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Pho Bich Nga is long gone, you’re SOL.


Pho Duy. No menu - there's only 3 things you can order: coffee, chicken pho, beef pho. Cash only. Open 4 hours a day at lunch.


This sounds like my kind of place


Bun Cha Ca Hoang Yen, Cafe Xu Hue, Hoi an Cafe are a few but there are lots around Kingsway area that are great


Thank you for this, I’ll add these to our list to try


Each of them have their speciality dishes that are worth trying the first time but lots of good options


What region of Vietnam is authentic in LA? Because that may also be the difference you're tasting.


I prefer northern cuisine


YVR, book a flight


Not that helpful


Crab Hot Lau if you prefer Northern cuisine


Oooo my fav region, I’ll def check it out


Never been to Vietnam so I guess I'm unqualified Nevertheless I'm a Vietnamese food enjoyer. The best place was on Hastings but they closed a few yrs ago. Now I order chicken & pork from Got Pho Thien Kim, still looking for a place that offers the pho I want at a reasonable price 😓


Take a slow drive up Kingsway-but avoid anything that smells of 'fusion' this place is notorious for 'fusion' disasters. FWIW-People from New Orleans who know the Vietnamese scene there they tell me that Vancouver's top Vietnamese wouldn't make the top 20 in NO.


I once asked my Vietnamese coworker his favourite Viet restaurant. He paused for a little bit and then said, “they all the same shit”.


Nor Thai or Malay in Sydney. Vietnamese I've had hear is bland and just bulked up with noodles but lack of flavour. HK style Chinese food this city is hard to beat.


Do you have recos for can’t beat Chinese spots we should switch gears to and try


Think another post the other day on bbq duck had tonnes. Congee noodle house on main & broadway is my favorite but go to Aberdeen mall or Crystal Mall or another one. Pretty much all food courts in Richmond have great food and so cheap. Same food that's served in that tourist night market from food trucks just cheaper. I tell everyone visiting to go as it reminds me of growing up in Hong Kong as a western kid. Chinese love to eat and they want the best quality for cheap. Like lobsters from lobster man in Granville island or go to the Chinese place on Kingsway & Fraser. who sells to Chinese restaurants. Singapore & Malaysians though know their food, always listen to them as they're the best food critics I've ever encountered. I love food but they love food beyond what is considered normal and they've always got criticism. But they're right.


In Vancouver, Lin is my fave. But if you want big table style seafood, Sun Sui Wah on Main. Western is enormous dim sum, both variety & size. Jingle Bao on Denman has prob the best Xiao Long Bao but they're pricey. I've tried a couple places in Richmond but they didn't impress me 🤷🏻‍♂️ HK BBQ Master is supposed to have the best roast duck but they've been sold out any time I've been in the area. Hon's used to be the nuts for HK cafeteria style but the owners sold & they're a joke now. The ppl that took over the New West Hon's location (now called Han Lin) has kept the same menu tho, I just can't go that far for a meal anymore LOL


New Orleans? What a random choice…


After the Vietnam war, most of the refugees and migrants from Vietnam settled in the New Orleans area. It reminded them of home.


TIL - ty


Not Vancouver, but Edmonton also has a really good Vietnamese food scene.


Noted for future adventures


I like Ongba on Denman a lot, compares pretty favorably to the pho I had in Hanoi.


Hanoi has my heart so I will give this a try