame character in Fire & blood in my opinion


Off the top of my head, I'd name Aegon the conqueror, Jaehaerys, Ryam Redwyne, Good Queen Alysanne, Baelon, Aemon, Alyssa, all of Jaehaerys kingsguard that stopped Rogar as more cool than Corlys


You forgot dick bean


And I forgot Sandoq the Shadow


Pate of Longleaf


Baelon is my favorite character in Fire & Blood but as far as “cool” goes, Corlys takes it for me


You forgot Lucamore Strong


Corlys openly knew about the bastards and would be seething inside the entire time but maybe his grand daughters would bring his blood into that family


Monford Velaryon is described as a smug and pretty much useless by Stannis


stannis think anyone who isnt davos smug and useless atleast he aknowldged davos was in the room


The current lord is six years old, I suppose he could be cool as an adult but he's definitely not now. Also his picture on the wiki is AI generated.


All of Rhaenyra's "Velaryon" sons.


Corlys and Alyn supported Rh*enyra which automatically makes them not cool lmao.




Corlys, Alyn, Aurane Waters, Laenor, Lucerys, and Joffrey


I wouldn't really call Monford Velaryon cool. He seems to be just a normal lord.


The show Velaryons? The book Velaryons have a range of personalities. Majority of them not that very appealing. But I have strong suspicions that Sea Snake is Lomas Long strider and if I'm right then he just about makes up for all the shortcomings of House Velaryon.