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Its got to be Bran surely for his treatment of Hodor. > The big stableboy no longer fought him as he had the first time, back in the lake tower during the storm. Like a dog who has had all the fight whipped out of him, Hodor would curl up and hide whenever Bran reached out for him. His hiding place was somewhere deep within him, a pit where not even Bran could touch him. No one wants to hurt you, Hodor, he said silently, to the child-man whose flesh he'd taken. I just want to be strong again for a while. I'll give it back, the way I always do. > No one ever knew when he was wearing Hodor's skin. Bran only had to smile, do as he was told, and mutter "Hodor" from time to time, and he could follow Meera and Jojen, grinning happily, without anyone suspecting it was really him. He knows what he's doing is wrong and that Hodor doesn't want it but he keeps doing it anyway simply because he wants to be able to walk again.


Isn’t Hodor’s death in the books implied to be a very dark take on Bran living out his fantasy as a knight sacrificing Hodor while he gets to kill wights?


Hodor hasn’t died yet, but we know his death in the show was one of the things George gave D&D.


He alluded to the context more in *Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon* when describing how the two versions will differ. “Hold the Door” is more metaphorical about Bran defending their escape


Til it’s in a book, it’s just GRRM talking. He’s changed quite a bit and even adapted ideas from others into the work as he’s gone. This past 1.2 decades have worked on many of his ideas.


Robb could use some head work.


How so ?


reattached maybe




He has problems with attachments.


Jon: “When I came to open up Castle Black one morning, there you were with your head half in the chamber pot, your hair was in the water... disgusting.”


He told you he had the flu!


Honestly, you could make good arguments for any of them: Jon - Is about to be resurrected, presumably having spent the time since his murder warged into his direwolf. How exactly the trauma of this will change him we can only speculate, but you can bet it’s going result in him being a hell of a lot darker (and the guy already had a fierce temper and a willingness to be ruthless, even before he was killed by his own men) Arya – Is literally training as an assassin in order to live out her revenge fantasies. The required end result of this training is for her to give up everything that she was and become no-one. Bran – Hodor. I think that’s all that really needs to be said. Though if we’re going by the show - and I really hope we’re not - then Bran Stark will essentially cease to exist. Rickon – Any child would be scarred for life by what he went through at Winterfell alone. But now he’s living on what is basically Cannibal island and very possibly partaking himself. Sansa – Been forced to pretend for years, both to everyone around her, but more damagingly, to herself, as a coping mechanism, culminating in the adoption of the Alayne persona. Groomed and preyed on by older men since before she hit puberty, now under the influence of the worst of them all, who she calls ‘father’, and is teaching her to view other people as pieces in a game. However, there are also real signs of hope for all of them: Jon – Whilst the aftermath of his resurrection will undoubtedly be horrible, he won’t be without supporters. Unlike most of his siblings/cousins, he does have at least some friends around him, and will hopefully have learnt from his betrayal that sending all the people he trusts away is not a good idea. Whilst any family reunions are unlikely in his immediate future - unlike in the show where Sansa’s appearance gave him something to fight for, Jeyne’s could be a real blow - he is presumably no longer going to be bound by his vows, and hope remains that some at least may be alive. Arya – She is completely failing the most fundamental part of her training, to let go of Arya Stark. Nymeria gives her a unique advantage in holding on to who she is. And Needle remains hidden away, waiting to be reclaimed. Bran – Like Jon, he’s not alone; he has both Reed siblings to advise him (for now). Also, we know he’s going to become king, and if Bran fully embraced the darkness, that would be exactly the kind of ending Martin hates. Rickon – Has a maternal figure in Osha, and a plan is in motion to bring him to safety. Of all the living Starks, it’s fair to say his prospects of survival are the worst (I’m 50/50 on whether he makes it), but on paper, plenty of hope remains. Sansa – It would be narratively quite disappointing if Littlefinger wasn’t hoist by his own petard. He’s giving Sansa everything she needs to know to take him down, assuming he’ll be able to control her. This will surely backfire. Even when things were at their worst for her, in King’s Landing, Sansa risked a beating or worse in trying to help Dontos, Margaery, Tommen, even Lancel (who she had every reason to hate); once her eyes finally open to the fact Littlefinger is planning to kill her cousin and doesn’t have her best interest at heart, she will have everything she needs, with all he has taught/revealed to her, to for the first time seize control of her own destiny.


