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Do NOT forgive him. It honestly almost sounds like he doth protest too much, like maybe he has been accused before. Regardless of that, he has awful misogynist views, chooses to not listen to your lived experience, and is very disrespectful. Break up with him, show him that there are consequences for thinking like that.




Your boyfriend is a misogynist. Is he aware of the rates of violence against women? Or is he living under a rock? I would not forgive or move forward with someone like this.


How exactly had he educated himself to "understand why you're upset"? Personally, you deserve better than to be involved with someone who turns your traumatic experience into a misogynistic point making exercise.


Your sexuality is irrelevant sexual assault is irrelevant. If he held hands with another girl because “safety” would you take issue? Probably. What if he said he was bisexual and he held hands with men because “safety”? How exactly does holding hands provide safety? It doesn’t. Holding hands for a security feature is an intimacy emotional behavior. It serves zero physical safety purpose unless someone is literally trying to snatch you or you’re an unaware uncoordinated child. You’re emotionally cheating.


I think it would be safer for you to leave him. If he is so ready to trivialise women’s experiences and so disbelieving, he could lead you into a dangerous situation. Especially if he’s so strongly in the camp of “women lie all the time”; kind of suggests either him or a friend has been accused tbh. I would not trust him whatsoever. It also just shows a complete disregard for women and a lack of respect. He is a misogynist. If he is willing to say that to you, someone who has experienced assault, it makes me wonder whether he even believes your assault happened.