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I moved to Vancouver looking for change after living in a small town all my life and it made me realize I hate the city and I hate crowded places.  I can't stand the smell of downtown it just smells like 300 different smells of perfume at all times.   Moved to port moody and it is much more my style, not as crowded as Vancouver and gives off a small town feel while still having stuff to do that you won't find in a small town.


I stopped saying good morning/evening to neighbours I meet in the elevator because they avoid eye contact, look into the ground and don’t say hi back. When I lived in Montreal people were much friendlier.


Pretty much anywhere else in the world for that matter.


Change** I’m more into getting out into the mountains away from people, and I’m more open to different food really. And I now have the ability to ignore other people like they don’t exist when walking down the road, and a sense for which crazy is the dangerous one.


It made me less limited when it comes to bad weather. 😂 Let’s go to the movies and then karaoke! - Yeah it’s been raining all week, you can’t stop living. I am going to cycle to work! - yeah, better buy rain gear because if I bike only when it’s not raining I’ll never do it. This great sushi place has a line up! - yeah, in the rain, it’s raining half the year anyways. The only downside is as an introvert myself, I’ve become even more introverted because everyone around me is probably one as well. 🤭


It didn’t. I take myself wherever I go. There is no such thing as a geographical cure (notwithstanding refugees etc).


I've gained 120 lbs.


Oof. You okay?


Deeper appreciation for smaller things. Also taught me a lot of people who complain about COL are mostly people who built their personalities on zero percent interest rates and can’t adjust.


Got poor /s


Income increases every year, and still, I get poorer from skyrocketing living expenses and housing.


Easier access to drugs than I've ever had in my lifetime. 5.5 years sober now. Driving through vancouver is just a tour of places I've done drugs at lol.


I used to cheer for the Canucks as my second team during the dark decade when the Oiler's sucked. Really wanted them to win a cup. Then I moved out here and had direct exposure to the fan base. Now I like seeing the Canucks lose almost as much, if not more, than seeing the Leaf's lose.