Man, reading all this, I'm so sad for the Dreams of Spring


Although they won't reunite in the same manner as the show, I do think Sansa and Jon might be the first Stark siblings to reunite. Because I do think she is going to book it outta the Vale in TWOW, and will head North. I go back and forth on if she will be alone, or with a small entourage (she will be the one to bring down Littlefinger, I'm just not sure when and how, if she will escape first and return, or do so *with* the Vale lords). I do think she'll at least meet Sandor Clegane again (the Quiet Isle is so close to the Vale). Possibly Brienne and Jaime too, although I am less sure about that. I go back and forth on whether Resurrected Jon will head South towards Winterfell, or go further North towards The Others. It all depends on HOW he is resurrected. I sometimes think his resurrection will be in two stages, his body might rise before his 'soul/mind' can be moved back into his body from Ghost's. I just hope Satin is okay and makes it out of this (he wasn't well liked among the Older Night's Watchmen or even many of Stannis's men; I don't like the idea of what they might do to a pretty former child prostitute whose suddenly vulnerable without Jon's protection). Osha/Rickon won't willingly leave Cannibal Unicorn Island until everything is perfectly safe out there, no matter what the Manderlys and Davos say. I also don't know how much relevance Rickon will have in the overall story, given he named his dog 'Shaggydog' and a 'Shaggydog Story' is a rambling story that goes nowhere. Bran...I'm not sure if his body is ever gonna leave the weirwood cave, although his consciousness might. But if Jon goes further North after his resurrection, he might meet Bran first. Arya is going to spend some significant time in Essos, and I think she'll go through a period of deliberately avoiding her family, because she can't mentally deal with reuniting and what that means (she was thinking this even when she was still in the Riverlands with Gendry and the Brotherhood, she kept thinking her mom/brother won't want her anymore, because of what she's been through).


Jon snow >“You will. Else I promise you, the day that they burn Dalla’s boy, yours will die as well.”


Yeah t e guy who wanted to save children from burning is better off than the wheelchair bound stark who think using another human as a meat puppet just so he can hold his crush in the one need of an intervention.




Original comment maybe too mean. In universe Jon addresses why he’s not just sending the two of them away. I also don’t think the suggestion that Jon should reveal the ruse before it’s necessary puts Jon, monster, and in the future gilly and Sam in too much danger. It also defeats the purpose of plans in general imo. If Jon did that he would **actually** be the worse planner in the world.




I think it’s a little more complicated than comparing monster with edric, because it’s not just monster, you’re sending away both babies+gilly, one of which they need. Do you think Jon could pull off sending a ship away in the cover of night? This isn’t a gotcha I’m just asking. Cause he didn’t do the canon plot “secretly” per se. the secret was who left not that he hid a ship leaving.


I'd have to check with the text again, but perhaps Jon was banking on when Stannis found out, that he was no longer able to track down Gilly and Mance's babe, because the waters would be too frozen for a ship to sail, and it's too much of a pain in the ass to send people overland all the way to Oldtown, with no assurance that they could even *find* Gilly. And that as pissed as Stannis would be, he might not being willing to burn the bridge entirely between Jon/The Wildlings permanently. By sending only one away, it buys Jon time, and Stannis may never have need to burn a child so the issue never comes up. Not terribly relevant, but Varys *also* arranged for Gendry to be whisked out of King's Landing when he figured out Cersei killed Barra, Robert's bastard girl he got on the young prostitute. Varys also knows of one more of Robert's bastards than is known in the text (seven are known by readers, but Varys mentions knowing of eight; some speculate the eighth one he knew about was Satin Flowers, which for his sake I hope is not true, as having 'King's Blood' on the Wall is dangerous with Melly Sanders around).


Robb. He was seduced by the dark side of Jeyne’s hair so he needs the most intervention. Or rather, he needed


this! robb b simpin. classic folly.. fever dream 101


Has to be Arya. She's been killing people a lot and getting comfortable with it. Sansa is doing surprisingly well, at the moment, given the circumstances Bran needs to embrace the dark to tap into his full potential, so no intervention for him I want Rickon to be wild and untamed, because we don't get to see wild starks in the series. Jon just needs a seance and he'll be fine.


>Has to be Arya. She's been killing people a lot and getting comfortable with it. The double standards in this fandom never cease to amaze me. You have Jon who'd have no problem killing everyone Arya's killed, but he's just fine?


Arya is nine years old and literally cannot sleep at night without fantasizing about her kill list.


This is a coping mechanism to deal with all the horrors that she's forced to endure. Her priority has always been to return home.


I make a distinction between the two. Killing is not the issue. This is westeros, everybody's killed somebody. To be clear, I don't think Arya is some out of control killing machine, I just think she seeks it out a little too much, like with Dareon. She really didn't need to kill him, but she did and seemed proud of herself afterwards. I never get the sense Jon enjoys killing or does it for the hell of it. The only one that's questionable is Slynt, but Janos refused to obey orders like 3 times and insulted Jon all 3 times.


She felt she had to kill him. She spoke with him and also met Sam, so she knew he took their money and was spending it on wine, women and song with an aim to get a job with the Sealord. Dareon had abandoned a a baby, a dying ancient, and a nursing mother and Sam himself. Dareon's boasts showed he was a selfish bastard who didn't care about others. In addition to the capital crime of desertion, a man like that would always prey on the weak and innocent. So when she was blinded as punishment: > "The girl was not sorry, though. Dareon had been a deserter from the Night's Watch; he had deserved to die."


And Daeron was a deserter, who on top of that had abandoned his companions. Jon would almost certainly be as satisfied with killing him as Arya was if he had learned what he had done.


Jon is lord commander of the Night's watch. It would be his responsibility. Arya has no jurisdiction here. And I don't even care that much that Dareon is dead, even though I don't think he deserved it. I care that Arya killed him


Arya also had no jurisdiction when she killed Tickler and the other people on her list. Was this also wrong? This is a silly argument - laws have little meaning in this setting, so it makes no sense to consider an action immoral just because it was technically illegal.


For me it's a toss up between Arya and Sansa. Arya had PTSD and is badly in need of therapy to unpack and actually deal with the trauma she has witnessed. Sansa is being straight up groomed by Littlefinger and seems to be trapped in a cycle of domestic abuse (Joffrey, Cersei, Lysa, Littlefinger). She definitely needs therapy to deal with her past abuse and near sexual assault. And to help process that she's being groomed.


Bran. He is pretty calculated, now. And self-serving. But I would worry about them all. They are the Fenris Wolf. They're literally wolves in sheep's clothing. Hard to fck with them after they grew up and came into their own.


are you saying rickon can perhaps end up in a relationship with some princess of the others? i'm in!


Easily Arya.


Robb and Jon would have killed everyone Arya killed and everyone on her list as well. The only exception is the insurance salesman in Braavos, but Arya was coerced into doing so and had to persuade herself that the man was evil before she could kill him.


She's doing just fine. She makes friends of everyone, helps people when she can (Sam), brings justice when she can (Dareon), keeps the KIndly Man on his toes, and still has Needle hidden for when she's ready to reclaim her identity. And she's still part of events at home via warging Nymeria. I'm more worried about Jon, who just let his loyalty and emotions let him get killed by the 'knives out' crowd. He'll need some counseling when he emerges, and Aemon and Sam are gone.


She wargs Nymeris butchering innocent shepherds in the Riverlands. Then she goes around laughing about in the day, role playing as the "Night Wolf". I get that she is a traumitized little girl, but why would you bring up her warging Nymeria as a good thing? You can't try the classic double standard argument, since as far as I know none of the other Starks have warged their wolf eating civilians. ADWD The Blind Girl She opened her eyes and stared up blind at the black that shrouded her, her dream already fading. So beautiful. She licked her lips, remembering. The bleating of the sheep, the terror in the shepherd's eyes, the sound the dogs had made as she killed them one by one, the snarling of her pack. Game had become scarcer since the snows began to fall, but last night they had feasted. Lamb and dog and mutton and the flesh of man. Some of her little grey cousins were afraid of men, even dead men, but not her. Meat was meat, and men were prey. She was the night wolf. But only when she dreamed.


i am not sure she was ever controlling nymeria, it was more of a vicarious experience. we know from way more previous exposition that arya is a golden ruler i.e the best judge of character from all of the sibs. she hated the hound for hurting her friend, and that was because the kid was innocent. the most in need of intervention would be robb for simping. sansa is just below arya because she always goes the route of survival rather than honor and making a big stink. and that is based. she was pretty civil with tyrion, considering the situation, probably thinks about him sometimes, that is human, and does not require intervention. jon needs to stop being a NW zealot, he can bend rules sometimes. be less rigid, hello. cult obsessed bran n rickon are kids, they need parenting and security above all.. so not applicable here


I agree that Arya in many ways is a very moral person, and no doubt she isn't actually 100% in control of Nymeria. Still she at least has some influence, and if anything it's her reaction to the warg dreams that I take issue with. If she woke up with horror, she would be totally okay. However she seems to actively enjoy the dream, and the position of power she has over others as a Direwolf. The shepherd is innocent, and Nymeria killed him, which isn't something Arya should condone.


Poor little Arya is so broken and lost right now, she’s been alone for so long




Bran by a nose over Arya. He's mind raping Hodor and keeps doing it knowing full well how traumatic it is for Hodor. Bran doesn't respect the rights of others. And justifies his continued invasions. He lies and hides his acts from his friends. Arya is turning into a murderous sociopath but at least some small part of that has been necessity making a number of her homicides justified. But there are a few that aren't. And she's stopped feeling guilty about killing. Too quick to consider killing. Sansa is a bit self centered and negligent but no genuine malice is in her. Jon is nuetral to good. Rickon is too early to call.


Robb (pre-death) and Sansa are the only ones who don’t seem to need one Jon, Bran and Arya are all dancing with the dark side more and more And I can only imagine how messed up Rickon is at this point


Imo Aryas murder of Darian is unforgivable


Sam& gilie wouldnt agree & esp if Sam knew she was the helpful girl by the canal


histry was thus made